My Foot Fetish Girlfriend Pt. 01-05


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"Oh, well that's interesting. I mean, we all have our own kinks, so it's I guess it wouldn't be that weird." I replied. At this point the Professor arrived, and the lecture began. During the lecture, I kept remembering the cheesy stink of Emily's feet. I then realized something else. Emily's feet had stunk to high heaven, and she had still been wearing socks. I then imagined how her bare feet would reek upclose to my face. It nearly caused me to cum in my pants.

After the lecture was over, I said goodbye to Emily and went over to talk to Mike.

"So, looks like you actually listened to my advice. Honestly, at first I didn't believe you. But it looks like you will be getting some pussy after all." Mike said once I came over to him.

"I can't say anything yet. I mean we haven't even gone out on a date yet, and what you saw was literally my second time talking to her ever."

"Baby steps man, baby steps. Before you know it, you gonna be doing the nasty with her all night long."

"I certainly hope so. I mean she's so fucking beautiful its almost unfair."

Mike laughed and we went our separate ways. When I got back home, I immediately jerked off to the smell of Emily's feet, and also the fact that she didn't seem too opposed to the idea of dating a guy with a foot fetish. I imagined all sorts of scenarios in my head, and they were better than any porn I had ever seen.

Chapter 4

Eventually Sunday came around, which was the day I had my date with Emily. I was as excited as I was terrified. We were supposed to meet up at the café at half past 10. It was 9'o clock right now, so I had some time to figure out what I wanted to wear. I decided to go with a white shirt with blue jeans. The commute to the café would take me about half an hour, so I got going at quarter to 10 to make it a little early.

I arrived at the café and got seated on a table towards the back. Now I just had to wait for Emily to arrive. It was pretty hot out today, so of course I started fantasizing about Emily's sweaty feet. I still remembered the sample of her foot reek I had experienced 2 days ago, and even after jerking off to that moment 4 different times, it still managed to get me hard. I was still fantasizing about her, when I saw Emily entering the cafe.

She was wearing a black top with a white skirt which came down to her knees, and had a touch of makeup on. She looked like an absolute vision of beauty, but in the approachable kind of way. My eyes drifted down towards her feet, and I noticed she was wearing black stiletto pumps without socks. My brain started doing backflips as I realized what that meant for her feet. She saw me from across the cafe and waved at me with a smile.

"You actually came." I said with a smile on my face.

"You didn't think I wouldn't show up, did you?" God she was fucking beautiful.

She sat down and we ordered some coffee.

"So, how do you like this place?" I asked her.

"Its pretty cozy, and this coffee is pretty good." She replied. I asked her about what her hobbies were, and she revealed that she liked to draw. I asked to show me some of her drawings sometime, to which she agreed.

"So have you always been good at studying?" She asked.

"Not really. I mean I had pretty good grades in school, but I was never the kid who was destined to become a CEO or something. I guess I'm just pretty good at following instructions, so I don't have a problem with following what the teachers tell me to. But it doesn't really go beyond that, you know."

She nodded her head, and then looked down towards her feet with an annoyed expression.

"What's wrong?" I said.

"Oh, it's nothing. Its just that my feet really hurt, plus its so hot out today, so its kind of uncomfortable in these pumps." She replied.

An idea popped up in my head. We were towards the back of the cafe. There wasn't really anyone else around us.

"You can take off your shoes if it hurts too much."

She snapped her head up towards me, and suddenly got a mischievous smile on her face. I started panicking that she was gonna call me out on my shit, but then...

"Looks like someone likes the look of my feet." She said in a joking manner. Relief flooded through me, as I realized she was just teasing me, although then I thought if it would really be that bad if she knew of my foot fetish. After all, she said 2 days ago that she would find that cute in a guy. So I decided to be bold.

"Well maybe I do like the look of your feet."

She suddenly did an eyebrow raise, as she wasn't expecting me to say that. But she smiled and took off her shoes. A faint scent of her cheesy feet started wafting towards me. Although it was nowhere near as strong as the incident 2 days ago, it still felt amazing. The weather had certainly done a number on her feet. The smell also had a hint of worn leather and what I presume was the lotion she used on her feet. Combine that with her footsweat, and it made for an intoxicating combination. Emily didn't seem too bothered by her stink however, and we continued chatting for a bit. At one point however, I "accidentally" dropped my spoon and it fell under the table. I bent down to pick it up and get a good look at her feet, and my jaw almost hit the floor. Let's break this down.

The first thing that I noticed was the exponential increase in her foot reek. The space under the table was completely polluted with her cheesy foot stench. I looked towards her feet and saw that they were slightly shining from all the sweat. There were even a few drops on the floor. Her toes were painted white which was an amazing contrast to her sexy tanned skin. I was disappointed to see that there was no toejam, although that was probably because she showered this morning. Realizing it would look weird if I spent the rest of time under the table, I quickly picked up the spoon and came up with a red face.

Emily had an amused look on her face. I had a feeling she was somewhat aware of my fetish at this point. Luckily she didn't seem too weirded out. After we had finished our coffee, we decided to talk about what we should do next. There was an amusement park nearby, so that's where we decided to go. We split the bill on the coffee, and headed out. After entering the amusement park, we decided to have a go at the rides. Over the course of a few hours, we had visited all the rides. We decided to end the date just taking a stroll in the park. It was evening now, and the sun was low in the sky. We were both exhausted from all the rides.

"So, did you have fun?" I asked her.

"Of course I did! That was awesome, especially the roller coaster." She said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, that was fucking scary."


I suddenly realized I didn't have her number. "Say, would you mind giving me your number? So that if we do this again, I can just text you about it."

She smiled. "Very smooth mister." She did give me her number though, so you can't deny it wasn't smooth!

"I had a lot of fun today John. You're pretty cute you know, a lot cuter than you think."

"Thanks, although I think a lot more fun than you today."

"Oh I could tell, especially in the cafe when you dropped your spoon." She said with a cheeky smile on her face.

I turned beet red and sputtered. "W-what do you mean by that?"

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, which turned me even redder. She giggled. "Don't think I'm not onto you mister. I know you like my feet. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with that. But you didn't honestly expect that I wouldn't figure it out when you stare at them like it's part of your religion?"

I was embarrassed to say the least. How long had she known? Would like to go out with anymore after this? "You don't think its weird? I know you said you would find that cute, but honestly I thought you were just messing around."

"I was serious, and I still am. I like that you think my feet are beautiful. And don't think I don't notice you taking in little breaths whenever I take my shoes off around you."

I was happy and freaking out at the same time. On one hand my crush knew I liked her stinky feet, on the other hand she didn't seem horrified by it. Maybe this wasn't too bad after all.

"You mean we're may still be on for another date?"

"Oh I don't know about ONE more date, I might be up for several more. This might be the most fun I have ever had on a date." She replied


My heart started doing backflips. Emily wanted to go on more dates with me!

"Oh. That's awesome. That, uh, that makes me really happy." I said with a dumb smile on her face.

She giggled in that adorable way of hers again. "Well, its getting late. Don't forget to message me tonight. You might get a nice surprise later if you remember." She winked.

I promised her I wouldn't forget, and we parted ways.

After getting home, I locked the door and instantly started jumping up and down. I realized that not only had I succeeded in making our first date good, Emily had also found out about my foot fetish and it hadn't been a total disaster. In fact, it had been the exact opposite. Now that everything was out in the open, I was excited about how she would tease me with her feet in the future. Suddenly, I remembered about texting her when I got home. I pulled out my phone, saved her number, and messaged with her with a simple "hi, this is john". She replied a few minutes later.

"hey, i just got home. so bout that surprise i promised..."

My heart started hammering once again, and then she sent me a photo. In it she was holding one of her sweaty feet upto her face and taking a deep whiff. She then sent me another message.

"i can see why you like my feet. they smell fucking nasty."

I instantly got hard and replied "thx for that". She sent back a "ur welcome" and then went offline. I jerked off to the photo she had sent me, and had probably the biggest orgasm of my life. I finally decided to go to bed and looked back on today. It had started with us meeting in the cafe, then we had a blast in the amusement park, then Emily had revealed she knew of my fetish, and finally it ended with the sexy pic she had sent me. This was a good day, and I was determined the next would be even better.

Chapter 5

I woke up the next day after my date with Emily, and my face split up with a grin as I remembered last night. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen was now actually my girlfriend! It was a Monday, which meant I had class today. I quickly got ready, excited to see Emily again. I walked into class and spied her sitting across the room. She was engrossed in her notes, probably revising for today's lecture. I quietly walked over and sat down next to her. She smiled beautifully at me once she noticed I was sitting next to her, her lips adorned with a light dash of pink lipstick.

"You look happy." she says.

"Of course I am, remembering how yesterday went. I feel like I have succeeded in life you know."

She laughed. "So, how did you like the little photo I sent you last night?"

"Honestly? That was the most arousing thing I have ever seen."

"That was the intention, I'm glad you liked it, you little foot perv." She said teasingly.

I had talked to her for less than a minute and she had already made this day amazing. Needless to say, I was excited about our future. We talked for a few more minutes, during which I glanced down at her feet. Today she was wearing some cute little flats with white socks. While I was fantasizing about her feet, she noticed where I was looking and I panicked thinking she would pissed off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to space out like that."

"It's fine, you can stare all you like." She replied. Man, this was fucking amazing. She started looking around the class, which was still mostly empty. Suddenly she removed one of her flats, stuck her fingers inside the sweaty sock, and rubbed them around on her sole. I sat mesmerized as she pulled her fingers out and held them to my nose. Her cheesy foot stink immediately worked its way up my nose, and I greedily sniffed her fingers to take in more of it. I just realized what had occurred: this beautiful girl had stuck her fingers inside her nasty socks and was letting me smell her foot reek. I had to struggle to not moan out loud. I looked over at Emily, who was smiling at me.

"How is it?" She asked with a cheeky smile. I suddenly remembered the photo last night.

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

Emily raised an eyebrow at me, before sticking her fingers back into her sock, bringing them upto her cute little nose, and taking a deep whiff.

"Oh, wow." She exclaimed. I was now horny out of my mind, seeing this girl smelling her own foot stink.

She looked me straight in the eyes while taking another whiff of her fingers and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "Imagine how they will be up close to your face." She then stuck her fingers back into her socks, and while still staring at me, stuck them into her mouth.

"Mm, they taste even better than they smell." She said while sucking on her fingers. Holy fuck this girl was awesome. Steeling myself, I asked the question that had been burning in my mind for several minutes now.

"Um, are you into this as well?" I said, my heart hammering.

She suddenly made an exaggerated thinking face, before smirking and saying, "Maybe."

Holy shit, the girl whose feet I had been lusting after for months now might be into her own feet too. This revelation made me feel over the moon, because not only was it arousing, but it also knocked out any possibility of her thinking my fetish was weird or something. This was now something we could explore together.

Eventually the class started filling up, so we composed ourselves and got ready for the lecture. My mind was still reeling however. The image of Emily smelling her own feet came unbidden to my mind. I somehow managed to calm down enough so that I could focus on the lecture. I suddenly realized that for some reason Mike had skipped class today, as I couldn't see him anywhere. He probably overslept and couldn't make it today, although that wasn't gonna stop me from questioning him about it next time I saw him. At the end of the lecture the professor reminded us of the test that we had in a week. I saw some students groaning as they had probably forgotten about it. Not me though. I had actually prepared pretty well. After class, I talked to Emily.

"Hey, wanna go on another date sometime?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"Sure, I had a lot of fun yesterday. When were you thinking?"

"Well seeing as we have the test next Monday, maybe we could do it this Sunday? That way we can prepare for the test up till Saturday."

"Sure, that works for me." She then got a thoughtful look on her face, like she had an idea she wanted to tell me about. We continued our talk outside.

"I just had an idea. You know the socks I am wearing now, they get really nasty when I have been wearing them all day as they absorb all of my foot sweat. So how about I wear these same socks till Sunday without washing them, and if you do a really good job on our date, I will give them to you." She finished.

I stopped and contemplated if I had heard her correctly. "You serious?"


"I mean, I don't know in what world I'm gonna say no to that, that is if you were asking for my opinion."

She giggled. "You better do a really good job on this date, because trust me, you're gonna want these socks when I'm done with them."

I imagined those socks sticking to her beautiful feet for a whole six days, completely marinated in her sweat. I imagined taking deep whiffs of them and sucking all of the taste out of them. I was rock hard once again. We said our goodbyes, and I immediately started thinking about all the ways I could make this date better than the last one, because I just needed to have those socks. I got home and crashed on my bed, my mind immediately going back to today's events. About thirty minutes later I got a message from Emily. It was another photo. In it she was holding one of her flats to her face and taking a deep sniff.

"smells like vinegar" she wrote.

"lol, thx for this"

"ur welcum. make sure to remain hydrated ;)"

God she was such a tease. I instantly took off my pants and boxers, and jerked one out while remembering Emily's foot stink.

NOTE: And that's all for now. All feedback is appreciated. I would love to be able to improve my writing. See you in chapter 6.

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gypsyviolingypsyviolin6 months ago

Very hot read and good pacing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My wife did this for me. I was on a 7 day business trip, I hasn’t ejaculated in 10 days, Colleen wore the same exact sweat socks all week and didn’t wash her feet. When I came home, we had dinner, we sat and kissed for 40 minutes as she tickled me (huge turn on). Then she pulled off her socks, put her bare feet in my lap and said “my feet really stink but please rub them for me and kiss them, I know about your foot fetish baby, and I made them cheesy for you to enjoy”.

Suitntie43Suitntie43over 1 year ago

Absolutely amazing story! I cannot wait to read more! Great style and really got me going!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My foot Queen Sedianta provides me with her poweful foot reek in the closed office under her table where the space is totally polluted with her stongest cheesy odours in the humid climate of Kolkotta as the author understands it since he is n Indian too .

I only hope my lady officer wont be transfered leaving me alone.

Thank you Gyandev for a lovely story .

gyandevgyandevover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks man, sorry for not posting anything for a bit, i have been pretty busy. happy to announce a new chapter will be up tomorrow, its currently in pending. hope you enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey, that was one if not the best foot smell fetish story I ever read. And the point that it is not even finish makes this even better. Dont worry about people who tries to change your vision, keep right on your own way and tastes, you are not alone. In my case, i would love that she had big feet but i would never ask for it. You are the writer, and you are making it so fcking great

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Holy shit, this is hot. A woman who enthusiastically revels in her own foot smell is something I didn't know I needed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you for not doing the "hurr, durr call me mistress, slave" bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nailing the fetishes, but I think your future stories could benefit from more of a slow burn. It feels like each event is happening too a bit too quickly, like emily straight up asking him about the fetish the first time they ever talk. A more organic approach and bit of foreplay and tension before each big moment would go a long way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dude, this is a great story and I’m impatient for the next chapters.

Really liked the tease of Emilly and how into her sweaty feet you are.

Thanks :)

cumslowlycumslowlyover 1 year ago

I liked your angle. It was good with both people into feet. I hope you write another episode

StrappySandalsStrappySandalsover 1 year ago

I agree with prefermature!! Too much stink and cheese and not enough of the look, and touch, and feel of a beautiful woman's foot, and her related footwear. And that being said, I did like the character of Emily. Somehow I pictured the porn star Haley Reed... And i'd definitely suck her feet!!

gyandevgyandevover 1 year agoAuthor

@prefermature i guess you could say that it is a smell fetish, i apologize that you didn't enjoy the story. i would like to say that there are different aspects to people's fetishes though, some people prefer clean feet while some prefer dirty feet. thanks for leaving a comment, appreciate it :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed your story

prefermatureprefermatureover 1 year ago

I will preface this by saying that I also find feet to be very sexy. The problem I have is that you ruin the sexy by talking about the stink and the funk, etc. repeatedly. Talk about ruining a mood. It is as if it is not the foot that is sexy to you but the complete lack of hygiene by the woman and that is not a foot fetish, it seems to be a funk fetish or a smell fetish.

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