Neighbors Ch. 14


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She let out a laugh.

"Oh my god...I can't believe you're turned on by my smelly workout clothes. This is almost too easy."

She was crouched down beside me now, scanning the floor of the dark closet. Her eyes lit up as she found what she was looking for. She slowly picked up a black athletic thong off the floor and held it up in front of my face.

"This is what I was wearing Friday...under those shorts. Do you remember?"

Of course I did. The image of Sarah in her bikini top and short shorts with the hem rolled down to make them even more revealing was burned into my brain. I nodded. Or whatever passed for nodding upside down.

She was watching my face carefully for any reaction.

"I ran six miles in these after our workout, you know. They're actually still quite damp."

I closed my eyes and tried to block out her words but for some reason my dick had a mind of it's own and was vainly trying to erect. Despite my efforts to keep a poker face I grimaced as some of the points hit sore spots - no doubt left over from Amber's relentless teasing just a few hours before.

She continued more certainly now that she saw my reaction.

"They fit me so tightly. Right up against my pussy. And between my legs."

I groaned aloud.

I opened my eyes and saw her familiar smirk.

"I look really great in them but of course that's a given."

She laughed.

"Not that you'll ever see. What if I do..."

Suddenly she yanked my hair, lifting my head off the ground. Swiftly, she pulled the waistband of her panties over my head down to my neck. She let my head fall back to the ground gently and then rearranged the thong. It was now hanging around my neck, with the crotch of the panties hanging directly over my nose. I could smell her scent and nothing else now. The sharp bite of her sweat along with a new smell. Something a little musky and slightly sweet that I knew must be her pussy.

The spikes surrounding my penis drilled into my member with a vengeance as I became inexplicably aroused.I tried to shift my hips or legs slightly to ease the discomfort as I gasped hoarsely at the inescapable torment. Her damp panties were brushing my nose and lips with every movement. I knew that there was no way for me to remove them. I glanced to the side where Sarah sat back on her heels, grinning. Her legs were pressed together demurely or I knew even in my tortured state I'd try to look up her short skirt.

"Please mistress Sarah..." I said, gasping again at the pain.

"Please what?" She said sweetly.

"Please...take them off" I pleaded, shaking my head slightly. The elastic waistband was fairly tight around the back of my head and I knew there was no way they would come off that way.

Sarah shook her head slightly.

"Oh, I think they'll stay right there." She stood up swiftly. "In fact, I think you'll stay right there too. I'm going out with Claire, while you think about what happens to you when you disobey me."

Suddenly she closed the closet door. I heard her footsteps walk away. I was still in agony - the smell and feel of her panties were short circuiting my brain and speaking directly to my penis, telling it to engorge, which caused the spikes to dig in viciously. I groaned but realized there was no longer anyone there to hear.

I shifted slightly, trying to reposition my knees. They were also beginning to be in real pain as my weight pushed down on the the hard floor.

A minute later I heard the front door close and lock. I was truly alone. I wasn't locked in, but the doorknob was completely unreachable to me, even if I could move, which I didn't dare to do because of the teacup balancing so precariously on my back. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something mundane to get my mind off of the thong hanging in front of my face.

A few minutes later I had begun to relax, and the spikes no longer dug in as fiercely. I heard my phone ding loudly in the quiet dark. I slowly and cautiously raised my head, fearful of dislodging the teacup. I found if I moved slowly enough it seemed safe, although my muscles screamed at the effort of raising my head off the ground for so long.

I had a send request on Venmo, of course. From Sarah. One hundred dollars.

"For not getting my foot rub."

I carefully hit send with my nose. I realized it would be very easy to knock the phone off it's precarious perch. If it landed upside down or turned itself off I would have no way to get back to Venmo. I shivered again at the helplessness of my predicament before returning my forehead to the floor.

It was impossible to tell how much time was passing. The discomfort from my knees slowly grew and my muscles were starting to cramp occasionally. The thong brushing against my lips and nose kept me almost constantly excited, and my penis was starting to throb from the assault of the spikes as well as arousal. Another ding interrupted my solitude.

Venmo request from Sarah. For twelve dollars.


I carefully hit send with my nose.

As I crouched uncomfortable in the dark, I reflected on how easily Sarah had gotten me into this predicament. It was impossible to tell how much of this was planned out on her part and how much was spur of the moment improvisation. Probably some of both, I decided. She had mentioned that she intended me to be a prop for her consult. She thought it was with a guy of course and it would only help her credibility to have me in the background, locked and serving her. So possibly she was only looking for an excuse to get me in that situation.

I was ultimately responsible, even if she had been ready to bind me in her cuffs. I was the one that hesitated at her commands. Just like I had been caught by Amber watching porn yesterday and been punished for that with more chores. The chores were tiring and difficult, and my current predicament was uncomfortable, bordering on painful as time went on. Yet I remembered my total lack of hesitation when Lexie had asked me if I was happy having Sarah as my trainer. Absolutely, I had said. And the same goes for my experiences with Amber. My life was challenging now and often painful and difficult and certainly busy. But I had the opportunity to be with Amber and Sarah and shared a certain unusual bond with both of them now.

Another ding from my phone interrupted my reverie. Another request for money for drinks from Sarah. Of course I hit send. The panties brushed against my lips as I moved and started another cycle of pain in my crotch. I focused on my breathing to get through it.

I could tell that Sarah was surprised but also intrigued by Lexie. I certainly hadn't considered that a woman would be interested in her unique services, and I was reasonably certain Sarah hadn't either. I remembered how I would be seeing her almost daily at the end of my workouts - at least three times a week. She had seen me nude scrubbing Sarah's floors, and of course she was safely in her house, fully clothed, examining me on her screen. The unfairness of that situation made me shudder, making me suddenly aware of the tea cup balancing precariously on my back. I held my breath until I was under control of my body once more.

Another ding.

I groaned again as I read the notification. Sarah was obviously having fun with me, knowing I was stuck in the dark with nothing but her send requests to break the monotony.

Another request for a few dollars for drinks. Followed almost immediately by twenty three dollars for "new black Lululemon athletic thong. I have to throw that one out now in case you touched it with your lips or something gross like that :)"

Of course I hit send for both. I thought she was probably teasing me about the thong but I wasn't sure. Either way, her reminder of what was hanging in front of my face woke up the spikes again.

I got into a routine where I shifted my weight from knee to knee every few minutes, and clenched different muscles to try to avoid cramps. I also started to get quite thirsty.

More time went by in the darkness. Another ding.

This was a Venmo friend request. From Claire. I groaned as I hit accept, remembering how I had gotten a similar request from Sarah not long ago. Sure enough, almost immediately I got a request for drinks from Claire, for which I hit send. Claire responded with a smiley face.

I knelt in the dark imagining what Sarah was telling her. She already knew a lot, I realized. She saw me buy Amber all of that lingerie while Amber made sure she knew I wasn't her boyfriend, and then of course this morning she helped Sarah pick out lingerie knowing I was paying for it. I had bought her something as well. I panted slightly when I pictured each of them out dancing in the lingerie I had seen them each pick out through Amber's photos.

Eventually I think I fell into a light doze. I'd start to fall asleep and then snap awake, fearing I'd slump over and let the tea cup fall from my back. This happened dozens of times until I finally was able to relax and sleep without moving.

I woke with a start. I heard the front door open and voices from the hall. There was Sarah's laugh but I froze when I heard a man's deep laugh in response. Thuds and more giggles as I tracked the couple moving through the house by the sounds. I heard the bedroom door burst open and a rush as bodies fell onto Sarah's bed. I could hear their voices clearly now.

"Take those off...I want to see it..." Sarah said in a low husky voice I hadn't heard her use before.

"Uh...yeah baby. It's so hard for me...god I want it..."

There were slurping sounds and the guy let out a long groan of pleasure. I felt my own penis respond and winced at the sudden pain.

I knelt in the dark and listened as they made out. I heard Sarah moan.

"I want your tongue...between my legs..."

Shuffling sounds as I imagined him complying, followed by a long satisfied groan from Sarah.

"Oh god...yeah like that...hmm..."

I listened and imagined him eating her out for what must have been ten or fifteen minutes, accompanied by her sighs.

"Yes...yes...faster...don't stop..." I heard her pant, as she neared an orgasm. Then almost a scream. "YES! YES!" then a ragged moan as she came. The bed banged against the wall several times and then stopped. I heard the man climb back up on the bed.

"I want you. Now." I heard him say as Sarah breathed an agreement. More shuffling on the bed and then they both moaned in unison as I imagined him penetrating her. The bed began to creak slowly and then faster. It went on and on. I imagined he was on top, fucking her. He was letting out occasional grunts and she was moaning in pleasure. Her cries reached another climax as she came again. He didn't stop and minutes later the creaks were faster still.

"Oh my god...oh my god..." Sarah was repeating under her breath. Then suddenly "Oh my GOD! I'm going to come again..." She practically screamed this time.

Jesus Christ, I thought to myself. This guy still hadn't come yet and I think Sarah already had four orgasms. My cock felt incredibly tender and sore from the constant abuse by the spikes as it struggled again and again to get hard. Never in my wildest dreams would I be able to do what he was doing. I had a quick mental flashback of an insipid orgasm after about fifteen seconds of making love to a previous girlfriend, while she looked up at me with a measure of boredom and resignation. The faceless guy in the other room was still going strong after what must have been thirty or forty minutes.

"I want to be on top" I heard Sarah gasp breathlessly, and more shuffling sounds from the other room.

The rapid bed creaking resumed, along with Sarah's panting gasps. I tried to imagine his view - Sarah sitting on his cock, her gorgeous body naked and exposed. Her small but perfect breasts would be right there...

More fire from the cruel spikes. I tried to calm myself down.

Minutes went by with increasing pants and moans from Sarah and even some low guttural sounds from the nameless guy. Finally I heard Sarah cry out.

"Oh my fucking god I'm gonna come again...I'm gonna come again.." Thankfully I heard the guy groan as well.

"Me too baby...oh shit..."

I heard them both cry out as they came practically together.

"Oh god that was amazing" Sarah breathed as they panted together.

"Fuck yeah it was" I heard the guy say and they both laughed.

There was a minute or two as they caught their breath. I heard the guy moan gently.

"Oh...that feels good...oh god...what are you doing?"

I practically saw the smirk in Sarah's voice. I had seen that expression on her face so many times by now.

"I'm getting you ready for round two..."

I lost track of time again. They had several rounds of sex, each time Sarah came multiple times before the guy had his own orgasm. I smelled her pussy on the panties hanging in front of my face the whole time and my penis never stopped trying to get hard. I was shaking with pain and frustration until I started to feel the tea cup slip. I held my breath and froze. Luckily it didn't move any more, but I resolved to control myself as much as possible. No matter how much the spikes were digging in I didn't move a muscle. My knees were a constant fiery ache at this point but I didn't dare try to shift to get more comfortable.

After the room finally went quiet I heard the soft sounds of snoring. My ears pricked up as I heard quiet footfalls outside the closet and the door stealthily opened.

Sarah slipped inside, closing the door behind her. She was wearing a long t shirt that came down to her thighs. Other than that I thought she might be naked. My eyes had long ago adjusted to the dim light my phone made in the closet, and I could see she still had her minimal makeup but her hair was a mess, tumbling down her face and shoulders chaotically. She smelled like sex - a mixture of cum, saliva, and sweat. Her face and skin seemed to glow, whether from exertion or pleasure or sweat I couldn't tell. She knelt down next to me and gently stroked my hair. She whispered in my ear.

"Are you thirsty?"

I nodded as forcefully as I dared without risking the tea cup. She got to her feet and slipped out of the closet. A minute later she returned with water in a bowl. She crouched down next to me again, keeping her knees together and facing away from me. She stroked my hair and set the bowl down next to me. My thirst overcame my pride and I quietly started to lap water out of the bowl. She watched me for a minute.

"Do you think you've learned your lesson? Are you going to disobey me again?" She whispered softly in my ear.

I stopped my quiet lapping to whisper back.

"Yes mistress. I'm so so sorry. I've definitely learned my lesson."

She searched my face in the dim light, gauging my sincerity before nodding.

"I accept your apology. Obviously you can't leave - you're going to have to spend the night here."

I nodded, crestfallen.

"But I'm not unreasonable."

She reached out and gently lifted the tea cup from my back, setting it on the upturned hamper next to my phone.

I sighed with relief and immediately shifted my weight from my knees to my ankles gratefully.

"Thank you mistress" I said. I eyed the water bowl again.

"Still thirsty?" She whispered. I nodded.

She hesitated for a second, then tugged on the panties around my neck. I lifted my head off the floor so she could slip it off of me. I was relieved to have the constant scent of her moved from under my nose, but I almost immediately missed it as well. At least my cock wouldn't get punctured this way, I thought.

She held the panties in her hand.

"They're still damp" she whispered. I nodded, knowing full well since they were dangling on my upside down face for most of the night.

She looked in my eyes intently again, watching my expression as she deliberately dropped the panties in my water bowl. My eyes widened and I let out an inadvertent whimper. If I wanted to drink my water would be flavored by her sweat and body. I took back what I thought earlier about my cock getting relief finally.

She smiled at my reaction and held her finger to my lips.

"Drink. Finish the water."

I hesitated for just a second before I resumed lapping up the water as quietly as I could. I definitely could taste her panties. The water was salty and slightly acrid, but definitely still palatable. As the water level got low I gently sucked the rest into my mouth. Sarah gently stroked my hair as I finished, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine that I let myself respond to now that the tea cup was removed. My head was spinning from her touch after so many hours alone in the closet. She could be so cruel and so kind at the same moment. I remembered what she said earlier about using both the carrot and stick with her clients. I suppose she was doing the same to me, just ramping up both because of my unique situation.

"That's good...drink it all up" She whispered as I got the last bit of water out of the bowl.

"You can get off your knees now."

I groaned with relief and slowly slid to my right side. My knees exploded in fresh pain as my weight was finally lifted off of them and I grimaced and hissed. It was an unbelievable relief to be able to move and shift my weight after hours. I picked my bound ankles and wrists off the floor and moved them slightly, exercising sore muscles.

Sarah clamped her hand over my mouth, alarmed at my hiss of pain. She looked around and her eyes settled on her wet panties in the water bowl.She glanced back to me. She was crouching over me now, on her knees. I looked at her exposed thighs and she tugged the oversized shirt down over her knees.

"You already bought me a new pair of these so..."

She scooped up the panties and pressed them to my mouth. My eyes widened as I reflexively opened my lips. She calmly pushed them deep inside my mouth.

"I can't have you making any sound."

She looked around and settled on the gym socks and pushed them in after the panties. My mouth was now full of the taste of her sweat.

"These better be in your mouth in the morning. If you snore and wake up Mark...I'd have some explaining to do." She whispered.

I nodded, not knowing what else to do.

She patted me on the cheek and shifted her weight as if she was going to get up.

I shook my head silently and looked pointedly down at my bound wrists and ankles. Sarah leaned over me again. I felt the brush of her breasts against my shoulder briefly.

"You want me to unlock you?"

I nodded my head frantically.

She considered for a few seconds.

"I don't think so. You're safe right here. If I unlock you you might try to sneak out and wake up Mark."

I shook my heard from side to side. Sarah ignored me.

"Besides, the key is in my purse and I think that's somewhere out in the hallway. It's pretty far away."

She patted me on the head again.

"I think you're just fine. Try to get some sleep."

I watched helplessly as she stood up and quietly slipped out of the closet, closing it firmly behind her.

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titans2138titans2138almost 3 years ago

I really hope this story continues. I often check around midnight when the new stories post hoping there will be a new chapter. I've sort of given up at this point and reread chapters once in awhile. I always forget how good the story is. Thanks for your time and effort. I hope you'll write something in the future, if that's what you want to do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thank you for these amazing stories! Not patient but trying to be :-P

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thank you Betaboy84 for the update! I've been checking this commentpage every day :)

betaboy84betaboy84almost 3 years agoAuthor

Soon! Hopefully in 4-5 days. Thank you all for being patient.

Payne_HallPayne_Hallalmost 3 years ago

I just had to say that I simultaneously love this story and can’t read any of it because it depresses me. It feels like I should see this guy’s face with Sarah McLachlan playing in the background somehow, but I love it too because it will randomly show up in places for the comments by the cult following it has accumulated.

And that makes me happy. Lit readers are the best and keep writing if you get a chance because it’s just delightful by some vicarious excitement even if I can’t get into the story :).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I check this everyday hoping for an update lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Betaboy84 Can u atleast give us a hint when next chapter will be uploaded or a deadline. Im in here checking everyday...Cant wait...I want it. NO! I crave it:)

betaboy84betaboy84almost 3 years agoAuthor

Not abandoned! Just need more time between chapters. Hope everyone will be patient…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Is this story abondoned?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

love this story so much!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Chris definitely needs a smaller chastity device… :) oh my, I can't wait to read on!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please continue please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thank you for this great story and putting in the work to write it so well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Can't wait for more of this story! Best findom writing on Literotica for sure! I literally check back every day for updates.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

More please … pleeeeeease!!!

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