My New Girlfriend Pt. 04


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"Quiet, I don't have time right now to babysit...actually go downstairs, across the street is a coffee shop, get me a large black coffee and a bacon sandwich," he says aggressively.

I waste no time in following the instruction, I don't even ask him for the money up front. I stand up, walk towards the door quietly, while facing a barrage of stares as I do. I exit the floor and quickly head to the elevator. I repeatedly press the call button as I just want to get out of there so I can regroup and compose myself.

I know it's a test, so I quickly order the coffee and sandwich before heading back.

"What the fucks this?" He says angrily. "I asked for milk no sugar."

"No, you asked for it black," I reply assuredly.

"I know what I fucking asked for," he snaps.

"I'm sorry, I really thought you asked for it black," I reply.

"Go find some fucking milk!" He shouts.

I feel humiliated as I can see people staring at me as tears me a new one. I walk off in search of some milk. I quickly realise that I've no idea where to go and I wonder aimlessly around the floor.

"Simon," I look up and see a man beckoning me to him.

"Michael," he says offering me his hand. I shake it but say nothing. "There's milk in the breakroom, anyone can take some so don't worry."

"Thanks," I reply. "Where's the breakroom?"

"Over there on the right," he replies. "Look, I'm not going to lie, it's probably going to be a rough first few weeks for you, but I promise you it's for your own good. Although they're probably going to come down harder on you since you're a mommy and daddy's boy and they're paying for you to be here."

"Great," I reply sarcastically. "Anyway, I'd best hurry. Thanks for your help, Michael."

"No problem...I did my university placement here last year, it was tough," he replies.

I nod in acknowledgement and walk to the breakroom to retrieve the milk.

Michael's not wrong, the rest of the day continues in much the same way. I'm told to be quiet and watch. From time to time, I'm sent on errands and I'm routinely shouted at for getting them wrong. I start writing the instructions down on a notepad, reading them back to John and he still tears me a new one when I return. I show him my notepad to prove I did everything that'd been asked of me and he takes it off me and throw it away.

The next day I have to dig deep just to get out of bed, Peter left for Singapore in the early hours and I have to make my own way into the office. My second day is just as bad if not worse and the third day worse still. I do my best keep all this from Hallie, I don't want her to worry and I don't want Peter involved either.

Day after day I take the abuse, remain calm, do every asked of me to the letter and try to survive the day as best I can. Michael's a great help at picking me up whenever I run into him. Every night when I get back to the apartment Hallie greets me with a smile, sends me to shower and by the time I get out there's food on the table.

It's almost three full weeks before John to gives me an actual job to do, nothing too difficult just transferring his notes into a spreadsheet. Once again, he tears into me because I mistake a decimal point for a comma. Even though the rest of the spreadsheet is correct he deletes the file and makes me start again. Luckily for me I save a copy of everything I do in my own folder. I restore it from there, correct my error and take some time for myself to browse the web to relax and drag the work out longer before submitting it to him.

The next day he gives me more work to do, still basic data entry but at least it's something. Again, he finds a way to pick fault with my work. This time he doesn't like the font size or the size of the boxes. He deletes the file, tells me to start again and that I can only go home when it's done.

Luckily being a Friday and John leaves early. I correct the font and the box sizes then wait until the office is almost empty. I email him my file and head off for the weekend slightly early.

"What's wrong?" Hallie asks that night as we sit down to eat.

"Nothing why?" I ask while doing my best to sound upbeat.

"Well for one, you haven't touched me in just over two weeks," she replies. "Sixteen days in fact, my balls are going blue."

"Sorry, I'm just having a hard time at the office," I reply.

Just by admitting this to Hallie causes my eyes to fill up with tears. Hallie quickly notices and rushes to my side, placing her arms around me. I'm exhausted and I just can't hold it in any longer. I breakdown crying as my emotions spill out.

"Hey, come on. Talk to me," she says.

"They're pricks!" I shout. "They're treating me like shit."

"Oh, come on I'm sure they're just breaking your balls cause you're the work experience kid," Hallie says.

"No Hallie, they've broke my balls off and now everyday they stamp on what fleshy patch is left," I reply. "I hate John, I want to beat him to death with the fire extinguisher near my desk."

"I can talk to my dad if you want," she replies.

"He caused it!" I yell. "Day one, minute one he tells everyone I'm some spoilt rich kid whose mommy and daddy paid for me to come do work experience and practically ordered them to give me a hard time!"

"I'll talk to him," she says.

"Don't bother, I need to fight my own battles. I'm sure that's what he wants me to do anyway," I reply.

"Well, if it's effecting my Simon and the lovin' he gives me, if things don't get better soon, I'll be having words," she replies.

"It'll be fine, I'm sorry...I just let things get on top of me," I say.

"Well, I wish you'd get on top of me," she replies.

"That can be arranged," I reply as I grab hold of her and kiss her.

Hallie does her best to give me a great weekend and I do manage to enjoy it in parts, but the thought of Monday fills me with dread. Sunday night I fail to get any sleep once again, I spend the night thinking about calling in sick but in the end, I force myself to head in.

John ignores me for the whole morning. He sits me at a computer in the corner out of the way with nothing to do. I kick my heel and browse the web until lunch.

After lunch I return to my desk.

Simon, here," John says.

I stand up and slowly walk over to his desk.

"The file you sent me on Friday. It's all wrong," he says.

"What is?" I say in a disinterested tone.

"All of it!" He replies.

I can tell he's building up to shout at me. I brace myself for the incoming onslaught. I take a breath and hold it. Something clicks in my head and I realise I don't care anymore.

"Nothing's wrong, its perfect," I reply bluntly.

"Listen up you little shit, it's wrong, I'm telling you it's wrong," he says.

"Really because on Friday your only critic was the font and the size of the boxes and I know the numbers are right because here are your fucking notes!" I say assertively as I throw the notepad at him. "Care to check them and tell me what's wrong?"

Everyone in the immediate area stops what they're doing and stare at us. John looks at me in shock at first and then his demeanour begins to crack and a smile begins to form. He then begins to laugh.

"He's found his balls folks," he shouts.

I look around and see people laughing, clapping and cheering all around me. Some even come over to pat me on the back and shake my hand.

"What the fuck?" I reply angrily.

After a few minutes things settle down John sits down next to me.

"Sit down," he says offering me a chair next to him.

I take the seat and face him.

"Look, ninety nine percent of the time this job can be quite dull. You sit here looking at numbers all day and speak with investors. But there'll be times when things go to shit and someone will come down on you like a fucking meteor. Whether it be me, Peter, an investor, one of the partners, or even yourself. At the end of the day, you're dealing with people's money and they will not fuck about, or pull any punches," he says. "You're a tough little bastard, I'll give you that. Peter told me to come down extra hard on you, he said he wanted to know if you could take it."

"I fucking knew it," I reply.

John laughs.

"Come on I'll show you some stuff," he says.

I'm shaking from all the adrenaline and I can't stop thinking about all the ways I want to hurt Peter for all the shit he put me through. I try my best to put it to the side and for the rest of the day John shows me a very basic overview the day-to-day life of a broker.

That night I head home feeling much better about things. On my way back to the apartment, I buy a bottle of wine, pick up a takeaway and I arrive home a little after six. I use my key to unlock the door and let myself in.

I walk in looking towards the ground, closing the door behind me. As I turn back towards the living space, I lift my head to look for the side table, to throw my keys onto. As I lift my head, I catch a glimpse of a figure in the corner of my eye. Startled I immediately stop in my tracks and look up at the figure.

My jaw hits the floor. I see Hallie standing around eight feet from me in a very commanding pose, legs shoulder width apart, arms folded. Her long blonde hairs perfectly styled in a high ponytail, makeup immaculately presented, finished off with bright red lipstick. She's wearing a Cupless latex, high legged body suite, with red trim around the breast's holes, arm and leg openings. Adorned with three buckles over the abdomen area. She looks incredible I can't stop staring at her bare breasts with erect nipples I'm completely stunned.

"Get down on your knees," she orders.

I place down the wine and food onto the side table and do as she commands slowly dropping down to the ground onto my knees.

"What's this?" I reply.

"Well since you've not being showing me enough attention lately, I've decided that I'm going to come and take it from you," she says in an assertive manner.

"Well today's been much better," I reply.

"No more talking!" She snaps. "Get over here!"

She points to the ground in front of her. I crawl over to her and stop inches from her. I lift my head up and look up towards the latex clad goddess before me.

"Kiss my feet," she orders.

"I'm not really into feet," I protest.

"I don't care," she replies. "Tonight, you're just going to do as you're told."

"Ok," I reply.

I lean down and kiss the top of her right foot starting at her toes and make I slowly kiss my way towards her ankle.

"Now my leg," she orders.

I move up and slowly kiss my way up her smooth leg. Before I know it, I'm past her knee and working my way up the outside of her thigh.

"I didn't say you could kiss my thigh yet," she scolds. "Now start again!"

I drop back down and begin kissing my way up from her ankle.

"Ah, ah!" She exclaims, "I said start again...from my feet."

The way she says feet gets me going, the slight bite of her lip on the letter f is almost enough for me to blow my load there and then. I drop down and start again. Slowly working my way back towards her knee.

"Ok, now you can move up," she says.

This time I work my way up her inner thigh, I can't help but run my hands over her smooth leg as I do.

"I didn't give you permission to use your hands now, did I?" She asks.

"No," I reply, removing my hands from her.

As I approach the top of her thigh, I slowly kiss around the leg rather than move up.

"Ok, good boy," she says. "Now lick the crotch."

I do as I'm told and begin to take long, slow licks over the latex. I can feel her cock bulging against the tight material. The latex doesn't taste great but I don't care. I hear her take a shallow breath followed by a long blow. Her demeanour changes as she struggles to maintain focus as I continue to run my tongue over her crotch

She coughs to clear her throat.

"O...Ok go behind me," she stammers.

I stop what I'm doing and crawl around behind her.

"Unzip me half way," she orders.

I reach up and take hold of the zip at the base of her neck.

"Wrong zip," she says.

Confused I look around for another one. Impatient, Hallie points to a spot at the base of her spine just above her arse. I see a little black zipper sicking out from the seam. I reach up, pull it downwards, over her arse and down between her legs.

"Stop," she orders just before I reach her balls.

She spreads her legs wider and bends over.

"Lick it."

I shoot forward like a sprinter as the starting pistol goes off. I grab her arse cheeks, spread them apart exposing her tight hole, lean in, stick my tongue out and lick it enthusiastically.

Hallie pushes back onto my face as I lean forward, burying it in her crack as my tongue probes her hole. Hallie grabs the back of my head and pulls it towards her. I start to feel lightheaded having not come up for breath in a while. The urge to breath quickly becomes overwhelming so I push away and come up for the quickest breath possible before diving straight back in.

"Oh fuck!" Hallie shouts. "That feels so good!"

This spurns me on even more. I eat her arse like a fanatic, lick after lick I just can't get enough. I move my hands from her arse, around to her front, placing them on her abdomen and I pull her body towards me leveraging yet more pressure on my face.

Hallie pushes my hands down away from her body and steps forward causing me to fall forward onto my hands. She blows out hard, shaking her hands as she does.

"Jesus!" She shouts. "I need to calm down."

"I fucking love eating your arse," I reply.

"I've noticed," she says.

I notice that she's completely broken her confident, assertive character and has reverted back to the Hallie I know. I watch as she paces the floor, her breasts jiggling as she does.

"Come here," I say.

Hallie stops and looks at me disapprovingly.

"Erm...I'm the one giving orders here," she says sternly.

"Sorry," I reply adopting a more submissive tone.

"You eat arse well, now let's see how well you suck dick," she says slipping back into character.

She steps towards me. I sit up onto my knees, before sitting back onto my heels ready to receive her cock.

"Unzip me," she orders.

I reach up between her legs and search for the zipper. It's so small it takes me a little while to find it. I take a hold of the zipper and slowly unzip it the rest of the way.

I peel back the latex to expose her balls, her hard cock is tucked up under the latex. Instead of rushing things, I lean forward and take her balls into my mouth. I lick and suck her balls. Hallie begins to breathe heavily as I do. I reach up and pull the latex away from her body with my left hand before helping free her hard cock with my right.

I look at her cock which is smeared and dripping with precum. I stoke it as I suck on her ball.

"No hands," she orders.

I drop my hands to my knees as I lick her balls again briefly before, her cock resting against my cheek. I'm enjoying what I'm doing immensely but what I really want her cock in my mouth.

I sit back briefly to catch my breath before starting. I look at Hallie's cock, somehow it looks even longer and thicker. The tip looks an even darker red than usual almost bordering on purple and its oozing precum.

I open my mouth, lean forward and take her cock into my mouth. The taste of her precum immediately excites my tastebuds. I lick as much of it off her cock as I can but Hallie's impatient. She places her hands on the back of my head, pushing it down as she thrusts her cock forward. Her cock hits the back of my mouth, with some force causing me to choke. Saliva bursts from my mouth, over her cock and balls.

I force my way up for air briefly and Hallie forces my head straight back down. Her cock hits the back of my mouth again and this time she keeps the pressure on. I feel the familiar pop in my throat as her cock forces its way down into my throat as my nose presses up against her pubic region.

"Oh fuck!" She exclaims.

I do my best not to convulse as her cock fills my throat. My chest aches as I desperately try to concentrate on remaining calm and breathing.

"Deepthroat me as you lick my balls," she demands.

I can feel the pressure building behind my eyes as I open my mouth as wide as I can and attempt to stick my tongue out. I find it very difficult, as I try and it takes my mind away from my breathing causing me to convulse as my tongue makes contact with her wet scrotum.

"Good boy," she says as she releases my head from her grip.

I raise my head up slowly and her cock slides out of my throat. I take some much-needed breaths filling my lungs with oxygen. A thick string of saliva bridges the gap between my mouth and her cock. The head of her cock is a rich dark red and the veins bulge on the shaft in a way I've never seen before.

"Turn around," she says.

I wipe my face and do as I'm told. Hallie leans down behind me, she starts tugging on my trousers, trying to pull them down, but my belt is on too tight. This doesn't slow her down for long, within seconds the belt is undone along with the button and zipper. She tugs on the trousers again and this time they drop to my knees.

She pushes me down onto all fours, immediately placing her hands on my arse and her fingers rub my hole.

"I love this tight arse," she says.

"Oh, are you fucking me tonight?" I ask.

"I'm not dressed as a Dom for nothing Simon," she replies.

She moves her hands down between my legs, takes hold of my rock-hard cock in one hand. Then with her other hand she wraps her fingers around the top of my scrotum before giving my balls a firm squeeze as strokes my cock.

"Fuck me!" I exclaim, while feeling an intense pressure pulsate through my body as a complex dance between pleasure and pain take place between my legs.

"You like that?" She asks.

"I...I'm not sure," I reply.

"Want me to stop?" She asks.

"I...don't know," I reply.

"Then you must like it," she replies as she squeezes my scrotum harder.

I look down between my legs and see precum pouring out of my cock and onto the hardwood floor.

"Fuck I want that hole so bad!" she shouts while releasing my cock and balls.

She smacks my arse hard. I feel her place both hands on my arse and spreads my cheeks apart. I feel a little weight being applied to me as she adjusts her position. I can't help but think at this point that I've been in my clothes for around eleven hours, but Hallie dives right in, her tongue finding my hole immediately.

I love the feeling of being rimmed and Hallie applies just as much enthusiasm to it as I did to her. It feels so good I'm desperate to grab something but with nothing to grab hold of, I squeeze my hand into a tight fist instead. Hallie slips a finger into me without warning, which is followed seconds later by a second.

With two fingers inside me, Hallie twists her hand and the palm comes to rest on my arse cheek. I feel her other hand on the other cheek, she pulls on it a little, spreading my cheeks further and I feel more fingers probing at my hole. While gently pulling outwards Hallie pushes two more fingers into my hole. With both sets of index and middle fingers in my hole I'm feeling pretty stretched.

Hallie doesn't stop there as she gently pulls outwards on my hole, stretching me to my absolute limit. I feel her breath on my arse as she leans in and licks around the top of the rim as it stretches. I feel a lot of pleasure but also a lot of pain and for my still reasonably inexperienced hole it's too much. I hold on as long as I can before tapping out on the ground.

"Stop," I plead.

Hallie quickly relaxes and withdraws her fingers. I look back at her as she spits into her fingers and rubs some saliva into my hole.

"Do you have lube?" I ask.

"Yeah, two seconds I just want to lick you one last time," she replies. "You're so stretched out right now. It's so sexy."
