My Aunt Drew Pt. 04


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She continued, "I already have my wedding dress, the only things we would need to pay for are the incidentals. What do you think?"

I had never understood the concept of spending a few thousand bucks or more for an hour-long service and feeding a bunch of drunks afterward. It took me no time to reach a decision.

"Let's take the money and have a smaller ceremony. We have plenty of money, but more in the bank won't hurt, or we could use it to buy you a car. Where will we have the wedding though?"

A huge smile overtook her face, "In the rose greenhouse. It's always full of roses in bloom for the cut flower market, I can't think of a prettier setting."

I was grinning as I thought to myself, 'wow, pretty, great in the sack and smart as well' hard to beat that.

With where the wedding would take place settled, it was time to decide when. We agreed that we should talk with Connie and Drew as to when before setting a date. The following morning I was at breakfast with Drew, Consuelo had gone to talk with her husband, Drew was clearing the table. As she leaned over me I slid my hand up the back of her skirt, like I'd done hundreds of times before. Cupping her butt I gently squeezed, as I began to move my hand to the inside of her thigh she pulled back moving my hand away.

"This is harder than we thought isn't it?" She said.

I nodded, "It sure is."

Her eyes were slightly glazed as they met mine, "Aleki is a tender man, a good lover and satisfying in bed, but he isn't you, and Jackie isn't me. We need to get past this Roy, we can't keep thinking just one more time. It's time to move on and make the most of it, with the one we've chosen to love until death do us part. No one and nothing will ever be able to take away what we've had these past years, and we'll always be in each other's lives. We need to be strong Roy. Strong."

After talking with the parties involved we chose a Saturday three weeks later to tie the knot. Jackie had helped me move into the trailer where we would sit and talk many an evening. With a bed of our own we made sure to christen it along with every other area of what would soon be OUR home. I also noticed her underwear had become more seductive, something that turned me on. By the time the wedding was to occur we had nearly all her stuff moved in.

The wedding was magical for us. hundreds and hundreds of roses surrounded the small area Drew had rearranged for our ceremony. In all there were just under 50 people in attendance, a small reception was set up in the main entry area that combined all three of the front greenhouses. I had booked the honeymoon suite at a large hotel in the city, once in our room my bride turned to me, lifted her dress to show me her wedding night lingerie and smiled.

"You need to get me out of this dress and into bed my prince."

With dress hung she stood before me in stark white lingerie. A bra so transparent it hid nothing, matching panties drew my eyes to that glorious patch of pubic hair shaped like a V pointing the way to her pussy. I marveled at her natural beauty, holding out her arms she pulled me tight to her body.

"Take your clothes off and then remove the rest of mine, except for the belt and stockings. I want the first time as Mrs. Roy Winston to be with them on. Something you'll never forget."

She sat on the bed as I undressed, when I was down to my underwear she beckoned me closer. Standing in front of her she slowly lowered them to my knees, leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth. A minute later she pulled back looking up with lust in her eyes.

"Time to fuck your wife Roy. Get me naked."

With her panties and bra on a chair I pushed her back until her legs hung over the bed and her upper body was flat on the mattress. I was leaning forward, my bride knew what I wanted as she pushed her hips up in an effort for the labia to meet my lips. I kissed the vulva intending to tease and play a little, she was having none of it. Grabbing my head with both hands she pulled my face tight to her pussy and hissed, "Eat me."

Being a loyal dutiful husband I did as requested. When she climaxed it was the first time she had ever gushed, my face was coated with the warm sticky residue of the most intense orgasm she'd ever had. She was moving to the middle of the bed as I crawled over the top of her. With her hands at the back of my neck she pulled me down for kisses, lots of kisses. I was ready to move in for the main event, she closed her legs slightly as a signal to wait.

"My tits Roy, they need attention. Kiss the girls, suck hard, leave your mark. Then fuck me hard, we can make love later, I'm so horny I need you to just take me."

Which I did with great vigor. In between short naps we screwed the night away. I surprised myself by being able to ejaculate three times. I woke around ten in the morning with my cock in her mouth, it took less than a minute to be hard as a broomstick. Swinging a leg over my abdomen she grabbed my cock, put it at the entrance of her honey pot and slowly sank downward until our pubic hair meshed. With me all the way in she sat upright, arched her back, wiggled her hips a little and then bent forward putting a nipple to my lips.

Rocking back and forth slowly her eyes were closed, gentle moans and whimpers were coming from her lips, her face looked radiant. I could tell by her body language that a toe-curling climax would soon rush through her. Pulling up so fast that the nipple leaving my mouth made a loud popping noise she sat straight, grabbed both breasts and squeezed. Her head was thrown back, mouth wide open without a sound, her facial expressions were a combination of ecstasy and anguish. I knew what that was like, I'd been there many times before.

Both of us were tired and worn out by the time we pulled in the driveway Sunday late afternoon. I got our luggage and such into the trailer as Jackie prepared to shower, I knew she was going to lay down, I kissed her goodbye telling her I was going to check on Drew and Al. Al was excited to see me blabbering on about who knows what in little boy fashion. Aleki had gone to town to begin moving his belongings to the house with Drew. I was at the kitchen table when she walked next to me and stopped. Taking my hand she put it on her tummy, I felt the baby move and smiled.

"She's a busy little thing today. How were things in the city?"

"Ah, they were good. We kind of wore each other out, Jack is taking a nap before supper. How was your overnight?" I asked with a smirk.

"Good, in fact, very good. It was like he was a different person knowing he'll be the only man in the house. He's not as young as you so he can't go all night like we did at times, but he gets me there and back and that's what counts. As far as size he's equally as long as you but wider, it took a few minutes for me to stretch a little the first time. But now I'm used to him and I love it. By the way, we loved the setting for your wedding so much we're gonna do the same thing. Probably in a week or two."

I needed to ask, "How's he doing with the pregnancy?"

"Oh my gosh, he's so loving. He has his hand on my belly all the time. Says he doesn't want to miss a moment of her life. Jeez, he even talks to her, which is cute. Now that I'm getting bigger I'm showing him ways to make love so I'm not uncomfortable. He's gonna be a great daddy, and you're gonna continue to be a loving uncle."

We did use the money Connie had given us to buy a car for Jackie. A 1963 Ford 300. We'd been living in wedded bliss just over 10 days when Aleki and Drew married. Lying in bed that night Jackie was more clingy than normal, we always snuggled and spooned, but that night she was tight to my body face to face.

I finally whispered, "What's going on precious?"

"Roy. Honey. Can we have a baby? I know we talked about waiting, but I don't want to. I want kids while we're young, while we have lots of energy. Can we do that hon, can I have a baby?"

My answer was to slide the nightie to her armpits, remove her panties and ride her until she screamed. When I returned with a warm cloth to clean up she purred, "Now I know why I love you so much."

As Drews belly increased we began talking about finding a driver to replace Aleki andmove his brother Sini into Aleki's position. Then have Aleki take over maintenance and miscellaneous other jobs throughout the facilities that we had been hiring part time workers for. It would give Drew more help and immediate support with the kids and household. Consuelo had been hinting for some time that she would like to do just lunches and clean up. That fit into the plan perfectly.

It took us a few months to get pregnant, by April we had confirmation that she was with child. It was also time to start construction on our home. Throughout the spring and summer we would walk down to the structure every day, I noticed there were numerous times Jackie would stand or sit and stare at the field on the other side of the driveway. Lying in bed with my hand on her very big tummy I asked.

"We'll be in the house within a month. What do you keep staring at across the driveway?"

"You know how traffic for the annual's and hanging baskets always must go up the driveway, which creates a lot of dust. Well. If we put up a greenhouse in that field next to the road, we'd get rid of the dust and I think we'd have more business if people had easier access. "

She had hit on a novel idea. The next night we shared supper with Drew, Aleki and little Al. I brought up the idea of a greenhouse closer to the road. Drew at first wasn't very receptive, until Aleki spoke.

"They're right babe. It will eliminate traffic on the gravel drive, and I agree, we'll get more customers."

I saw the sparkle in Drew's eyes that I'd seen other times when she became excited. She was acquiescing to her husband.

"Do you think so honey? Now that you mention it that does sound like a good idea. We should do that."

Aleki took the reigns at that point, "I'll talk with the contractors on Roy's house tomorrow and see if we can't get the main structure up before winter. If so we can put heat inside and finish it in time for the spring rush."

Drew sat smiling at her loving husband, his hand on her very big belly. Just then the baby jumped causing him to laugh, lean over and kiss her tummy. Yes, life was good. With Aleki now in the greenhouses every day the atmosphere changed for the better, not that it was bad prior, it just had a greater sense of hands on with Drew now inside most days.

I loved watching my bride begin to look more and more like a mommy. Her hips began to widen, her breasts had increased in size, along with her tummy. That once flat tight tummy was now distended with our baby growing inside. I would watch her dress and undress thinking how gorgeous she was, something about her seemed to glow. Two weeks after we moved into the house Drew went into labor. Husbands weren't allowed in delivery rooms at that time, but Aleki was in the hallway waiting anxiously from beginning to end. Damned if Drew hadn't been right, they named their little girl Mary. Just as he said she would.

We followed suit shortly thereafter. Those were before the days of sonograms, imagine how surprised we were when she delivered fraternal twins. Jackie was doing her best to supply enough milk at first which was a daunting task. More than once in the first few weeks Drew stopped into nurse one of the kids, whichever had been short changed during feeding. Within a month Jackie's body was producing enough milk to feed both of our kids. How I loved watching those little lips surround the nipple, their little eyes would close and mommy would fill their tummies with breast milk.

As luck would have it the construction crew was able to put up the roadside greenhouse and have it enclosed by February. Three weeks later the electrical, plumbing and heating were finalized, we were ready to start moving annuals and baskets from the other greenhouses into that facility right away. For our first anniversary we received a blessing we had never imagined much less dreamed of. Drew and Aleki gave us a 25% share in the business. To be increased regularly until we owned it all and they went to warmer climes.

The new facility opened to the public and was a huge success, so much so that we added a second greenhouse next to it the next fall and added more employees. I was now overseeing more than half the responsibilities of day-to-day operations when Connie told Drew she was going to marry her man friend and retire with him.

Jackie and I went on to have two more kids. Drew and Aleki stayed in the house until Al and Mary were in college. That fall they bought a place in Florida to spend their winters. Jackie and I had long since taken over the entire operation, added another set of greenhouses in the next county over and had begun deliveries to a larger area with four trucks on the road weekly.

Neither Al or Mary were interested in the family business nor were our twins. The twins had always been like two peas in a pod, finishing each other's sentences, looking at one another and then expressing the same thoughts. They went off to college together, have similar careers and live in the same city. Our two youngest on the other hand are very much involved with the business expressing a desire to one day run it after their college days are over.

I'm now 54, Drew will be 74 in a month. Sadly Aleki succumbed to testicular cancer when he was 72. Drew has permanently moved to Florida, considering Al lives in Alabama with his new wife and Mary is in Georgia living on her own it made sense to move closer. Lying in bed one evening I mentioned the twins and how odd it seemed that they were going to buy a house together.

Jackie said, "What do you mean?"

I hemmed and hawed at first, then blurted out, "It just seems like they're awfully close. Too close. You know, like they're more than a brother and sister"

My wifes answer was one I would never have suspected in a thousand years.

Turning to face me she softly patted my cheek, "It never seemed to bother you and your aunt. What's the problem?"

I obviously had a shocked look on my face as she continued, "Mom and I figured it out as soon as Al was old enough to start looking like you. Goodnight my love, and don't worry about the twins, they'll be just fine."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you for all your stories. I have enjoyed them all, including this one.

rem556rem556over 1 year ago

A great series keep up the good work!

BTW - Arkansas is abbreviated AR. AK is for Alaska!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fantattic ending to the series. Great story, well put together and written. Loved it

Car6555Car6555over 1 year ago

Lol, loved that ending, great story and a laugh to finish it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There's a capability in this for a sequel with those twins

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a great series and well written. But now I want to read about the twins. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another great story. Love your stories. Just wondering if you like onion rings. If you ever get to Ash Flat Arkansas, go to Meachum's, their onion rings are delicious. I don't know if they serve milkshake or not. There is a Sonic there.

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Horrible finish. Should have titled it "Dumping my Aunt Drew".

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Loved the story and had to laugh at the end when it was announced that everyone knew the secret. Guess there are somethings that just can't be h idden. Glad it didn't happen but I was always worried that something bad was going to happen because Roy and Jackie being mixed race. It wouldn't be the first time narrow minded people took it upon themselves to cause harm because of bigotry. Thanks for a great story

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

Still going to bitch about no mention of a connection between him and his natural kids - not a peep! Other than that, one of the better closings to a series I've read here. 5*


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