Neighborly Blackmail Ch. 04


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Dave said, "Not at all. Enjoy." He said that with a big grin on his face and he went down the hall to the guest bathroom to shower up. He stopped in the master bedroom to grab his robe along the way and he was coming out as Bev was leading Janet in by the hand.

Bev took Janet straight into the master bath and showed her the big shower. It had four showerheads - one on each tiled wall and one in the middle of the ceiling. As Bev got the water started, Janet made a quick visit to the toilet and then she joined Bev in the shower. She stepped boldly over to Bev, putting her hands on Bev's waist and enjoying the feeling of being against her again. Bev reciprocated and their lips met in another kiss. This one wasn't full of passion or hunger but was more of a friendly expression of appreciation. After the kiss the ladies stood close together, enjoying the spray of the hot steamy water and the feel of soft skin rubbing together.

Finally Bev spoke up. "So... was it everything you were hoping it would be?"

"That and more," said Janet with a big happy smile on her face.

"I'm glad," said Bev honestly. "I hope you can come over to play some more in the future."

"I'm sure I will," replied Janet. Then she thought for a minute and took a deep breath. "It certainly took long enough for John to catch you."

"You have no idea," said Bev sounding exasperated. "I gave him two or three chances per week to catch me but I never expected it to take almost a month and half for him to actually do it."

"I know, right?" agreed Janet. Then she looked kind of ashamed. "I'm sorry he went about everything the way he did. I really didn't expect that."

Bev just laughed in reply. "I didn't mind so much. It was a fucked up thing to do to you but I had long ago decided I'd enjoy fucking him and having him 'blackmail' me into it really wasn't a bad situation for me at all."

"Yeah, I get that," said Janet. "I just expected him to come to me and say 'you'll never believe what I saw today' and that we'd open the conversation that way. I didn't expect him to blackmail you into sex."

"Well," said Bev, "I'm just glad we finally got where we wanted. You're stepping into the lifestyle and John... well, he can join you like you said or he can stay frustrated. I suspect he'll join you if given the choice."

"Oh, he will," agreed Janet. Then she reached up to grab and caress Bev's chest. "Especially if he gets to play with you more." She stopped for a second and thought about what she wanted to say, "But I can honestly say, no matter what he does, I can't wait to enjoy Dave again. God you're a lucky woman... that cock of his."

"This might be hard to believe," said Bev, "but I'll introduce you to some men who are as good and as big as Dave... and some who are bigger."

Janet smiled and kissed her friend again. "Thank you for helping me set all this up."

"Trust me," said Bev, grabbing handfuls of Janet's ass and pulling her close, "it was my pleasure."

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CrazyDaisy2024CrazyDaisy2024about 2 months ago

What a hot story. There needs to be more of their further adventures

Alie0816Alie08163 months ago

Awesome Story! Great writing! Would love to see what James’s would have been to the video the next morning !!

Alie0816Alie08163 months ago

Awesome!! Awesome writing!

theavgjimjones1theavgjimjones15 months ago

Amazing twist at the end! Loved it.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

Fabulous, and this last chapter capped it with steamy sex and a hint of futures chapters if the author can be persuaded to write them. It would be fun to find out how Janet comes to fully embrace fucking other men, especially those with big cocks. And John will hopefully, come along for the ride.

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