Ms. Cane's Game Ch. 03


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Harriet, eyeing the clock that showed they still somehow had over five minutes to go, was pretty sure she was in the clear. 'She's had her fun, she'll stop now' she thought to herself, and was proven wrong within moments.


Harriet felt the vibration again, but this time the tone lasted slightly longer. Before she realised what was happening, she felt it again.


She gripped the seat beneath her tighter, stifling a gasp as she inadvertently pressed the butt plug slightly deeper into her ass. The second buzz came less than a second later, at which point she realised she was receiving a call.


Upon feeling it a third time, Harriet hurriedly brought her hands below the table to her crotch, and fumbled around as discreetly as she could.


Just after the fourth ring hit her, she found the top of her phone through the denim and pressed down, hitting the decline button and ending the call. No one had seemed to look up at her, except for Cane, again with her phone in hand.

Harriet was astounded when, as their eyes met from across the room, she saw Cane slowly and deliberately bring her fingertip down onto her screen once more. 'Did she just-' Harriet thought, before she was cut off by another vibration.


"Harriet, do you need to take a call?" her teacher asked loudly.

Looking up at her tormentor, who was perfectly feigning being the well-mannered teacher, she replied, "No, it's fine, it can wait until later." But as Harriet slowly brought her hands down, hoping to decline the call once more, she was cut off again.

"Hands on the table, Ms. Deane, this is a practice exam. Act accordingly."

Harriet obliged immediately, noticing how fast she followed her orders and put her hands back on the tabletop with some curiosity.


Harriet squirmed as she felt the vibration against her again, trying her hardest not to take her hands from the desk in front of her. Still, Cane didn't back down, staring at her, knowing her student was struggling to keep herself together.


"Answer your phone, or get out."

Harriet looked at her with incredulity, pleading with her eyes as she was hit by another buzz. One or two people looked over their shoulders at her for a moment, before turning back.


The sensation had been building, and what was once just an invasive vibration against an embarrassing body part was starting to feel good - and that was the exact opposite of what she wanted to feel right now.

The flat edge of the phone was spreading the vibration across her entire vulva, across her lips and some of the parts in between.


Harriet, holding herself together as best as she could, took the only course of action she thought might work. Timing her words to not be shaken between the buzzes, she spoke back.

"They can call back."


"I'm working, I'll leave it."


Worrying more about her voice breaking than anything else, she accidentally spoke with more conviction and dominance than she ever had with the teacher. Cane gave a small smile back to her, said "very well," then went back to her work. The smile was a pleasantry for the room, as well as a way to say 'I've still got you.'


As Harriet felt the next vibration, she looked up and saw Alice, who was looking back at her with some curiosity. She soon turned around, but not before Harriet felt the last ring, the pleasure hitting her as she made eye contact with her unknowing friend.

When the next ring didn't hit, Harriet sighed quietly to herself. She saw they only had less than a minute left before they were meant to hand in the papers, so knew she could relax. Still, as she let the muscles in her legs relax for the first time in ten minutes or so, she became aware of her crotch, which still felt warm with the stimulation.

Harriet knew that she was swollen and most likely wet, and, looking around at the other students in the room, felt ashamed of her body acting this way so close to them all. She wondered if any of them would think, even for a second, that she might be turned on, and felt a little shiver run through her at the thought.

As she dwelled on this feeling, ashamed of her momentary enjoyment of the fantasy, she inadvertently brought her knees together. As she squeezed them together, she felt her phone pressed between her legs by her thighs. 'I wish she'd let me cum today,' Harriet thought, blushing at her own perverse thought.

"Okay, time's up!"

Cane's voice woke her up back to the room. Her teacher left her desk and moved to the front row, taking the papers back from their desks and placing them on a pile on her desk. When she came to Harriet's, she was thankful that she paid no attention to her.

"These papers will be marked by your next lesson. We've still got ten minutes left before the end of the lesson, but we're done here - so you can all go."

With that abrupt end to the lesson, everyone immediately reached for their bags and started packing away their things. Harriet put her things away, but hesitated before getting up. Her phone was still packed into her tight jeans, and, as she shifted slightly in her seat, she was reminded of the butt plug inside her too. Thoughts flew threw her mind as she saw others stand up to go.

'Would it be obvious when I stand? Do I try to take my phone out before? Will people see me do that? Am I even allowed to?'

"Except for you, Ms. Deane. Please stay behind for a few minutes."

Harriet felt a mix of relief and trepidation as she heard Cane's command. She was thankful that she no longer had to make a choice, but worried, as always, where Cane's orders could lead her. She remained sat as the rest of the students left the room into the silent hallway, before their quiet chat was shut out when her mistress closed the door behind them.

Harriet watched, rooted to the spot, as Cane strolled towards her. Those black heels click-clacking against the floor as she smiled openly, as if she was in the best of moods. Placing her hands on the desk, the teacher bent down to Harriet's level, leaning in until her smile was close within inches of her.

"Don't let anyone else know, but you were definitely the star pupil today," she smiled, waiting for Harriet's response.

"Ummm... good. I guess?"

"'Good'? 'you guess'?" Cane said with a mocking tone. "I would think your English teacher would have taught you to be more creative with your use of words than that."

'She's too busy teasing and humiliating me,' Harriet thought, trying her best not to say it out loud and lose her 'star pupil' title. After a few moments of quiet, Harriet felt the need to say something, but didn't want to get in her bad books again, so was as honest as she could be.

"That felt... better than it should have," she finally said. "I was so worried someone would notice."

"Notice that you were taking a photo - or that you were secretly masturbating under your desk?"

Harriet blushed at the words she used. She wanted to contest her use of the word 'masturbating', since she wasn't in control of it, but it was hard to say what exactly it was - after all, she was willingly letting something pleasure her, without the touch of anyone else... either way, she decided to leave it.

"Both. I think you... I mean... we cut it too close there."

Cane straightened up and sat on the corner of Harriet's desk, then started to tie her hair back with a hairband from her wrist. Harriet couldn't help but look at her behind as she brought it into view, her mid-length black skirt tight around her shapely ass. She looked away as her mistress' eyes returned to her.

"Stand up."

Harriet immediately did as she was told, but slowed as she stood, noticing the obvious rectangle shape beneath her jeans.

"Hands on your head."

She followed this command too, feeling ridiculous as she placed both hands on top of her head, interlocking her fingers.

"I think you were less close to being discovered than you think, but it doesn't really matter - what really matters is that you felt like you could get caught. And I think that you liked it."

As she spoke, Cane turned her body slightly, still sitting, and reached towards Harriet's top button. She undid each and every button, until the crotch of the jeans hung open, showing a glimpse of the smartphone inside. Harriet let out a quiet gasp as the phone was delicately removed, its smooth surface sliding against her skin.

"Oh my god," Ms. Cane said, laughing quietly to herself. "You certainly made a mess."

Harriet spied the phone in her hand and the same surprise hit her face. She knew she had been turned on and that she had gotten wet from the vibrations, but her phone looked like it was covered in her sticky juices.

Her mistress placed the phone down on the desk in front of her, driving the point home further. She could see two missed calls and a few text message notifications from Cane's number on the lock screen.

"Have you ever used a vibrator?"


Harriet was still stood, her hands on her head. She nervously eyed the closed door, knowing full well that she was facing the entrance with her jeans wide open.

"Well, it would make sense if your body had the same reaction to that, but you just had a phone. The only reason you got so hot and bothered was situational."

It wasn't the first time today that something her mistress had said wormed its way into her brain, challenging her way of thinking about herself. She tried her best to resist what she was saying - after all, isn't this just another way to mess with her?

Cane brought her fingers to the bottom button of her jeans, doing it up as she spoke, but then she paused, unable to resist the temptation before her. So, instead, she slipped her fingers inside, touching Harriet's bare pussy.

Harriet closed her eyes and held her breath slightly as she felt the fingers against her vulva, easily sliding between her moist lips for a few moments more before they were taken away. With a look of quiet satisfaction on her face, Ms. Cane buttoned her back up and turned away.

"You can go now," she said, before turning back to her student. "You've been a very good slave today - I might even let you take the plug out early if you keep it up. I'll see you at the end of the day."

Harriet felt relief at the news, even though she knew that it was ridiculous to find any sort of happiness from this situation. Still, she was glad to think that she could remove the butt plug soon, and surprised she didn't have to visit her mistress again at lunch time.

The teacher turned away at this point, packing up her own things. Harriet had something to say, but wasn't sure whether to or not - she knew it was best to ask now, when she's the so-called 'star pupil'. And, when the bell rung, she realised it was now or never.

"Mistress - wait," she asked, stopping Ms. Cane in her tracks as she headed to the door.

"Yes?" Cane replied , clearly pleased she was using the correct word. Harriet felt embarrassed before she had even spoken, but she knew she had to ask, and be careful about how she phrased it.

"Don't you think that I would be better as a... helper... if you let me get some... release?"

She tried her best not to blush, but felt her entire face turn red with the humiliation. This wasn't the same as when she asked in the heat of the moment, but one said as they were both fully dressed, her teacher on her way to leaving the room.

"It's just so... distracting. I understand it's your... decision, but I think I might be do better if you allowed me to... you know."

Cane took her words in, then walked towards the timid college girl, coming within inches of her. Placing her hand on her cheek, she tilted Harriet's face up, forcing her to make eye contact as she spoke.

"I'm not here to train you, I'm here to have fun. Which means doing what I want, when I want. When I think it will be entertaining for you to cum, you'll cum."

Her words hung in the air, and the particular words chosen burned into Harriet's mind, making her intrigued and apprehensive in equal measure.

"Yes, mistress."

Not stopping for a moment longer, Cane turned on her heels and marched out of the room, leaving the door open behind her. After she saw the crowds of students beginning to swarm the halls, Harriet swiftly picked up her phone, which was wet to the touch. She cleaned it off with some tissue, picked up her bag and made her way out.

She was only just around the corner when she felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped out of her skin, only to see it was Alice, smiling. 'She must have been waiting for me,' Harriet thought, unnerved that she'd had that conversation with just one wall between Alice and them.

"You are SUCH a rebel," Alice exclaimed, looking ecstatic.


"With Cane just now. 'I'm working - they can call back'. You were so blunt - I don't think I've ever seen someone talk back to Cane like that - and especially didn't expect it from you. Always thought you were the teacher's pet."

"Oh! Well... I guess I just hit my limit with her," she said, smiling at her own accidental double entendre. "Did the phone not disturb you?"

"No not really, it was fine. But you shouldn't ask that, you're ruining your bad girl image."

Harriet laughed, partly at what she'd said, but also out of relief. She had suspected that Alice had noticed something, but it must have looked different from her point of view.

"So, what did she say?"

"What? Oh, Cane. Um... it was nothing - um - yeah, nothing."

As Harriet stuttered and trailed off, she started walking towards the common room for lunch. Alice followed closely, frowning slightly at her friend's sudden evasion of her question.


As she sat in the common room, legs crossed on the sofas as she ate her lunch, Harriet couldn't help but feel a little good about herself. When she'd first sat down she'd felt a little wired, still reeling from what had happened in class and nervous about what could happen next. But soon enough, she had even forgotten about the butt plug, and was a little pleased with how things had gone, all things considered.

With Cane, it always felt as if she was walking a tightrope; fall one way and she's punished for not following orders, fall the other and she's in for a world of humiliation. Today, somehow, she'd kept on the wire, and was happy to let herself be proud of that, finding the small victory where she could.

By time it got to the end of lunch, more of her friends had gathered around her and Alice, and while she kept to herself as per usual, she didn't feel quite as awkward doing so. All she wanted now was to get to go home and chill out by herself, but she was sure that something would come up first.

Then, when the bell rung for the end of lunch, she realised that she might have gotten away with it. There still may be something at the end of the day, but at least everyone had left by then, so she didn't have to worry about being caught by anyone else.

There were two periods left in the day, but she only had a lesson in the last of them, which still meant she had an hour to kill. She was just deciding whether she would do some preparation for her class or go for a walk, when she felt her phone buzz.

This being the first time it had gone off since her last lesson, she jumped a little, her anxiety fading... at least until she recognised the sender. She opened up Cane's message with some trepidation, and read:

'I know your schedule, which means you're free now. Head to one of the bathrooms, take the plug out, then text me back.'

Harriet was relieved that it wasn't anything worse, but soon started to feel nervous again. Sticking to her goal for the day, she tried to go for it without thinking, rather than getting caught up in over-thinking what could happen.

As she stood up, grabbing her stuff, she noticed that Alice was sat on the other sofa, writing in her notebook. Harriet cursed herself as their eyes met, but before she could look away her friend had perked up.

"You heading home?"

"Oh - no," Harriet answered, a little lost for words. "I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll come with," Alice answered, closing her book and getting to her feet.

"No it's fine!" Harriet said, freezing Alice to the spot. Then, she awkwardly added, "I'm not feeling well and I - I'd rather just go on my own."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep," Harriet replied bluntly.

She tried not to make eye contact with her, as it was like she could see right through her sometimes. Alice paused for a moment, before sitting back down, leaving her book closed by her side. "Okay then," she answered, watching Harriet as she smiled and walked by.

'She probably thinks I'm mad with her or something,' Harriet thought to herself, although she knew that was better than her joining her for this. She could have maybe pulled it off, but she wasn't interested in any more close calls today if she could help it.

Just as Harriet left the room, she realised she'd taken the long route by accident, but couldn't bear to walk back through the common room again and draw any more attention. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she found herself caught up in a crowd of students late to their classes, and had to fight to get through them.

She could feel her pocket buzz as she weaved her way through, and knew that she was running late with her response, wishing that she had just taken the same route that all the girls take to go to the bathroom.

When Harriet got to the bathroom, she held back a groan of frustration when she noticed that out of the four cubicles, the one at the far end was out of order, and - the centre one of the remaining three was engaged. Either way, she'd have to do it next to this person, but as she glanced at Cane's impatient text, she knew she'd have to just go through with it.

Before she entered her cubicle, after hearing no sound, she took her chances and knocked lightly on the centre stall. She had her fake response prepared if she heard a response, but didn't, and breathed a sigh of relief at the silence.

Once in the stall, Harriet quickly replied to tell Cane she was doing it now, then locked the door behind her. Not wanting to waste time, she bent undid the buttons on her jeans and shimmied them down her hips until they were halfway down her thighs.

Harriet bent over slightly, leaning one hand against the wall, and became very aware of her semi-nakedness, despite the covering of the stall door. Hoping to speed up the process, she spread her legs slightly, then reached behind her and grasped the end of the plug. Pulling it slowly back, she felt her anus swell as the thicker part came through, until the whole thing came out.

She was surprised that, despite how distracting it had been all day, the plug looked very small in her hand. Getting a better look at it for the first time, the diamond-effect of its end was kind of cute - if it were anything else at least. In this context, it was like one more way for Cane to mess with her.

Sparing no more time. Harriet did up her trousers and headed back to the sink. She quickly washed the plug over with water and soap, then dried it with a paper towel. After texting Cane her confirmation, she leaned her now plug-free butt against the sink, gasping slightly as it still felt sensitive.

'Good,' came the first text, before Ms. Cane followed it up with a new command that left Harriet's heart racing.

'Go back to a cubicle. You gave me an amazing idea during our last conversation.'

Harriet hesitated for a moment, as if staying out of the cubicle would keep her out of trouble, but she soon realised she'd have to go with it.

'What does she mean our last conversation?' she thought to herself, wondering what could be up Cane's sleeve next.
