My Life As A Host To A Slime 18


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I smiled down at the big dick ready to bounce on it.

I reached down and grabbed his dick as I lowered myself down and looked to make sure I was guiding it correctly until I felt the mushroom tip touch my lips as I looked up instantly shivering at the sensation as my eyes fluttered at the sensation before lowering myself down causing me to release a long satisfied raspy 'YYYESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!' as I groaned.

I didn't care the size of the man's dick as the only thing I cared about was satisfying my sudden lust and this man's cock was the only thing that could take care of me.

I looked down to see the man still smugly smiling as he still held his hands behind his head whistling.

How can a man be so....unphased that he was now having sex?

I leaned forward putting my hands on his chest letting my nail dig into his chest. He looked down and smirked before looking up at me, "Well you got me in. What are you gonna do?"

I looked at him for a moment as I smirked Yeah keep that up fucker before I drain you.

Obviously my smirk didn't phase him but felt satisfied having a dick I felt like I could finally think. I looked at him semi-moaning, "What do you mean cursed?"

The man smirked, "Like I said. Fuck me and afterwards ALL will be explained."

I felt the slime in me swirling as I smirked and leaned down, "Alright."

And I started bouncing.

Then something weird felt.....good.

No that's not right.

It felt....amazing!!!


I mean, Yes, sex always felt good but something about now just felt.....right.

Like the stars were aligning correctly and everything felt right.

I reveled in the sensation from the first bounce. My eyes fluttered almost rolling back. My skin felt like it was on fire. I felt my nipples pulsed. And I felt my entire pussy quiver and pulse as the object passed through my insides.

I plopped down on the man instantly panting and felt my body covered in sweat like I had just had an orgasm though I didn't....I don't think. No it had felt like an orgasm but wasn't one.

That one pass of this man's dick in my insides felt that 'good'.

I heard the man lightly chuckle, "Did we already have an orgasm?"

I shook my head panting, "No...." I opened my eyes to look at his smug face still panting, "just really really sensitive."

I panted for a moment longer before I found my strength and bounced again instantly making me squeal before moaning in as an incoherent flow of syllables escaped my lips that made no sense but the one could understand what they meant.....I was in euphoria.

Once again my mind was flooded with the feel good as electricity ran through my body at impossible speeds that mimicked an orgasm though I hadn't actually orgasm.

Once again I was panting on this man while his dick was firmly lodged in my guts as I felt my pussy quivering and pulsing around the object.

I bounced again and again and continued bouncing each bounce felt exactly the same way but more with each bounce.

Soon I was laying on the man my body instinctually bouncing my hips on this man the sensations too good to do anything else as each bounce was making my brain melt.

I felt the man grab my hips and helped me bounce my body on his dick as he cooed, "Yes just bounce yourself on me until I cum."

I moaned and squealed as all the sensations flooded my mind as my mind was on the brink of melting until I felt first orgasm.

The entire time, for however long this had been going on, I felt like we fucking F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!! but in reality it probably had only been maybe a few minutes and, like usual, I had achieved an orgasm.....but this time my orgasm wasn't my normal orgasm.

No no no.

It hit harder and easily made my brain melt.

Like normally, and only has Prime achieved this, when I orgasm I can still function. Sure my vision might see stars. And yes, I'll be panting....and sweaty....and buzzing. But I can still function.

I can think and everything after my normal orgasm. Sure my legs might be shaking...and my heart be racing. BUT I can still function.

Now when I hit multiple orgasms that's where things start going away.....and my functionality starts to slip. Like at three orgasms my hearing might take a minute to come back to normal as all I hear is rushing water. At four my skin feels numb and certain sensitive spots go numb (like my nipples). And my pussy, specifically my clit, gets really sensitive.

Granted when I was with a guy the most I had hit in one sitting was 3. Usually it was 2....if I was lucky. Usually the guy maybe let's me have one while he's pumping himself into me and maybe I'll hit a second one when he cums....if he's wearing a condom. If he's not then when he cums in me that's when I have my second one.

Prime was the first to make me achieve multiple orgasms. Then Brandon made me experience a different number.

In both cases my mind pretty much melted after having so many orgasms grace my mind.

THIS time it only took one orgasm for my mind to melt.

IF I were more cognitive I would start asking questions like how did this happen, Did Bee increase my sensitivity?, or any other slew of questions I could form.

But I didn't as all I felt was pure pleasure...and I wanted MORE of it.

I faintly heard my body slap against this mysterious man as I continued feeling the euphoria permeate from my lower region as his dick slid in and out of my pussy as it contracted of it's own accord.

I don't know how long this mysterious man was helping me bounce my hips onto his dick but something happened.

His tone changed.

I heard him grunt, "What's going on?"

There it was.....Prime's sister was doing her thing.

Though at this moment I had no idea what was happening nor knew why he was commenting the way he was.

All I know was he dug his fingers into my new plump ass and started bouncing my ass on his dick thrusting harder and harder into my now sensitive pussy....and I was in love of the sensations as the only thing I could do was moan....vigorously.

Soon I heard him grunting more and more as he used every fiber of his being to smack my pussy down onto his cock....all while I limplessly let him do so.

I don't know what Prime's sister was doing to him but if I had to guess she was somehow holding back his orgasm just so she could open up his holes and when the time was right when he fired he would be firing more than he ever expected.

But I wasn't thinking at this moment as all I could do was moan, groan, and let out different expletives in varying volumes as he continued his onslaught onto my new body as I enjoyed every second of it.

I might have even had my tongue out as I enjoyed it mindlessly becoming more and more addicted to the euphoria permeating throughout my body.

But like all activities there had to be an end....damn it.

With one final thrust I heard my mystery man grunt and groan loudly as I felt my insides quickly fill with his hot seed as my pussy greedily drank and held onto every morsel of his cum that his dick fired into my womb. And thanks to Prime's was A LOT.

I don't know how many times his dick fired but eventually I felt him shudder as he continued to groan as his body went ridged.

But his dick kept firing and I felt his hot cum continue to fire into my womb without it leaking out as each warm addition sent another level of orgasm to slam into my body.

Eventually I felt him go limp as he let go of my ass to lay limply but still felt his dick continue to bounce inside me as it unload more and more ultra warm cum into my now growing womb as I felt a small bulge begin to form right in my pelvic region.

With one last groan I heard him almost wordlessly speak, "What's happening?"

Then he shuddered and heard him exhale as his dick continued to fire for a few more shots as his dick bounced in my sensitive pussy causing me to shudder with him.

Then nothing as I collapsed on top of him finally feeling his dick stop bouncing and had finally stopped filling my womb with his hot cum.

Every muscle felt like it was made of jello as my bone structure had somehow mysteriously disappeared.

I laid there panting, my body buzzing with euphoria.

I heard Prime speak in my mind 'You might want to roll off Sir Henry so my sister can release one of Bee's sister into the pool of cum Sir Kevin shot into you with my sister's help.'

I gasped and panted as I answered in my head 'You do it. I'm enjoying the euphoria too much. Besides I can't even feel my limbs let alone make them move.'

At least now I know my mystery man's name....Sir Henry. Which sounds ridiculous. I mean who the hell goes by 'Sir' anything these days?

But I couldn't exactly think.....or move.....or anything as I was enjoying this too much.

I felt my arms move, closely followed by my legs as I felt Sir Henry's marvelous dick leave my body causing me to lightly groan and moan as I felt it exit my sensitive canal before I grunted and felt my back flop onto the bed as I laid there.

I laid there semi irritated that I no longer had a dick firmly lodged in me but was happy to have the afterglow of sex.

I laid there panting as I felt the oddest sensation as I felt all the warmth and hotness of the cum residing in my pussy suddenly go away and semi expected it to roll out of my pussy and trail down my leg which is usually what I feel with an overload like this. But no. Just one moment I felt the ultra hot goo and the next...nothing.

I gathered enough strength as I heard Prime speak in my head 'This might feel a little weird my host.'

I looked up semi confused as to what she was talking about but blinked as I watched my pelvic region bulge slightly and grunted as I felt a growing ball being pushed out of my pussy. At first it felt like a small ball but as it traveled along my pussy the ball was quickly growing and I felt like it was going to tear me in half as it traveled.

I propped my elbows under me as I lifted myself onto my elbows grunting trying to help force the growing sister out of my vagina before she tears me in two hoping that with my added help I might be able to expel the ball before it cracks and the sister expands.

Is this what child birth is like?

I grunt and used whatever muscle control I have to help push as I tensed and felt the ball expanding to what felt like a tennis ball now.

I breathed in and one quickly as I pushed one last time hearing a faint PLOP as I watched a golf ball fall out and roll a few centimeters away from my body.

I blinked as I watched the ball slowly get pinker and pinker before I faintly heard a weak CRACK and watched as the ball creating cracks on its shell before expanding and expanding until whatever was holding the ball together give away as the liquid spilled and expanded quickly until a human like form was created.

Within a few heart beats I watched a new slime form as it quickly took on feminine features as it formed feminine hips. Then a feminine body. Long legs. Dainty arms. Then the slime's curves quickly expanded as she quickly developed a nice plump rump and equally plump melons. Finally the head and hair started to show.

I finally allowed myself to blink as the process was almost too quick and didn't want to miss anything as the entire process took maybe the same amount of time as I would have taken to actually blink my eyes. But I did blink and within mere moments I watched as a ball fell out of me in one moment and the next a full feminine body laid in between my legs curled into a little ball.

The body slowly unravel itself as it started to get up and lift it's head to face me, making me gasp as I watched the facial features quickly take on and finalize. I gasped because I watched the slime take on features that were almost too gorgeous to look at as she transformed her face into an almost perfect doll's face and I felt a small vibration of power resonating from the newly created slime.

I blinked and actually spoke, "How?"

Then out of nowhere I felt something else escape me as I looked down to see a dark red drop fall out between my legs causing me to almost start wondering if this new daughter did actually tear me as I tried to expel her out.

The thought was only momentary, and before I could freak out thinking I was now bleeding, the drop formed into something that was not a drop and shot towards the newly created slime and instantly was absorbed into the new slime causing the slime to look at me wide eyed before slowly relaxing and speaking an almost perfect voice that sounded like silk, "Thank you for helping birth me," as she bowed her head.


WAIT!! Was that part of Bee? She did tell me that she would install parts of herself to help her daughters transition from being an empty shell into a more cognitive person.

Was that what happened?

She looked over at the man laying on his back faintly breathing before getting up and moving towards the limp body. I watched her lean over and lightly kiss his forward before speaking softly, "And thank you for the donation."

She got up and looked at me, noticing I was staring at her wide eyed. She warmly smiled at me and tilted her head, "But now that I've been birthed I guess I should now take on a name. What is yours?"

I blinked looking at the almost perfect creature before shaking my head as the question bounced around in my head demanding an answer as I spoke, "Megan."

She put her finger to her mouth and mused softly before speaking, "No that doesn't feel right."

She turned her attention to the limp man, "And him?"

I almost shrugged and answered I don't know but slightly remembered Prime saying what his name was and spoke, "Sir Henry..I think."

She smirked lightly before shaking her head, "No that sounds too masculine."

She looked at me looking perplexed, "What would you name me?"

I looked at her and spoke the only thing that came to mind for her doll-like complexion, "Barbie."

She tilted her head and smirked, "No." Then she snapped her fingers, "How about Babs?"

I blinked before I realized I didn't know what to call any 'creature' and that any name would do as long as the being was willing to use it.

I smiled, "That sounds good."

I held out my hand, "Nice to meet you Babs."

She smiled at me obviously happy she had found a name and grabbed my hand, "Nice to meet you, Megan," before she started chuckling.

She lightly chuckled for a few moments while I joined her, not sure why she was laughing but it sounded nice.

We laughed and laughed, never going too wild in the laugh before she stopped and sighed.

I was not sure why she had stopped before I watched her smile warmly at me, "Well thank you again for helping bring me into this world."

She stood and moved off the bed to flop down on the floor giving off her height of being small. If I had to guess she stood barely under 5'.

She looked down semi perplexed and looked back at me, "Do you think being this small is ok?"

I shrugged and answered, "No idea. There's plenty of people who love short girls."

She smiled and nodded before she turned and solidified from a slime to a normal human before walking out of the room and probably back to her mother....Bee.

I sighed and thought....

One down. Only 14 more to go.

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