Neighbors Ch. 23


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"Another round, Chris" I heard Sarah call out. I looked over to the pair of girls on the couch. Both of them were still in their bras and their mostly naked torsos gleamed slightly with sweat after their exertions. They were huddled over Claire's phone.

"Yes mistress" I replied, busying myself with their drinks. At least it took some of my attention away from what might be happening in Amber's bedroom. I brought the drinks to the coffee table. As I approached, Claire looked up at me and gave me a quick smile. I smiled back. This was without a doubt one of the strangest nights of my life, and I guessed Claire was thinking the same thing. I think that this somehow gave us a little bond of understanding. She was a bit out of her depth but adapting quickly, I thought.

As if to prove my point, she glanced down at her delicate feet, and bit her lip shyly as she wriggled her toes. Getting her point, I sank to my knees in front of the couch and began massaging her right foot.

" just got a new message" Sarah said, pointing eagerly at Claire's phone. Claire tore her attention away from me and smiled again, nervously.

"Well? Open it!" Sarah commanded, giving her new friend a playful swat on her arm. Claire tapped her screen and they both started intently at her phone. I used the opportunity to sneak a glance up the loose legs of Claire's pajama pants. I caught just a glimpse of her matching blue panties before she crossed her legs.

"Oh my god..." Claire said. I snapped my gaze up to the women. Claire was staring with her mouth open. Sarah had a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Now THAT'S what I'm talking about" Sarah said, gleefully.

"It' It's really nice" Claire breathed. She glanced down at me again, somewhat shy. I know my confusion was evident on my face. Despite herself, Claire let out a little giggle. She turned to Sarah.

"Is this ok? I mean, right in front of Chris? It seems...I don't know. Maybe a bit cruel?" She glanced down at me again, her eyes flicking down to my panties.

Sarah flashed her a smile.

"Oh, it's totally fine. Chris doesn't mind. Or maybe he does, but it doesn't really matter."

Claire gave a small shrug, which did interesting things to her small chest, before turning her attention back to her phone.

"It IS nice. He wasn't lying. He's really...hung."

Oh god. I realized what they were doing. They were checking out pictures that her matches were sending her. Dick pics, it sounded like. I let out a small groan and felt my penis twitch in it's small cage. Why the hell was that thought turning me on?

"What do I do now?" Claire asked, still staring at her phone.

"Message him back, silly" Sarah said, stretching casually. Her loose red hair tumbled over her shoulders as she arched her back and reached her hands to the ceiling. I stared at her chest - her simple bra the only thing covering her lean torso. Oh god...I felt my penis stir again.

"What...what do I say?" Claire said, biting her lip again.

"Tell him the truth" Sarah said with a shrug. "Tell him that you like what he's got."

"Uh...ok..." Claire said, smiling slightly as she typed. I heard the "swish" of a message being sent. Still holding her phone with her right hand, Claire's left arm fell to the couch. I felt my breath quicken as I saw her free hand slowly grip her pajama shorts. Just like earlier, she was getting turned on - either from my massage or from the picture. Or both, I thought.

I felt a jolt in my testicles. Shit...I had to try to calm down.

"Another message" Claire said, rousing herself and tapping on the screen. Sarah huddled in to see.

"Oh - it's that guy from earlier" Sarah said. There was a clear note of disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah..." Claire said, with a frown. "He's...not really as nice, is he."

"Nope" Sarah said definitively. "Let's focus on that other one."

Claire nodded. Her left hand was rubbing the outside of her leg, and I could tell she was subtly squeezing her thighs together.

"Thom" Claire said absently. "I'm going to...I'm going to ask him for another picture."

Sarah smiled.

"I wouldn't mind that either."

Claire used both hands to type a quick message. Almost immediately a response chimed on her phone.

"Oh...." Claire breathed upon opening the new one.

"See?" Sarah said, patting her on the knee. "Just by asking, we cut out a few guys didn't...measure up." Claire laughed at the corny joke.

"Oh...he sent me a text..." Claire frowned slightly.

"He wants a picture of me...I guess like...a naughty photo?"

Sarah chuckled.

"Uh yeah...I think that's the general idea."

Claire shook her head.

"I don't know..."

Sarah popped to her feet and held her hand out for Claire's phone.

"There's nothing to it. Look - of course we're not going to send him anything with your face in it. And you're already in a fucking hot bra - we'll just send him a pic of that."

Claire bit her lip again, but nodded.

"Ok...I guess we have been staring at his dick after all."

Sarah swung her leg over my head and stood directly in front of Claire, straddling her crossed legs. My face was just an inch away from her ass in her skin tight yoga pants.

"Now - lean forward a bit...that's good..."

I couldn't see anything but Sarah's perfect fit butt.

"Reach up and squeeze your tits a bit...that's right...perfect! Hold on..." There was the click of the phone camera, and Sarah swung her leg over my head again and flopped down on the couch.

"See? You look hot. Your boobs are amazing."

Claire blushed slightly and glanced down at me again.

"Thanks...I guess" She laughed. "You really think I should send him this?"

Sarah shrugged.

"Up to you of course. I know I would though" she said, looking pointedly at Claire's phone again.

Claire took a second and seemed to screw up her courage, then her fingers busied themselves on her phone.

"Atta girl" Sarah said. She stifled a yawn behind her hand. "Listen, I'm beat. It's been an...interesting evening."

Claire nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! It's been...wild. Thanks again for inviting me!"

They gave each other a quick hug, and Sarah got up from the couch. She slugged back the rest of her drink and gave me a pat on the head.

"Should I put Chris somewhere to get him out of your hair?"

I flushed with embarrassment. I thought I would get used to being treated like an object or a piece of furniture.

Claire gave a little laugh and looked at me shyly.

"Uh...I think he's ok right where he is."

Sarah nodded.

"Ok. Remember the app if he gets out of line."

I looked down at the floor.

I heard Sarah pad softly down the hall to the guest bedroom, accompanied by the sounds of low moans coming from Amber's room further down the hall. I tried my best to put those out of my mind.

"So...uh...sort of a crazy night huh?" Claire said, looking down at me over her phone screen.

I smiled, grateful for a somewhat normal conversation topic.

"Yeah...I'm sure it seems totally bizarre to someone...I don't know...on the outside?"

Claire nodded.

"Well, of course I knew a bit about this bondage or whatever? But your...situation down there..with the chastity thing...that's really different." She seemed to screw up her courage again, and leaned forward slightly. I licked my lips inadvertently as her cleavage was pushed up against her bra.

"So you really can't...get off?"

I shook my head and felt myself turn red.


She frowned.

"But...doesn't that....I don't know, drive you nuts or something?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Yes! It's...well it's hard to explain how frustrating it is."

"I bet!" She bit her lip as she thought for a second.

"But you must like it, right? I mean, why else would you..." she waved her hand, indicating my kneeling position.

I thought for a second. I had been having this exact discussion internally for the past few weeks, so I was reasonably prepared with a coherent answer.

"Yeah...I mean, I really love parts of it, and the rest...deep down I know that I like it, or that it's good for me in the long run. Like being...disciplined." I looked down at Claire's pretty feet for a second in momentary embarrassment.

"Go on" Claire prompted. I looked up.

"I's not fun. But I know it's done to make me serve Amber and Sarah..."

Claire interrupted me.

"You mean miss and mistress" She said with a playful smile.

I smiled back.

"Yeah...sorry. It makes me a better servant for miss and mistress, and that's important to me. And also..." I broke off, not sure how to phrase my next thought. Claire waited patiently until I spoke.

"I don't like the...punishments. But when I think about it, the idea that they can do that to me if they want...I find that thought I guess."

I blushed again, but met Claire's steady gaze.

She nodded.

"Ok. Yeah I can see that. Like you don't like the pain but the thought of the pain is sexy?"

"Yeah...that's pretty close."

"So...the thought of Sarah or Amber being deliberately...I don't know...mean, or cruel, or teasing or whatever...turns you on."

"Yeah..." my mind instantly turned to all the ways they had teased and tortured me over the last few weeks. To my horror I felt my cock begin to stir in its prison. I immediately tried to think of something else, but a jolt from the chastity cage immediately punished my naughty thoughts.

"What?" Claire said, looking down at me with a concerned expression. I realized I had winced and gasped slightly at the sharp pain on my balls.

"'s nothing."

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No..." I didn't want to make her feel guilty about anything she was saying. "It's just...Amber...miss" I quickly corrected myself "...she put my device in that mode where it..." I took a deep breath. "Where it shocks me if I try to get hard."

Claire frowned again.

"But why? She's not even here..."

Suddenly a particularly loud moan reached us from Amber's room, accompanied by the unmistakable sounds of a bed repeatedly creaking. Claire's eyes widened in comprehension.

"She knew! She knew you'd be able to hear her in there, with Justin!"

I nodded.

"Oh my god! That's so...mean!"

I nodded again, with a wry shrug of my shoulders.

"Yeah...that's...well that's pretty much Amber."

Claire was thinking furiously.

" got shocked before we heard them just now. You got...excited...thinking about all the ways they were cruel to you, didn't you?"

Jesus. There must really be something to feminine intuition.

"Yeah..." I admitted.

"So you DO think it's hot. Wow..."

She touched one manicured nail to her chin as she thought. Then she looked down at me with a shy smile.

"Do you think you could find a blanket around here? I'm a bit chilly."

I nodded and rose to my feet. Luckily I pretty much knew Amber's house better than my own at this point, after weeks worth of chores and cleaning. I opened the small hall closet and pulled out a soft pale green blanket, and brought it back to Claire.

"Thanks" She said, spreading it out over her semi-reclined body. I sighed as she covered up. She had looked incredibly in her short pajama shorts and lacy bra.

When she was done, she looked at me, and then down at the floor at her feet. Getting the hint, I quickly dropped to my knees again.

"You know...I REALLY like having my feet rubbed."

I grinned. I had guessed that much already.

"Yeah...I can kinda tell."

She smiled back - her trademark shy smile.

"So...what are you waiting for?"

I eagerly reached for her right foot and placed it on my thigh, and began to massage the sole with my fingers and thumbs. I got a lot of practice with this lately, I thought.

Claire let out a satisfied sigh and shifted under the blanket, laying back fully against the back of the couch. Several minutes went by as I worked on her foot. I focused my energy on blocking out the distant sounds of sex coming from Amber's room, and keeping myself calm.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement under the green blanket. I glanced up and saw the unmistakable outline of Claire's hand slide slowly underneath. I swallowed as I realized she was bringing her left hand slowly between her slightly spread legs. Fuck...I swallowed again and tried to make myself look away, but I was entranced. As I rubbed her foot, I watched her hand slowly move up and down under the blanket. Claire was lying back with her eyes closed. I noticed her breathing had quickened. Fuck...I felt the inevitable rush of blood to my compressed dick.

I let out a small gasp as the first shock hit me. If Claire heard, she made no indication. I tore my eyes off of her and stared down at the ground, trying to think about anything but Claire masturbating right in front of me.

The second jolt was harder, and I let out a moan. I looked up, and saw Claire looking down at me, a small smile on her lips. Her hand was still moving under the blanket.

"Other foot" She said in a soft voice. I switched to her left foot. She closed her eyes again and let out a long moan. I bucked my hips slightly as I got a third zap.

Claire opened her eyes and looked down at me.

"Do you think I'm being...cruel?" She said, her breathing slightly ragged.

"...Yes..." I breathed, desperately trying to calm down. Another zap hit me and I winced. Each one felt like a strong slap directly to my testicles.

She nodded in satisfaction, and raised her phone in front of her. Her left hand was still busy under the blanket. She typed a bit one handed.

"I'm texting with Them right now..." She looked down at me over her phone. "It really turns me on thinking about him..." She closed her eyes for a second and let out another small moan before focusing on her screen.

"He's got a really nice, beautiful dick..."

Oh whole body twitched as I felt another sharp slap to my balls. There was just no way I could calm myself with Claire touching herself and teasing me, plus the insistent sounds coming from Amber's room...

"Oh...he likes my picture...hmmm...." She typed some more. I was slightly impressed with her ability to type one handed. "Now he's telling me what he'd do to me if he was here..."

She shifted her body, parting her legs further under the blanket. She ignored me and my occasional groans of pain as she concentrated on her phone.

"You know, his dick would never fit in a cage thing like you have" she said suddenly, in between gasps.

Fuck...that comment alone brought on another shock. Why the hell would it turn me on to hear that this guy was bigger or whatever? I furiously rubbed her foot, trying to block out everything else.

"And I bet he'd never get talked into wearing panties...I don't even think he'd fit in them." She gave a low laugh. "In fact I'm sure he wouldn't - he'd stick way out...they seem to work fine for you though."

I wondered how Claire had suddenly turned into such an expert tease. I suppose the events of the night and our conversation had given her a lot insight. And boldness, it seems.

"If he was here now...oh god...." Claire paused as she caught her breath. "He'd be under the blanket with me now...I'd have my hands all over him...oh...I'd like to lick all up and down that beautiful....oh god..."

Claire suddenly stiffened as she came. Her right foot jerked and kicked me square in the balls. Pain exploded in my crotch and I grabbed myself with both hands. It was a few seconds before I could catch my breath. To make matters worse, the cage shocked me several times as I lay in the fetal position. After a minute or so, I slowly cautiously rose back to my knees. I wasn't sure if I could take much more punishment from the cage. Luckily, Claire was lying back with a blissful expression on her face. It didn't seem like she was going to keep teasing me, at least for now. Her eyes slowly focused on mine as she drifted back to reality.

"Oh...that was nice" She said, the familiar shy smile showing itself. I wondered idly how she could be shy after what she had just done. Despite the ache coming from my balls, I found myself returning her smile.

"And the foot rub was nice too. You're good at that."

I felt myself blush at the praise.

"Uh...thanks." I realized I hadn't visited the bathroom all evening.

"Can I...uh..." I felt awkward asking permission for this, but it also seemed wrong to just leave her. "Use the bathroom?"

Claire laughed and stretched.

"Of course."

I gingerly rose to my feet, my aching knees protesting slightly. I used the restroom, sitting down to pee as I always have to with the chastity cage. I felt slightly ridiculous pulling the panties up and tucking the cage down, and walked back to the living room where Claire was drinking a glass of water. To my regret, she had put her pajama top back on while I was in the bathroom.

"Come on, I have the perfect place for you to sleep" She said, winking at me. She led me down the hall, carrying the green blanket as I admired the back of her legs. The sounds of sex got louder as we walked down the hall. I shook my head - it seems like they've been going at it for an hour at least by this point.

Claire stopped right outside their door. I looked at her, confused. I didn't think Amber wanted me in the room or she would have brought with them. Smiling at me, Claire dropped the blanket right outside the bedroom door.

I felt the color drain from my face.


Claire looked at me innocently.

"I thought you liked being teased? At least that's what you said earlier."

I shook my head.

"'s too much..."

As I spoke, I heard Justin growl and Amber give out a small scream. The relentless creaking of the bed sped up slightly. Something crashed to the floor.

I felt my abused penis begin to stir.

Claire raised her phone, and typed something. I felt a series of tapping on my balls. Shit! She had activated one of the programs...I couldn't remember which one this was. Guessing wildly, I froze in place. A second later, a powerful shock ripped through my cock, causing me to cry out and sink to my knees.

"That was doggie mode, Chris" Claire said, helpfully. I quickly lowered myself to the ground.

Claire made another adjustment, and I felt more pulses. I think I recognized this one.

"Cage mode?" I said, looking up at her from her feet, careful to keep my body close to the floor.

She nodded.

"Yep. I drew one around you - I wouldn't get too far away from that door if I were you."

She turned started to walk down the hallway.

"Try to get some sleep!" She said in a chipper voice.

I groaned and wrapped myself in the blanket. I tried to cover my ears the best that I could, but it didn't really help. It was a long, long, painful night.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Hottest story on here and we’ll written. Such a shame that it ended!

Hope you write again one day Betaboy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

CAn we expect a new installment? This is my fav story Ive read online! Pleeeease

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I like forcing Chris to wear panties in front of another guy. It's very humiliating for him. I also love having Chris see the girls oogle all over Justin in a sexual way while Chris is completely denied. I like exactly where the story is going.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Is it over? Is this the end? Will there be a chapter 24?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I enjoy the cuckold aspect so long as it doesn't turn into chris sucking dick or getting fucked in the ass. Amber is written as a promiscuous hot girl that loves big dick and humiliating Chris in that way is often hot and unfair to him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Here are some suggestions:

1. Have the ladies force Chris give them his facebook, twittet, linkdin,... passwords. They can change the passwords and even edit security questions and backup email/phone numbers. Chris can stay logged in but the account owner of those sites would be Amber and her or Sarrah can upload exposing pictures of him in his own social media accounts if he doesn't work hard enough for them.

2. Force Chris to hire Claire as an overpaid intern so he can be teased and controlled even at work by her. Even though she's getting paid by Chris she in fact works for Amber, reporting to her and torturing Chris at work on het behalf.

3. Have Chris tatto things like "property of miss Amber" or "owned by mistress Sarrah" on his back, arms or stomache.

4. Force Chris to give a huge amont of money to Amber as a gift, then Amber can legally give it back to him with a really high interest rate. That way he would legally be in debt to Amber for the rest of his life. Even when Amber gets everything he has he'll have to work and make money for her not just because of the cage and the threat of pictures, but because he'll go to jail if he deosn't do so.

And less gay thinga please. Hope you go back to writing soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

:( Still no update? :'(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love Claire's casual cruelty. pleeeease continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I will be honest with you, it's a fictional story anyways, but it seem a little unreal how Justin get with everything about Chris lifestyle. He mocked him, but he seems being ok to soon after each new thing he learns. Even for someone kinky, a straight dude seeing another dude in panties, normal reaction is run off the place. It's just some limits, there are other things that make the story unrealistic, but I will just add that the many parts of the story just look like random porn videos scenario, for exemple those part where Claire (who suppose to be shy) was bitting her lips for everyone to see that she's horny. Even if she was drunk or got along with the ambiance, it was too abrupt, especially her behavior during her strip show. And please, for God sake, keep those gay stuff away from the story🙏. You decide about the story, but I would suggest that at some point, you'll just get rid of Justin in the next chapter. That cuckold stuff begin to be cringe. And as a previous anon said why did you get rid of Christy. She's not in the team anymore. And you could've actually involve Amber's mom, I already imagine a scenario where she would've not be expected to be even more gorgeous than her daughter, and Chris will fall for her, but as Amber described, she's very disciplined, and would be even more strict than Amber and Sarah both, she would be single because Amber's dad couldn't bare her bossy attitude anymore, then Chris almost broken from his new lifestyle will get her attention even if not her love, after he pleaded his devotion and confessed his love to her, and you can go on anyway you want. Put more girls and trash the gay.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I love your story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love this story, every installment is great. I look forward to where it goes from here. Thankyou Betaboy for sharing with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love the story, but I keep wondering... whatever happened to Christy, the girl who hung out with Amber and Sarah when Chris just met them. Did the gang exchange the poor girl for Claire?

SherlockBeesKneesPerhapsSherlockBeesKneesPerhapsabout 2 years ago

Best femdom writer out there. Love the focus on 'unfairness' so hot.. Although if I had a choice, there wouldnt be so much cucking / Justin etc although I know some people are into it. Leep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love this story! And here I am again.. checking every day.

But i'm so grateful that you're still here!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

By the time this story ends I'm gonna be 80 years old

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