My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 01

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A life changing chance encounter.
20.3k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/16/2020
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After a long absence I'm back with a new multi chapter story. Started writing it in 2006 so some references are certainly dated. This one is a long, detailed love story that I've been writing off and on since I posted my last story. When I started I had a beginning and an end in mind but the middle has become much longer than I ever could have anticipated.

I will tell you few things upfront. All the sex scenes (and there are plenty) involve the two main characters only. I can also tell you that I've submitted the first two chapters, which set the story up, with more to come if readers like it.

There's a bit of a build up to the sex scenes in chapter one but I prefer telling the story like that rather than jumping right into the action. The characters are purely fictional so practice safe sex unlike them. Please forgive me for any typos or grammatical errors I missed. Comments, good or bad, are welcomed as always. I hope you enjoy reading this one half as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've been waiting to share these characters with other people for a long time.


Spring break. The best time of the year for college students like us. We were seniors this year and barring a complete disaster on final exams we'd all graduate in a couple of months. This was our last hurrah before entering the real world. I had several good job offers to choose from and carefully crafted plans for the future whereas the other guys were still unsure of what to do when college ended. Unbeknownst to me that was all about to change but I'm getting well ahead of myself now.

I lived in a house with three roommates. There's Tim, Miguel, and Greg, plus me, Rick. I've known Tim since preschool and we met Miguel and Greg freshman year in the dorms. The four of us decided to get a house for sophomore year and had earned a reputation for throwing great parties. The place was much more expensive than we could have afforded but for the help of Greg's father. He was a big shot ad executive that Greg had somehow managed to talk into paying the rent for us. His father was appreciative of our efforts in keep his son somewhat focused on his school work and I think he liked being able to flaunt his wealth too. Makes me sound ungrateful and cynical doesn't it? Well I was grateful for his generosity and he'd gotten my resume into the hands of some people who never would have looked at it otherwise so I owed him a huge debt of gratitude. I have a habit of saying things that get taken the wrong way, as you'll see.

It was Greg's father who arranged our trip up to Whistler, British Columbia for spring break as an early graduation surprise. Last year we'd taken a disastrous trip to Mexico. The first night there we all ended up with varying degrees of food poisoning and just as we recovered from that Tim ended up with sunstroke so bad we were ready to take him home but he insisted that he didn't want to ruin our trip. On top of that none of us got lucky. That's right four college guys in a city full of drunk women ready to give pussy away and we didn't get a whiff. I was still a little skeptical of trading beaches and bikinis for slopes and ski jackets, but there was no way this trip could be worse than last year. The thought of taking Miguel skiing for the first time brought a smile to my face too. Born and raised in southern California, to parents who emigrated from Brazil, he was sure to be a spectacle on skis.

"What's wrong with you?" Tim asked as I stared out the window watching the trees speed by. We were almost there now having driven up from the University of Oregon in Eugene. We could have flown but decided a road trip would be more fun.

"This might be our last trip together," I said and knew right away I'd made a mistake.

"Awe he love us," Greg teased from the driver's seat and I endured a handful of barbs before settling them down again. At least they had me laughing now too.

"Plus I was thinking about where else we could have gone. The beaches in California where the women are wearing a lot of tan and not much else would have been nice," I said picturing it in my mind.

"Your thinking about it the wrong way," Tim said. "Tell him Greg."

"Forget beaches and bikinis Rick. Were going to spend a whole week with ski bunnies and not just your regular ski bunnies, Canadian ski bunnies," he added with that goofy grin of his. "Let's see there's Rachel McAdams and.... Shania Twain and... Keira Knightley and..."

"She's British," I said.

"She is? Well forget her then but still man think about it. Rachel McAdams and..."

"Shannon Tweed?" Tim offered helpfully.

"Isn't she old?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah and she kinda looks like Greg's mom," I said with a smirk.

"Old but still hot then," Miguel said as laughter filled the car and Greg cursed us out. "I grew up on the beaches in LA," he added. "And you should see what the woman wear when we go to Brazil for a visit. I'm ready for something different. The winter clothes will leave something to the imagination."

"Maybe you guys are right," I said feeling more relaxed now.

"That's the spirit," Tim said shoving my shoulder. "Now have some fun before that career you've got all planned out takes over your life completely."

By the time we got settled into our rooms it was already getting dark. I would have liked to try out the slopes but we'd wait until the morning for Miguel's sake. We decided to hit the bar in our hotel for the night and right away I noticed there seemed to be a lot more couples than single women. All sorts of little groups where there was a guy for every girl. Great. Just fucking great. Most of the single girls I did see must have just come in from the cold too because they were bundled up in bulky sweaters, down filled vests, and fleece jackets. I felt like asking Miguel how his imagination was working out for him. It had been a long drive and tomorrow was a new day so after a few drinks I headed off to bed.

The next morning over breakfast the guys told me how they had hooked up with three girls up from Seattle on spring break too. Neither of them had gotten anywhere yet but they were meeting them for skiing later today. Oh well there were only three of them and four of us so with my luck lately I would have been the odd man out anyway.

After eating we went to get Miguel a set of rented ski gear. The rest of us all had our own, although mine hadn't been used in a few years. Outside I was helping Miguel get his skis on and was going to show him a few of the basics when a girl caught my eye. She was wearing a bright red helmet with a pair of honey blonde braids hanging out the back. I could barely see her face from that distance but I was certain I'd stumbled upon a rare beauty. She was waiting in the lift line with two other girls. They all had snowboards and looked like regulars from the way they carried themselves. A voice inside my head was screaming at me to go talk to her and the longer I listened, the harder it was to ignore it.

The other guys came along and took Miguel off my hands. I told them I'd see them later back at the rooms and sat down to watch for now. A short time later she came into view again carving her way down the hill with effortless grace. Her friends were okay too but I could tell instantly she was much better than them. I decided to ditch my skis and rented a snowboard instead. Anxiously awaiting her return near the lifts and hoping she hadn't left yet, my patience was soon rewarded. Timing my approach I stepped into the line just in front of them. The girl I wanted to talk to was standing in the middle so this was going to be tricky.

"Hey mind if I share the lift with you?" I asked interrupting their recount of the last trip down the hill. I was standing side on in front of the Asian girl to her right and pretended not to see her as I looked at the girl I wanted. She didn't say anything at first, remaining silent until I smiled at her with hopeful desperation.

"Not at all," she said smiling back. Finally my luck was starting to change. She had a set of perfect white teeth and a light tan on her beautiful face. How I had managed to pick this gorgeous woman out of the crowd from so far away was a stroke of incredible good fortune. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of ski goggles but I decided they must be a vibrant blue right away. Miguel just might be onto something with this imagination stuff. "Are you here by yourself?" she asked as the lift scooped us up.

"No I'm with my college roommates. We came up from Oregon for spring break," I said overjoyed that she was talking to me instead of sitting quietly.

"Well lucky you. You found a local girl to show you around," she said with a smile that looked just a little nervous.

"You live here in Whistler then?" I asked. I wanted to show her I was interested in knowing more about her as if it wasn't already painfully obvious.

"I grew up here but I'm going to university in Vancouver now. This will always be home though," she said looking around fondly. The scenery was beautiful but nothing compared to her.

"Well I'm..." I started to introduce myself but shouts from her friends cut me off.

"Wooooooooo!" they screamed from behind us. She turned to look back at them laughing and looking beautiful. Laughter and beauty came easy to her.

"I'm sorry don't mind them," she said turning back to me. "We're nursing students at UBC and classes have been getting us down. This is our only chance all semester to let loose."

"It's okay," I said smiling back at her. Nursing students? Damn that Miguel was a fucking genius! I watched her snow gear melt away in my mind's eye and replaced it with a tiny pure white nurse's uniform.

"Here we are," she said nodding forward when we made it to the top. "Oh are you okay?" she asked her voice full of sweet concern as I did a face plant off the lift.

"I'm alright," I assured her only to slip again moments after regaining my feet. How could this snowboard be so much trickier than skis?

"It's been a while huh?" she asked trying not to laugh at my expense.

"My first time on a snowboard," I admitted. "But I've been skiing many times," I added when I saw her puzzled face.

"Are you serious?" she asked.

"Yeah... why?" I asked wondering what the big deal was.

"Didn't you read any of the signs on the lift? This is one of the hardest runs on the mountain. You shouldn't be up here," she said frowning nervously at me. As if to prove her point I slipped and fell again just standing there. I might have seen the signs if I had eyes for anything besides her.

"I'll be fine," I said confidently. I could handle a few spills on the way down.

"This could be dangerous for an inexperienced boarder like you," she said peering down the hill. It did look steep from here I admitted to myself. "Let me show you a few things and help you get down. Then I'll take you to practice on some of the beginner runs," she said ready to help me up. Things couldn't have been working out much better.

"If you're going to teach me how to snowboard you have to tell me your name first," I said.

"It's Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassie," she said.

"Why not Sandra for short?" I asked.

"My dad used to call me that sometimes when I was little," she said with her warmest smile yet.

"Well I'll call you Sandra if you'll call me daddy," I said without thinking and her smile vanished quicker than the vapors of our breath in the wind. See? I told you I had a habit of doing that.

Without a word she turned and left me on my back. Her friends who were stood nearby followed her. I could hear them asking what I'd done and one of them said 'What a jerk!' in disgust. You stupid fucking moron! I would have kicked myself right in the ass if the damn snowboard wasn't stuck to my feet. I could have told her I thought it was a pretty name but oh no. I had to make a stupid joke and completely offend her. For all I knew her father might have passed away and here I was ruining a cherished childhood memory with my big mouth.

I was stranded atop a death trap of a mountain and needed to find my way down. I'd be damned if I was going to ask them to let me ride the lift back down and I was too full of stubborn pride to take off the board and walk. Standing unsteadily on the board I craned my neck to look down the slope. It was steep, very steep with small room for error. I think I could have handled it on my skis but even that was far from certain. I could see her red helmeted figure already at the bottom of the first section staring up at me. No doubt she was waiting for her chance to watch me tumble down the hill. There was no need to make her wait any longer to see me take my punishment.

At first I was doing fine but I picked up speed rapidly and had no idea how to stop so I bailed into the hill. Landing on an icy patch gave me the kick in the ass I deserved. This was going to be rough but I'd make it. By the time I fell for the third time she'd taken her board off to walk up to meet me and sent her friends on their way. Waving her hands above her head she motioned for me to stay where I was. People were flying past me and I heard one guy complain about there being too many damn tourists on the hill today as I inched myself off to one side. I let her sit next to me before starting my apology. I knew I was lucky to have a second chance and chose my words carefully this time.

"I'm sorry Cassie I was just making a stupid joke earlier. I'm always saying things without thinking that people end up taking the wrong way. You'll learn that about me if you get to know me," I said hopeful she'd give me the chance.

"I know you were only kidding," she said with a deep sigh. "I still get a little touchy when I think about my dad. He's doing well now but six months ago he had a heart attack and we almost lost him," she explained in a soft voice.

"Now I feel even worse than before," I said. No wonder she reacted like she did. "Are you okay?" I asked. The urge to put my arm around her was strong but I wasn't foolish enough to try it yet.

"I'm fine... I don't even know your name yet," she said with a sudden smile that made my heart flutter in relief.

"I'm Rick, short for Richard," I said extending my hand. "What's so funny?" I asked when she started to giggle uncontrollably. What a sweet sound it was though.

"The whole way back up here I kept thinking 'this guy is such a dick' and I was right," she said tossing a handful of snow into my face playfully.

"What made you come back?" I asked as I brushed the snow from my face with a smile.

"I keep thinking about you hurting yourself and it made me feel guilty for abandoning you," she said and I could see concern for me etched on her face. It was my first hint of the sweet girl I'd found.

"Lucky for me I found one of those sweet Canadian girls I've heard so much about," I said drinking in the sight of her blushing smile.

"I suppose that makes you one of those trouble making American boys I've been warned to avoid," she said in a taunting voice.

"Well..." I said catching myself before I could give her another stupid answer. "I'm not the kind of boy they warn you about. I'm the one you want your family to meet."

"I guess we'll see about that," she said. I felt that I'd succeeded in planting some seeds in her mind at least. "First we need to get you down the hill in one piece. Lesson one is stopping. Watch how I do it," she said getting to her feet with remarkable ease.

Cassie's lessons were quick and to the point. In no time she'd shown me the proper way to stop and turn. Being completely captivated by her remarkable beauty I was a model student paying close attention to everything she said. It felt incredibly good when she praised me for picking up her lessons quickly. It seemed like she'd done this before and I suspected she'd been an instructor at a resort sometime in the past. She led me down the hill picking what she said was the most forgiving line. I still took my share of falls on the way down and Cassie waited patiently each time as I struggled to my feet. Getting up was the hardest thing to learn so far.

At the bottom of the hill she introduced me to her friends. The Asian girl was Lei and her other friend Jana was a cute brunette. They seemed surprised that Cassie was going to continue giving me lessons and were hesitant to leave until she shooed them away. With each trip down the beginner slope I improved noticeably and by the time we took a break for lunch she decided I was ready for an intermediate slope. I would have loved to ride down the big runs with her but I had no illusions about my skills anymore and knew it would take me weeks, if not months of practice to have even a prayer of keeping up with her.

With a guilty smile she agreed to let me pay for lunch but only after I convinced her that I had to repay her for the snowboarding lessons. She picked a place near the fire in the lodge for me to meet her. With a tray holding our food and a cup of hot cocoa as a surprise I found my way back to her. She'd taken off her helmet and ski goggles as she waited. As I approached I could see she was rubbing some lip balm on from a small round container with her finger. Stopping to watch her from a few steps away I was so turned on I was worried it might soon start to show unless I sat down.

"Here you go," I said laying the tray on the table and sitting next to her.

"Thank you," she said looking up and flashing an appreciative smile before turning back to the tray. "Hot cocoa too. How did you know?"

"I took a guess that you'd like chocolate and imagine that I was right. They say some women prefer it to..." My voice caught in my throat when she reached out to touch my arm.

"I'm having a good time with you Rick but remember how we talked about you saying the wrong thing at the wrong time?" she said stopping me before I did it again.

"Look here for a second," I said suddenly. I still hadn't gotten a good look at her eyes. "I knew it," I said when she stopped sipping her cocoa to gaze at me.

"What?" she asked touching her beautiful face and wondering what was wrong.

"Your eyes. I decided they were blue when we met outside. I was right though they're even prettier than I imagined," I said. In truth pretty didn't even begin to describe them. Their vibrant blue color instantly enchanted me, making looking away a difficult task.

"You're just saying that," she said with embarrassment flushing her cheeks.

"It's true. You looked cute putting your lip balm on too," I said pressing my luck.

"You could use some yourself," she said touching my dry lips with her thumb.

"If you want to put that on me it would be easier to just kiss me," I said feeling bold now, but all she did was smile and pick her cocoa back up.

The afternoon with Cassie flew by like a dream. When I finally made it down one of the intermediate runs without falling I got my kiss, a fleeting one on the lips that left me needing more. It was all the incentive I needed to get better fast. Every time I fell after that I cursed myself and slammed my fist into the snow in anger. Cassie hid her smile behind her gloved hand each time fueling my desire for her. With most of the lifts closing soon she announced this would be the last run and I focused like never before managing to stay on my feet despite a series of close calls. She'd followed me down the hill and slid deftly in front of me, stopping face to face.

Leaning in to give me my hard earned kiss she shoved me in the chest instead toppling me over. As disappointed as I was, it was impossible to get angry at her girlish laughter. Moments later when she offered me her hand to help me up I got my revenge. Pulling her off her feet with a sharp tug I caught her in my waiting arms. Holding her tight I gave her the long kiss I'd been saving all day.