My Graduate School Romance Ch. 04


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Imagine having Elly as a partner. I didn't see that as a possibility before last night, but damn! That could be really nice. She'll follow me anywhere. I could really see her as a life partner.

Would it be so bad to settle down with Katie and see if you two can make it work? She's a wonderfully caring person.

Maria wants to be with you too. A fellow sociologist. She's got some high ideals. Beautiful. Exotic.

And then there is Astrid. Beautiful Astrid.

Elly. Katie. Maria. Astrid.


I finally walked through my apartment door around two to find Astrid dressed and ready to go.

I asked, "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Spend every moment with you."

I nodded, "I have a plan for dinner, but what would you like to do this afternoon?"

"What I would really like to do is make love to you from now until we go to see Lindsey tomorrow."

"Nothing else? No hike?"


"Let me get changed."

Astrid followed me into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed as I got changed. I stripped off my shirt and pants.

When I was down to my boxers, she said, "Can you bring yourself over here?"

I walked over to her.

When I was close, she pulled me to her, "I was serious about making love all afternoon." She held my shaft through the material. "Can I have just a little suck? Then we can go for a hike."

"Okay, but I need to ask you something."

She pulled my boxers down and held my shaft, "What?"

"The first time you sucked on me I touched your cheek and you nearly bit my head off."

"I'm sorry."

"Is that all? You want to tell me about it?"

She took a deep breath, "Okay, but you can't think I'm weird."

"I won't ever think you're weird."

"It was a long time ago. About the time I was going to graduate from UCLA. Andrew begged me for a blow job and I started giving him one. He always wanted me to deep throat him, but I couldn't do it. Always gagged. This one time I was sucking on him and instead of telling me he was going to cum, he grabbed the back of my head and jammed his little dick down my throat. He came in my throat and I gagged. He wouldn't let go so I grabbed his balls and squeezed. He let go and I bit the head of his penis as hard as I could, then I puked all over him. I left and I didn't see him again until I came back from Japan. He still has a scar from where I bit him."

"Well, I can see why you're sensitive. I would be too, not that I've ever sucked on a guy's cock. I promise I will never touch you like that."

Astrid stood up and threw her arms around my neck. She passionately kissed me.

She spoke into my mouth, "You're such a kind person. Why don't you sit down here for me."

I sat on the edge of the bed.

Astrid dropped between my knees, "If you would like to do a little experiment, you can gently touch me while I do this."


Astrid pulled her t-shirt over her head and removed her bra, freeing her pert breasts, "I could be wrong, but I think you prefer me like this."

"I do."

She took my cock in hand, "Have I told you what I love about your penis?"


"I love how pink your skin is." She gave the head a little suck. "I really like the red pubes, but the pink skin is very nice. Beautiful in fact."

Astrid's warm mouth enveloped me, sucking and pulling, "Mmmm." Her tongue traced a path around my circumcision scar, then down my shaft. She took each of my balls into her mouth, moaning with pleasure. Back to the head where she began bobbing and sucking, her hand stroking my shaft. Astrid was now taking more of my cock into her mouth, sucking and licking. Her hums sent shivers up my spine. Her eyes locked in on mine. God, she was hot. Every so often I heard a slurp or a bit of suction. As she was looking at me, sucking away, I slowly extended my hand and gently caressed her cheek. She pressed against my hand and groaned.

I said, "Do you have any idea what a gift this is?"

She came off me, "A gift I am very happy to give you."

Astrid continued bobbing and sucking. Having those brown eyes looking at me the entire time made the moment so special. I moved a strand of hair off her face and she smiled.

She came off my cock, grinning ear-to-ear, "Sean, could you please lie down?"

I climbed up on the bed while Astrid took off her pants.

She climbed up and straddled my stomach, "Just now, I realized how much I trust you. You would never hurt me." I shook my head. Astrid placed my cock at her opening, "This is the second-best part of sex. That wonderful vagina stretch."

I nodded, "I am assuming that cumming is the best part."

She leaned over and kissed me, "You know it."

Astrid slowly pressed herself onto my erection. I had to agree with her. The initial penetration of a woman was heavenly. She placed her hands on my chest, balancing herself. She began slowly grinding her hips, her vagina clenching me, pulling me. I placed my hands on her sweet ass cheeks. She looked down at me with an impish grin.

Astrid moaned, "This is so hot."

She was slowly grinding on me. She leaned forward and kissed me, "When you came home today, did you imagine we'd be fucking this soon?"

"Astrid, you always keep me guessing."

Having sex with Astrid in the daylight was an extra treat. I could see her face and breasts. Looking down at our coupled sexes, I could see her fan of brown pubes moving so seductively. Her hips ground back and forth, pubic mound rubbing pubic mound. Astrid's vagina gripped and pulled on my cock. Then she was moving up and down, burying my cock in her pussy.

I was determined not to cum first and end this wonderful scene. I saw Astrid's eyes go wide and I felt her vaginal contractions on my cock. She threw her head back, her breath coming in pants as her orgasm took over. She grabbed her nipples, squeezing and pulling. As Astrid was in the throes of orgasmic bliss, I felt my own orgasm approach and thrust my erection upward into her. My seed shooting deep inside her.

Astrid leaned forward and began kissing me, "That was an amazing start to this date."

"I can't wait for what's next."

Astrid lay on top of me for a while, petting my chest hair, "What time is it?"

I looked at my watch, "Two-thirty."

"Do you want to hike?"


"Then let's get going."


We went to Astrid's favorite hiking spot in the state park. As we walked along the trail, she took my hand, "I like this. Being with you."

"I like being with you too. You are a dear friend."

"You're my friend too. I been doing a lot of thinking."

"Do tell."

"So first you need to know that I had sex with Scott on Thursday."

"I assumed that when he was telling me what a bad ass I was."

"He was quite impressed with your Navy stuff. So, I have to tell you that he wasn't a very good lover. He didn't make me cum. He just fucked me, thanked me, and then fell asleep. Sean O'Brien, you are an amazing lover. I feel so blessed to have you in my life."

She's building up to something. Just let her talk.

"You will probably think I am being rash, but I think I have made some life decisions. First, I don't want to be a mother. I'm not saying that because you don't want to have additional kids. I'm saying that for me. No matter who I'm with, I don't want to have kids. I told you about my friend Mary Kate, right?"


"I called her this morning. We had a long talk. To cut to the chase, she is convinced she made the right decision. I think that is the right decision for me. No kids."

Feels like there's more. Wait for it. The silence hung in the air for a while, the only sound came from our feet crunching dry leaves.

Finally, Astrid continued, "I know you don't want to make a commitment and I'm good with that. We both have around three or four years left here to finish our degrees. I think that by the time we both get our doctorates we will know where we stand with one another. I agree with you that we shouldn't jump into a relationship, but I would like to continue seeing you regularly."

"How frequently is regularly?"

"Every day if possible. I'd like to have some kind of regular sex too. What's the term? Friends with benefits?" Astrid stopped walking and took both my hands, "I do love you, Sean O'Brien. You are one of the finest men I've ever met."

"That's kind of you to say."

"How would you feel about that? I mean regular sex with me."

"What if I find someone else?"

"Someone like Katie or Elly? You were with Elly last night, weren't you?"

I decided to ignore that, "What if I find someone else?"

"I probably wouldn't be happy about it, but I would have been blessed to have you in my life. I would wish you and your partner nothing but the best. You are a good man, Sean O'Brien. I am blessed to have you as my friend and lover."

I scooped her up into my arms, lifting her off the ground, "Astrid Gunnarsdottir, I am blessed to have you as my friend as well." I kissed her and set her back down.

Astrid held my hand as we walked back toward the car, "I'd like to say something."


"I'm not being critical, but I'm just saying this to make you think."


"So, not that I'm nosey."

"You're not nosey?"

"Okay, I am nosey and I keep track of you."

"That is at least being honest."

"Well, I've been making some observations. You've been having sex with at least five women, myself included. Most likely six."

Where's she going with this?

"So, I know you have been with Elly at least twice. Katie, of course. The way Maria was glowing the other day, I'm sure you had sex with her. It sounds like you had sex with Lindsey. And if I was a betting woman, the way Lori threw herself at you over the past two days, I'd say you've had sex with her too."

Quite perceptive. Quite accurate. Here comes the morality lecture. Surprisingly, Astrid didn't say a thing. We kept walking for another hundred yards or so.

She finally broke the silence, "You're not saying anything."

Don't get defensive. "I was waiting for you to make your point that gets me to think."

"So, you don't deny having sex with all of us?"

"Am I on trial?"

"No. I'm just trying to figure you out."

How do I discuss this without being a jerk and a slut? "So, let's look at a situation we both know very well - you and me. How did you and I become lovers?"

Astrid was silent. We walked on for another minute or so.

I continued, "If my memory serves, you came over to my apartment and we had a discussion on how we felt about one another. I distinctly remember you sitting on my lap and removing your shirt and bra. Do you remember that? I think it was the time I told you about the four Greek words for love."

I looked over at Astrid. She was staring straight ahead.

"You initiated having sex with me. Should I have said, 'No Astrid! Please put your shirt back on. I don't want to see your amazingly beautiful naked body. I don't want to have incredible sex with you.'"

She laughed, "No."

"So, in that instance we were drawn to one another, you got naked, and I accepted your advances. Was that so bad?"


"Remembering that I don't kiss and tell, let's just say that hypothetically, my other female friends did the same thing, offered to have sex with me. And what if I decided to take them up on their offer? Would that be so bad?"

"I suppose not."

"So, with that in mind, I'm not sure why you're bringing this up? Is this trying to make me feel immoral? Or feel like some kind of slut?"

"Oh, no!"

"Then what?"

"Can we just forget I ever brought this topic up?"


Astrid stopped walking, "I'm sorry I brought it up." She averted her eyes, then looked up at me, "I can see why that would happen. Hypothetically, of course. I don't want to say that all of us have been throwing ourselves at you, but I know Lori and I have thrown ourselves at you. You've been a gentleman the entire time. Most guys would be bragging about their conquests. You've never once said anything. I love your 'Don't kiss and tell' rule that you have for yourself."

She pulled my face down and softly kissed me, then continued walking, "I'm surprised more women haven't thrown themselves at you."

"They have."

"And have you taken them up on their offer?"

"No. I am not a fan of sex with strangers. Look at those women when we play at Smitty's who give me their phone number. I get like five or six a gig." We reached the car, "It is still a little early. Would you like to have dinner now?"

Astrid got a gleam in her eye, "That would give me more time to throw myself at you this evening."

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then."


I had made reservations at one of the oldest and best Italian restaurants in town. We were going to be about two hours early. When we got there, I explained the situation to the hostess and she said it wouldn't be a problem and found us a table.

Astrid and I had a lovely dinner. I tried to make it as romantic as possible including a toast to my dearest and best friend.

We went back to my apartment and I made the rest of the evening all about her. I started out with a full body rub, avoiding her sexual parts, but hitting all the rest of her erogenous zones. As she lay there on her back, I could see her labia glistening with anticipation. Once the body rub was over, I commenced a full body licking and kissing, once again avoiding her breasts and vulva.

Astrid was at the height of arousal. Her nipples were erect and juice was freely flowing from her sex. After at least an hour of torturing her, I finally got down to business. Lapping at her opening, licking her clit, then bringing her to an orgasm and keeping her there. It was so much fun. Finally, I mounted her and pressed my erection into her pulsing vagina. I went slow, trying to extend her pleasure for as long as possible, but her contractions sent me over the edge.

We lay in each other's arms for quite a while, basking in the afterglow.


As I emerged from sleep, I felt Astrid's familiar form next to me. I opened my eyes. Her body was tucked into my armpit with her brown head on my shoulder, her breasts pressed against my side. Old man, do you realize you have woken up with a different woman each of the last three days? This is not a bad life you are leading.

You still have four contenders for your heart. Astrid has the right idea. No need to rush things. We're going to be here for at least three years. Friends with benefits, an interesting idea. I wonder how many of those arrangements one man can have. Would it be possible to have some kind of arrangement with all four of them? Regular sex with four different women? How distracting would that be? Would they all be cool with that? Maybe not Katie.

Are you ready for exclusivity? Probably not.


Elly picked up Astrid and me around eleven that morning. The drive down to see Lindsey was more subdued this time, probably because Katie was missing and everyone knew of the strain between her and me. I let Astrid ride in the front seat and my two friends spoke a lot. It was difficult for me to hear in the back, but I didn't let it bother me.

When we arrived at the rehab clinic, Lindsey was waiting for us, "Where's Katie?"

I said, "Let's just say Katie and I had a misunderstanding on Friday night. I don't think she wanted to spend the day with me."

Elly said, "I'll fill you in later. Can you play the new piece for us?"

Lindsey was almost giddy, "I can't wait. Astrid, I really loved the imagery in your lyric. It's really rich. Very inspiring." She sat down at the baby grand in the lobby and played a few scales, "Okay. Here goes."

The piece began with a simple rising motif that moved up a third then a fifth in both the first and second repeats. Then she returned to the root. The tune was soft and melodic, joyful with a touch of melancholy. The second time through Lindsey added a minor chord. Slowly the music shifted from a major key to a minor key. She began singing in a soft voice as the lyric detailed the singer's unrequited love. There were echoes of Lionel Ritchie's Hello. The bridge was a shift back to a major key and an increase in tempo that reminded me of The Police's Every Little Thing She Does is Magic. As she stopped singing, there was a sustained chord that hung in the air, yearning to be resolved and then Lindsey slid into an instrumental coda. The power, beauty, and heartache of her playing tore at my emotions. It was wholly original, but evoked Clapton's aching solo at the end of Layla.

When Lindsey finished, Elly, Astrid, and I just stood there. I was utterly floored. No one wanted to say anything. I think each of us knew we had witnessed something that was life changing.

Lindsey turned and looked dejected. She finally spoke, "I'm sorry for having wasted your time."

That snapped me out it, "Are you kidding me? Lindsey, that was beyond amazing. I don't know where to begin."

I looked over at Astrid and tears were streaming down her face.

Elly shook her head, "Sean is right. That is one of the most powerful pieces I have ever heard."

Astrid came over and hugged the much taller Lindsey, sobbing into her blouse, "It's everything I dreamed of and more."

Lindsey stroked her hair, "Thank you, Astrid."


To be continued ...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sadly, this story has gone fallow for more than a year.

It deserves at least one more chapter.

p.s. I get why Sean isn't into BDSM, but he didn't need to kink-shame Lori. IMO Paul would be GGG for spanking & dom play, a very willing novice.

EVLoverEVLover10 months ago

Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing gifts.

Thank you, also, for the recap of the characters. I found it quite helpful to keep folks straight.

I concur with Rapierwit that an eligible man surrounded by sever beautiful women who want him is a fantasy that most men would enjoy. The much younger woman, especially some that could be his daughter, is especially titillating.

My takeaway from this Chapter is that Sean is ultimately looking for a life partner yet is not in a hurry to decide given that he’ll be working on his PhD for several more years. He’s a wise man.

Perhaps in the next Chapter you can fast forward a year or two and use flashbacks to bring us up to date as you move the story forward.

Also, IFF you choose to continue to use the Breakout story idea, I’d request that you change the titles somehow to make it easier for us readers to read them in order. While I was able to figure the order out based on publication dates, it could have been easier.

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601about 1 year ago

I discovered another one of your stories a while ago, quite by accident. Thoroughly charmed, I decided to look at more.

I do have mixed feelings about the story. In any other authors hands, it would merely be a fuck fest, and to a small degree, it truly is. An eligible bachelor surrounded by beautiful women who want him? Not only is it a fantasy of most men, but it has become a trope on this site.

But there is much more here.

Your character development is outstanding. You have developed so many wonderful people here. I cannot wait to continue reading when you continue posting.

I have not yet read the other stories posted from the POV of the women in his life, so I can’t say I have an idea where this is going. But he’s not even one full semester into 6 to 8 full semesters to complete his degree. It might be a Sisyphean task to complete the story, but I pray that you do.

Quinn_McMullenQuinn_McMullenover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you G. Comments like that keep me going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your stories are, in my humble opinion, among the very best, if not the best, on this site. Imaginative, yet feeling so realistic. Characters that are brought to life with your attention to detail. Typically your conclusion to a chapter leaves the reader anxiously awaiting the next. In that vein, I look forward to your next chapters in the number of series you have been writing, that are ongoing; as well as, hopefully, new ones to come. Thank you for sharing your talents.


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