Mrs. Kelly the Cleaning Lady Pt. 02


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Mary nodded again, "Yes, that's right, Peter."

Peter continued, "We know that you have already confessed to Father Francis, and so have the Kents, so Father Francis knows everything."

Mary nodded.

"It seems as though Father Francis enjoys these Confessions, and it looks as if he wants them to be more comfortable for you in the Church House. We have already agreed that we want it to be nice for him and although you can't fuck him, you should be able to masturbate him and probably suck him off."

So far, everything her husband had said was exactly right.

She did add, "When we talked yesterday, Peter, we did say, that Father Francis needed some help like this and we should do things for him."

Peter nodded, "That's quite right, Mary, and nothing has changed."

They both went quiet for a moment before Peter spoke again. "The only difference now is that it appears that Father Francis would like Mrs Shaw to be present at your Confession, so presumably you will be confessing to her as well as Father Francis."

Mary was grateful to her husband. He was so clear in his summary.

She said, "I wondered if it might be embarrassing."

Peter shook his head. "I don't see why Mary. She has already heard most of the story as she listens into the Confessions of Mr and Mrs Kent. If she also acts as Father Francis's Confessional Assistant, she almost certainly knows your version of events as well."

Mary nodded.

Peter finished off, "So there is nothing new there. Also, it seems clear that she already gives him physical relief."

Mary looked doubtful, "So where do I fit in?"

Peter explained, "It looks as if both of you will be giving him physical relief together as you talk about the Kents."

Mary sighed. She felt better now. Peter could always deal with all situations so logically.


On Sunday evening, Mary went to church as normal and sat in the back. She said a some prayers while she waited for Father Francis, who was giving Confession to a few people.

Before he had finished, Mrs Shaw came in and spoke softly, "I thought you might be waiting here, Mary. Why don't you come over to the House and have a nice cup of tea? It will be more comfortable."

Mary nodded. It was nicer and much cosier, and both women enjoyed each other's company for the next half hour, gossiping about things in the Parish. Just at the end of the conversation, Mrs Shaw whispered, "I hope you realise, Mary that Father Francis doesn't come to fruition very quickly."

It was the first direct mention of possible naughty events. Mary was unsure what to say and asked, "You did say 'come to fruition' didn't you Monica?"

Mrs Shaw spoke more purposely as if she didn't want any misunderstanding, "Yes, I did Mary. Father Francis doesn't cum very quickly. He will need our help."

Mary thought she understood and replied, "I understand, Monica and I will help him and do as you tell me."

Mrs Shaw kissed her on the forehead. "That's lovely Mary. We will both help him. He is a good priest, but we cannot forget he is also a man."

When Father Francis joined them, Mary was quite relaxed. First of all, she went through her usual sins about telling a few fibs and having naughty thoughts. Then she brought up the events in Mr and Mrs Kent's house, which were a little more difficult. Father Francis murmured "There is no need to be embarrassed Mrs Kelly. We have already heard Mr and Mrs Kent's Confession, and in all truth, you appear to be a great help to them."

Mary felt more at ease but explained, "I am a little worried, Father, as clearly it is a little rude, and they are such good teachers in our school."

Mrs Shaw intervened "But Mary, you are helping them. They are excellent at being Head Master and Head Mistress of our Parish School, and by doing this, you are helping the Parish and Father Francis."

Mary looked at the priest, who nodded, "Mrs Shaw is quite right Mary. You are really helping us all."

It was so relaxing. They were all smiling happily, and Mary was unsure whether she needed to go through everything again. When she partially suggested it, Mrs Shaw laughed, "Yes Mary, you will need to confess everything yourself to gain Absolution, but additionally, Father Francis enjoys all the details as you can see."

She added with a smile, "So do I." As she spoke, she reached over and squeezed the old man's trouser crotch where there was quite a substantial swelling. The action made Mary giggle, especially when the old man sighed pleasantly.

With that, Mary went wholeheartedly into describing the events in the Kent household, including how Mrs Kent was dressed, and how it had all ended.

Mrs Shaw summed it all up by saying, "So it ended with Mr Kent fucking his wife in front of you, Mrs Kelly?"

Mary nodded, "Yes, I suppose, that is a good description."

Father Francis, who was still enjoying having his groin squeezed by Mrs Shaw, commented, "There doesn't seem to be any sins being committed. A man simply fucking his wife."

Mary nodded, but wanted to put the record straight "She was bent over the chair at the time with her knickers down, and he had his penis up her bum."

Father Francis muttered, "There's nothing in the bible saying it's wrong to have it up her bum as long as she liked it."

Mary nodded, "She really liked it, Father. She told me it was lovely."

Mrs Shaw asked, "Did he have a big cock, Mary?"


"Mr Kent. He is the Head Master, and we see him quite often. Does he have a big cock?"

Mary thought for a moment and then brought her phone camera out and showed them.

Father Francis sighed with pleasure and murmured, "I like her panties down like that." as he dropped his hand down to his trousers and jerked his tent shape.

Mrs Shaw was very quiet. She also had her hand between the priest's legs and jerked him as well.

She muttered, "I didn't think Mr Kent would have a prick that size. Did he cum right up her arse?"

Mary nodded, "It was so beautiful. They work so hard for the Parish School. It was lovely to see them so excited and enjoying each other."

Mrs Shaw was breathing heavily and Mary could see her undoing the old man's trouser buttons and pushing her hand inside his trousers.

She said, "Father Francis has got a nice cock, Mary. Would you like to see it?"

Mary was fascinated. Mrs Shaw withdrew her hand and spoke to the old man. "Pull it out, Father. Mrs Kelly would like to see your cock."

Father Francis eased his penis out. Mary was quite surprised. It really was rampant.

Mrs Shaw could see that Mary was impressed and told her, "He needs my help now, Mary. Normally this is very private, but if you like, you can watch."

Mary was intrigued. "I would like to watch, Mrs Shaw."

The evening was full of surprises. Mrs Shaw sat on the edge of a small table and reached up under her skirt and eased her panties down.

She could see Mrs Kelly looking surprised and explained, "He likes me to take them off in front of him as he knows where they have been and they are nice and warm."

Father Francis was now stroking his penis in a sort of trance as Mrs Shaw walked behind him and pushed her panties into his face with the simple instruction, "Go on Father, smell them."

It was very erotic and Mary felt juicy herself as she said, "He seems to like that very much, Monica."

Mrs Shaw laughed. "Priests are no different from ordinary men. They like the smell and taste of a woman's knickers when they are wanking."

As she spoke she added loudly, "Open your mouth, Father."

He was still using one hand to masturbate as Mrs Shaw edged her panties into his mouth, whispering "Taste them, Father."

To Mary, she said, "Keep telling him about Mrs Kent's cunt, Mary and about her tits and anything else that will help him. Make up things if you like. He needs help to cum."

Mary was really enjoying things as much as the others now, and wanted to make things better.

She said, "When I help the Kents next time, Father, I am going to tell him to put his cock into his wife's mouth."

Father Francis gasped in excitement.

Mrs Shaw chuckled "The Head Master will probably spunk into his wife's mouth, Father. I expect Mrs Kelly will make her swallow his spunk."

The old man was almost there now and just needed a little more help.

Mrs Shaw was standing directly behind him, massaging his face with her underwear and whispered into his ear. "Would you like Mrs Kelly to open her legs for you, Father?"

Father Francis always took such a long time to cum, but he muttered, "God in Heaven, thank you for these wonderful ladies."

Mary smiled. She felt part of Mrs Shaw's team and said, "Father, I am going to show you my knickers. I want you to tell me if you like them and if there is anything else you'd like me to do."

Father Francis groaned with pleasure as Mary sat in front of him with her legs open.

Mrs Shaw suggested, "Bring your foot up onto the chair Mary.

Mary smiled in compliance and brought her right foot up onto the chair and kept her knees well apart with the obvious effect of tightening her panties into her crotch.

Mrs Shaw chuckled. "I like that Mrs Kelly. I am pretty sure Father Francis does as well. He likes naughty things and naughty words."

Mary smiled. She was enjoying this.

Mrs Shaw whispered, "I wonder what is behind her panty gusset Father. I can see a few hairs. Can you see them?"

He muttered, "Yes, it's wonderful."

Mary was conscious that Mrs Shaw had emphasized that the old man liked naughty words.

She said, "I am very hairy between my legs, Father. Do you like women with hairy minges?"

He was fisting his penis with gusto now as he stuttered, "Yes, wonderful."

Mary was quite excited herself and was almost moving into a private fantasy as she told him, "When I am cleaning the church, Father it gets really hot and my minge gets quite sweaty."

He gasped, "A sweaty minge."

"That's right Father. I have a nice sweaty cunt between my legs."

Mrs Shaw told Mary, "I usually bring him off at this stage but I think he would like you to help him. Would you mind wanking him for a couple of minutes as I let him chew my warm panties?"

Mary was more than willing. Both women knew that the background to all this was the fact that the old man was an excellent priest and they wanted to do anything they could to help him. Mary went down on one knee and took his penis into her fist and rhythmically masturbated him until he came.

There was no mess. Mrs Shaw had done this many times before and had a little towel ready to control things.

Both women had completed their task well.


After all the excitement, Mrs Shaw made them all a nice cup of tea and brought in some coconut cream biscuits. They all chatted about the Parish and how they could get more Parishioners involved to raise more money.

Mary smiled and recalled one of Mrs Shaw's comments that Priests were no different from ordinary men in that they liked the smell and taste of women's panties.

She joked, "Perhaps we could set up a business." It sounded funny, and she added, "A panty business."

Mrs Shaw caught onto the idea immediately saying, " Seriously, Mary, I think that could be a great scheme. It could raise some badly needed money for the Parish."

Mary could see that her friend meant it, but countered with "I wouldn't know how to start."

Mrs Shaw nodded in agreement. "I don't think I could run it. It would take a man with a business sense."

These words struck a chord with Mary. "I could ask my husband, Peter for some advice."

There was a silence for a minute until Mrs Shaw spoke, "That would be ideal. He is a businessman and we would be so grateful. Could you ask him if he would be prepared to see us when it is convenient?

When she arrived home, Mary wasted no time before explaining the events of the evening to her husband. As expected, he agreed to see them all together the next evening.

At the Church House, Mrs Shaw welcomed them with a small glass of white wine. Father Francis looked nervous and apologised to Peter. "We are desperate for funds, Mr Kelly and I feel a bit too old to organise such a scheme."

Peter was wonderful "Don't worry, Father. It wouldn't be appropriate for you in your position. First of all, we have to establish whether it is feasible and then if possible how we should go about it."

Mrs Shaw spoke. "Do you think there are enough men who will buy women's underwear, Mr Kelly?"

Peter, as usual, was so logical. "I understand you said last night that men like the smell of women's underwear. You were right, of course, but you should realise that there are a lot of women who would like the smell and the taste of other women's panties. Many women like women as well."

Mrs Shaw nodded. "I hadn't thought of that, but you are right."

She turned to the old priest. "We have heard that in Confession several times, Father." Father Francis nodded.

Peter laughed. "In business, we have to look at the bigger picture. There are men who like men, and there are also women who like women, and so many different combinations of both. The market is big with just the men portion, but with the other arrangements it is a huge market."

Father Francis was fairly quiet and left it to the two women to ask the questions which they both did. Mary wanted to know how to find customers.

Peter explained, "That shouldn't be difficult as a few well-placed advertisements in Men's and Women's magazines should start it off easily enough. Once the base is established, it can be expanded by postal shots."

Mrs Shaw added, "We also know from taking Confession which men like fetishy things with special photographs of their wives' and other women's knickers. I think they would like to buy, especially if it would help the Parish finances."

Peter nodded. "That's excellent, Mrs Shaw. Have they ever shown you these photographs?"

Father Francis explained. "Quite a lot actually, Peter. Some of the wives have shown us pictures as well. Haven't they Mrs Shaw?"

Mrs Shaw nodded. "Yes they have. Mostly, they try to keep their faces hidden, but they can be quite rude."

Peter looked quizzical. Mrs Shaw went to the sideboard and extracted a brown envelope. It had a number of pictures in it.

She turned one over so that Peter and Mary could see it. It was from the knees down of a woman sitting on a settee with her panties around her ankles. Her feet were apart, which meant that the panties were stretched showing the inside of the woman's panty gusset.

Peter smiled. "Pictures like that would be worth a fortune. Her white panties are only slightly marked, but it is obvious where they have been."

Mrs Shaw looked puzzled. "But of course it is obvious, Mr Kelly. They belong to Mrs Davies from the Post Office and she had been wearing them."

Peter chuckled. "Yes, that's right Mrs Shaw. Those panties which we can see quite plainly have been right up Mrs Davies' crotch. If you can get more images like that, perhaps with some hairs stuck in or a few little pee stains, they will be worth a fortune."

Everyone was nodding, but Mary interjected "But that is only Mrs Davies, Peter. It may be more difficult to get any more."

Father Francis murmured, "I don't think it will be very difficult, Mary."

Mrs Shaw elaborated, "There are quite a lot of women who like to show Father their underwear and pictures in Confession. They are very good members of the Parish, and I know they would do anything for Father Francis. He is such a good man. Everybody wants to help."

Peter looked pensive and then said, "Mrs Shaw, do you think these women would allow their panties to be sold for the benefit of the Parish?"

Mrs Shaw nodded very enthusiastically. "I have no doubt, Mr Kelly. Not only for the benefit of the Parish, but they would enjoy the thought of their underwear being used that way."

Peter looked pleased but wanted clarification. "When we talk about their panties, Mrs Shaw, what I mean is their 'used' panties. Panties which they have been wearing for some time."

Mrs Shaw laughed. "I know exactly what you mean Peter. I also mean their 'used' panties. Their dirty knickers. Some with a few stains on to show their use. The pictures can show some of the women taking off their knickers as long as their faces are not shown. The pictures can be quite explicit."

Peter smiled. "How explicit Monica?"

Mrs Shaw looked at Father Francis who nodded approval.

She turned over one of the other pictures. This one showed a middle aged lady. Her face wasn't very clear but Mary recognised Miss Lewis the church organist who also taught in the local primary school.

Miss Lewis was reclining on a settee fully dressed but without her skirt. She had black stockings on, and her panties were around her knees.

She was holding her knees apart, which meant that her vagina was on display and looked very erotic.

Mary commented "I can recognise Miss Lewis in the picture Monica."

Mrs Shaw nodded. "I know that Mary, but the picture was specially taken for Father Francis. When I am helping him to come to fruition he likes to look at it. We have several more pictures like that, of other women in the Parish."

Mary had told her husband that when aroused, Father Francis liked the use of naughty words, so there was no concern there. Peter smiled. "They are what we would call 'cunt pictures' Mrs Shaw. They would be especially valuable on the open market."

Mrs Shaw laughed. "We can get you plenty of pictures like that, Peter. In fact, most of the women bring pictures to Saturday Evening Confessions. They can show all sorts of things. Would you like to see them?"

Peter looked at his wife who smiled and nodded. He said, "That would be lovely Monica. Will it be OK with Father Francis?"

Mrs Shaw said, "Yes of course. Father and I usually go through most of them every afternoon so that I can relax him."

The business was established and became a great financial success.

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naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uover 1 year ago

Excellent, love the ladies openly displaying their hairy cunts. Mary has a lot of cleaning to do ;) Need a cup of tea now to calm myself down :)

davethepainterdavethepainterover 3 years ago
Wonderful imagination.

Emily - you have a wonderful imagination and express it so well.

CuddlyAlCuddlyAlover 3 years ago

Excellent. I must confess - reading the story led to my pulling my cock out.

Paul4playPaul4playover 3 years ago
Very Erotic!

My first orgasm was when Maisy showed Billy her camel toe.

And then there were more.....

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 4 years ago
So British

I found the story very charming and somewhat erotic, and not just because I have a love for panties. The things going on were all very well justified in their minds and after all it was just people being people. How bad could it be if things could be put right with a cup of tea. Once they get their enterprise up and going, I may even purchase some panties from them :)

thorbetthorbetabout 4 years ago
So erotic

Thank you for such a wonderful pair of stories, so imaginative and well written. Is there any more of this series? I have often wondered about priest and how they manage their sexual needs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very erotic..

I have thoroughly enjoyed these 2 stories...and I’m gasping for more please!!!

They certainly helped me....lovely.


swriterxxswriterxxover 4 years ago
Love this

Perhaps in the next chapter for the women she could take some pictures of the ptiest and her husband from whe waist down wearing panties pulled up into their crotch so tightly that shape of their cocks showed through them when they became erect.out when they became erect. Maybe one with them standing side by side and letting the ladies guess whose cocks they were would fetch a greater sum of money. Maybe ones with their cocks sticking out of the leg holes when hardened with a womans hand stroking it would bring in even more if you don't mind taking suggestions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

A beautiful sexy story. Your writing is very erotic. I hope you will write more of this story xx

CiaoSteveCiaoStevealmost 5 years ago

Very well written. You have a real talent to lead the mind on its sexual path without needing to be overly explicit. Can't wait to read the next part.

MarkCaneMarkCanealmost 5 years ago

Very nice story and deliciously rude. We could do with an efficient cleaning lady. Any chance of getting Mrs K’s phone number?

The Panty business sounds interesting.

Jack1107Jack1107almost 5 years ago
Chapter 3 Must come

Wonderful story, very well written, look forward to Chapter 3 and the Pantie business

PaBobPaBobalmost 5 years ago
Well done addition to the storyline

Great continuation to the story. What a randy church crew!

Awesome story Emily

joefeltonjoefeltonalmost 5 years ago
A fun story

I enjoyed this story very much. I like that the characters are so nice to each other, and respected members in their community, but still have these secret thoughts. Panty sniffing is such a fun topic!

luvtodoitluvtodoitalmost 5 years ago
Well done

Looking forward to part 3

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