My Indian Slut Wife Vidya Ch. 12


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"Wow ... Mummy ... I could never imagine Papa like this."

"Not only did he become like this, he became even more loving." Poonam beamed. "He avoided asking me for sex on nights he knew I had a date. He would often buy me lingerie, knowing I would wear them for other men. And of course, whenever I had someone stay overnight, I ensured he always thanked my lover at the end for pleasuring me in ways that he cannot. It's a bit humiliating for him, but it was an important gesture of respect nonetheless."

Again, there was a small pause as I digested all of this.

"I am telling you now, so you know this is going to become your new norm." Poonam said. "As I said, sluttiness, and cuckolding our husbands, runs in my family amongst the first-born women. So, I wasn't surprised last night."


Suddenly my mother-in-law's loud tone brought me back to the present. We had been walking to our home from Ravi and Sheetal's and were nearly there.

"Oh, I am so sorry, Mummy!" I apologized profusely. "I was lost ... in my thoughts."

I was thinking of our conversation this afternoon.

"Don't worry." Poonam smiled. "I was simply thanking you for walking me home and agreeing to leave the party early to do so."

"It's completely fine, Mummy." I answered. "To tell you the truth, I was also glad to get out of there. I wasn't really enjoying myself; it is not my scene. So, when you said you were not feeling well, and Vidya ... sorry ... my wife ... asked me to take you home, I was happy to do so."

"I am not really unwell." Poonam grinned. "I just made that excuse. I also wanted to leave."


"You see, my dear jamai babu, I knew how this night would go. At the end of all the shenanigans, most people would go home, and Balachandraji would take me and Vidya to bed. And later, he would perhaps copulate with Sheetal. I know Vidya praises his stamina and his love making, but at this time, I find myself yearning for a younger man. Not someone older than me! I was enjoying myself, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to have sex with Balachandraji. I will find a younger man. I already have someone in mind."

I already have someone in mind. The way she said it ... I suddenly thought of something. But I decided to not say anything, and let it go.

We had reached our house. I unlocked the gates, and then the front door and we walked in. Once I shut the door again, I turned to my mother-in-law.

"I guess Vidya will spend the night there at Ravi and Sheetal's." I noted, and them immediately realized I had once again taken my wife's name.

"Mummy." I pleaded. "I don't think I can avoid taking Vidya's name. It is too difficult for me."

Poonam glanced at me, and then nodded.

"I see. Alright, I will talk to her and relax this rule. But you are also wrong, jamai babu. Vidya will not spend the night there. You see, soon Balachandraji will end the party, and then gallantly walk your wife home here. To this house. Your house."

"How can you say that, Mummy?"

Poonam had the grin of a Cheshire cat.

"You see, my dear jamai babu. Balachandraji is a real man. He knows very well why I left, but he won't accept defeat. Once here, he will hope to have me and Vidya both. But he won't ... because I am not interested. Let me even make a bet with you, jamai babu. That party won't go on for long. I will give him half an hour to an hour max, jamai babu, before he is here."

* * *

Balachandra was seated on the main sofa. Vidya was seated to his left. It was just as my mother-in-law had predicted. Merely 40 minutes after we had entered, Balachandra was here with Vidya at our place. And now I was standing in one corner of the room, trying my best to position my arms to afford myself some dignity.

It was difficult, given that I was standing there completely naked, by his orders, while he and Vidya were clothed. He was very clear - in his presence tonight, I was to remain naked at all times.

"Rajesh." Balachandra's strong voice boomed through the quiet place. "I am thirsty. Do you have some drink ... actually, get me a beer."

"Er ... yes, Sir." I replied. "We probably have some. I will get one right now from the kitchen, Sir."

I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, leaving the man there with my wife. We had some beer in the fridge. I chose a Western one, and then started to rummage through the kitchen drawers for the cork opener.

"It's in the third drawer from the right." I heard Vidya's voice. I turned around sharply. She had followed me to the kitchen.

"I knew you wouldn't know where the cork opener was." Vidya smiled. "You are always a bit clueless about the kitchen."

"Thanks." I smiled back. I got the opener and was about to pop the cork open.

"Rajesh. Darling." Vidya said.

I turned to her.

"Yes, dear."

"I wanted to say ..." Vidya seemed to be selecting her words carefully. "You did well tonight. I mean at the party. You were extremely good. I was very happy."

I beamed, as Vidya smiled back.

"Thank you, darling." I professed. "It makes me glad to hear that."

"Good. I know it wasn't easy. I mean, you were going in without knowing about the rules, and then once there you had to get past your shame and humiliation of being naked in front of everyone. And I know Sheetal must have slapped you a couple of times. At least."

I didn't say anything but nodded.

"Every husband there had been slapped by Sheetal. She, however, told me, how quickly you learned the rules. In the party itself you didn't get disciplined - that's a first! Every husband had been publicly punished, but not you! I remember the first few times - Abhinash used to get spanked all the time! But you were disciplined. And then the games ... you did very well, darling! I was sure you would helplessly cum in the first game itself, when Prakriti was stroking you ... yet you were able to control yourself!"

Vidya was beaming, and I smiled back. It was good to be acknowledged by your wife that you had made her proud.

"And now," Vidya continued, "You are very respectful of Balachandraji. You are not challenging him - even subconsciously. You accepted Balachandraji as the superior man, and you swallowed your own ego, darling. It makes me so proud. You knew your place - that you are a cuckold, and you are not a real man. And I can tell that it made Balachandraji pleased too."

"I ... thank you ... darling."

I popped open the cork and poured the beer into a glass, and then put a couple of ice cubes in it.

"Take a small tray." Vidya suggested. "Put the glass on a tray and present it to Balachandraji."

"Yes, dear."

"Also," Vidya gave me one last instruction. "Be a little more relaxed. You are very uptight and nervous around Balachandrajii. I mean, I know you know he's the superior man, and he is going to go upstairs with your wife and fuck her, but ... try to make small talk, OK?"

"Er ... yes, dear."

"And ... Mama ... she has gone to bed?"

"Yes," I replied cautiously. "She really had a headache."

"Hmm." Vidya didn't say much about that. "Balachandraji would be disappointed. I know he was looking forward to having both me and Mama in bed."

Vidya left the kitchen. A minute later, I followed her out.

"Here you go, Sir." I bent a little forward and presented the tray to him with the glass.

"Thank you, Rajesh." Balachandra took the glass and took a sip. "Wow, it's good."

I returned to the kitchen, placed the tray back in its place, and then went back to the living room. Balachandra had just finished his drink.

"Let me take that from you, Sir." I offered, taking the empty glass.

"Babe." Vidya giggled. "You should ask Balachandraji if he wants a refill."

"Oh, I am sorry Sir." I apologized profusely. Balachandra raised a hand.

"No need. I don't need a refill."

I took the glass from him and turned to leave. And then I turned back.

"Sir," I spoke. "Thank you for allowing me to accompany my wife today to your party."

"You are welcome, Rajesh. I realized you have earned it, after Vidya here has been to a few of my parties without you."

"Er ... thank you, Sir."

My mind was in a whirl. So, Vidya had been to these parties before? Without me?

Balachandra must have seen my confused look and sought to clarify.

"You will have noticed today," He explained, "There were more wives at the party than husbands."

I nodded.

"Yes, Sir. I think there were ten ladies there, but only four of us men. Five actually, Sir, you included."

Balachandra shook his head.

"No, Rajesh. There was only one man there."

He looked at me. I realized my mistake immediately.

"I am extremely sorry, Sir." I apologized again. "There was only one man there, Sir - you. And there were four of us cuckolds there."

"Correct. So ... tell me, why do I have more women than men at these parties?"

I didn't know, so I said nothing.

"It's because those husbands that attend the party ... they have earned the right to be at the party. Not all husbands have the right. Ravi, Abhinash, George ... I have been cuckolding these men for a long time, Rajesh. So, at these parties, I sometimes share some of the wives with these poor men. For example, today, Kalpana was given to George to enjoy."

"Oh." I said. And then I realized the number of times Vidya had gone to these parties without me. I looked at her, remembering her careful selection of words.

It's the first time we as a couple are invited to his cuckold and wives party.

Vidya smiled sweetly back at me. Balachandra saw my look and nodded.

"You are right." He said. "Vidya too had to obey my instructions and give herself to some of the husbands at previous parties. Last party, if I remember right, Vidya was Kumar's prize for the night. Poor guy - he lasted a mere ten seconds inside your wife!"

My wife joined Balachandra as they laughed at the thought of this poor Kumar managing to last only ten seconds inside my wife. Only I remained silent.

"Once a wife is 'won' at least twice, I then allow her husband to come to future parties." Balachandra told me. "Maybe in the next party, you may win another wife. However, it depends on Vidya. She has been very adamant that you are not to be allowed to win any other wife, and I have to respect that. Don't you agree?"

"Er ... yes, Sir. Of course, Sir."

"Good. Now please put the glass away and go back to standing in the corner."

"Yes, Sir."

"Now that's a good boy."

As I watched, Balachandra had an arm around my wife's shoulders, and she was caressing the inside of his thigh with one hand. Both were breathing a little heavy and obviously getting turned on. I began to feel the dual feeling I always got when I watched Vidya like this - a gut-wrenching hurt inside my stomach, and a slow arousal in my loins. Suddenly, Vidya turned back to me.

"Babe." She called out. "Why don't you come and sit here, on the floor, next to our feet? Maybe you can learn a few things from Balachandraji."

I watched them kiss for some time before Balachandra turned to me.

"Do you know what you are, Rajesh?" He asked me, and then answered before I could speak. "You're a loser, Rajesh. You got a wife who's a real fine piece of ass, and you can't even fuck her. What a loser!"

Thoroughly humiliated, I kept my eyes down on the floor.

"Ok, Rajesh." Balachandra sneered. "Beg me to fuck this beautiful gori chitti wife of yours."

"P-p-please, S-Sir," I barely found my voice. "P-please f-f-fuck m-my w-wife."

Even as I said this, my cock became even harder. I heard my wife and Balachandra laugh, and she ran a hand down his chest, down his stomach, and then started to caress the huge, hard mound in the front of his pants.

Balachandra pulled away from my wife and removed his shirt, revealing a well-built chest. Of course I had seen him like this before, but on videos. It was different seeing this with your own eyes, in person.

Balachandra turned to face my wife, wrapped his massive arms around her and kissed her, her mouth opening under his, their tongues intertwining before their lips touched. The pallu of Vidya's sari fell down from her shoulders, revealing her blouse a bra straining from her immense, huge breasts. Again, Balachandra pulled my wife to him, smashing her tits against his chest as they continued to kiss. Then they separated, and he looked back at me.

"Take my pants off, Rajesh," He ordered.

"Yes, Sir."

I reached up and unbuckled his belt. Then I unzipped his pants over his rock-hard organ. I unbuttoned the pants and pulled them down, helping him to step out of them. I also removed his socks at his further order. He now stood there, with massive muscular thighs glistening and an enormous cock barely contained by his briefs, before sitting back down on the sofa.

Vidya meanwhile was on her knees, on the floor, facing Balachandra as he was seated on the sofa. She was now gently pulling down his briefs, even as Balachandra played with her hair.

I knew Balchandra was disappointed that Poonam wasn't here; he was hoping to have both mother and daughter tonight. Vidya, sensing that he was still mulling over his disappointment, was now preparing to give him a blowjob to soothe his ego.

"Look how big his cock is, darling." Vidya said, as she pulled out his manhood. I could only nod - I had of course seen it before, in videos.

"He has a big cock, unlike yours darling." Vidya continued to stroke him. "It makes me so happy."

Balachandra had an evil grin on his face as my wife enveloped his penis with her lips.

"Too late to rethink your cuckold fantasies, Rajesh!" He laughed. "Look how beautifully your wife sucks my cock. Now, there's a good girl. Did you get a blowjob by any other woman, Rajesh?"

"Er ... No, Sir." I replied, watching my wife expertly use her tongue to lick and clean Balachandra's testicles. "I was a complete virgin when I married ... um ... Vidya, Sir. She was my first ... blowjob. And my first sex, Sir."

"Good!" Balachandra grinned. "Then you are lucky. You got the best cocksucker as your first. Many girls develop bad habits. They make you cum, but it's a nasty experience. Whereas Vidya ... Now watch your wife here. See how she expertly licks me at the very start."

Vidya by now had carefully licked all of Balachandra's penis and gonads, making certain that he was thoroughly wet with her saliva, under the skin behind the head, in the crack of his ass, and under his balls. She stroked the rapidly hardening man meat once or twice with her hand, before running her tongue lovingly around the head. Then, as Balachandra spread her legs, she opened her mouth as wide as she could, and laid him gently on her tongue.

"I had all the wives watch Vidya once." Balachandra proudly announced. "She does everything so well. See how she lets me soak there on her tongue awhile before she begins to blow me. Trust me, that not only feels good, a real experienced man like me knows this is a well-trained cocksucker when she starts out slow this way."

I could see Vidya blush as Balachandra praised her so crudely. He had a firm grasp of her long hair, and he was using it to encourage her to bob her head up and down, raking his great shaft with her lips. After sometime, he patted my wife roughly on one cheek.

"What a first-class cocksucker! Alright, my slut bahu, deep throat me now!"

Vidya pushed her head forward, trying to open her throat and take as much of him as she could down her gullet. Then drawing back she brought the head back to her lips, and just before it slipped from her mouth, she again drove forward, choking on his length, but swallowing a full two thirds of his many inches.

Vidya's head now began to bob back and forth raking her lips up and down the hard-on that filled her mouth. With each down stroke she was able to force that huge head deeper into her throat.

"Yeah bahu, just like that." Balachandra was mumbling. He was also calling Vidya 'bahu', which meant daughter-in-law, something he did from time to time. "That's it, keep sucking it. Run your tongue up around the tip. Oh, bahu!"

I knew that Balachandra could not hold out long in the grip of such a pleasant sensation. No man could. Within only minutes he grabbed my wife by the ears and yanked her to him, forcing her face into his crotch until her nose was buried in his pubic hair.


Balachandra exploded. He kept groaning, and a load of creamy male seed continued to gush out of that long fat prick. His manhood was all the way down my wife's throat, and she swallowed frantically to keep from gagging as his full load went down. This was how I had seen my wife multiple times. On her knees, another man's prick shoved down her throat, she sucking him to completion, and herself climaxing like an animal in heat.

Balachandra took his now soft meat in his hand, and slapped it against my wife's face, leaving a few drops of his semen on her cheek.

"You bitch! Randi! You are the best piece of ass I've ever had! Let's go to the bedroom!"

* * *

It was 2 am. I was standing outside the bedroom door once again to hear my wife and her lover, a habit that had grown in frequency in recent times. But this time, I was here by Balachandra's command.

Since the blowjob, I had been in the guestroom while he and Vidya were in our master bedroom, enjoying themselves. I had just about fallen asleep when Balachandra had called me on my cellphone and told me to come up. He had ordered me to remain outside even as he noisily fucked my wife inside.

"And needless to say, be naked." He had instructed. "You don't deserve to wear clothes in my presence."

As I listened to the sounds, the sense of shame was coursing across my face, distinct and inescapable, as was my arousal. Peering through the small crack in the door, I could see our master bed rocking back and forth, squeaking and creaking. With a dry mouth I swallowed, listening as the love of my life moaned loudly in intense pleasure. He was fucking her from behind. She was on her belly, on the bed, and he was on top of her, riding her ass.

"Oh, Balachandraji!" My wife cooed. "I love your big dick!"

I listened to Balachandra's masculine grunt of satisfaction, even as my wife repeatedly took his name in passion. I could see them kissing fervently.

Time and time again I had tried to think through my unique situation, but it's hard to explain. My wife, just like her mother and her grandmother had apparently did to their husbands, repeatedly cuckolded me. Yet, as I was overcome with the strong embarrassment of this humiliation, my penis was rapidly hardening in excitement as I heard my beloved submit herself, again and again, to our well-hung former neighbour.

Vidya was moaning louder now, Balachandra's thrusting becoming more urgent as their bodies collided together in sexual need. This must have been the third time he was fucking her. I heard her gasp at the pleasure that this man was giving her.

"Oh, Balachandraji! I am cumming. Oh, God! Balachandraji! Please cum in me."

"Now there's a good girl." Balachandra laughed, and within moments, was moving his penis back inside her. I saw Vidya arch her head back in pleasure as she felt him once again stretch her insides. I couldn't tell whether his dick was in her ass or in her cunt. Probably her cunt, otherwise even Vidya would have felt the pain.

"Rajesh!" Suddenly Balachandra called out. "Open the door fully and come inside."
