My Sister Made Me Ch. 12


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"Yeah. Usually it's after the fact. We blame Toni and Alex gets mad and defends her."

The twins both laughed at that.

"Alright," he said, smiling. "Just let us know what you find out."

Toni smiled, standing and going over to hug them both, Alex following suit.

Up in Alex's room, Toni turned and hugged, kissing her for a moment and then excitedly jumping up and down.

"I'm so excited!" she said. "I can't believe that went over so well!"

Alex grinned, nodding. "Just let me know when Camille wants us to come in."

The next morning, she went to school as normal, then had a shift at Double D's. The days seemed to start to run together that week, and she had a repeat of her Monday on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday, but was finally off on Thursday afternoon. Looking forward to relaxing and not having to work serving food, she got out of class and headed home, thinking about maybe checking in on Danny and Hannah, or maybe Dane and Sally.

Toni texted her, then called before she had time to read the message.

"Promise me you'll go," she said.

"Toni, I didn't even get time to see the text. Go where?"

"Just promise!" Toni said, whining a bit.

"Fine, I promise! What's the matter with you? Go where?"

"Camille called. There's a shoot tonight and she's hoping that we can come in and watch and see what we think."

Alex sighed. She really just wanted to get laid, but she loved her sister and was genuinely curious about how all of it worked.

"You promised, Alex!" Toni said. "I don't want to make you go."

Alex snickered. "You love making me, but you're right. I'll go."

After hanging up, Alex rolled her eyes and realized that she hadn't heard from Beck at all recently and texted him.

"Hey there!" he replied. "How are you?"

"I'm good, just got out of class. You busy?" she sent. She'd realized that she should probably have a talk with him and temper his expectations.

"Nah, just grabbing a bite and heading back home."

"Mind if I come see you?" she asked.

"Not at all!" he replied.

She smiled, closing her phone, then picked it back up and texted her sister. "Heading over to Beck's for a bit. I'm going to have a serious talk with him."

"Good luck, see you soon," Toni replied.

Heading over, she pulled up to the complex and parked along the street, hopping out and locking it before heading up to the door. Knocking, she waited a few seconds and then smiled as it started to open.

Bryce stood there, shirtless and only wearing a loose fitting pair of shorts. "Hey Alex," he said. "Beck's not here."

"He's on his way," she said. "But... this is perfect. You and I need to talk."

He chuckled, shrugging and stepping back to let her through. She stepped in and moved past him but felt him following her. She turned and was surprised by how close he was. Her heart pounding, she put a hand up to stop him from advancing any more and looked up into his eyes. It seemed a ridiculous gesture since her breasts were brushing the underside of his muscular chest muscles.

"Bryce," she said, pushing him back a bit.

He smiled, leaning in to kiss her. She turned her face, causing him to smile and chuckle. "Come on, Alex," he said. "I know you like it."

She briefly wondered how to handle him, and quickly decided that lying wouldn't help. "I do," she admitted. "But that doesn't make it right."

He smiled, one hand caressing her cheek, the other, moving to gently squeeze her breast. "Come on. Let me take care of you this time. You know you want my tongue sliding up that succulent pussy."

She swore she heard her pussy silently begging her brain to give in, but it steeled her resolve instead.

"Bryce, please stop," she whispered.

He looked up at her in surprise. "Okay," he said, stepping back. She breathed slowly out, closing her eyes. "I've... I've had my sex drive turned up lately. I'm... so fucking horny all the damn time now. It's getting dangerous."

"And your boyfriend is clueless about it."

She shrugged, then nodded. He wasn't wrong. "Look... I'm not here to make things... difficult... for you."

He shrugged. "I'm good. I can just sense that you're attracted to me. I'm... sorry about the other night."

She had to close her eyes, focusing as the thoughts of him shoving his cum spraying cock-head in her mouth filled her head.

"Are we cool?" he asked.

She nodded. "I'll deny this if you tell Beck, but I enjoyed the other night. But it still felt... wrong."

He frowned at that, nodding. "Yeah, I know. I felt like a bastard afterward."

She smiled. "Good. So, are we going to be able to be in the same room without wanting to fuck each other's brains out?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Probably not. I won't push as hard though."

She smiled. "Thank you, Bryce."

He smiled, then nodded.

"So, is it okay to hug you?" he asked.

She nodded, laughing. "As long as you don't accidentally trip and shove your big ass dick in me, yes," she said.

"Jesus, you're fucking fun," he admitted, moving up to hug her. She smiled, letting him wrap his arms around her and squeeze. "And you've got incredible tits."

She raised an eyebrow at him and looked down. Both of his hands moved up and grabbed them, squeezing softly.

"You know, that's not helping things. My panties are wet enough, "Mr. No-Shirt"," she said, leaning her head on his spectacular chest.

"Really?" he asked. "Let me see."

Looking up at him in amused silence, she raised an eyebrow, playfully pretending to be tired of his games and cocking her hip as she looked up at him. He didn't hesitate though and lifted her skirt to slide his hand into her panties, touching the damp spot before sliding a finger across the culprit.

"Fuck," she said, closing her eyes and gripping his arm tightly. Shuddering, she squeezed his arm hard, telling him, "I'm going to fuck your cock right off your body if you don't knock it off."

"What a way to die though," he said, smiling and stepping back, taking the opportunity to pop the glistening finger into his mouth.

"Fuck," she groaned. She lowered her gaze and saw the erection that she craved sticking noticeably out. "Fuuuck," she groaned again. "Make him go away," she said, pointing at his cock and trying to keep herself from lowering to her knees. She knew she looked ridiculous, half-way between kneeling and standing.

He chuckled. "Let's go play something on the idiot box and take our minds off of sex."

"Easy for you to say," she said, forcing herself back up, with his assistance of course. "I'm sitting in the wet spot."

"Well shit, we can't have that," he said. "Here." As they walked over to the couch, he knelt, and reached up underneath her skirt, taking hold of the edges of her panties. Groaning she silently begged him to bury his tongue inside her, but only felt him sliding the offending garment off.

"Jesus," she groaned, feeling the cool air on her parts. "Teasing bastard."

He slid her panties down, then off, lifting one foot and then the other. Smiling, he stood, the panties in his hand. She reached up to take them, but then smirked as he brought them up to his nose and inhaled deeply.

"Fuckin' perv," she accused.

He chuckled, then shoved them in his pocket. "I'm going to jerk off in those later," he said.

"Goddamnit, Bryce," she said, whimpering. "Stop fucking saying that shit and turning me on."

He smiled. "Let's go play before we cross a line."

"Jesus, are there any left to cross?" she asked. "Do you know how close I am to just letting you have me?" she asked.

He smiled infuriatingly and nodded. "I do," he assured her.

Whimpering as she stood there sans panties, and quite literally at his mercy, she let him take her hand and lead her over to the couch. He turned the TV on and handed her the control, but they were too occupied with staring at each other and trying to not fuck each other's brains out to play. About two minutes later, they heard footsteps on the stairs outside and then saw Beck coming in. She glanced over, frowning at the diminished erection.

"Watch," she whispered, staring directly at him and standing, then casting her eyes down at her rear. He nodded, grinning at her for a moment, then dropping his eyes down to her ass.

Beck came in, looking up and seeing her coming over to him. Sticking her butt out, she hugged Beck a little awkwardly, trying to show Bryce as much as she could.

"Hey," he said, smiling. "Bryce been a good host?"

"So far," she said.

Beck smiled, hugging and then kissing her. Taking her hand, he led her to his room. As she walked out, she glanced over, seeing Bryce smiling widely, his erection slowly bouncing to life under his shorts.

Shutting the door behind her, Beck turned and hugged her again. "Man it's good to see you," he said.

"You too."

"The guys were wondering when you'd be back to beat their asses again."

She smiled, thinking back to the previous Saturday. "Yeah, that was fun. I've got something to do with my sister tonight though, so I can't stay too long."

Beck nodded. "Well, we can hang out in here or go play video games."

She smiled. "Well, I really did want to see you, but I do need to talk to you about something."

"Okay," he said. "What's up?"

He already looked worried. She considered shelving the discussion and bringing it up another time, as judging by the look on his face, he wasn't going to like what she had to say.

"I just... just... don't force it," she said. "I like you, but I'm not wanting to get married or anything, okay?"

He smiled, nodding. "I'm getting too clingy, aren't I?"

She smiled. "A little, but I want you to be sure about things. I told you before that I was really horny lately. I want sex, lots of it. If you're the type of guy that's going to have an issue with that, then this isn't going to work, because I'll just end up hurting you."

He nodded. "I get it. I've just had friends-with-benefits things in the past and I always get too attached and the girl finds someone else."

She frowned. "I understand that," she said. "I'm just not wanting a boyfriend right now. You'd really make a good one, though, honestly. But it just feels like you're trying to take it slow when my hormones are screaming at me to get laid. I just don't want you asking me to marry you or anything ridiculous like that."

He smiled. "I'll return the ring," he said.

She raised her eyebrows in alarm, and he laughed. "Just kidding!" he clarified.

She sighed, shaking her head. "Look, just take advantage of the fact that you have a very horny girl that's wanting to fuck you."

"Okay," he said, smiling. "So... you said Saturday that I could get you to do some pretty kinky things."

"Heck yeah," she said, smiling playfully.

"So... how about a threesome?" he asked.

"Definitely," she said, smiling. "Wait... with who?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you had a female friend you wouldn't mind having sex with."

She grinned. "Well, all my friends are guys. Still, it's something we can work on. Look," she said. "If you want me to drag you out in the living room in front of all your friends and carry on about how you're the best I've had, I'm happy to do so. Chances are, if you have a fantasy, I'm probably going to like it."

"Good," he said, smiling.

She leaned in and kissed him. "Now, I know this is sending mixed messages about wanting sex, but I really do have to go and meet my sister for something."

"No problem," he said, smiling. "I think I'm going to take a nap, anyway."

She smiled, nodding. "I'll see myself out," she said, kissing him.

"Bye," he said, kicking off his shoes as she moved to the door. He flopped over, turning the lamp off as she left and shut the door behind her.

Turning, she walked back into the living room. Looking up, she saw Bryce standing a few feet away, near the front door.

"So, how'd it go?" he asked quietly

She smiled, nodding. "Good. Could you see anything when I hugged him earlier?"

He nodded. "There was a shadow, but I saw your enticing pussy lips in the light of the doorway, not to mention a good deal of your incredible ass."

"Good," she said. She was drawn closer to him by some unknown force, stepping up close and smiling up at him, one hand on his stomach, the other playfully tracing the top of his shorts. In actuality, she knew exactly what was drawing her toward him; her rampant arousal and his cock.

"Did you tell Beck that you weren't going to be marrying him anytime soon?"

"Something like that. I told him that I want sex more than I want to be his girlfriend and he could benefit from that. He's going to see about taking care of my sexual needs."

"Sexual needs, eh?" Bryce lifted her face up with a single finger, leaning down and briefly kissing her on the chin. Moving up, he kissed her on the lips, causing her to whimper, and then the forehead. "Well, I hope he keeps his end of the deal up, because I'm damn sure going to torment the hell out of both of us."

"Oh... fuck... why? What happened to behaving yourself and not teasing my pussy with that guy?" she whimpered looking down at his still bulging shorts.

"Oh come on," he said. "We both want to bang each other into a coma, and it's only going to get worse. I want you so damn horny for me that I just snap my fingers and make you cum."

She whimpered. "Well, I guess I better go before you cross a line and make me do something neither of us will regret."

He grinned but was momentarily surprised when she reached down and gripped his shaft with one hand, groaning in frustration. Stroking for a moment, she looked up and saw the arousal and desperation in his face, then smiled.

"You know... you're going to have to stop jerking off and wasting all that yummy cum," she said. "You never know when I'll be back over here with my mouth open."

"So, I can just walk up when you're talking or laughing and just dump a load in your mouth?"

She grinned, nodding, still securely gripping his substantial cock and stroking it through his shorts. "If you have the balls to do that in front of my boyfriend and the other guys... then, hell yes."

He groaned, reaching down and wrapping a hand around her wrist, jerking it back and forth as she gripped his cock. "Didn't you say that I had to behave myself?" he asked. "No more fucking your face. No more making you swallow my load."

She grinned, looking down and staring at his fabric covered shaft sliding back and forth in her hand. "Do you always do everything you're told?" she asked, trying to provoke him into doing what he'd just said they couldn't.

He grinned, looking down and batting her hand away. "Yes, when it's for a piece of ass as fine as you, I do. I want you to beg me for it."

She smiled. "I'm not breaking first," she said. "You'll be the one to beg."

"Shit... no I won't," he said, smirking arrogantly at her.

"So... we're just going to torment one another until we both die from arousal?"

"Sounds like a great way to go," he said, pushing her up against the wall, one hand on each breast and mauling at them. She looked up, obviously wanting him to kiss her since they were so very obviously going to fuck then and there, Beck's nap be damned.

"Here," he said, stepping back a foot and reaching into a pocket for her panties. "Put these back on."

She raised an eyebrow in confusion at him, then did as he asked. Grinning, he nodded, then stepped back and started to jerk off.

"Just let me see it," he begged. "Show me that delicious looking pussy."

She felt her sex throbbing, engorged, and hungry. Pulling down on the panties, she let him see her thatch of pubic hair and the top part of her pussy.

He groaned, stroking his cock and looking down at her. His hand flew over his erection and he quietly made an amusing variety of aroused faces while he stared.

She wondered if he was just going to shoot on the rug, but then was taken by complete surprise when he groaned one final time, then stepped forward, his hand at the base of his cock and pointing it down until it was just inside the cusp of her panties.

Whimpering, she put one hand up on his shoulder as he started to cum, a gout of warm, white spunk bursting from the fat head of his cock and landing perfectly on top of her pussy, dribbling down to stain her panties.

"Oh my fucking God," she whimpered weakly, her arousal driving her closer to the edge. "What... the fuck... are you doing to me..." she groaned, her knees threatening to give.

Bryce had sprayed three more times into her panties. The first two were against her skin, the third, less powerful one, hit the panties themselves, dribbling down the front.

Grunting, he finally stopped cumming, steadying himself on the wall as she felt her head swimming, her body throbbing.

Lifting her hands up, he put them both on his shoulders and lifted her panties back into place, his fingers tapping gently at the cum stained fabric, oozing it through and into and against her crevices and folds. Leaning forward, he grabbed the back of her head with a hand and kissed her, groaning into mouth as she moaned into his. Whimpering, her pussy throbbed again, and she knew she was close to cumming.

Beck's door suddenly opened, and he went to the bathroom, not looking into the living room as the two slowly split apart, longing stares passing between them.

Bryce surprised her by quickly leaning in for another kiss, then quietly, opening the door to let her out of the apartment. Darting outside after glancing back in, he pulled her tightly to him, taking her head in his hands and kissing her deeply. Then, he let her go and smiled, sending another ripple of pleasure through her.

"I'm just going to break your cock off if you keep tormenting me," she promised.

"As long as it's with that goddess pussy of yours," he replied. "Fuck," he groaned, staring hard at her before finally closing the door.

"Jesus," she said, trying to calm her loins a bit. Her pussy was practically screaming at her to go back inside. Standing on the upper landing, she took a good five minutes to calm down, incredibly aroused by what had just happened.

Groaning, she left and drove home immediately, eager to confess her sins to her girlfriend and sister. As she pulled up, she went in and immediately went upstairs, making a beeline toward her twin. Toni's door was closed, but Alex didn't bother knocking, opening it and seeing Wade's eyes go wide, her twin sucking his cock on her bed.

Toni shot back up straight, then looked at Alex curiously, seeing how pent up she looked.

"You okay baby?" she asked.

Alex whimpered, shaking her head. "God, I'm so fucking horny," she said, shutting the door behind her and walking over.

Toni giggled, sliding back out of the way as Alex quickly stripped down, sliding the still gooey panties off, and moved quickly up to Wade. Smiling, he let her climb up on the bed and shove his cock inside without a moment of pretense or warning.

"Oh... fuck... thank God," she groaned, staying still for just a moment. Beginning to grind her hips forward, she felt Toni move around behind her, her twin's tongue sliding up and gently pushing at her ass.

"God, baby," she whimpered, reaching back and grabbing Toni's hair. Her girlfriend made a noise that sounded like she was really enjoying eating some type of food, and Alex groaned, feeling her pussy throbbing hard again.

Wade's cock felt every inch as big as Bryce's had, if not bigger, and Alex quickly built up some speed as he lay there letting her fuck him. It only took a few minutes, and Alex was fiercely gripping his arms and hammering her hips down on his, his cock shoving deep up into her.

A huge wave of pleasure flooded into Alex's body, and she went limp, her head spinning as she leaned too far back.

Wade caught her though, sliding her over and mounting her on top, gently fucking in and out as she lay there drooling on her sister's sheets.
