My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 16


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"Come on Jack try some for daddy," I said trying to feed him from a bottle of baby food in his high chair a few weeks later.

"Any luck?" Cassie asked coming back from the bathroom.

"Not at all. I don't think he likes it," I said.

"Which one is it?" she asked.

"Plums," I said. "I checked the date, it's definitely not expired."

"He ate all the other ones. Want me to try?" she said.

"Sure sweetie," I said handing her the jar and the spoon.

"Open wide for mommy," Cassie sang but whenever she succeeded in getting a spoonful into his mouth he'd spit it right back out.

"Maybe it just tastes bad," I said.

"Try it and see," Cassie said.

"Me?" I said.

"Yes you. Here," she said holding up the spoon.

"Oh my god it's terrible," I said running to the sink to spit it out. Cassie was laughing at me and soon Jack was giggling too.

"Now we know why he wouldn't eat it," she said between laughs. We ended up throwing the full jar away and to this day Jack doesn't like plums at all.

In late August, we took a trip to California for the annual Kellogg family Dodgers game. At first I tried to tell Cassie that we didn't need to go this year but she wouldn't hear of it. We managed to squeeze in a week long trip which left little time for everyone I knew in Southern California to meet our new son. The highlight of the trip was taking the photo of the growing Kellogg family in front of the stadium of course. There's too much to recount and more that we didn't even get to. Other than the game and time with my immediate family, I made sure that Tim got to spend an afternoon hanging out with us and our newborn son.

On nice evenings we'd often go for a walk around the growing neighborhood with Jack in his stroller. At first we didn't go too far from home but eventually we were walking a long loop through the subdivision with our pride and joy. Cassie was excited to see the houses all around up filling up with families. She'd smile at the bikes and other toys of neighborhood children littering the lawns. We slowly got to know some of our neighbors and were always happy to introduce them to Jack of course. By that time we were accustomed to Jack crying for seemingly nothing and took it in stride. We always had a diaper bag with us and quickly mastered changing him on the built in fold out on the stroller. A bottle of pumped breast milk always came with us on our walks too in case Jack wanted it.

For Cassie's birthday that year she wanted a subdued party with family and her closest friends only. It still ended up being a large gathering with Jack taking center stage even on his mother's birthday. First Cassie tried to tell me she didn't want a gift at all and then tried to convince me that she wanted something for Jack, as if there was anything he lacked. All I would agree to was not spending too much and trying to make it something for her and the baby. When she opened my gift last I was confident she'd love it even before her reaction confirmed it. I searched high and low to find matching koala costumes for her and Jack. She put Jack in his right away and took pictures. It was the perfect gift she said, the only problem being that she didn't want to wear the other Halloween costumes she had now.

The following night Cassie and Jack wore their mom and baby koala costumes as we gave out treats. Almost all of the houses in our neighborhood were occupied now and we had plenty of trick-or-treaters though some people from the year before decided to make it an annual tradition to visit us. Cassie couldn't have been happier to see them. Despite the large number of kids that came to our door we were never in danger of running out of treats.

Before I knew it we were into December and Jack's first Christmas was upon us. I was fairly certain Cassie had his picture taken with every mall Santa in the city. When I said as much, she asked which of the photos I was willing to throw away and her point was made. We were still young and lacking self control when it came to spoiling our son, which made the celebration of his first Christmas completely over the top. Only years of experience helped us slowly scale back to something far more reasonable instead.

"Can you imagine how much fun Christmas morning will be when Jack is old enough to take it all in?" Cassie asked. She was sitting near the tree surround by a mountain of toys with Jack on her lap.

"I can't wait," I said. Jack seemed far more interested in the sparkling lights and ornaments on the tree than any toy we bought for him. "I think we opened everything," I said.

"There's one more gift for both of us," Cassie said.

"From who?" I wondered aloud.

"Me," she blushed.

"I thought we agreed on one gift each," I said. Jack was eligible to receive unlimited gifts though.

"We did. But it's for both of us," she said.

"You want me to open it I suppose," I said.

"Yes but we can't, not yet," she said touching her stomach.

"Another baby?" I dared to dream and she nodded, granting me my wish. Being careful not to squeeze baby Jack between us I hugged my wife and kissed her with all my love. "I love you so much sweetie."

"I love you too," she said crying just a little. "You're going to have a baby brother or sister soon Jack."

"How far along are you?" I asked.

"About two months," she said which placed the conception around the time of her birthday in late October.

"I can't believe you managed to wait until now to tell me," I said with a smile. She must have been eager to reveal she was pregnant to me from the moment she knew. Her news was the perfect gift, so much so that I quickly forgot anything else I had received.

"I can't either. It was so hard to keep it a secret," she said.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked before stopping to think.

"Of course not," she said at once. "I haven't even gone to see Violet yet."

A week later we were back in Dr. Sun's office receiving confirmation that Cassie was two months pregnant with our second child. Before becoming a father I feared the experience wouldn't be the same after the first child but I was completely wrong. With Cassie's second pregnancy I somehow became even more excited because I knew what Jack's birth had added to our lives and what to expect with our second child. Becoming a father is something that's impossible to appreciate fully until your first child is born.

Our family and friends were excited when we spread the news of course. Cassie started to laugh when giving the news to my sister Susan, who had just found our she was pregnant again too. We knew how blessed we were to have Jack who brought us endless joy and another baby on the way. The feeling of becoming a parent is indescribable but it took my already fantastic life with Cassie to another level and we were about to do it again. Expecting a child never becomes routine, but the second time around there were fewer surprises and we adjusted our lives accordingly.

Jack demanded a lot of our attention and we were happy to give it to him. It meant less time to keep up with the other people in our lives though. Needless to say we were shocked when Lei told us she was moving to LA to try making a life with Tim work over dinner at our home. I knew they had maintained their long distance relationship but had no idea how serious it had become. Cassie was happy for Lei and apologetic that we were oblivious of their big decision until the last minute. Lei just smiled and said we had far more important concerns.

Lei left at the end of January and was back by the middle of February. I talked to Tim about it and promised I'd try to help. He honestly had no idea what had gone wrong other than indecisiveness on her part. It was an awkward position to be in. Other than Cassie, Tim was my best friend but Lei was practically family to Cassie and I too. Cassie took it upon herself to talk to Lei and find out what happened. From what Cassie could tell Lei was still in love with Tim but broke under the pressure of moving, a new job, and the expectations of her strict parents. Given time she thought they could work it out which Tim was happy to hear. A month after returning she was still hesitant to contact him but was at our house in tears when I came home from work one day.

"Hi sweetie, oh and you're here too Cassie," I said coming into the kitchen but neither of them so much as smiled. "Are you okay Lei?" I asked when I noticed the state she was in.

"Sit down," Cassie told me.

"What is it?" I asked with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Take your time," Cassie said comforting her friend. "I'll tell him if you want."

"No," Lei sniffed and took a few deep calming breaths. "I'm pregnant," she said and the tears started to flow again.

"And you're afraid to tell him?" I said. I knew Tim was the father without having to ask. Lei nodded but it was Cassie who spoke.

"How will he react?" Cassie asked.

"I've known Tim for as long as I can remember," I said. "He'll do what's right, whatever you need of him."

"I'm so scared," Lei said.

"You have to tell him," I said. "I can't keep this a secret from him."

"Of course she'll tell him when she's ready," Cassie said.

"Rick is right," Lei said. "I need to tell him and waiting only makes it harder."

"Do you want to call him now?" Cassie asked and Lei nodded. "Come to our guest room you can talk to him in privacy there. You're welcome to stay here with us tonight and for as long as you like."

Cassie went upstairs with Lei and came back down with Jack in her arms. We made dinner, talking softly about the situation between two of our closest friends. I was certain Lei could count on Tim to be supportive and she knew Cassie and I would do anything she needed of us too. Dinner was cooked and eaten, with a portion set aside for Lei before she came downstairs. The tears had stopped for now and her smile at the sight of nine month old Jack told me everything would be just fine.

Tim caught a last minute flight that arrived in Vancouver past midnight. I picked him up and answered question after question about what becoming a father was like as I drove to our house. He greeted Cassie when we arrived and headed straight for the guestroom where Lei was waiting. I have no idea what was said between them but there was no shouting or loud arguing and neither emerged before Cassie and I went to bed. They both stayed with us for the next week, working through whatever problems there were. By the end of that week, Lei was willing to give LA, and more importantly life with Tim, another shot. Whether or not their romance survived, they were committed to keeping the baby and raising their child together.

"Hello sweetie," I said when Cassie greeted me at the door with Jack in her arms. "Hello Jack."

"Dada," he said and I nearly fell down.

"He learned that today," Cassie said with her endearing giggle.

"Can you say it again for me?" I asked giving his little bare foot a squeeze.

"Say hello daddy," Cassie urged.

"Dada," he said giggling along with our joyous laughter.

"Can you say mommy too?" I asked. "Mommy. Mommy."

"Ma ma ma ma," he repeated the syllables he was hearing. We sat down on the sofa waiting for Jack to say dada or mama over and over until he got tired. With his first words out of the way he began adding to his vocabulary at an astonishing pace over the next few months.

It seemed like everyday I came home from work to learn that Jack had done something for the first time. One day Cassie told me I had to see something right away. She was off that day and had cared for Jack all day. He was down for a nap giving me the chance to watch the video she'd captured of him taking his first unsteady steps. It made me cry and Cassie became apologetic but I told her there was nothing to be sorry for. If she hadn't been quick to turn the video camera on I would have never seen his first steps. I watched the short video of Jack walking several times before we made dinner and after dinner I got to see him practice in person.

That year there were so many friends and family that were having babies too. My sister, Lei, my coworker John and his newly wed wife, two other nurses at Cassie's hospital, and another girl she'd gone through nursing school with. I made the joke that maybe Emily would be next before Cassie could though not in front of Jay or Emily of course. They were progressing as a couple but Jay was rightfully hesitant about moving forward too quickly. We saw them a few times a month and they were obviously happy together which is all that mattered.

"Do you think we're having a boy or girl this time?" Cassie asked me. We were in Dr. Sun's office and about to find out.

"A girl," I said picturing Cassie as a baby in my mind. "But as long as the baby is healthy I'll be happy either way."

"Yes exactly," Cassie said with a wide grin.

"Whichever it is, you have to share your favorite name first," I reminded her again.

"So I've heard," she grinned.

"I promise to give my honest opinion," I said.

"Good morning," Dr. Sun said joining us.

"Good morning Violet," Cassie said.

"Hello Dr. Sun," I said right after her.

"How many of your children will I have to deliver before he calls me Violet?" she asked Cassie.

"I told him you wanted us to use you first name at our appointments but he feels uncomfortable with it," Cassie explained.

"Well whenever you're ready Mr. Kellogg," she said making Cassie giggle.

"Sorry Dr. Violet," I said making them both laugh at me.

"That's better. One step at a time Mr. Richard," she said. At our very first meeting with Violet I was alarmed by her youthful appearance. Now I wouldn't trust anyone but her to guide us through the birth of our children.

"How about if I agree to call you Violet if you'll come to dinner at our house?" I said.

"Only if Cassie is okay with it," she said already smiling.

"Oh of course. I would love to meet your husband and kids," Cassie said.

"We'll figure out a day that works later," Violet said. "It's time to take a look at your baby." Just as she had when Cassie was expecting Jack, Violet asked Cassie lift her shirt and spread gel over her abdomen. We watched the monitor captivated by the first images of the baby growing inside her. "It's another boy," she said knowing that we were eager to know.

"A boy," Cassie smiled. We both knew he was healthy or Violet would have said something right away.

"A baby brother for Jack," I said squeezing my wife's hand.

"I have another appointment to get to but I'll call you later to set a dinner date," Violet said leaving a printout of our son's ultrasound image with us. We went to the car looking at the picture eager to meet him for the first time.

"I'm not starting the car until I hear a name," I said when Cassie glanced at me.

"I'll tell you but it's okay if you don't like it. Our son needs a name that we both love," she said.

"I know," I said.

"I like the name Nathaniel," she said. "You don't like it," she worried right away when she saw my furrowed brow.

"I do like it but it sounds a bit formal. What if we shorten it to Nathan?" I suggested.

"I really like that too. It depends on if it goes with his middle name though," she said. There was no formula to follow for a middle name this time but I had one in mind.

"I was thinking Joseph for his middle name," I said.

"After your grandfather on your mother's side?" Cassie asked.

"Yes," I said.

"I love that idea. Nathan Joseph Kellogg," she said. "I think that's it."

"I love it too but we have plenty of time to change our minds if we want," I said though it was clear Cassie was all but set on Nathan Joseph for our unborn son's given names.

We waited a few days to make sure we were committed to the name before telling anyone else. Cassie fell completely in love with the name and assured me she'd have no second thoughts. I agreed and we took turns spreading the good news. Cassie let me be the one to tell my mother that we were having another boy and the names we'd chosen. She cried telling me how touched she was that we were honoring her late father with our son's middle name. Cassie's family were happy to hear the news as well and all thought the name was perfect.

Cassie was seven months pregnant with our second son Nathan when Jack's first birthday arrived. My parents wanted to be there but postponed their visit until July when Nathan was due to be born. We celebrated Jack's first birthday surrounded by Cassie's family and close friends, including Jay's girlfriend Emily was who rightfully treated like part of the family now. Jack was still too young to properly enjoy the gifts that we showered him with but he went wild after one taste of his cake that Cassie had made from scratch. We let him dig right into it with both hands and get it everywhere, taking photos the whole time and capturing it on our digital camcorder too. He needed a bath and clean clothes after the cake which Cassie took him upstairs for, returning a short time later with our laughing bundle of joy in her arms.

Shortly after Jack's first birthday we learned that Susan and Brian were having another girl. Then days later, we got a call from Lei and Tim to tell us that they were expecting a baby girl too. We were elated that our friends and family reported no complications first and foremost. I teased Cassie saying that at least someone was having girls and though she knew it was just playful teasing she offered a serious answer.

"I don't mind at all. I grew up with two older brothers and couldn't imagine it any other way," she said.

"You wanted two boys first?" I asked.

"No I don't care either way. But now that we have a second boy on the way it reminds me of growing up with Marc and Jay. They teased me a lot but whenever I needed help they were there for me," she said.

"What if our next baby is a boy too?" I asked.

"Then we'll have three boys," she said simply.

"What if we never have a girl?" I pressed.

"Then we'll have a houseful of beautiful baby boys," she said. "And it would be all you fault because the sperm determines the sex of the baby," she said waiting a beat before giggling at my panicked expression.

We finally managed to find a date when both Violet and her husband were available to join us for dinner. Her husband, who goes by Wayne instead of his Chinese given name Weisheng, is an executive with a shipping company and travels back and forth to Asia frequently. Their two children, Caroline and Max, were quiet at first but Cassie drew them out of their shells. They remained well-behaved under the watchful eyes of their parents but Cassie had them laughing and enjoying themselves until it was time to go home. Violet said she looked forward to seeing us at Cassie's final check up before her due date as she left and wanted to return the favor with dinner at their home the next time we got together.

As Jack became more and more active Cassie and I had our hands full keeping up with him in the later stages of her second pregnancy. He was starting to develop his own personality too. Jack was bold, curious, and loved to laugh when playing with us. Now that he was starting to sleep through the night we had a chance to recharge before the next day. I was happy to treat Cassie to nightly foot rubs again but at the start of July she made a request that terrified me.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"I said I want you to help me shave my pubic hair. I'd do it myself but I can't see what I'm doing," she said rubbing her round belly.

"Why now? Last time you didn't ask me," I said.

"I would've but Jack came earlier than expected," she said.

"You know I'd do anything for you sweetie but all I can think about is what if I hurt you down there," I said.

"You won't," she said confidently. "I wouldn't trust anyone but you to do this for me."