Neekanah - Huntress Enslaved Ch. 02


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This inevitable attention made her decision to go to Vad Mhor an easy choice. The clock started ticking the instant she landed on the moon, and the Caerulean knew her physical appearance made it folly to attempt hiding around the Advanari Crater for long.

Her imposing stature and height — not to mention her shapely body and risqué clothing — meant she would stand out in nearly any crowd, even those on Halax, which were composed of numerous alien oddities.

It might be days, weeks, or even months before a foul enemy noticed her, but if Neekah stayed, she faced inevitable capture. A dull ache tingled inside her lower abdomen while considering the prospect of living on Hewnstone as an elusive quarry. Flashes of having to constantly hide from predatory aliens and men, who threatened to treat her as a sexual conquest before eventually selling her off, inexplicably excited the Huntress.

A deep desire to be mated like she was some sexual object grew between each flicker of her fading drug, which intermittently cleared her bewildered thoughts. In its absence, images of being pushed to the floor and fucked like an animal filled her head more and more.

The lewd distractions brought about an intense fear of failure, and she struggled to push her apprehensions aside.

Asking CERRIS to save her and knowing the fallout of such a request left no other options — she had to fix Crucible on her own. Even though failure in Vad Mhor likely meant suffering barbaric treatment worse than any CERRIS discipline following a rescue, success brought hope for partial absolution.

Even if begging her Mistress for mercy failed, Neekah could eventually earn ship privileges again. With good behavior, she might even acquire missions on the beautiful worlds of the CHZ — a preferable life to her meek existence in the Frontier.

Whatever fate awaited her during the upcoming visit to Vad Mhor, one sober certainty remained — she found herself vying for one form of slavery over another. Her dream of escaping the clutches of Ekaterina altogether and winning true freedom would have to wait for another day....

b. Anaphrodisiac Fading

Satisfied her inspection of the Crucible was complete, Neekah shifted her focus to other preparations. Entering her cabin, the augment caught another glimpse of herself in a large mirror. She couldn't help but sensually turn again and check her stunning reflection's shape in appreciation, making her feel mindlessly self-absorbed given the current crisis.

Refusing to satisfy her wicked desires, she attempted to look through her room and slow the heat rising in her body before it grew out of control.

The plush design of her quarters provided more space than similarly sized ships typically offered, and Neekah filled most of it with well-organized hideaways stashed with gear fit for a bounty hunter of her skill.

Traveling towards Hewnstone required provisions, and after scanning her room to create a mental checklist, the Huntress quickly packed an overnight bag with equipment for her journey. Then, she began stocking the ship's travel locker, knowing Gus would deliver it to her suite later in the evening.

Amidst the effort, she caught fresh glances in the mirror. Neekah couldn't help but marvel at how the tight pearl-colored suit hugged every curve of her graceful figure — obscenely presenting her erotic body.

Living for months in deep space aboard her ship, her owner usually required the slave to spend long stretches stark naked during extended voyages. Seeing her reflection, the Caerulean saw little difference between wearing nothing and dressing in her current whorishly flimsy attire.

Before she realized what she was doing, the alluring goddess turned away from her reflection and arched her back, presenting her breathtaking ass. Looking over her shoulder, she gazed at her puffy vulva peeking out from the gap between her thighs, the ailurodesme cupping it into a perfectly smooth mound.

Bending at the waist and dramatically arching her back even more, Neekah's pronounced clitoral hood peeked into view above the shell-like device suctioned to her labia. The vac-fitted suit hid no details from any angle except where various tactical accessories and attachments obscured her seductive form. Leaning forward also caused her cheeks to part slightly, revealing the distinct outline around the smooth plug buried inside her tush.

With the x-rated sight, the Caerulean's mouth drew slightly open, lost in lust.

Imagining Skeve's view of her legs and ass while sitting in the chair earlier in the day, she wondered if leaning to the side provided a similar image to the Gremian. Neekah had naughty thoughts about teasing him. A twisted part of her regretted not trying. If he had noticed the unmistakable plug between her cheeks, that alone was a lewd spectacle he likely wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Her amusement with the notion made it clear she wasn't in her right mind. The anaphrodisiac coursing through her system continued to lose its effect, and she feared what she might do in the presence of other, less repulsive Xenos during her time on Halax — once the drug faded entirely,

"At this rate, a rescue from this rock is my only hope."

Neekah's reckless side dismissed the concern and distressingly savored the idea of strangers from every species imaginable pounding their hard cocks into her holes one after another, each pausing only to fill her with cum before making way for the next in line. Luckily, the preoccupation failed to snuff out all rational thought,

"If you don't pull yourself together, Neekah, it'll have to be one hell of a rescue."

After years of strict discipline, CERRIS implanted Neekah's mind and personality with powerful impulses — making her eager to please anyone who showed an interest in her physically. She worked hard to suppress those feelings and urges, but her resolve invariably faded at some point. Almost instantly, the cravings in her permanently altered mind seemed to surface. Simply being in the proximity of others for extended periods triggered the augment's undeniable lust.

Even when the plug buried inside her ass nearly exhausted its supply of anaphrodisiac, the device sporadically released microdoses of her sobering drug, temporarily clearing her thoughts.

This drug-induced bump, unfortunately, did little more than provide her befuddled mind with a slideshow of lucent moments as her descent into sexual depravity inched near.

Underlying fear grew over the consequences of the proclivities and behavior trained into her, like drawing unwanted attention in this place. Stories about a tall, sexually enticing Huntress would quickly spread, as would rumors of her inability to reject advances.

Her current dangerous predicament on Halax afforded no safety net. Still, instead of a keen focus on escaping, her most notable reaction seemed to be a throbbing wet pussy and the inside lining of her suit growing damp over the prospect of falling victim to any number of undesirable fates.

A perplexing excitement at anticipating her future, and her ever-increasing arousal, shifted the Caerulean's complexion to a more saturated amethyst hue — presenting the uniquely chameleonic aspect of her skin and its link to her libidinous emotional state.

The upcoming journey to her suite involved wandering through a maze of passageways, warehouses, and along the edge of a small commercial district which connected to the lower fringe of Hewnstone. As youths, Neekah and her friends carelessly explored the dangerous outer edges of those tunnels and caves, delving into the unknown depths of the seemingly endless labyrinth.

Able to think clearly, at least for the moment, the perils hidden in those areas frightened her as much as it excited the senseless slut buried inside her faltering psyche.

It was getting late, and while it meant less foot traffic and fewer chance encounters along the way, it might also mean isolation with total strangers.

She shook her head,

"Great. Now I'm debating if I can even walk across the port without running into trouble. If I'm ever going to get out of here, I can't just hide on my ship."

An uncomfortable memory of hesitantly padding barefoot through the hallways of a classified installation with nothing but a collar wrapped around her neck flashed through her mind. It was a chilling memory. One she'd gladly forgotten until now.

To shelter Neekah from past mind-breaking experiences, CERRIS used conditioning and drugs to induce a fugue-like state and suppress memories detrimental to her performance as an agent. These drugs, tailored expressly for Neekah's biology, were administered by her profane ailurodesme to help control this selective amnesia. They mixed with a powerful anaphrodisiac to create a mind-altering cocktail. Together, they alleviated failsafe weaknesses, which were weaved deeply into her mind and body, ensuring she performed as needed on critical missions.

With the Crucible's communication array down, losing contact with her primary handler meant her ailurodesme's automated doses would likely trail off — that is — if her current supply wasn't exhausted first. This unfortunate rationing would lead to blocked memories returning, not to mention an increasingly hyperactive libido and loss of self-control.

It wouldn't be the first time she faced this issue, but it might be the first time such consequences would happen within hellish cities like the ones awaiting her on Halax.

For this ill-fated journey, Neekah's charted course used the gas giant's gravity to sling her back toward the CHZ with minimal fuel. Like all long flights, CERRIS deliberately reduced Neekah's dosage to weaken its beneficial effects. Expecting few surprises during such trips, her Mistress believed keeping her lost in a lustful state prevented the unique augment's acute idle mind from plotting against her masters.

Only during high-priority missions or scheduled landings on dangerous worlds were the doses of anaphrodisiac given at full strength. This latest journey's failure while performing the gravity assist happened well before any expected contact with outsiders — resulting in Neekah's total lack of preparedness.

Her owner often teased the Caerulean pet and created cruel games by assigning erotic rules for Neekah's voyages. These mandatory games frequently involved deeply humiliating sexual challenges the slave had no choice but to complete.

In early flights, these games only sought to prime the woman for sexual pleasure. However, these situations inevitably escalated, and while trying to satisfy her Mistress's lewd commands during her latest flight, the heroine suddenly found herself fighting for her life....

c. Bad Timing

Alerts sounded throughout the Crucible, and lights flashed like red lightning after the first explosion rocked her ship.

Perhaps, if Neekah hadn't been in the throes of passion when the pirates attacked, she would have avoided her emergency landing on Halax VII. Instead, the assault caught her off-guard in the middle of having an intense orgasm.

While the Crucible's cruising shields prevented instant death at the inopportune moment, the unexpected hit still led to substantial damage to her ship.

Oblivious to the warning alarms, she mistook the initial jolt from a poorly-aimed attack for the waves of pleasure shuddering through her body. As a pilot, she made quite an unconventional visage — Neekah's long, fit legs spread wide in the air while lustily pounding her soaking wet pussy with a huge toy cock.

A second, successful strike punished her oblivious aviation efforts, violently flinging her naked body to the spacious cockpit's floor in a heap of toned arms and legs. The dildo she had been plowing herself with plopped from her well-lubricated hole onto the deck as the stunned woman untangled herself and rose to her knees — her creamy, gaping, well-fucked pink pussy dripping with copious girl cum.

Biting her lip and stifling another moan, she sprang back to her seat, attempting to focus her dazed mind enough to right her ship and defend herself.

"Snap out of it, Neekah, or you'll be orbiting this titan planet as an icicle forever," she admonished herself.

Even if the serene afterglow of a mind-blowing climax left her squirming at the helm while failing to stifle the hypersexual libido permanently branded into her obscene body, Frontier fights like this often ended badly for the vanquished.

Frustratingly, it appeared her assaulters were a rag-tag group that she'd usually effortlessly overpower, with her given skill piloting a ship as advanced as the Crucible. Her bewildered state instead led her into an intense struggle for survival.

For years, her trainers had joked how a light breeze put her on the verge of climax whenever no drugs counteracted the lewd experiments done to her body. In truth, those changes to her libido originally happened in small doses, adding only subtle changes to her sex drive.

However, once her Mistress chose to take a more hands-on control with that aspect of her augmentations, things rapidly began to accelerate. One initial handler sympathized while grooming the slave and marveling at her pussy's remarkable wetness,

"This, unfortunately, is just one resulting symptom of our infallible leader indulging herself with your tongue while trifling with vital parameters to fundamental facets of augmentation."

Now, her vulva almost constantly looked dipped in clear honey, earning all the attention it received for incessantly being soaked with arousal. The transparent glaze provided an exceptional slipperiness, making it easy for any physical inspections of her hairless vulva with fingers or other phallic objects to effortlessly dip past tight pussy lips into her perfectly snug hole.

In uncharacteristic fits of arousal due to Neekah's well-practiced oral skill, her Mistress repeatedly tampered with expertly-calculated gene resequencing, which wrecked the slave's sex hormones and neurotransmitters — essentially crippling her mind and consigning the soon-to-be Caerulean to her current fate.

Her Mistress, unconcerned about her whims and their irreversible consequences, never relented or expressed regret. Her pet's original persona would never resurface without pharmaceutical assistance once the savage improvisations concluded. Whether intentional or not, the result left Neekah vulnerable to forever disappearing into the hands of slavers unequipped to unlock the lucid mind buried under layers of the slave's lustful personality modifications.

Before her musing over the previous night or time as a CERRIS lab rat had time to play out in her head and draw her back into a mindless state of lust, Neekah tore herself away from the shameful memories and focused on the present.

Having to hide the embarrassing chain of events leading to her unexpected arrival at Hewnstone made the Caerulean cringe. Some details were better left untold, and as much as her lascivious side enjoyed the long sensuous flights on the Crucible, she hoped an uneventful stay in the suite generously provided by Gus would help her completely forget the recent ordeal.

An unfamiliar room away from her ship offered a much-needed distraction after the previous night's defeat and the arduous escape. Lying to Gus about how the brigands never boarded the Crucible felt treacherous after his kind gift, but she hinted at the truth by suggesting what would have happened in such an event — even if her actual methods were less than heroic.

Neekah's quick wits after initially surrendering led to an opportunity to clear the initial wave of invaders from the Crucible and escape. And while piloting through the treacherous space surrounding Halax naked and half-covered in pirate cum didn't feel like a victory, she gladly accepted that humiliating flight over the other possible outcomes.

Even though the resulting visit to Halax hardly qualified as shore leave, she tried putting herself in that mindset for the night to help wash dark thoughts away. Her fantasy felt well-earned. And a break from reality might help, considering the upcoming — and daunting — trip to Vad Mhor. Whatever madness she'd soon confront while infiltrating Vad Mhor, these next two nights were likely her last opportunity for any respite.

Shaking out of her trance again, Neekah considered taking a quick shower before departing, "I need to do something to get my head straight."

Still staring at her cabin's mirror, the Huntress thought better about heading in Hewnstone's direction while dressed like the whorish-looking Caerulean staring back from the mirror. An unfamiliar sense of modesty awakened, and she wondered for a moment if being back in Hewnstone brought it about.

Whatever effects the anaphrodisiac had while freeing Neekah from the lustful fits connected to her augmentation, they rarely included these unfamiliar fixations on propriety.

Neekah's wardrobe remained modest during her years on Halax as a young woman — though her Mistress found a predisposition for being excited by exhibitionism in the young slave, delightedly doing everything possible to enhance the sensation unless under the effects of a distinct mix of her mind-altering drugs.

Knowing she had often walked around public dressed this way or worse in much bigger worlds than Halax suddenly bothered the heroine. The notion of walking around her hometown wearing only this flight suit, even at this late hour, became unthinkable.

Considering how quickly she'd cleaned up and dressed after landing in Gus's spaceport following her encounter with raiders, a long shower and fresh suit with alterations seemed in order.

After a brief hesitation, Neekah undid hidden fasteners to the quilted padding covering her chest before peeling it away from the front of her bodystocking. Removing the breast guard also released an airtight seal on the rest of the suit, slightly loosening the thin material from her body. The inner lining of the quilting housed a complex network of micro communications and tactical equipment, telemetry sensors — and the small, multi-purpose vacuum pump alongside other compact gear chiefly responsible for the gossamer suit's impossibly tight fit and keeping its inner lining dry and comfortably hygienic.

With the padding no longer concealing the front of her body suit, the ultra-fine material contouring over her slightly puffy areola became exposed. Her breasts created no swells in the impossibly skin tight garment, and after setting the cushioning aside, she gently smoothed her hands over her chest, lost in thought.

Next, the graceful nymph held her long ponytail against her shoulder while doing a forward bend at the waist, reaching down a pair of astonishingly long legs towards her translucent boots, unintentionally delivering a seductive spectacle while bent over. Even without its vacuum-pumped fit, her tight bodysuit remained tucked deep between her cheeks, showcasing why "Callipygian" served as her code name in the field nearly as often as "the Caerulean".

After pressing a sequence of hidden buttons, her footwear's intricate mechanical framework quickly shifted, and the front of each diaphanous boot slid apart. Neekah took a moment to admire the shoes, recalling the years she spent barefoot after her enslavement to MitsuCorp, when any item of clothing, no matter how small, was strictly forbidden. Despite an exhibitionistic appearance, the boots were one of the few luxurious rewards she'd garnered over her time with CERRIS that felt like hers.

Tiptoeing out of the cherished sollerets (armored boots), she slipped a hidden fastener from her neck and pulled a zip cord down her chest to the waist. As the tensioned material sprang open, its opening exposed glistening niveous skin with a faint orchid hue from neck to navel.