My Niece's Milk Pt. 02 - Alone Together


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"But after that's the easy part, downhill the whole way!"

"I'll go... but we're stopping when I say we're stopping," I put my foot down.

"Alright, fine. I'll go ahead of you if that sweetens the deal," she said with a wink as she tied her hair up into a ponytail.

It definitely did.


I had to say, the view was great. Not just of my niece and her bouncing pony tail, bouncing butt, well, bouncing everything. The trees were beginning to thin out and I could see for miles this morning. It was a clear day and beautiful enough to distract me even from my niece's powerful legs at work in front of me.

I had not just attraction toward her legs, I'd also developed respect for them this weekend. My own were aching. Maybe I did need to start going back to the gym...

There was the occasional hiker or two that we encountered. Other than the usual brief stare that my niece's titanic bust got, nobody paid us any mind as we held hands from time to time. We climbed into the heavens together. Just another couple, like the half dozen we'd already run into today.


Naomi insisted on a mountaintop picnic. We brought all the sandwich supplies we needed in a small handheld cooler. Naturally, I had to lug it all the way up. I could have made her take it, but I knew she wanted me to get my workout.

We'd finally reached the summit and honestly it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. From up here, I could see an entire range of (much larger) mountains stretching for a hundred miles. Dark green forest covered the land like a sea below us. There was the lake over there! It looked kind of small from here.

"Thanks for dragging me up here," I admitted.

"I told you it would be fun," she reminded me.

"At least I can say I've climbed a mountain now."

"A small mountain."

"Whatever. Nobody has to know that."

"I'll tell them."

"I thought you were keeping two big secrets for me," I frowned.

"Just messing with you. Now come on, there's a good spot over here. Let's eat," she waved me over.

We settled down on a flat sort of ledge (I don't know any mountain climbing terms) and sat cross-legged across from each other. I set the cooler in front of us and took off the small backpack she'd carried. She pulled out several bottles of water as well as two beers with an ice pack wrapped around them.

"You really couldn't help yourself," I chuckled.

"Well, it seems like a good way to celebrate," she said defensively. She tossed one over to me.

"Cheers," we both said in unison, clinking our bottles together. I opened mine then tossed the opener attached to my keys to Naomi. We both sipped as we silently admired the view below. Occasionally one of us pointed out a bird of prey to the other or some small rodent scurrying across the rocks.

Needing more immediate hydration, the blonde put the bottle aside to guzzle down most of a water bottle with just a few gulps. Then back to the beer as she started making her first sandwich. Naomi was characteristically starving, so I let her treat the cooler like a buffet. We both made turkey and cheese sandwiches. I munched on mine and before long, my niece was putting slices of ham on another slice of bread.

"Also, we didn't climb, we hiked up," she added in between bites of sandwich. I just ignored her casual snarkiness while I gazed into the distance.

I finished my beer and sandwich and was still quite hungry. My climbing partner picked up on that and began pulling up her pink shirt to reveal the mother of all sports bras.

"They really make them that big?" I asked.

"They can make anything that big, for a lot of money," the blonde sighed.

I was about to lie down next to her but hesitated.

"Out in public?" I asked.

"There's nobody else up here and it's not like we're right next to the trail," she insisted.

"It just..."

"The morning crowd is all gone. It's mid-day now and heating up. There's not gonna be many people hiking up. If it makes you feel better, I can scoot my back up to the wall. That way we're not visible from the path," she suggested.

I nodded. She rolled her eyes and backed up to the rock wall behind her. I crawled over next to her and laid my head in her lap. Most of my anxieties were now eased.

Naomi finished tearing her pink shirt off and set it down next to her, then removed her pink-and-black sports bra. Her breasts bulged outward after being freed and settled next to my head. My niece examined the inside of her bra and turned it so that I could see it. Two big wet spots.

That too, she cast aside. All she was wearing now was her white shorts. I turned into her and lifted up her left breast and aimed the dribbling nipple toward my mouth. A few droplets landed on my face before I could wrap my lips around the nub.

Naomi ran her fingers through my hair and breathed deeply as I began to suckle. My erection was back at full-strength but I was too immersed in the feeding to do anything about it. Apparently she was too.

Here we were, on top of a mountain. A beautiful young woman with breasts the size of watermelons breastfeeding her uncle. It was absurd, but just like the view around us, it was magical.

The whole world began to melt away until it was just Naomi and I up on this cliff. The bond that we shared now was special... and it was growing. I almost felt as though we were physically connected, with her breasts acting as the link.

My eyes were closed. I was at peace. I nearly drifted off to sleep, but a tightening of my niece's breast and a sudden torrent of milk snapped me out of it. I swallowed as quickly as I could but my eyes widened when I felt a wet spot growing.

Her other breast was spraying milk all over me. Milk gushed out of the nozzle, soaking my clothes before she could react. The poor girl was distracted from her blissful letdown by me shoving her left tit up in the air to keep myself dry.

"Oh shit!" Naomi aimed her left breast out of the way in realization. Milk arced over my body and landed a couple feet away. I glanced over briefly to admire the flow. Very quickly a small puddle of milk was beginning to form beside me, draining down the rock in thin streams.

A moment later, the flow diminished to its typical fast-but-not-too-fast flow. Her left breast stopped leaking (or at least stopped leaking as much) and she was content to let it hover over me once more. Her right breast was nearly empty.

Naomi leaned over me briefly as she reached for her beer. I was temporarily smothered by breasts but couldn't complain. She tipped her head back and drank what was left while her right hand scritched and scratched at the back of my head.

The right breast was empty, but I was pretty full by this point. I sat up and looked down at my clothes. Of course. Stained nowhere except my crotch. The guilty party giggled while I slid the shorts off and tossed them into a patch of sun to dry.

"I'm always in your lap," I started, "how about you sit in mine for a change?"

The woman raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Come on, just sit down here," I instructed.

Naomi stood up and lowered her firm buttocks into my lap. Her cushy rear filled the space between my legs and slid over my firm cock, crushing it slightly against her crack. My cock stiffened and pressed into her.

I put my head against her shoulder and kissed it, all the way up to her neck as she craned her head back. With my free hands, I groped her breasts around the nipples. The empty right one I focused on massaging and tickling, while the left I squeezed. Milk arced out in a geyser, with most of it shooting down the cliff edge.

"It's raining," Naomi laughed between pants.

"You're raining," I said as I gave her left nipple an extra mighty tug.

"Wasn't... wasn't in the forecast," she trailed off.

"Still the best damn weather I've ever seen," I whispered.

I buried my face in her blonde ponytail, which smelled of strawberry and Naomi. Two of my favorite smells. She straightened her neck and looked out at the vista. With her hands, she began to knead and massage her left tit to assist in my efforts to drain it.

Eventually, the flow began to dissipate. The drops landed closer and closer until they were running down our legs. Her right hand left her breast and dove into her crotch. I could hear wet sounds as she began to masturbate furiously.

"You're a horny little girl," I teased.

"I can't help it when you milk me like that," she breathed.

As she masturbated, Naomi began to press her butt into me and raise it up and down ever so slightly. Jerking my cock with her ass. She was such a fucking tease.

I continued to molest her empty tits while she finished, throwing her head back with a gasp. Her grinding ceased and I was actually thankful for that. I didn't want to blow a load in my underwear. It was too late for Naomi, I realized, as she stood up and turned around.

Her crotch was stained through, absolutely soaked. Wetness dripped and ran down her leg. I shook my head and she just stood there. Same predicament I was in, her doing both times.

"Oh, hey, look, they're dry!" I pointed to my shorts. I put them back on, gathered up our supplies, and started back down the mountain.

"Wait! I can't go yet, I need to dry," she protested.

"Doesn't feel so good now, does it?" I smirked.

The busty teen bent down to grab her sports bra and t-shirt and chased after me while her mammaries bounced. She dressed herself as we walked. Naomi made sure to carry her backpack in front of her crotch in case we encountered anyone.

Near the base of the mountain, we did. A young woman walked by us and paused just after passing us. We both reeked of sex. Salty precum, Naomi's milk and the juices from her cunt. All over us.


"Another excellent dinner," Naomi praised, as she toasted her bottle against mine. I was pretty proud of my cooking skills on this trip.

We sat in the twin recliners facing the fireplace. The breeze had picked up outside and unfortunately it was too windy out for the firepit. No matter, as we had a crackling fire right in front of us. In between sips, my niece gave her manual pumps a squeeze to keep up with their copious output.

We'd just wrapped up dinner and another exciting day of uncle-niece bonding. I didn't plan on getting drunk, but, well, Naomi didn't stop. Or I guess I didn't stop her. We shared stories and joked through the night as we downed bottle after bottle and can after can.

It probably wasn't wise for us to have a fire being as drunk as we were but I wasn't concerned about it at the time. Fortunately nothing bad happened as a result, so you can calm down. Don't try this at home, yadda-yadda.

At this point, Naomi was ready to try her hand at some interpretive dancing. Or at least that's what she called it. She leapt from her chair, naked from the waist down, and did a number of twirls. She made goofy poses and danced around the living room as her breasts swayed and dribbled.

She wore only her panties and gave me her drunken idea of a lap dance before dangling her tits in my face.

I was really tired for some reason, so I nodded off when she started singing. I woke up what must have only been a short time later. It was the same room and the fire was still roaring. The only difference was that a bed had now materialized in front of me in the coffee table's place.

The couch-bed was unfolded and someone had put sheets on it - or at least tried to. Sitting in the middle of the bed, staring at me as she probably had for some time, was Naomi. She'd apparently made some effort to get ready for bed, for she was wearing her bra and a pair of plaid pajama pants.

"Come to bed," she smiled groggily, patting the bed next to her. She was mouthing on strands of her golden hair she'd raised to her lips.

"Why... the other bed is nicer," I slurred.

"Cuz it's dark as fuck and we both forgot flashlights for our fucking camping trip," she laughed. I realized the fire was really the only source of light we'd have since even the moon was hidden and we had no candles.

"What you see is all that I'm wearing," she stated plainly.

Looking at me dead in the eyes, with the most serious expression I've ever seen on her face, she put her fingers around her pajama waist. Then she began to pull them down. Her toned thighs were revealed once more. The wet fabric over her crotch was withdrawn to reveal her glistening womanhood.

I tugged on the legs of her pants and pulled them off her bare feet. Naomi spread her legs wide apart to reveal her fat, swollen pussy. She was dripping onto the bed sheets. Her breathing was slow and deep, causing her clothed chest to heave as her eyes failed to break contact with mine.

We were drunk. Fuck it.

I leapt from my seat with sudden vigor as my niece's eyes widened in joy. This was it. We were ready. We had to do this. It had to happen.

I grabbed Naomi and dragged her ass to the edge of the mattress as she giggled and shrieked in excitement. Her arms reached around behind me and her fingers dug in as I leaned over her. I warned her that the first time might hurt, but she clearly didn't give a fuck.

I guided my cock in as well as my drunken self could and then eased my way forward. She went rigid and gasped before wincing and letting out a cry. Apparently it had hurt her quite a bit. I soon experienced my own share of pain. I cried out as her nails raked against my back.

The young woman panted for a second as she regained her drunken composure.

"Fuck me," she begged.

I began to thrust in and out of her. Soon my balls were slapping against her ass and my thighs rocked her own. When I was drunk I could go for quite a while. I got turned on more by the thought of making her cum again and again, and like an animal I tore her bra right off and tossed the ruined garment aside.

Her breasts exploded out, leaking milk profusely as I ran my hands over them. God, they were fucking watermelons. How could tits even get that big? These things were fucking inhuman.

Naomi's eyes were closed in bliss, but soon shot wide open as I grabbed a fistful of tit in each hand. I'd grabbed around each nipple and covered them in my palms. She moaned as the dribbling spigots rubbed up against my rough hands. I gave them a tight squeeze which caused milk to explode out, flowing in sheets down every side of her breasts.

The blonde yelped and groaned in pain and pleasure as I mauled her tits. Eventually, I decided I wanted to see some fireworks. I released each slippery nipple before adjusting my grip on them. They were quite long and substantial which made it easy to milk her like a cow.

I tugged and pinched and twisted and squeezed. Milk erupted out of her twin volcanoes, splashing me in the face. The bed frame squeaked and buckled beneath us. I gave another mighty squeeze and this time I felt milk land on the fucking back of my head as it rained down.

Pointing a nipple up at Naomi's face, I began to crush it. Her chin and neck were coated by a thin layer of cream. She craned her neck and opened her mouth wide, eyes closed once more. I gave another squeeze and milk blasted onto her face. Three or four streams landed in her mouth, a direct hit.

Repeatedly I squeezed, keeping up a constant flow to feed her. She gulped as her mouth filled, while I made my own attempts to catch milk flying out the other breast. She ran her fingers over my shoulders, down my arms. Then she reached down to aid me in my assault on her tits.

"You fucking love your milk, you little slut," I grunted as she massaged her teats.

"Yes..." she whimpered faintly in between gulps.

A lake of milk covered her abs and filled her belly button. My balls ached for relief as Naomi came. Then she came again. Then a fucking third time. Each time she cried out.

Soon I couldn't even see anymore, there was so much spraying into my face. I was fucking done. I ached all over. There was no telling how long I'd been fucking her. My only clue was that her streams were starting to diminish from mere hand expression which took some time.

I yanked my dick out in the nick of time and splattered her stomach and tits with globs of sperm that mixed with her milk. As much as I had wanted to cum in her, it would have been a bad idea. Of course we were hardly careful in the sex we had but I made a note during my recovery to carry condoms on me from now on.

Naomi massaged the cum and milk into her stomach and tits. She was fucking soaked and so was the bed. After blood flow returned to my brain, I guided her to the shower after wiping her off a bit with the towel.

"What a fucking mess..." she glanced back at the disheveled bed. I was sure we'd have a good bit of cleaning to do tomorrow. Luckily that was a problem for future us.

We crammed into the shower together. Naomi and I both winced when the cold water hit us. We soaped each other down and I helped her milk her breasts onto the floor for a bit. Once we were cleaned to satisfaction, we stepped out and dried off.

I tossed a towel down on the bed and we both collapsed onto the sheets naked (but clean). We landed facing each other as Naomi's udders bounced painfully. I shoved the towel up underneath her breast to catch any leakage and latched on.

She still had quite a bit of milk to give.

It was almost pitch black, with just the faintest light filtering in through the small window. We chatted for hours as I nursed off and on. We laughed, embraced, caressed and were generally just there for each other.

"I've never... I've never met a woman like you," I remarked, grazing my knuckles against her belly.

"With tits like me?" she asked.

"With everything like you."

I could not see her face, but I knew from her silence that somehow that had touched her.

"You know, last week... I put on a show for you," she started.

"A show?" I inquired.

"I skipped my milking before dinner. My pump wasn't broken. The pain was real... but it was all in the hopes that my dream would come true. And it did."

We wrapped our arms and legs tightly around each other as we drifted off to sleep naked. Every now and then there the occasional groping between the two of us but we kept silent. I fell asleep with her fat nipple in my mouth.

I fucking loved this woman.

I was like a drug to her, and she was mine as well.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

time for uncle and niece to make babies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Any of you ladies who want to have your breast sucked an expressed ill do it ill pay attention where your husband's, boyfriends, an daddys do not. Text my sc Amachusdaddy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

My breast are dripping just like my swollen kitty!! Wishing I had someone to express my milk.. my husband doesn’t pay attention so I have to read these amazing stories just to pleasure myself and my 46DDD’s...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Keep it realistic please

I disagree with smokalotopotamus. I don't want to see her breasts get freakishly huge, it takes away from the fantasy of this being real. There are already alot of stories on Lit about enormously huge udders.

greatpersonhooraygreatpersonhoorayalmost 4 years agoAuthor
Part 3 coming very soon

Glad to see the warm reception this one got as well! Don't worry, there's plenty more descriptions of milk incoming - and some breast growth, as well.

smokalotopotamussmokalotopotamusabout 4 years ago

F*cking awesome. Keep it going! Consider implementing some breast expansion/unexplained growth element. I mean there's little sense in Naomi's lactation or in the fact her boobs are already way bigger than her head. Might as well add on to that. Within reason, of course. I'm not suggesting you go crazy and make her tits blow out the walls of the cabin or anything. But a girl like that can definitely reasonably accommodate breasts that in size begin rival that of her skinny torso, as her daily production grows. But you know, stay sensible.

Also you might start measuring her total daily output. In this story, Naomi put out 21 ounces of milk in a single afternoon milking. If I'm not mistaken you've implied she's producing at least that much every few waking hours. Sounds like at least a gallon a day. That's completely reasonable -- for a natural-born diary queen like her. And it's also confoundingly sexy. Let's not lose count of those liters of luxury milk, even as we count the thousands of calories of food she consumes daily. And finally, please don't forget how a milk-font like Naomi must surely lust for the taste of her own sweet product at least as much as her loving uncle. It may be calorically inefficient for a woman to consume her own milk for the purpose of producing more, but when she's got so much to spare, what choice does she have?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

More please

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