Naughty Teacher Seeks Sexy Students


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"Dude, I'm not asking you to fuck her for me! I'm just asking you to come with us, once, the first time. I know you're eighteen, but you're calm! You can treat her as if she's just a person or something. I mean, I know she's just a person, but she's not just a teenage person, you know? I keep thinking she'll be like my mom and will tell me to stand in the corner or go to my room or something. Once I actually see her, say a few words to her, I'll be alright. But I need you there the first time, or I'll throw up or have a heart attack or something. Make it a double date, bring Jane or something. I'll pay for your meal. I'll pay for both your meals. Please, Tom."

Tom sighed again. "OK, I'll call Jane and ask."

"Hey, Jane? It's Tom. Are you free this evening? No, I know it's short notice, but I need your help. It's my friend Andy, remember I introduced you that time? Well, he signed up to the dating app, you know, the one on which you and I met? Yeah, I told him how happy we were and he signed up too, but he wrote that he wanted to date twenty five to thirty five year olds. Yeah. Yes, women. Well, he got a reply from one, and she wants to meet him this evening, and now he's really nervous. He's never dated anyone older than a teenager before, and he really wants you and me there, to come with him, sort of keep him grounded. The diner on the corner, you know it. He says he'll pay for our food. Yeah, I know. He is kind of a moron, but he is my best friend, and I do feel a little responsible. He swears it will only be this one time. Six thirty. Yes, I'll be coming straight from work too, it's just the diner, it's nothing you need to dress up for. Great. You're the best."

Andy and Tom were at the diner before either of the women. They sat at a corner booth, and waited.

"Do you think she's coming?" Andy asked. "Are they coming? Did they ditch us?"

"Oh no, this is a thing," Tom said. "Women always want to make you wait for them, they never want to wait for you. You'll see, when they show up, they'll each have some sort of excuse, but actually it's a thing.

"While we're waiting, show me this grown woman who wants to date you. What's her name, what's she look like?"

Andy showed the dating app profile on his phone. They studied it together.

"Hey, she isn't really showing what she looks like. She's got a baseball cap over half of her face. And that name? 'Kim Kim'? No one is named that."

"Kim is a common Korean name," Andy said. "She could be Korean, she's small, she's got really white skin, they're into that, and we can't see her eyes under the baseball cap."

"Yeah, but Kim Kim?"

"OK, maybe it's a fake name. Still, she looks kind of familiar, you know?"

"Yeah. I get that feeling too. Do you know a lot of twenty seven year olds?"

"No. But if that's not her real name, maybe that's not her real age either?"

"Yeah. She's clearly somewhere around that age, though," Andy said.

"You know," Tom said, "You're panicking a lot less now than you were just a few hours ago. You're downright analytical."

"That's because I didn't really look at her profile before," Andy said. "She's covering her face, she's using a fake name, she's got something to hide. I may be eighteen, so I may not know shit, but at least I'm not hiding anything. That means we're sort of even, you know? She has something on me, but I have something on her - even if I don't know what that something is. I'm not scared of her any more."

"Didn't you feel that already?" Tom asked. "I mean, she's a twenty seven year old who wants to date a teenager, she's got to have something wrong with her."

"Yeah, I didn't think of that," Andy said. "Wait. Dude! I think I know why she looks familiar. Remember our English teacher, Miss Murphy? She got in trouble for that kid, Eugene something. She lost her job and everything. This Kim Kim chick reminds me of Miss Murphy. That's why she's looking for a teenager, and that's why she's hiding her name and her face!"

Tom looked at the profile again. "No. Miss Murphy was short, but not five foot two."

"She could be lying about her height! She's not standing next to a ruler!" Andy said.

"Miss Murphy had curly red hair."

"She has her hair up, it could be under the baseball cap! Tucked really tight!"

"Miss Murphy was pale, but she was redhead-pale, you know, freckles. Not this kind of white skin pale."

"That could be the photograph lighting."

"Miss Murphy had the most amazing ass. This woman has a nice body, but..."

"She's looking forward, we can't see her ass."

"We can see her hips and her thighs," Tom said.

Both of them looked at the picture.

"Yeah, I agree, this isn't Miss Murphy," Andy said. "Damn. Something reminds me of her, though."

"Yeah, me too, now that you mention it."

"And there she is," Andy said. She was at the diner door, looking exactly like in her profile picture; the same dress, the same baseball cap pulled down over her eyes. She had added jewelry, round silvery earrings and bangle bracelets over her white arms, and was carrying a purse. She was actually five foot two, but she wore high heels so she was just short, not completely dwarfed by everyone else. She was looking around - well, probably looking around, since her eyes weren't visible under the cap visor.

"Go get her, dude," Tom said. Andy did.

"Kim? Miss Kim? I'm Andy. Andrew Morse?"

She smiled at him from under the cap brim, and held out her arm. Andy didn't know what to do with it at first, then realized he was supposed to take it. He walked her to the booth where Tom was sitting. "It's a little loud, I'm sorry, it's an important football game..."

"That's good," Kim said. "Then if we're quiet, other people won't be paying attention to what we're saying."

"Hi, I'm Tom Harris," Tom said, and held out his hand. "My girlfriend Jane Miller is going to be showing up, she just seems to be late."

She took it, lightly, with her fingertips, without really squeezing it in a handshake.

Then she turned to Andy. "You're very polite letting me sit down first, but I'd feel more secure if I were on the outside - could you sit first, please?"

Andy sat down across from Tom, and she sat next to him. "I'm Kim."

"You sound familiar. Is your name really Kim Kim?" Tom asked.

"No, I'm afraid it's not," Kim said. "Please just call me Kim. I didn't want to give my last name on that app. I like my privacy.

"Have you been reading the local news lately? You might have heard about a teacher that got in trouble with a younger student?"

"Yes, Miss Murphy. She was actually a teacher of ours a year ago, you know. She lost her job. It was a crying shame, she didn't deserve it, we really liked her."

"I'm glad to hear that," Kim said. "I think she didn't deserve it either. But given the circumstances, you can understand, I hope, why an older woman who is interested in dating a younger man might not feel comfortable giving her full name."

"Well, a little," said Andy, "but it's not really the same. I mean, I'm eighteen, and it's not like you're my teacher..."

Kim pushed up the visor of her baseball cap so both teens could see her face. Both teens spoke at once.

"Oh fuck, you're Miss ...," said Andy.

"Oh my God, you're Seño...," said Tom.

Kim quickly pushed one beautifully manicured pink nailed forefinger of each hand firmly against the lips of each teenager.

"My name is Kim, and we only speak English, yes?"

The two boys sat dumbstruck.

"I said, we will agree that my name is Kim," Kim said, still quietly, but more strictly. "Just Kim, and you've never met me before. Or I get up and leave right now."

"Yes, Kim," Andy said quickly.

"Just Kim," Tom agreed.

Kim pulled the visor of her cap back down and smiled at them from underneath it. They stared at her.

"We'll wait for Jane. She's not from your high school, is she?"

"No, she's not," Tom said. "How did you - oh. Right."

Jane came soon after. She was a tall, healthy girl, with short brown hair, also just out of high school.

"Hi Tom, hi Andy!" she exclaimed. "Sorry I'm late, the subway was slow. I'm Jane Miller, Tom's girlfriend, and you must be ..."

She looked more closely at Kim, and her expression faltered. Kim was wearing a short, fitted sleeveless dress exposing her white arms with bangle bracelets. The lower half of her face could be seen under the cap visor, showing she wore pink lipstick which looked darker against her white skin, and perfectly matched the pink nail polish on her inch long fingernails. Her silvery purse and earrings matched the bracelets. Her shoes were strappy high heeled sandals exposing polished pink toenails matching her lips and fingernails. Jane wore no makeup or jewelry, kept her fingernails short and unpainted, and had on a sweatshirt, sneakers, and jeans.

"Hi, I'm Kim," Kim said, extending her hand and smiling.

"I - I came from work," Jane stammered. "It's kind of a warehouse, they don't let us wear jewelry or heels..."

"You look wonderful," Kim reassured her. Jane didn't look convinced. She looked at Tom and Andy who were both wearing t-shirts, sneakers, and jeans, Tom's t-shirt with a collar, Andy's without. She sat down.

"You say you work at a warehouse?" Kim asked. "That sounds interesting, are there a lot of young women there with you?"

"Oh, it's not really a warehouse, it's just a store laid out like a warehouse, and you have to move a lot of heavy items. It's just a summer job, to save for college next year. No, there aren't a lot of women there, it's almost all men."

"I see. I guess you need to be strong, then? I could never do that." Kim said.

Jane's expression got darker and she grabbed Tom's hand for support. It was limp in her grasp. He, like Andy, was staring at Kim, dumbfounded. Jane poked him with her elbow. Tom turned to look at her as if seeing her for the first time, and took in her grim expression, not completely understanding what was wrong, but realizing something was. Fortunately, the server came to take their order.

"I'll have a lemonade, cheeseburger, and french fries," Tom said, gratefully.

"The same," Jane said.

"Coke, hamburger, and cheese fries," Andy said.

"I'll just have water and a green salad, dressing on the side, please. I don't feel like anything heavy." Kim said.

The server left. Jane looked at Kim with narrow eyes, breathed in and out, then jumped to her feet. She threw a handful of bills on the table. "Sorry, Andy, I know you wanted company, but I can't sit here any longer; this should pay for my food. Tom, will you come with me?"

Tom looked at her with wide eyes. "What? You're going? Now? Already? Why?"

Jane stomped out without answering.

"I should go," Tom said, hesitantly.

"No, I'll go talk to her," Kim said. "You stay!" She had such a voice of command that her former students were glued to their seats, and she ran out after her.

Jane stood against a corner of the alley next to the diner, waiting for Tom. When she saw Kim coming towards her, she scowled, and balled up her fists.

"Get away from me! You and your popular girl friends can't make fun of me any more! If Tom isn't coming after me, you can have him! I'll hurt you, don't think I won't!"

"Sweetie," Kim said, unafraid and coming right up to the younger, larger girl, "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any popular girl friends. I'm not your enemy, I'm not a threat to you, I'm not here to take Tomas away from you. You're seven inches taller and nine years younger than I am, are you really going to hit me?"

"I will! I ...," Jane said, but she couldn't say anything more, because Kim had stepped one foot on a planter to get the height that she needed, put both arms around Jane's head, and kissed her on the lips, hard. The tall girl was thunderstruck. Her eyes opened wide, then her clenched fists opened, and she just stood as if she had been turned to stone, until Kim pulled her mouth off of hers. Then blinked her eyes, grabbed Kim and pulled her into the dark alleyway after her.

"Uhh, uhh," Jane said, breathing hard. "I'm sorry. Can you do that again? I wasn't ready. I wasn't concentrating. Are you a lesbian? Is that why you're not a threat to me, and aren't going to take Tom away from me? If you are, please do that again, so I can pay attention. I will, I promise!"

Kim smiled. "No, sweetie, I'm not a lesbian. I just needed to do something to distract you, otherwise you weren't really listening. You were in some world all your own, with popular girls persecuting you."

Jane stood against the alley wall crying. "It's just like it was in high school! I was always the big ugly nerdy girl, who never knew how to dress, that all the popular girls made fun of, and called a dyke! I never had a boyfriend, because the tall boys all went with the pretty and popular girls, and the short boys were afraid of me! That's why I went on that dating app as soon as I turned eighteen, and looked for a boy from a different high school, because he wouldn't have heard all the popular girls calling me a fat dyke! I finally found Tom, and he's wonderful, he's tall, and he's kind, and good looking, and smart, and he's nice to me. I thought high school was finally going to be over, and I could be a real person.

"But now here you are, all pretty, and pale, and tiny, and well dressed, in high heels and makeup and jewelry, when I'm in jeans and sneakers like a clod! And both boys only look at you! Not just Andy, he's your date, that would be natural, but even Tom isn't paying any attention to me, he's just staring at you, like you're the second coming! And I order a hamburger, like the guys, and you order a salad, like a, like a, feminine woman, and you say, you say, that it's because you don't want to be HEAVY! Aaah!"

Kim hugged her. "Oh, sweetie. I'm five foot two. I have to wear high heels and makeup and jewelry when I go on dates with tall men. If I don't, people think that I'm fourteen and that my boyfriend is a pedophile. It's nothing against you. You're beautiful, you're sexy, you're smart, you're strong, and you're healthy, you can dress how you want, you can eat what you want. I wish I could be as strong as you, honest. I didn't order that salad - at - you, I really am not very hungry. It's because I'm kind of nervous, actually, I can never eat much when I'm nervous. I'm a grown woman dating an eighteen year old! I could lose my - I could lose my reputation, I mean. But I'm not here to take Tomas away from you, I thought I'd just be dating Andrés. And I'm not all fashionable, I'm wearing a man's baseball cap after all."

Jane kept sobbing. "It looks cute on you! Everything looks good on you, you're so tiny and beautiful! I didn't know whether I wanted to kiss you or be you! Tom's the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me, and then he stares at you like I am not even sitting next to him, and even though you're his best friend's date! I was really going to hit you! And then you kiss me! No woman has ever kissed me! Those girls kept calling me a dyke for so long that I've been thinking that maybe they were right, maybe I am one? That's why I got a boyfriend as soon as I could, to tell! But then you kiss me! And now you're not even a lesbian! How am I supposed to know if I'm really gay or not if I can't even find a lesbian to kiss me?"

"Oh, sweetie," Kim said. "Didn't you have an LGBT club or gay-straight alliance in high school?"

"No!" Jane said. "Tom told me about the one in his high school, and I was so jealous. I think we had one five years ago, but the gym teacher who ran it was caught having an affair with one of the students, so the high school closed it down."

"That's going around," Kim murmured quietly.

"When I got to high school, they only used dyke as a swear word, no one ever actually admitted to being one!" Jane went on. "Did you say something?"

"No, nada, er, nothing," Kim said. "But you're going to university, right? I guarantee there will be lesbians there, both those who know they are gay, and those just trying to find out if they are, like you. You'll be able to find out."

"No, I won't!" Jane cried. "Tom's coming to university with me! I couldn't do that to him, he's so nice to me. And what if I'm not gay? He's the best thing I've ever had in my life, I don't want to risk losing him!"

"He doesn't know you're questioning your sexuality?"


"You might be surprised; if he's really the best thing you've had in your life he might be accepting of you exploring. Have you had sex with him? Or with anyone?"

"Yes. Only with Tom. Half a dozen times."

"Did you like it? Did you come?"

"Well, sort of," Jane said. "Tom usually came, and I liked that. The first time he put it in me, it hurt, I knew that it would. And then the next time it stopped hurting, and it was just starting to be kind of nice but was never long enough. See, we both still live with our parents, and there's never enough time, we're always worried they'll come home early. Then Tom noticed, and asked, and said it would be my turn, and two times he didn't put it in me, he just licked and kissed and touched my pussy and my clit, and that was Really Nice - I am pretty sure I came. But then there wasn't enough time for Tom to put it in me and come, and I really wanted him to, so the rest of the times, we sort of tried to do a little of each, and it was nice, but didn't really work to get me all the way, you know? That's another reason I think I might be a lesbian - licking and kissing and touching pussy and clit, lesbians do that, right? And I can come that way, but not from Tom's dick, even though I really, really want to. So maybe I am a lesbian."

Kim laughed. "It's not what you do, it's whom you do it with. What kind of sex you like can change based on so many things. Back when I was your age, maybe a little older, I didn't like the taste of a woman's pussy. That's just one of the reasons I'm pretty sure I'm not a lesbian, it's not the only one. Just this morning, I tasted pussy again and I was with the right person, and I was really aroused and it was really nice."

"Really? Then maybe you could be a lesbian after all! You said you think I'm beautiful and sexy! You're so sophisticated, you must have a room all your own. Would you take me there and have sex with me? Please?"

"Caramba!" Kim said. "It's like you're not listening. No, that was not what I meant at all. Just stop crying, I'll even kiss you again if you stop crying. I am not a lesbian, but I am here for sex, and I do have a room, a double room, two beds. I meant it for me and Andrés, but I can also take you and Tomas there, and see what happens when you have all the time you need. I will help you, have sex with him. I won't take him away from you, I'll bring you together. Just do what I say."

"You will? On the first date? With all four of us, together? Would Tom and Andy be up for that?"

Kim laughed again. "Getting eighteen year old boys to agree to sex? That's the easiest part! I'll show you, it will be fun."

Jane looked at her, hopeful but then again despairing. "But - but - I can't just come back there. I made a fool of myself running out, and I've been bawling, I must look terrible."

"Here, I brought my purse with a few things in it, let me look at your face," Kim said, turning on the light from her cell phone. "It's not so bad, your eyes are just a bit red, barely noticeable. Honestly, men don't look at our eyes as much as we might want them to. And there are advantages to not wearing mascara, if I had been crying like that I'd look like a raccoon. Your lips, though, are pretty pink - I definitely marked you! We can take advantage of that. Do you still want me to kiss you again?"

"Yes, please!" Jane said.

Jane bent down and Kim held her head firmly, and they kissed. This time Jane was paying attention, she thoroughly tasted Kim's tongue as it probed into her mouth, and followed with her own tongue as Kim's retreated, only to be surprised as Kim lightly nibbled with her teeth. Kim's lips, and tongue, and mouth, and head were all smaller than hers, which was so different from kissing Tom. Jane had always thought she had let Tom take the lead because he was larger, but here, the smaller Kim was taking the lead, and she was so active and knew so many things to do with her lips and tongue and teeth! It was like kissing a little ball of energy. She must be a lesbian. Jane grabbed Kim's head and kissed her back, pushing her larger tongue into Kim's mouth, and this time Kim relaxed and let Jane explore. It was so weird being able to fill Kim's mouth with her own, but so nice, so very nice. If only she could keep this up forever. Eventually, though, they broke and gasped heavily.