My Man, My Marine, My Lover! Pt. 06

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Forever and Always...a Happily Ever After.
15.7k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/08/2014
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My Man, My Marine, My Lover! Part Six


Dear Readers,

Thank you for sharing the experience of Brat and Brian's journey with me. I hope you've enjoyed reading their story as much as I enjoyed writing it. To those of you who are new to the story, I hope you decide to read it in its entirety. For those of you who've been with our couple from the beginning, cheering them on, and asking for the next chapters and a HEA ending, I thank you for the incentive I needed to return to the story.

I can't believe I started writing this story seven years ago. I'd wanted to return to it many times, but for personal reasons, I couldn't...that is a story of its own and I may tell it one day. For now, I'm happy to have been able to write, what I believe is, the perfect ending for our Brat and Brian.

Please enjoy the read.

I failed to thank my friend, beta reader, and editor for all of his work when I posted the previous chapter, I apologize. So, this chapter is dedicated to gb...thanks for always being there when you are needed most. xo



Weeks went by and we were doing fine. Everyone seemed to be getting along well. Brian and I had met with my dad the day after our first dinner home and we had a great talk. My dad told us that he understood our wanting to be together and he knew how important it was for both of us right now. He was aware that Brian needed me for moral support during his recovery and I needed him. I smiled when he said he remembered what it was like to be young and in love.

I'd seen hundreds of pictures of him and my mom when they were a young couple. He had it bad for her. You could tell by the way he looked at her, that he was head over heels in love. Pictures of him standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. Some photos of them standing on porches of different homes we lived in on a various bases through the years. And a few of the pictures showed my parents dancing like there was no one else in the world. I loved those photos.

I remembered my favorite one, it was of my mom sitting on the hood of my dad's car and he was standing next to her with his arm draped over her shoulder. He was looking down into her face and you could easily see how much he loved her.

I was brought back from my daydream as I heard my dad start to talk again.

That was his, "I'm her father," part of his speech. He was about to add "the commander" part of his lecture. I could tell by the change in his tone and the way his chin jutted out all of a sudden.

It didn't scare me one bit, I'd seen him try this tactic with me before, to no avail. Brian's reaction was another story. He saw his commander. I watched as his posture changed and he took on a similar look to my dad. I almost laughed at the two of them, but I knew better. These were my two favorite men, my two favorite marines. I loved and respected them both.

"For the most part son," he said, "I'm okay with this. I'm fine with you and Andrea staying together. Even if I wasn't, I know it wouldn't make too much of a difference because my girl is an independent thinker and she would make her own decision anyway." He looked over at me and winked before continuing. "Her mother and I have taught her well. She's a smart woman Brian, but you already know that. She's also a lot softer hearted than she lets on. I'm hoping you know that too."

He put his hand up to stop me from talking and interrupting his train of thought. Even I knew better than to ignore the hand stop sign. "I love you like a son Brian, I have for a long time now. I respect you as a man and a marine. But Andrea is my girl, my daughter, and I don't want her to get hurt. If you two are planning on getting married, you better make sure it's for the long haul. I won't take it well if you quit on her. I know you're a good man, a good marine, but you had better be a good husband or you will answer to me. Understand what I'm saying son?"

"Yes Sir," Brian said as if he were talking to his commander and not my dad. Well, maybe he was answering both of my dad's personalities and covering all bases.


After our conversation with my dad, everything moved along smoothly for us. A few weeks after arriving home, I took a job at the Naval Health Clinic and worked in the Behavioral Health Services. It was interesting, and at times, heartbreaking work. There were so many men and women facing issues with head injury. Many had post traumatic injuries, some had concussive syndromes, and many were experiencing varying levels and symptoms of PTSD. Worse, was the fact that no matter how much I did, I always felt like it wasn't enough.

As time went by, I noticed Brian was getting restless. The holidays were upon us and he was getting antsy. I could see he felt like he was starting to lose it. He started with his nervous pacing every now and then, which was a sure sign he needed space. Once in a while, I'd see him go upstairs and shut the door to our room. He'd stay there for an hour or so before coming back down.

I knew he wanted to do things on his own and it didn't help to have everyone tell him they had it taken care of or worse, to go relax. I had a four day weekend just before Christmas and I made plans to have the cabin opened and prepared for Brian and I to take a break and get away together. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I hadn't mentioned it to him.

I'd been feeling a bit cramped at the Miller's myself. Not that there wasn't plenty of physical space, it just wasn't like it had been when we were alone together. I could tell that Brian was getting more and more frustrated with our living arrangements too. He hadn't really lived with his parents, at least not full time, since he graduated high school. Being back in his childhood home was nice, but after living alone for so long, things were starting to set him off.

My original plan was to surprise him at the end of the week and tell him about the long weekend at the lake. It was too late when I realized, I'd waited a day too long.

Thursday night after dinner I was coming back from visiting my parents and I heard a conversation between Brian and his mom.

"Mom, what can I do to help? Do you want me to do the dishes for you?" he asked.

"No son, go relax," she said in her you're my baby boy voice and Brian let loose.

"Christ Mom, I'm not completely useless. I can do the ...." He was about to say, "fucking dishes," but I opened the door in the nick of time.

"Brian," I said loudly, startling both of them. I saw the relief on his face as he heard my voice. "Baby, it's a beautiful moon tonight. Feel like taking a walk with me?"

I could see him taking a few deep breaths to calm down. Mrs. Miller's face was red and tears were in her eyes, but she hesitantly smiled at me and nodded her acknowledgement. Brian's hands were fisted tight in frustration. He'd gotten a little sharp with his mom and I could see it hurt both of them, but Brian was my first concern.

Placing my arms around his neck, I pulled his head down for a kiss. As I did, I whispered in his ear. "Take a breath. Give her a quick kiss, tell her you're sorry, and we're out of here," I told him as I kissed his cheek and rubbed the back of his neck as he nodded and swallowed hard.

He apologized, saying, "Mom, I'm sorry for yelling." He kissed her cheek, adding, "I love you."

Then he turned toward me on his way out of the kitchen. He was getting a little overwhelmed with everything and, at the same time, he was bored and I thought maybe he was becoming depressed. I walked up to him before he left the room and lightly touched his shoulder. I slid my hand down his arm and took his hand. He squeezed my hand so tight I knew it was a plea to get him out of there fast.

"Hey babe, give me a minute with your mom. Then we can go for that walk." I explained.

"Yea, that sounds good," he said quietly.

"Go grab our jackets and I'll meet you by the front door," I said as I kissed the top of his shoulder.

"Don't take long," he almost begged. "I have to get out of here," he said the last part so that only I could hear.

"Two minutes and I'm there. I promise," I told him and gently nudged him toward the hallway.

I took a minute to hug his mom and reassure her that it wasn't her fault. "Mrs. M, we need to let Brian do what he can. If everyone keeps telling him no or go rest, he's really going to feel useless around here." I kissed her again and gave her a hug. "Brian is not useless and I don't want him to feel like that. I need your help to make sure he gets to do as much as he possibly can. Which, to be truthful, is almost everything that doesn't place him in danger. Otherwise we're going to lose all of the progress he's made and maybe worse."

"I know honey," she said, nodding her head. "I need to stop it. I don't know why I keep doing it." She started to cry.

"Don't cry," I said more strongly than I wanted to. "Tears aren't going to help here. You have to stop it. I'm not being mean, but I have to protect Brian at all costs." I hesitated, but I figured now was as good a time as any to tell her what I'd been thinking about.

"Listen, I don't want this to come as a surprise, but I've been thinking that Brian and I need our own space. I plan on going with Brian to the lake next weekend and I'm going to discuss that idea with him. If he agrees with me...we'll start looking for a place after Christmas."

She started to cry harder. I knew I hurt her feelings and that was the last thing I wanted to do. But I wanted her to know that Brian was my first concern and I felt he and I needed more alone time.

"Listen Mrs. M, I'm not threatening anything. I'm not telling you this because of what just happened. I felt I needed to tell you my plan so that you don't think it's a result of any one thing. I truly feel it's what's best for Brian...well, for the both of us to be totally truthful. It's probably better for you too. To be honest, I was thinking about it when we first left the lake house, so it's not a new idea. Tonight made me realize it might be better to let you know now."

"I know honey," she said between tears. "Andrea..." she hesitated before continuing.

"Yes Ma'am," I said quietly, knowing the pain she was feeling.

"I told you once before that you are the only one I trust to take care of my Brian," she said and wiped her eyes, then blew her nose quietly. "I meant it then and I mean it now sweet girl. You are the best thing to ever come into our lives. I want you to know that."

"Thanks Mrs. M. I love you too," I said and kissed her cheek. "Now stop crying and let me go see how our boy is doing. If I wait any longer, I have a feeling I'll be on the receiving end next." I teased and laughed as I left her with a forced smile on her face.

Brian was waiting at the door with his coat on and mine in one hand, the door handle in the other.

"Ready baby?" I asked as he held my coat up for me to put on.

"Way past ready Brat...way past," he said in a disappointed and quiet voice.

He opened the door and we were barely out when he started to inform me of the events and what had happened. Apparently, it was the fourth or fifth time he was told to go relax since I left to go see my parents and he lost it.

"Brian, she means well. And before you start, I know what you're going to say. You know she means well, but it's killing you. I'd say I understand, but that would be condescending and I'd never do that to you. So, tell me marine, what's behind all of this?"

"All of what?" he said as if I didn't know him like the back of my hand.

"Give it up marine. You know sooner or later I'm going to get it out of you, so why make me work for it. Just cough it up and tell me what really has your undies in a knot." He shook his head and gave me a half hearted laugh at my wording. "I know you didn't almost say 'fuck' to your mother because she told you she didn't need help with the dishes."

I looked up at him as we started to walk. It was colder than normal tonight and I was glad. I pulled myself up against my man and snuggled up to him. He let go of my hand, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me under his arm, close to his chest. We walked a minute or so in silence before he got his head around what he wanted to say.

"How well do you think you know me, Brat?" he asked, half serious.

"Baby, I know you all too well. I know you better than anyone and you know that. So stop stalling and tell me what has you wrapped so tight you almost did the unthinkable back in your kitchen," I said as we came to a stop on the corner of our block. My arms encircled his midsection and I squeezed him tight as I waited for his answer.

"You think there's something more than me being pissed off about constantly being treated like an invalid?" His voice was full of disgust at that thought.

"I know there's more Brian. I'm simply waiting for you to put it into words and share them with me," I said and held my body up against the front of him, trying to have as much body contact as we could. I had already decided he was going to tell me what was going on inside that head of his before we left the kitchen. So, I held him tight and didn't give him the chance to pull away. I knew, sooner or later, he would tell me what was on his mind. It was cold and I was hoping for sooner.

The problem was, I was fairly sure I knew what it was already. And it would open a whole new set of worries for him. I wasn't looking forward to the next four weeks, but I waited for him to state the issue his way. Forcing him to say it would make it more real for him and give him a release mechanism to get some of the anger out that he was holding in his gut.

"Are you telling me you don't know what my problem is already, Brat?" It was as if he read my thoughts. He rested his chin on top of my head as he spoke. "Usually you're more in tune with my mood swings. You're not losing your touch now are you?" he teased.

"Try to skirt around the issue at hand all you want to marine," I gave it right back to him. "I have all night to wait until you drum up the courage to open up and tell me what's pulling on your balls and turning your guts inside out."

He laughed, "Jesus, where do you pick up these sayings? I think you're hanging out with the wrong crowd at the clinic. If those guys are talking to you like that, maybe I'd better make my presence known down there," he said.

Silly boy had no idea what a hole he had placed himself in, but it only took as long as his last word before he realized it.

"Well marine, now that you bring it up..." I said before he cut me off.

"No!" He said, "No fucking way and don't even start with me about it. I have enough shit to deal with Andrea. I'm not going to one of your fucking group meetings and spill my guts to a bunch of strangers." He huffed his breath and I felt his grip tighten around me even as he tried to push me away with his words.

"Yeah marine, they're a bunch of strangers. The same strangers that lived with you, ate with you, fought with you, and were injured next to you when you were in that hell hole over there. They have no idea what you've been through because they have it so much better and easier than you do."

I took a deep breath and blew it out, but I never let go of my arm hold around him as I continued to beat him up with my words.

"They're just a few men and women who were burned, lost limbs, have head injuries, or PTSD that has completely fucked up their lives, separated them from the ones they love, and basically put the skids to any plans they had before they went over there." I took a deep breath and continued, "But they would have no clue how bad it is for you or what you're going through, because most of them can see and you can't. Because most of them get to see the faces of the people who look at them a little differently than they used to. And because they are so different from you."

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it," he said quietly as his hands rubbed up and down my back. The shame and disappointment he had in himself for saying those things, could be heard in his voice.

"Really?" I asked. "Because if I didn't know you better, I'd say you thought you were better than the men and women who come to my groups. I'd even go as far as to say, you think you have it worse than most of them." I looked up and saw a tear starting to stream down his cheek. I knew he'd hated himself for having one second of self pitting thoughts. I was also aware that he would never belittle someone else's experience or pain, but I didn't stop there. I didn't leave him off the hook at all.

"I'm almost sure I heard a bit of a poor me in your voice earlier and a fuck them when you were talking about the groups I work with marine. I could be wrong, but if I am, you'll have to explain to me how that is, because right now, that's what I'm thinking."

I knew my words were a bit cold and cutting, but I also knew my marine wouldn't expect me to take it too easy on him or let him off too easy for looking down his nose at someone else's troubles. I knew that wasn't what he was doing or, at least not, what he meant to do, but it came too close for my liking and he knew it.

We stood holding each other in silence for a while before he looked down and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Brat," he said. "Even when you are the biggest pain in my ass, I love you."

"Well baby, right back at you," I said and slapped his butt. "Now, don't think you've diverted my attention from the original issue. What's the real cause of your stress and anger?"

"Are we going for a walk or can we go back and talk about all of this in the comfort of our bed?" he asked and leaned down to give me a kiss that said, I'm sorry and I fucked up all in one.

"Let's go back home. I have some things I want to talk to you about too," I informed him.

"Like what?" he asked.

Laughing, I hit him again. "Really Brian. You don't think you can detour me that easily do you?"

"I had to give it a try. Didn't I?" he said and took my hand.

We walked the length of our street and then turned around and went back to the house. It was early, but we said our goodnights and went up to our room. I decided to give my man a little break before we got into our major discussion. He'd had enough stress earlier and I wanted him to be relaxed and more willing to open up. I thought I had the perfect fix to make both happen.

"Hey, marine," I said after he sat down and pulled off his boots. "Feel like taking a nice hot shower with me and wash my back?"

Walking over to where he sat on the side of the bed, I leaned down and kissed his head. Thick, soft curly locks ran between my fingers as I stroked them through his hair. Scratching over his scalp, I gently pulled his head to me and he rested his forehead on my breasts. In seconds, his hands were massaging along my lower back and over my ass. I could feel him squeeze the muscle and soft tissue between his fingers and palms as he moved up and down my body.

"I'd love to take a shower with you baby. I'd very much love to wash...not only your back, but your front and sides too," he said as he pulled my shirt up and bared my tummy to his kiss.

"Well then my love, it sounds like we have a plan of action. Let's take this into the bathroom." I took his hands and we walked to his bathroom. I could hear the stress leave him with every deep breath he took, and sigh he made.

I didn't turn the lights on when we entered the room, but I did light the scented candle that I had on the sink counter. A soft fresh linen scent quickly filled the room. I watched as the shadowed light played over us and cast our forms onto the walls.