My Sister Made Me Ch. 12


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Toni grinned, watching from the floor as Alex slowly came back to reality. Groaning, she pulled Toni and Wade both up, kissing them each and pulling them into bed with her.

"So, what the hell was that?" Toni asked, sliding down to apparently finish off Wade and Alex both.

Alex groaned, feeling her sister start licking her pussy. "You shouldn't..." she whimpered. "Bryce... was... God..."

"The dude ain't that good," Wade joked.

Fighting to focus, she shook her head. "We were teasing each other and we took it a little too far," she said. "He was jerking off, trying to get me to jump him, and then moved right up next to me and pulled my panties down and shot his load in them."

Toni grinned, looking up at Wade from Alex's pussy and ran a tongue up her slit. "Mmm," she said, turning and giggling at Wade.

He smirked, shaking his head.

Lowering her face, Toni licked Alex's pussy, not caring that her boyfriend was watching her eat pussy that had been covered with some other guy's cum. Alex wasn't going to cum anytime soon though, so Toni turned her attention to her boyfriend, laying on his side and caressing Alex as she recovered.

He grunted in pleasure as Toni's lips found his cock-head.

"You let my little slut lick your pussy after it was covered with that dude's cum," he said, his hand on her neck and pulling her up to kiss him.

"Mmm," she said, turning to face him a bit more. "You seem okay with it."

He shrugged, groaning in pleasure as Toni went to town on his cock. "She's told me about doing it with you before," he said, smiling. "Shit's hot," he said with a shrug.

Alex had recovered enough to move by then, and slid down the bed with her twin, moving down to join her at his cock. Soon, the sisters were alternating sucking the head and sucking the shaft, passing it back and forth as Wade watched with a grin.

"It's mine," Alex said. "You always hog it."

"Slut," Toni accused.

Alex kissed her hard, their lips smashing together as Wade reached down to stroke.

"Stop that," she said, turning and wrapping her lips around the head. She took his hand and put it on the back of her head, up in her hair. He got the message and pulled, forcing his cock deep into her mouth and pressing it against the muscles at her throat.

"Fuck," he groaned, too turned on to resist at this point.

Alex moaned in pleasure as she felt the warm load of cum shoot into the back of her throat, wishing that she'd been able to get one from Beck and Bryce both. Whimpering, she felt him pull harder and swallowed, feeling his cock pushing a load of cum down with the head as it slid inside. Again, he burst into her throat, then a third and fourth time.

Quickly though, she had to breathe and slid out, gasping for air as Toni took her cock back. Alex joined her, again, though, kissing and sucking at her sister's lips as they both searched for more.

"Goddamn you two are somethin' else," Wade said.

The twins continued to kiss and caress, suck and fondle him until it was clear that his dick had retreated for the time being. Toni checked the clock at one point, and let Alex know that she only had two or three hours at most before they had to go to Camille's. Alex answered with a smile and a nod from between Toni's legs, not slowing as she licked her sister to an orgasm.

Several hours later, Wade finally left, and the sisters went to get dressed to go check out what a real photo-shoot was like.



Secluding herself in her room for most of the evening, Sam only briefly talked to Alex, but wasn't ready to try and explain the fight with Keith again. She skipped dinner, not feeling like eating, and went to sleep pretty early.

The next morning, she put on a happy face to fool her sisters into thinking everything was okay. After eating a minimal breakfast, she got dressed and left for school as soon as she could, not wanting to take her chances with one of her siblings seeing her slip and somehow reveal that she was hurting inside.

She was still baffled at his reaction but had come to an uneasy understanding. From what she could figure out, he'd just not been able to understand that level of grisly detail and truth that she'd vomited up on him. She thought about texting him and telling him she still cared, but then wondered if that were true. Did she? The things he'd said were so venomous and hateful. She really didn't know how she felt about him.

She swore quietly, slapping the dashboard for a moment, then closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening the door and hopping out to go to class. Forcing the thoughts of Keith from her head, she took a deep breath and focused on the day ahead.

Walking in to her first class, she saw her "history boyfriends" and smiled, seeing them stand and move to come hug her. They all looked so happy to see her, it warmed her heart, and was something she'd desperately needed.

Murphy got to her first, and she squeezed the handsome African-American longer than she'd intended, then repeated it with Kev. Marley looked at her curiously, and she smiled and hugged him, sighing as his arms moved around her.

"Long weekend?" he asked.

She nodded, not able to speak as she was suddenly emotional. Marley must have sensed it, as he nodded and turned to walk with her to her seat.

After class, they all went to their table and sat for a few minutes quietly, Sam realizing that she was the reason it felt weird. Thinking quickly, she realized that she hadn't told them the news from work and got excited.

"So, something interesting happened at work recently," she said.

"Yeah?" Murphy asked, the other two looking over at her as well.

She nodded. "There are several girls that are okay working the topless rooms. One of them outright quit, another is not working Fridays, and then her and another one aren't working on Saturdays. So... my bosses asked me if I wanted to take Friday and Saturday there."

The guys grinned and looked at her expectantly. "What did you say?" Kev asked finally.

She giggled, smiling. "I told them I'd try it out last Friday and Saturday," she said. "I agreed to take the spots full time."

The guys laughed, happily applauding the news, and she instantly felt better about things.

"So, every Friday and Saturday, we can see those titties at DD's?" Murphy asked.

"Yes, but, I show them to you here too," she pointed out. "You don't get enough of that?"



"Hell no!" came the three answers. She giggled, shaking her head.

"Speaking of," Kev prompted, grinning widely.

She smirked at him, then playfully rolled her eyes and pulled her shirt up with her bra, flashing the three.

"Nice," he said, drawing a smile from her.

"Shit, all I need now is a good paying job and some extra cash," Marley said.

She smiled, shrugging at him. "Or... you could just enjoy what I do for you here."

He chuckled, then turned the conversation to other things. For the first time in a day or so, she felt normal, and not like she was wrecking everything like a bull in a china shop. After the break was up, she rewarded her three friends with a quick kiss each and then headed off for her next class.

Sitting down in the seat, she pulled out her phone and saw that she'd gotten that email for the job offer. Movement to her right caught her eyes and she smiled, seeing Brandon edging his way toward her.

"Hey Sam," he said, flashing his stupidly cute smile and those damn dimples at her.

"Damn he's cute," she thought, smiling back at him.

"Hey Brandon," she replied. "Good weekend?"

He nodded, pulling out his notes and getting situated. "How's my future ex-wife?" he asked, looking at her and grinning.

She rolled her eyes. "So... not only do we get married in the future, but you mess up so badly that we get divorced?" she asked.

He nodded. "Nah, I expect to die from all the sex we'll be having."

She laughed, ignoring the fact that it didn't make sense in context with him calling her his ex-wife.

"Seriously though," he said, looking at her directly. She thought he was trying to be serious, and looked at him, wondering if something was wrong. "When are you gonna let me get in them britches?"

She sighed, shaking her head. "You're ridiculous."

"You're fine," he shot back.

She smiled, her heart pounding in her chest. She really... really needed to hear this, she realized.

"Too much?" he asked.

She wondered how wise it was to encourage his behavior, but then dismissed those stupid warnings and said, "Never."

"Good," he replied. "Got any more dirty pictures?"

She snickered, shaking her head. "Oh, wait... do you know a good way to make sure an email isn't like... filled with viruses?"

He looked at her oddly.

"Just... answer the question," she said, sighing.

He nodded. "Yeah, actually. What's up?"

She grabbed her phone again and clicked it open, then went to her email. She pointed at the email and said, "I don't want to open that with checking it out first."

He nodded. "I'll forward it to me and look at it if that's okay."

She nodded. "It's kind of a job offer," she said.

"Oh," he said. "That should be fine, but I'll check it out."

He clicked some buttons on her phone, then handed it back and grabbed his own. Going to his own email, he did something with the message and started to check it out. After a minute or so, he nodded and leaned over. "It's legit. Who's Rodney Hanover?"

"I was working a topless shift at work and he gave me his business card," she said, not really thinking.

"Wait... what? A topless shift? Where the hell do you work?" he asked.

She snickered, glancing over. "Double D's"

He smiled. "No shit? You actually work there! Goddamn!"

The professor finally came in at that point, so she winked as she held a finger to her lips, trying to focus on class. Afterward, he stood and walked to the end of the aisle, waiting for her to grab her things as the others walked out.

"Waiting to watch my butt as I leave?" she asked.

"Would you expect anything less of your stalker?" he asked.

She smiled, not answering that.

"So, wanna come over and... fuck?" he asked. He'd hesitated before saying the word "Fuck," as if he'd been thinking of a nicer word and couldn't.

She laughed, turning and looking back at him. "Brandon, you know I have a boyfriend," she said. Then, suddenly, everything came back to her, the fight, the anger, Keith's words, and she realized she was frowning.

"I know, but he can't be there," Brandon said, but saw that the mood had changed. "You know I'm just playing, right?" he asked. "I'll... stop."

She shook her head quickly, stepping back down one step and turning to grab his hand. "It's was just a rough weekend," she said. Surprising herself, she hugged him and turned to walk up the stairs. "Thanks for the offer, though."

He smiled. "No problem. Bye gorgeous."

"Bye Mr. Dimples," she said, forcing another smile.

Over the next three days, her life consisted of work, school, and being in her room distracting herself with music or homework. She hadn't had any days off from DD's, so that was good at least. Her rampant arousal had only been quelled a little, and by Tuesday, it was back at its peak. She masturbated twice on Tuesday, again on Wednesday and Thursday, and another time early Friday morning. Nothing seemed to be taking the edge off, and after school on Friday, she was really feeling the urge to misbehave.

After class, she even went home and masturbated again, took a nap, then woke up still horny. Frustrated, she got ready for work and went in.

Irritated, she quietly swore at Keith for the hundredth time for not having called or texted at all, and for making her feel miserable lately. As she walked in, she saw Kara hopping out of a nice truck, a handsome bearded man sitting in the driver's seat.

"Have a great day at work, honey!" he called out. Kara had looked over, waving as Sam smiled back at her, then rolled her eyes and turned back toward the driver. She blew him a kiss and then shut the door, then joined Sam, who had stopped to walk with her friend.

"Hey girl!" Kara said. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," she replied. "It's definitely been a week."

"I'm sorry," Kara said. "Wanna talk about it?"

Sam felt that Kara would definitely be the one person that she could open up completely to, and not have to worry about judgment or being scolded or preached at.

"Maybe later," Sam said, shrugging.

"I was wondering, do you think you could give me a ride home tonight? My car was dead this morning."

Sam nodded, smiling. "Of course," she said.

"Thanks!" Kara said.

The two went inside and got ready for work. Sam briefly flirted with the kitchen boys, as did Kara, and then headed out and took over for the afternoon girls that were working their sections. Kara nearly immediately sold her top, and Sam quickly followed suit.

As she made her rounds, filling drinks, taking orders, and such, she felt happy. It was liberating and exciting, in her opinion. The lustful stares of the young men, the wanton looks from the older ones, and the appreciative glances of the women, all served to make her feel better. Everyone seemed to be really cool about it, and she felt like it was going to be a good shift. After an hour, she put her top back on and moved to make her rounds.

As she went in, she saw that Paris had sat another group of three down and had put in their drink order for her. She looked at the bearded man, nearly immediately recognizing him as the one that had dropped Kara off. Sitting near him was... she stopped, looking over in confusion.

The redhead that was sitting near the bearded guy was nearly an exact copy of Kara. Smiling, she realized that Kara must have a sister. The blonde girl sitting with them looked to be about 18.

She briefly thought her suspicions were confirmed a few seconds later, when, as she approached to greet them, the blonde said, "Can I go say hi, Daddy?"

"Hey guys, my name is Samantha and I'll be taking care of y'all tonight," she said, smiling as she handed out their drinks.

The couple smiled, and Duncan said "Hello Samantha, but then turned and spoke to the young blonde, which caused her to jump up excitedly and charge over to hug a decently handsome young newcomer. Sam smiled, but then looked back down at the two.

"Sorry about that," Duncan said, smiling at her.

"Oh, no problem," she replied, handing out their drinks. "So, you guys are expecting another?" she asked.

The couple seemed a little distracted, and the man was staring oddly at her, so she decided to give them a few minutes and then come back. Kara's sister smiled and nodded at her, and she let her know that she would be back to check on them in a few minutes. Making a quick round, she went to refill a few drinks. After a minute or so, she came back and got the young man's drink order and went to retrieve it. Heading back over, she set his drink down in front of him and turned to look at the foursome.

"Do y'all know what you want or would you like a little more time?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

The bearded man looked briefly at the others, stating that he was ready to order if they were. Jotting down what they all wanted, she'd just finished getting the bearded man's when Kara surprised her from behind.

"Hey, you big jerk," she said. "Sam still has her top on! You're supposed to support her and buy it! She's a broke college girl!"

Sam sighed, rolling her eyes as she smiled down at the man. He smirked and held his hands up, smiling at the other waitress. "Jesus, Kara, I'm sorry! I figured I'd get to know the girl a bit before I buy her damn top and make her walk around flashing everyone."

Kara giggled, stepping around her. "Samantha, I want you to meet..." she started, but then looked at the man and woman, then back at Samantha, and paused in thought. "This is Duncan and Kelly; my boyfriend and girlfriend," she said, finally, speaking a little quieter than the she had during the rest of the conversation.

"Wait... what?Sam thought. "Well, I... uh... nice to meet you," she said. "Smooth" she thought.

"Samantha is a super sweet girl and you need to tip her big time, jerk-face," Kara said, punching Duncan in the arm.

Smiling, he shook his head at Kara, then turned to smile at Sam. "I'm sorry about this, but if I don't buy your top, Kara might just beat me to death here and now," he said.

Sam laughed, shrugging and making a show of sighing in feigned resignation as the handsome man pulled out his wallet and handed her $100.

"Much better," Kara said.

Duncan raised an eyebrow at her and handed Sam the bill.

Smiling, she reached up and took her top off, saying, "Thank you, and... here you go."

Figuring that she should be nice and let him get a good look, she moved close and got a whiff of his cologne. He smiled up at her, an intriguing look on his face, then admired her nude breasts. For a few seconds he didn't say anything, and she realized that he was studying her a bit.

Flattered, she waited for him to finished appraising her, as it were, and tried to look as confident as she could.

"You've got a gorgeous body," he said finally, and smiled sincerely up at her face.

"Thank you," she said, feeling herself blush a bit. "Let me turn in your orders and I'll come back and let you ogle my goodies some more."

Turning, she walked with Kara back to their drinks station and raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend and girlfriend?" she asked.

Kara giggled, nodding. "I'll tell you about it later," she said.

Going back to their sections, Sam made her rounds, sensing that most people were watching her as she moved, but noticing that Duncan seemed to not be able to take his eyes off of her. He wasn't like... blatantly staring, but it was pretty obvious that he was having a good time looking.

Flattered, she went and stood by him, asking, "Everyone doing okay?"

They all said that they were, and she shifted to one foot as she stood next to the table. "So, you guys are Kara's boyfriend and girlfriend, and this is... your daughter?" Sam asked, looking at Danielle last.

Apparently that was wrong, as a couple of them burst out laughing.

"It's a long story," Duncan said, shaking his head at her. "I'm sorry about those two."

The blonde, Danielle, suddenly said, "I'm their submissive!"

She seemed a little ditzy and odd to Sam, but she knew she shouldn't judge. Nodding, she pretended to know what that was, or at least tried to look that way.

"Well, I heard you call him Daddy when I came up the first time, so I just figured," she said, shrugging.

The ditzy blonde giggled and shook her head. "Nope! I'm basically their live-in sex slave," she said, blurting it out as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Sam's eyes went wide in surprise, but she quickly recovered, blushing even more as she replied, "I see."

Kelly, Duncan's wife, smiled sweetly at her and said, "Kara was right, you are just the cutest thing. Don't worry, Danielle absolutely loves being ours."

The blonde nodded quickly, adding, "She's right, you're so pretty!"

"Thanks," Sam said, looking down for a moment in the awkward pause. Forcing herself to look back up, she looked over at Duncan. "So, she's called your submissive?" she asked.

Waving his hand to dismiss the notion, Duncan smiled at her. "Yes, she's our submissive. I'm the Dominant in the relationship," he explained, sounding confident.

Smiling, Sam nodded. She was easily able to see that he was the more dominant of the two men, then realized that she'd been doing all the talking and felt a little awkward. "Well, you guys don't have the normal questions that other folks do for me, so I figured I'd ask."

"What are some of the questions you normally get?" Danielle, the ditzy blonde, asked.