My Son the Gigolo


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"Okay, be careful, and don't let Drake see you," Iliana said, before ending the call.


"Idiot," Drake muttered as he saw his brother's black Yamaha tailing him. Not that he cared, where he was going Aidyn wouldn't be allowed in. He knew he could continue doing this line of work as he sped down the highway towards the upscale part of the city. Where most of his clientele were located. They were the only ones that could actually afford his nightly rate. When his Madam had informed him that she had a branch in New York and once he got there and settled in his nights would be full. Drake was always eager to take rich women's money. It wasn't his fault that their husbands would rather play golf or some other thing that they always complained about instead of servicing their own wives.

And so, he was called to fill in the vacuum. Drake honestly didn't think this would work out as well as it had. After sixty dates and at two thousand a pop (Sex as his Madam had told him was strictly after the date, what they did once he was off the clock she had no control over. Which netted him another two grand), he had seventy-five grand left in the bank after buying his Audi A6. The women could afford it, who was he to complain. At first he did feel dirty at selling himself like this.

However, once his Madam had taught him in and out of the bedroom, as she calls it 'sampling the goods' she had put him right to work. Drake had no idea how many women wanted a post-virgin (Something his Madam saw to), eighteen-year-old lining their beds. Whatever the reason it was after his first date, his name got around, so now unless he was called directly by a very few of the women that were his regulars, his Madam would call him directly, he could always hear the smile in her voice as she went on about how so and so asked about him. Even at fifty-five she hadn't lost her touch as she rode him all night long to instill the techniques he would need.

The charm and flirtatious nature of his work persona took time to master. Yet by the time he had finished high school he had the women he 'dated' so aroused he could ring out the juices from their panties. And so, he took steps to hide his new developing body from his mother and siblings. When the time came to put his plan into action he wanted the shock and awe. Plus, when his mother was putty in his hands he would turn her down just like she did to him, he couldn't think of a better revenge than that after what she said to him months ago.

Pulling up to the front gate of Kaleigh's gated community. Rolling down his window as the guard stepped out of her booth. Noticing how Aidyn was parked a few hundred feet or so down the road. Handing the woman his license, knowing that he would be let through, he was a constant visitor after all. Smiling warmly at the woman as the gate rolled open, knowing this would be an easy five hundred bucks. His Madam frowned on these sorts of spontaneous meetings since it cut her out of the loop and her money as well. Hence why he only gave his number to a very few. Chuckling to himself as he pulled through the gate leaving his brother behind.


"Mom?!" Aidyn's voice carried his befuddlement.

"What is it Aidyn? Did you find out where Drake was heading to?" Iliana whispered into her phone so her coworkers wouldn't over hear her as they walked past her cubical.

"You won't believe me if I tell you, so... I took pictures," Aidyn said, with a cocky smirk.

"What the fu..." Iliana caught herself as she stared at the picture that her son had just sent to her. She could not believe Drake's car was sitting in front of one of the most luxurious communities in the city.

"That's what I said when he pulled up, and he drove right in too."

"He what?! They let him in?!" Iliana just couldn't fathom this news. Just what was her son doing? Who was giving him all these things that were so far out of her price range due to caring for three, well two boys, Drake had stopped asking her for anything months ago. Who was it that was giving her boy all these items, and who was it that bought his car? Surely, her son didn't pay fifty thousand dollars for a car himself that was just... preposterous!

There was just no way in hell that her eighteen-year-old son had that kind of money, there was just no way! "Aidyn, head home, I don't want you getting into any trouble with the police for loitering. I'll deal with Drake when I get home tonight."

"Okay, you sure you don't want me to wait?" Aidyn asked, hoping to spend the rest of the afternoon baking in the sun and flirting with the neighbors.

"Yes, go home Aidyn. And stop hitting on Mrs. Rothberg, I won't save your skin this time if her husband catches you," Iliana warned as she ended the call.


Iliana sighed in relief at finally making it home. The rest of the afternoon her mind just wouldn't let go of what her youngest son was doing in that kind of neighborhood. Placing her hand on the hood of Drake's car seeing if he had just gotten home or if he's been here for some time. It wasn't hot like it should be if he had just got home. She wondered just when did he get home?

"Aidyn, Drake, I'm home!" Iliana called out as she slipped out of her flats. She only wore plain, drab clothes to work to cut down on the men hitting on her. She had plenty of cock at home, she didn't need another one.

"Hey Mom!" Aidyn said, waving his arm over his head without bothering to get up from the couch.

Which only reinforced her memory of how Drake would always greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek when she got home every night. Even though she knew he only did it to feel her breasts brushing along his chest. Still, would it kill her middle child to get off his butt to greet his own mother?!

"Where's your brother?" Iliana asked, looking around the living room and into the kitchen. Other than the basketball game Aidyn was watching it was far too quiet with two boys in the house.

"He said something about going for a run or something like that," Aidyn said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Your brother, that skinny little kid... runs?" Iliana asked, in stunned shock.

"How would I know Mom, it isn't like me and Drake actually talk you know," Aidyn said, peering up at his mother as she stood behind him.

"But he's your brother, you two live in the same damn house, and your telling me the two of you don't talk?!"

"What can I say, we move in different crowds. I wouldn't know what to talk about with Drake, now if it was Franklin that would be different," Aidyn said, pulling his mother down, placing a long lingering kiss on her lips as he awkwardly hugged her. "You're really worried, aren't you?"

"Y-yes, your father is finally divorcing me and now with Drake's odd behavior I don't know what to do," Iliana said, nuzzling her son's neck.

"It's going to be okay Mom. Dad's an idiot for leaving," Aidyn said, lightly stroking the back of his mother's head. "As for Drake, maybe he's some sugar mama's play thing."

"Drake?! A sugar baby?! Really?" Iliana rolled her eyes at that thought. "Who would want...?" Her words died in her throat as she heard the front door opening. She knew it couldn't be Franklin, he wasn't due back from camp until Friday. "Drake, honey..." Her eyes took stock of her son: from his sweat glistening brow, the way he looked at her, how his chest heaved as his shirt clung to his chest, "No?! It can't be, I must be seeing things," she muttered to herself.

"What?" Drake asked, without an ounce of emotion in his voice.

"Why were you at Garden Hills this morning?"

"Why did you have him follow me?" Drake retorted as he nodded to his brother. "If you're going to follow someone pick a vehicle they don't know, just an fyi," he said, at his brother's shocked look. Aidyn wasn't known for his smarts.

"Because I was worried about you. I thought you were doing something you shouldn't be," Iliana said, taking a step forward only to see her son take a step back. How that hurt her, how the thought that her son didn't want to be near her stung like hell. "What have you got there?" she inquired, finally taking notice of the plastic bag.

"My dinner. Why?"

"But Drake, we haven't sat down together as a family in a very long time. I thought since you'd be leaving in two weeks we could at least have one before you do," Iliana said, sweetly.

"Uh-huh," Drake replied as he walked past his mother. "Don't you have your other two sons for that?" Not seeing Iliana's shocked eyes as he walked into the kitchen.

"Drake stop being an ass," Aidyn growled.


"Boys! Enough. I apologize Drake for making Aidyn follow you. I'm just worried that you're going to ruin your future," Iliana said, watching her son put away his groceries. "Honey, just what are you planning on making?" she asked, trying not to stare at her son's ass. She didn't remember it being so... firm.

"Pork cutlets, asparagus, and risotto," Drake said, matter-of-factly.

"Asparagus... Risotto... and since when do you know how to cook?!" Iliana said, surprised he was eating so healthy along with the fact he could cook.

"There is this thing called cooking classes, no sense in waking you up when I get home at two o' clock in the morning," Drake said, shutting the refrigerator door. Not letting on that he had taken them in case one of his clients wanted a stay at home kind of 'date'.

"But it's so clean in here in the morning," Iliana said, in awe.

"I do know how to clean up after myself, unlike some people in this house," Drake said, his left index finger pointed at his brother. He kept his smirk to himself as his mother mouthed 'Wow'.

"Way to throw me under the bus, bro," Aidyn groaned.

"Not like you haven't done it to me before," Drake said, shrugging his shoulders. "So we done with the twenty questions, I'd like to hit the shower," he stated gesturing to his sweaty clothes.

"Sure Drake," Iliana said, feeling her heart breaking when she couldn't find that spark in his eyes like she had seen up until she spoke those words to him. "I'm sorry," she whispered as her son left the room.

Drake was startled when he opened the bathroom door only to find his broad shouldered, older brother staring him down as he stood in his robe. Aidyn's arms were crossed showing off the muscles in his arms and his hard pectorals. Something he's always done to intimated his younger brother. Aidyn would soon find Drake wasn't as weak as he once was.

"Stop being an ass, you're pissing me off and making Mom cry. That shit isn't right Drake and you fucking know it. I don't know what is going on with you, but if you don't at least be more cordial to her than what you've been to this date, I will kick your ass, and your rich little friends won't be here to save you. Then Franklin will kick your ass. And if I didn't know better, you're trying to bulk up while keeping your weight down. I might be a jock but I'm not stupid," lightly punching his brother in the chest, "neither is Mom. Sooner or later she will find out what you've been up too. And if you don't tell her now, and if it's really bad, and she finds out she'll have your head. Stick with low weights and high reps if you want to keep that boyish figure. Oh, and for fuck sakes let her have dinner with you man, it's been two months since you sat down with her," Aidyn said, walking down the hall. "It isn't like you'll be around forever."

Drake scratched his head, wondering if his plan would allow for this. Pondering on how he could use this to get his mother to want him. A sinful thought inched his lips up into a wicked smile.

Iliana turned her head as she heard noise in the kitchen. Looking down as Aidyn nudged her leg. Giving her son a look that said: 'You sure?' to which Aidyn nodded.

Her fingertips lightly pressed on the molding of the open doorway between the living room and the kitchen. Her eyes falling upon her son's back was he stood over the sink. The sound of water splashing in the pot Drake was holding filled the room. Glancing down as his ass shook slightly. "Have his calves always been so defined?" Iliana asked herself as Drake used the front of his left foot to scratch his right calf.

"You care to join?" Drake asked, opening the door as he set the pot on the stove.

"Are you asking me to join you for dinner?" Iliana inquired, hopefully.

"I am if you're hungry," Drake said, with a sly smirk.

"I don't know Drake, I'm very picky about my risotto. I might have to stay and make sure you make it right," Iliana said, stepping into the kitchen.

"Suit yourself," Drake spoke as he took a glass dish out for the milk-egg mixture he uses for pork cutlets, and a Ziploc bag for the breading. "You can prep the asparagus," he said, once he got the milk cartoon and an egg out of the fridge.

"So, tell me Drake..." She felt her heart racing as her son brushed against her. The way his hand softly rested on her left hip as he removed the whisk from the drawer once he moved her slightly out of the way, "just where did you take your classes?"

"At school, and the local Y," Drake said, his breath was soft in his mother's ear. "Sorry, you were kind of in the way," he stated, slyly brushing his manhood along his mother's ass, not blatantly, yet just enough to arouse her curiosity.

Iliana's nose wiggle at the scent that drifted off her son's body. She didn't know why her cheeks were heating as her hands moved along the asparagus. Her mind raced as she tried to place the scent. Nonetheless, all she could discern was it smelled like cedar and citrus. Peering out of the corner of her eye as she watched her son mix the milk and egg together. She didn't move from her spot as Drake placed the whisk in the sink. The brush was light, yet she felt it. How could she not have noticed the change in her son? Turning to the left, her eyes studying her son's back side as his basketball shorts detailed it. Quickly turning back around as her son rose, she fought the urge to rub her thighs together, so glad she had a bra on to hide her hardening nipples.

"Guess I might as well use all of them," Drake muttered as he set the pack of four cutlets on the counter.

"Would that be so bad?" Iliana asked, peering at her son from the corner of her eye. "Okay, that's all done, now what else do you want me..."

"Out, too small a space for two people standing over the stove," Drake ordered nodding to the other side of the counter.

"He hasn't thrown me out yet, that's good," Iliana said, as she walked around him, pulling out the bar stool. Leaning on her arm as she watched in amazement as her son worked around her kitchen. She had forgotten what it was like to watch as someone else cooked a meal. She was normally the one who had to prepare it for her children, that was until a few months ago then it just became her and her twins sitting down and sharing bread. Her nose wiggled; her mouth watered as the fragrant smell filled her home as the cutlets sizzled in the pan. It didn't take long for Aidyn to make himself known. Giggling as Drake slapped his hand away when Aidyn tried to purloin one of the freshly pan fried cutlets.

"You want to eat my food, you eat all my food, or you can go hungry," Drake said, sternly.

Iliana fidgeted in her seat. She has never heard her son be so... cogent. Biting back her chuckle as Drake shooed his brother out of the kitchen. She didn't know who was shocked more, her or Aidyn, when Drake said that. She just shrugged her shoulders when Aidyn looked at her; she wasn't about to miss out on this. Iliana wanted to taste the meal that was made by her son's own hands.

"So Drake," her eyes watched as he stirred the pot every so often as he kept the cutlets warm in the oven drying on a paper towel lined plate, "will you just please tell me I won't get a call one night from the police telling me you've been arrested on drug charges."

"I did tell you I'm not dealing, I swear I'm not," Drake said, as he set the pot off the heat and placed the lid on so it could steam for the last ten minutes while he cooked the asparagus.

"Then why did you go to Garden Hills?" Iliana asked, her eyes moved along her son's body as he reached for another pot.

"I do have a job you know," Drake said, teasingly.

"But what kind of job pays a bo..." Taking a dry swallow as Drake peered over his shoulder, "young man like you enough money to buy a fifty thousand dollar car?" Iliana asked, not liking the smirk on her son's lips.

"Maybe I'll tell you one day," Drake said, offhandedly.

"Can we eat now?" Aidyn asked, standing in the doorway. Iliana couldn't help but laugh at the sound of her son's stomach rumbling.

"In five minutes," Drake said, matter-of-factly.

"Then you can help me set the table Aidyn, your brother did cook after all," Iliana said, in a motherly voice as she slid off the stool. "This bowl should be good to house that..." Inhaling the steam that billowed out once Drake took off the lid, "God. That smells so good," she said, trying not to drool.

"Want a taste?" Drake asked, scooping up a fork full as his hand hovered over the pot.

Her eyes were on her son's face, noting how the luster of his eyes was returning as her lips wrapped around the prongs of the fork. Iliana moaned in her mouth as the sweetness, the creaminess, the subtle taste of the parmesan, the firm bite of the rice as it exploded on her tongue.

"Oh my," Iliana muttered as she cupped her hand to her lips as she chewed. "Why didn't you tell me you could cook like that?"

"You never asked," Drake said, shrugging his shoulders as he poured the rice into the dish that was sitting on the counter. "Had to learn how to fend for myself, can't always live at home," he said, smirking at his brother who was glaring at him.

"You can you know... live here that is," Iliana said, shyly.

"Yeah, I don't think that would be good for either of us," Drake said, plainly.

"Oh." Was the only word that left her lips as her heart sank at the realization of what her words had truly done on that night.

"If I didn't see you cooking this, I would have called you a liar," Aidyn sighed as he rubbed his stomach as he leaned back into his chair after they had finished dinner.

"Thank you, for the meal Drake, it was quite delicious," Iliana said, trying to put on a brave face knowing her actions had pushed her son out of her home and from her life.

"You're welcome," Drake replied as he gathered up his dishes. His hand darted into his pants pocket as it vibrated. Typing out his response as he noted the time.

"Honey... are you... going out tonight again?" Iliana asked, as she watched how her son worked over the sink. Kicking her middle son in the leg for not helping Drake.

"Yes," Drake stated as he scrubbed the dishes clean.

"The opera or is it a play this time?" Iliana asked coyly, as she took a sip of her wine that Drake had so elegantly paired with their dinner. Granted it was her wine, but still it was quite the match up. She didn't hide her smirk as Drake's head shot to the right as he hid his shock well as he looked at her. "I honestly didn't take you for that kind of person Drake. I would think those old songs and boring plays would put you to sleep," she said, as she set down her glass.

"Is that what you think I do when I go to them?" Drake said, with a cocky smirk.

"Then what exactly do you do?" Iliana asked, crossing her arms. Wondering when the last time it was that her son gazed at her breasts like he had done since hitting puberty.

"A gentleman never tells, you should know that," Drake said, in a seductive tone as he placed the last dish into the dishrack.

"You are being careful, aren't you honey?" Iliana asked, as her hand took hold of Drake's wrist as he passed. Her finger rested over his pulse as it beat steadily against it.