My Sister Made Me Ch. 12


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Sam smiled, and rolled her eyes as a flood of examples came back to her. "Something like this," she said, "How do you like working here? Do your parents know? How can you show your breasts to strangers? Can I touch them? Will I get in trouble if I touch them? How much to touch them? How soft are they? Do you strip too?"

"I'm guessing you get those a lot," Kelly said, smiling warmly.

"God, all the time," she said. "Plus, the handsy people do get a little old," she said, shrugging. "I mean, it's one thing to have a random hand on me when I'm letting someone take pictures, but it's another for someone to just reach up and grope my girls," she said, smiling down at them. She suddenly felt like she was revealing too much.

"Well, we're just used to this place," Duncan said. "Plus, we're a different sort of people," he added.

She smiled. "Yeah, I'm sensing that. I'd love to say that Kara told me all about you guys, but she's not that open about her personal life."

Kelly smiled at her then. "Well, it is complicated," she said, adding, "obviously."

Samantha nodded. "She's so much fun to work with. She actually took me under her wing when I started."

Duncan smiled. "That sounds like our Kara."

"Well, I better go check on my other tables," she said. "I'll come back to flirt with you folks in a bit. When I get back, can you guys please have some questions ready about my boobs? They're feeling neglected."

Feeling good about the table, she turned and started to make the rounds. Several times, she went back and checked on Kara's friends and bantered a bit. They were a sweet group and she liked them and could see why Kara did as well. There was a quiet, alluring power to Duncan. She felt drawn to him.

After giving them the check and adding some more flirty banter, she waved and watched the four leave, then went back to work.



As they pulled into the strip mall, she and Toni hopped out and went inside. Camille greeted them as they went into the back and the two politely conversed with her, and then were introduced to her husband, Frank.

After a few minutes, the door opened again, and a nice looking couple came in. Toni elbowed her in the ribs, and she saw that it was Duncan and Kelly, from the photo shoots that they'd seen. The two came over quickly and greeted Camille, who introduced them.

"Toni, Alex, this is our male actor for the evening, and his wife, Kelly. You may recognize her from a few different shoots," she said.

After the quick greeting, Camille asked if she could talk to the two alone and the twins went and sat on a couch over near one wall, curiously watching what was going on.

After a few minutes of talking with the photographer, Duncan and Kelly came over smiling.

"Hello," she said. "Mind if we join you? The other model is running late."

"Not at all," Alex said.

The couple sat in a couch catty-corner to theirs.

"So, how do we tell you two apart," Kelly asked, smiling.

The twins smiled, having half-expected some kind of twin joke.

"Well, I'm Alex," she said, "and this is my younger sister, Toni."

Duncan smiled disarmingly. "It's very nice to meet you both."

Kelly nodded, then nudged him. "They both work at Double D's with Kara," she said.

"You know, I thought I'd seen at least one of you before," he said. "Y'all are friends with Kara?" he asked.

They both nodded. "She's really sweet," Toni added.

"She is," Kelly said, smiling at them. "I'm surprised that with you two being identical, you don't have rhyming names like you see most parents of twins doing."

They both smiled and nodded. "Well, to be fair, our real names are Alessandra and Antonia," Alex said. "That's just too much for anyone to have to say, so we shortened it when we were kids."

"Well, Alex and Toni are cute names," Kelly said. "I... unfortunately, just have Kelly for a name. It's not short for anything."

The twins chuckled.

"Camille mentioned that you two might have some questions about all this craziness," Duncan said. "If you do, feel free to ask."

They nodded and thanked him politely. Nothing specific came to mind, so Alex tried to keep the conversation light. After a few minutes of easy banter, the door opened, and a new girl walked in.

As she went over to talk to Camille, Duncan stood and smiled, waving as he told the two, "It was a pleasure to meet you. I've got to go get ready for this."

"It was really great to meet you," Alex said, drinking in the handsome fella.

"Totally," Toni added. "I can't wait to see you work."

He smiled. "Well, you're probably going to get an eyeful." Turning, he made the twins both smile when he sweetly kissed his wife and winked at her.

"Have fun, baby," she said, smiling and waving. As he turned and went over to Camille, Kelly stood and moved over to the twin's couch, sitting down in between them.

"It's so freaky how much you look like Kara," Toni said.

Kelly giggled. "We hear it all the time, but I'm sure you do too."

Alex smiled, nodding. "You guys aren't related though?"

Kelly shook her head. "I sure hope we aren't, we're having sex together."

Alex and Toni both laughed, flashing knowing looks at each other. They turned, watching the new girl, Casey by name, saying hello to Duncan. The two seemed to immediately be comfortable around each other, and Alex watched intently.

As they spoke, Casey pointed over at Kelly and the twins, then came over and shook her hand after introducing herself. After some playful banter, the pretty blonde waved and went over to Duncan again, easily falling back into conversation with him.

"So, do you like doing this?" Toni asked.

Kelly nodded. "I love it," she said. "It all started as a way to get me out of my shell and for Duncan and me to start exploring other... sexual avenues."

Alex and her sister both nodded.

"We're part of a swinger's group now," she revealed.

"Really?" Alex asked, intrigued. "Do you know the Logans?"

Kelly scrunched up her face in thought, but then shook her head. "Ken and Cindy," Alex ventured, but Kelly shook her head again. "Swinger friends?"

"My best friend's parents," she said with a nod.

The three continued to watch, seeing Camille come over and take the two through the scene.

"So, does Duncan like it?" Alex asked.

Kelly nodded. "He gets to have sex with gorgeous young women like yourselves," she pointed out. "What man in his right mind wouldn't?"

"I guess he's got special qualities that allow him to do this, then?" Toni asked. "I mean, we both have seen how big his cock is," she added crassly.

Alex sighed, shaking her head. "She's so eloquent," she joked.

Kelly was giggling though, obviously enjoying it. "He's very well-hung girls. But yes, he's got other special qualities. He used to not have great stamina, but now, he can go for hours and hours. Just this previous weekend we basically had an all-night orgy with our swinger group back at our house."

Alex grinned, feeling a tingle deep in her pussy. She silently begged it to calm down.

"So, you two are interested in this I take it?" Kelly asked.

Toni nodded.

"We're still thinking about it," Alex amended. "My sister tries to get me to do some crazy things."

"Well, it's definitely not for everyone. People say that it's out there forever. That's fine with me, though," she said. "But you'd be surprised, even a little scared, at all the fan mail you'll get."

Alex hadn't thought of that.

"Plus, there are so many dick pics that get sent to me," she added. "Duncan thinks it's funny, but he lets me keep the good ones."

Alex and Toni both laughed, leaning into the cute redhead as they did so.

"So, I guess the fantasies for you two are going to revolve around you being twins," she said.

"Yeah," Toni said, shrugging.

"Well, that's nice," Kelly added. "It's pretty kinky."

Alex nodded. "Yeah, it comes with the territory."

Conversation continued for awhile, and the two watched with Kelly as her husband and Casey went through the photo shoot part.

"God," Toni whispered, seeing Duncan's erect cock for the first time.

"He's bigger than... anyone else I've seen," Alex said, quietly admonishing herself for almost naming her brother.

"Definitely," Toni added. "Now I'm sad I didn't agree to work tonight."

Kelly giggled, and Toni quickly apologized. "I shouldn't have said that," she said.

The redhead rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Girls, you can go over and join in right now if you want," she said. "My husband has never had twins."

The sisters smiled, glancing at each other.

"He's had two sets of sisters, lots of threesomes and foursomes, a couple of gang bangs, and a ton of blowjobs though, so it will definitely be fun for you if you do work with him."

"Is he all you work with?" Alex asked, but then remembered seeing Kelly with other men in her shoots.

"Nope," she said. "We work with lots of different folks."

The twins watched as the shoot got progressively more sexual.

"She looks so... relaxed," Alex said. "I'd be so nervous."

"Well, it's nerve wracking for sure, but when it's not just you, you kind of have someone else there to deflect the attention," Kelly pointed out.

"Well, your husband certainly is distracting," Toni said lewdly.

Kelly giggled, nodding. "That he is, cutie. That he is."

"So, it's better to have someone else there?" Alex asked. "I'm only asking because if I decide not to, and Toni wants to, I want to make sure she can handle it."

Kelly nodded. "It is and it's not," she said. "With someone else there, I was torn between thinking about what was my husband thinking and being really aroused that I was fooling around with another man, or men. For sure though, it was extremely exciting."

"Then, I guess it really does just depend on the person," Alex said.

Kelly nodded. "He's got that special quality that most women respond to."

Alex nodded. "He's confident," she said, to which Kelly smiled and nodded. "But... he's not too confident," she amended.

"He's really handsome," Toni said. "He's got a gorgeous cock."

Kelly smiled, nodding. "And, he's got a gorgeous wife that loves to share him."

The twins laughed, leaning into her easily again.

"So, you do bisexual stuff or just straight," Toni asked. "I mean, I've seen your shoots, but that could be faked, or whatever."

Kelly nodded. "Professionally, I haven't done any bi stuff, but I'm definitely bisexual myself."

"Maybe the three of us can do a scene sometime?" Toni asked, smiling at Alex and Kelly both.

"Ooh, make a little twin and Kelly sandwich?" the redhead asked, smiling. "That would be so much fun!"

Alex smiled. The redhead was easy to like. She was gorgeous, sexy, and funny.

Over the next hour the conversation continued, halting only when the three were distracted by the two actors making love. By the end of the evening, neither of them had any other questions to ask Kelly.

"Thank you so much for talking with us," Alex said, hugging her.

"It was my pleasure," she replied, hugging Toni. "You two let me know if you want to do that scene."

As the duo drove home, Alex was realizing that she grew more and more intrigued each time she went to Camille's studio, and was running out of reasons not to do it. Toni would be thrilled to hear it.



After finishing up, Sam and Kara got out surprisingly early. Sam, still in her work clothes, was pulling her stuff out of her locker while Kara finished talking with Tracy. Walking through the kitchen, Kara twirled sexily as the flirty kitchen staff catcalled her.

"I'm gonna change real quick and I'll be ready," she said. "Thanks for taking me."

Sam smiled, nodding. Her shift had been normal, but she'd been aroused from the few gropes and the constant stares. Knowing that there was nothing but an empty bed waiting at home, she quietly wished that there was someone she could see, or somewhere to go.

Turning, she was surprised to see Kara quickly step out of her skirt not caring that half of the kitchen staff was watching. Pulling on some shorts, she doubled down her craziness and stripped her top off. It wasn't like the guys hadn't seen both of them before, Sam told herself.

She quickly decided to follow suit, stepping out of her skirt and pulling on a pair of shorts from the change of clothes she kept in her locker. As she bent to pick up the skirt, she heard wolf-whistles from the kitchen and smiled, shaking her head.

Quite sure the silly kitchen boys were saying something dirty, she turned and looked back at them as she pulled her shorts on.

Kara said something to them in Spanish and flipped them off, grinning widely, and turning to block their view as Sam pulled her top off, giggling.

"You speak Spanish?" she asked, pulling her clothes on quickly.

Kara giggled, nodding. "Not fluently, but enough to understand those animals. They're really big fans of your ass. Well, Beto is."

Sam giggled. "He said something to them the other day that I didn't understand. She thought back and said, "Me pregunta como saba ese cono?"

Kara giggled, nodding. "Me pregunto cómo sabe ese coño?" Which one said it?"

"I think it was Beto," she said.

Giggling, she looked at Sam and said, "He was asking what they thought your pussy tasted like."

Sam covered her mouth, her eyes wide as she laughed. Kara grinned, laughing with her.

"Dirty bastards," she said.

Sam laughed for a few seconds and asked, "So what does this mean?" She whispered what she could remember and caused Kara to giggle again.

"Strawberries, I bet," she said, giggling.

"Fresas is strawberries?" she asked. Kara giggled again, nodding.

Grabbing her stuff, Sam turned and walked into the kitchen, directly up to Beto and looked directly at him.

"Fresas?" she asked, pointing at her crotch.

His eyes went wide, and the other guys called out loudly, pointing and laughing.

"Daaaamn son, Beto done got busted yo!"

Grinning, she winked and patted him on the cheek for good measure, then took Kara's hand and then they walked confidently out to her car.

"You seemed to enjoy the attention from those cretins," Kara said.

Sam shrugged. "It's all in good fun. I like being flirted with."

She nodded. "Just make sure they behave themselves. I don't want them taking advantage of you."

"Me? Be taken advantage of? Never!" she thought, feeling sarcastic.

"So... what's the address?" she asked. "

Kara told her what it was, and Sam pulled out.

"Thanks for hanging out with me," she said. "I really appreciate it. You sure you don't mind staying? It's not a problem to call a cab, or my boyfriend."

"Not at all," Sam said, shrugging. Honestly, she wished she was getting laid that evening.

"Hey," Kara said, leaning over and looking at her. "You've seemed a little down all night. What's going on?"

Sam sighed, shaking her head. "It's... a huge mess..." she said. "It's a long, complicated story."

"Well, we're going to be there for a little while. You can certainly tell me if you want."

Sam smiled, feeling a swell of anticipation. Kara was someone she knew would be able to actually offer helpful advice.

"Well," she said. "It's... shocking. It's not something you'll expect to hear from me, and it's not easy to tell."

"Oh, honey," Kara said. "If it's bad, I didn't mean to pry."

Sam shook her head. "No, I'm just warning you that I might get emotional. I've actually been wanting to talk to you. You're so nice and you seem to be so understanding."

Kara smiled, saying, "Well, I try to be."

Sam quietly prepared herself as she drove, thinking back to when it all started.

"Back in high school, I was a good Christian girl that didn't swear or think dirty things, and went to church every Sunday. I wore appropriate looking clothes, helped out in my community, and I volunteered to help my Pastor every Sunday after the last service."

Kara nodded, listening quietly.

"My Pastor's name was... Dan. He had a wife, Amanda. Both were... normal, as far as I knew. I... was... I was naive, and pretty clueless about a lot of things."

She saw that they were at the place they needed to be and saw that there was a van parked outside. Pulling in, Kara apologized and put the story on hold while she got out. Talking to some man, she spent only few minutes and then went up to the nondescript building and beckoned Sam around the side. Parking, she hopped out and jogged quickly up to join Kara as she opened the door.

The place was dark inside, but Kara disappeared into the darkness and flipped a switch, bright lights glaring out in the dark of the parking lot.

The man followed Sam in, and Kara showed him to a room. "This is where we need it set up," she said. "Just take your time. Sam and I will be in the bar over there," she said, pointing to a different hallway.

Reaching for her hand, Kara smiled and thanked the man, who nodded and thanked her back cheerfully, then disappeared back outside.

Leading her through the hallway, they passed a few different rooms and then moved into a large, open room with a bunch of couches, and a bar area.

"You want some water?" Kara asked, moving around to pull a few bottles out of a fridge.

Sam nodded with a smile and took it, taking a swig, and then joining her friend on a couch.

"So... you were saying..." Kara said.

"Right," Sam said. "The Pastor and his wife were normal, or so I thought. When I was young, I was really naive about a lot of things. I guess I get that from my real mom and dad."

"You're adopted?" Kara asked.

Sam nodded. "My real mom and dad died in an airshow accident when I was an infant. I was legally adopted by my aunt and uncle, Toni and Alex's mom and dad."

"Ah, so you're actually their cousin?" Kara asked.

Sam nodded, smiling. "Yeah, technically. We've always considered each other siblings, though, so it's not really any different."

"Got it. Sorry," Kara said. "Continue."

Sam went through the whole emotional story of what had happened to her. Kara, being the sweet, understanding, and empathetic person that people knew her to be, was crying as much as she was by the end.

"I just can't figure out why he got so upset. I mean, I guess I understand, but... to say he didn't believe me?"

Kara nodded, wiping her face with a towel that she'd grabbed from the bar. "I could give you a bunch of different opinions on why he acted that way. He was hurt, he was in disbelief, he felt that he didn't protect you, he's really naive and doesn't think that a Pastor could be a piece of shit. He could even have been really thinking that you made it up. The only way that you're going to know is that you'll have to talk to him."

Sam sighed, nodding. "I guess I'll text him and see if he wants to get lunch tomorrow."

Kara smiled, offering her the towel.

"Thanks," Sam said, smiling.

"So... you mentioned that you like the new you," Kara said.

Sam smiled, nodding. "I really do."

"Have boys noticed?" she asked.

Sam smiled, nodding. "I've got three guys at school that flirt with me and that I let see my breasts from time to time, and there's this really... really cute guy in another class that is just so..."

"Cute?" Kara asked, smiling.

Giggling, Sam nodded. "The fucker has dimples besides being ridiculously good looking. But he's just so forward... so cocky and brazen."

Kara smiled. "Sounds like you like that."

Sam shrugged. "I guess. But there are others too. I keep finding myself flirting probably more than I should. I feel so fucked up and weak sometimes." She looked down, sighing and thinking about things.

Her friend smiled and shrugged. "Well, I think you're one of the strongest people I know."

Sam smiled, looking up and reaching out to squeeze Kara's hand. After a meaningful look, she quietly said, "Thank you, and thanks for listening."