No-LIMIT-Rooms 04 English


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I nodded and we got to work.

We hurried, and as soon as we were done, Four took me back to my cell, where I continued to learn my lessons. Across the hall I could see Twenty, who had also sat down in front of the computer and was working. When we had entered the cell block, she had briefly come to the bars and looked out. We nodded to each other but did not talk.

Four also nodded only briefly. "Twenty you will not be alone in the bunker area for the night. Eighteen here will be sitting next door. You will possibly be able to hear each other. Now keep working, I'll come back for you later."

She locked me in and left us. I stood at the bars for a moment longer, looking over at Twenty. She looked back for a moment, but then turned away without a word and disappeared from my sight to her desk. I followed suit.

At 6:40 p.m., the laundry team returned and walked through the cell wing. I had stood up at the sound of the doors opening and looked. Everyone nodded to Twenty as they passed, but none said anything. Shortly thereafter Isabel also came and paused at my cell door, she reached out her hand briefly and I squeezed it smiling.

"There, all packed up. What you had marked and approved will be brought down here tomorrow. Some will end up in your closet, the rest in storage. I brought your angel costume right down with it, though. It just needs to go in your closet. Right now it's hanging in mine. I hope you move up in rank quickly so we can perform together."

I screwed up my face sourly, "I've already moved up, to eighteen, thanks to Re..., I mean Master P."

Isabell looked concerned. "Oh, damn. Did you get penalty points too?"

"Yeah, I'm at six points now. I'm supposed to make up one right now, and the rest with another night in the bunker."

She looked at my bra, which she only now noticed. Her face took on a pitying expression. "Damn, this is not going to be a walk in the park. But you'll get through it. You're tough as nails."

My mouth twisted into a wry grin. "Made of steel and no feelings, yeah right!"

Isabell blew me a kiss through the bars. "I've got to hurry or I'll get points. I'll see you in a bit."

With that, she disappeared from my sight.

A quarter of an hour later, Four came to get Twenty and me.

Everyone was waiting for us in the multipurpose room. The slave girls were kneeling in a semicircle, René was sitting on a chair in the corner. He held his pad on his lap. I had to stand in front of everyone in the same posture as when we tested earlier in the afternoon. Four and Twenty knelt down next to the others.

"So, as you may have noticed, I don't have the remote for your bra. But I don't need it either. Like so many things in this house, I can operate it with this. Besides, everyone who has access to the code, even from far away, like the members of the circle. In my back you can see the camera. Your punishment is now being watched by many. Now ask for it!"

"Lord, I ask for unyielding punishment!"

"So be it, count with me and thank me!"

The first electric shock came just as unexpectedly and violently as before. I suppressed a loud yelp and struggled to stay upright.

"One, thank you Lord!", I pressed out loud when I could catch my breath again.

Immediately, the next blow came.

Pain you expect hurts double and triple when you fear it. If you try to distract yourself, it hurts less. That works pretty well with punches, but it gets hard to ignore with electrical impulses because they have an immediate effect on the muscles and nerve pathways. There was nothing I could do to make the pain more bearable except withdraw into myself and absorb the pain. So I blanked everything out and focused on myself and my sensations. With that, I managed not to collapse.

"Two, thank you Lord!"

I survived all 11 shocks without having to go down on my knees, even though tears came to my eyes and I had to gasp for air frequently. By the end, I was shaking all over.

After my punishment, there was food for everyone at the table, except for Twenty. She was given two bowls on the floor: One with canned dog food, the other with water. The meal passed quite silently. Sitting in the chastity belt, especially with the chain on it, was very uncomfortable. I had to advance to the edge of the chair and was constantly threatening to slip off of it. Leaning against it was completely out of the question. At least the chastybelt ensured that I sat very upright, and thus towered higher, than Master P.

After clearing, washing up and cleaning up, I was allowed to visit the toilet. I also got the opportunity to at least pee. But I had to do that through the closed chastybelt. Since my bladder was very full in the meantime, I actually succeeded. The subsequent cleaning and wiping, however, turned out to be difficult. Four advised me to go into the shower and rinse with the shower, which I gratefully followed.

Then followed the evening class. The speaker today was, of course, René. The topic was behavior and manners at business dinners and social receptions. A slave was not necessarily always a slave 24/7, but could also be taken to such occasions as a companion for her mistress or master. Here, a clear distinction was made between official, public appearances, where the usual social customs were to be followed, to appearances among acquaintances, to those in the circle of initiates and like-minded people. But even in public appearances, the slave always had to pay attention to the instructions of the mistress or master. This could also be looks or gestures. And depending on the wishes she also had to oute herself as a slave in front of strangers. What a slave could be expected to do was, of course, individually different. With some sex with strangers was accepted, with others not.

René was not a bad speaker at all and explained with concrete examples. With Four he demonstrated how non-verbal commands were given, which signs and codes were common. The famous ring of O, which was quite widespread and well-known, was by no means the only identifying sign of slave women. There were even expensive necklaces, earrings or brooches, which made their wearer outwardly recognizable to insiders as a fuck slave. The ultimate was, of course, the triskele nose ring in the septum, which, however, was not accepted in all social circles. The triskele was the real sign of the O in the book. Ladies who were decorated in such a way were generally not admitted to their official receptions. Incidentally, it was also interesting to learn that even headscarves and veils did not mean a sign of degradation, but in some cultures, on the contrary, even symbolized the high rank of the wearer. It would be a social faux pas to automatically assume that a veiled Muslim woman is oppressed. Of course, women in the Arab world have fewer rights and are hardly ever at a disadvantage in court, but this does not necessarily apply to their position within the family. Yes, there are also Muslim dominatrix in Saudi Arabia, but it is very difficult to recognize them from the outside. However, René also had to admit not to have met one yet. However, it was no rumor that Arab sheikhs owned harems, and a well-trained Western slave girl who was also good-looking was very popular with them.

I could only hope that Rebbecca did not intend to train me here and then sell me there. But I thought that was unlikely. The class ended with exercises and role-playing.

Afterwards, Twenty and I were taken to the bunker and chained up for another excruciating night.

31 The Ranch

I sat chained to the wall, much like the previous night. However, instead of the neck fiddle, my hands were shackled outstretched wide to my sides. The electricity in my crotch was mercifully dispensed with today, and the dripping water hose had also been turned off, so I wasn't sitting in a puddle again unless I needed to relieve myself. I was really dead tired by now, but because of the chastybelt I couldn't sit down comfortably either. My feet were not tied this time, so I could bend them a bit and move back and forth, but there was no sitting position on the hard concrete that was comfortable. Nevertheless, I fell into restless sleep as soon as the light went out.

At first I was afraid that I would be given more shocks to my breasts, but fortunately that was not the case. Uncomfortable was the bra even without this. My nipples ached and on the sides the hard edges of the cups pressed, even though they were padded with rubber. It was a strange feeling to be 'dressed' like this.

Again and again I was startled out of my fitful sleep of exhaustion. It was really absolutely quiet in this cell. Not even the rustling of the ventilation was to be heard. In addition the total darkness came, which frightened me most. I felt as if I were buried and forgotten. But my exhaustion won out over my burgeoning panic and so I sank back into sleep.

Just then I was really deeply asleep when muffled screams woke me up. They were coming from next door. Twenty must have been having a panic attack too.

"Let me out, I can't take this, please! I want to get out! Hit me if you want, but I'm scared of the dark! Hello, can you hear me?"

She had to scream at the top of her lungs, but here her cries came through muffled. I didn't know if she would hear me if I called back. Still, I tried, "Twenty, do you read me? This is Eighteen!"

She fell silent with her shouting. I repeated my call.

"Eighteen? Can you help me? I can't stand this darkness!"

"I'm tied up and sitting in the dark too!", I shouted back. "Imagine camping in the woods on a new moon!"

A moment of silence followed, then she shouted back, "I hate camping!"

"Were you always chained to the wall there too?", I yelled back.

A funny noise followed, which it took me a few seconds to identify as laughter.

"No, I think you're right. Camping is better than this!"

"But we do have one advantage here!"

"What?" she shouted back.

"No mosquitoes!"

A jolt of electricity abruptly jolted through my nipples and I cried out in pain.

"What happened?" came the question from next door.

"I think there are mosquitoes in here after all. But really nasty ones, electric ones!"

Again an electric shock hit me. Obviously, I had to keep quiet.

Twenty seemed to realize this, for she too was now silent.

After a few minutes, however, another shout came from over there, "Eighteen, thank you!"

It took quite a while before I sank back into sleep. But it was the opening of the cell door that really woke me up.

This time it was Isabell who freed me. After loosening my chains and helping me up, she went to the other cell and freed Twenty. I massaged my aching arms and neck muscles. This apartment did not get a star from me. Suddenly it occurred to me what I was still paying pro rata upstairs for my apartment until the end of the month and I grimaced: no, that was really usury what they were charging down here.

Despite my sleep, I was still tired and didn't feel refreshed either. How I was going to get through the day was a complete mystery to me. I cleaned up, hosed down the floor a bit, though I didn't leave a mess, and raked the water down the drain, cursing softly.

Then I walked out of the cell to find Isabell freed Twenty. Twenty looked about the same as I felt myself. Still, she started to smile when she saw me.

"We really should go camping together sometime!"

I grinned back, "Deal when we get out of here!"

Isabell looked at both of us uncomprehendingly.

"One night together in the bunker and already inside jokes? Should I be worried, my vixen?" her tone sounded mocking, but some jealousy came through as well.

"No, my demoness, you may of course come camping with us. All we want is starry skies, soft forest floor, and real mosquitoes."

Twenty giggled and Isabell looked dismayed.

"I don't know what you guys took, but I stopped making jokes after nights like that in the bunker. And you shouldn't either, or you'll get the next penalty point right away!"

I immediately made an exaggeratedly serious face, which provoked Twenty to a fit of laughter.

Isabell turned around, sighing and shaking her head, and left the block. We both followed, trying hard not to giggle any more. With only limited success.

The morning began again with showers and the possibility to visit the toilet. Therefore, we made another trip to our cells to get our 'culture bags. After that we went to the common rooms. This time I didn't care who would watch me pee or do my big business, because by now I was getting cramps because I had to so badly.

Isabell had the key to my chastity belt and helped me take it off so I could relieve myself. Afterwards my bra also followed, because for showering it was advantageous not to wear it. Presumably it was not really waterproof, through the USB connection there could possibly be a short circuit.

Unfortunately, I had to put everything back on afterwards, and she helped me again. She touched me as if by chance, stroked me gently and smiled furtively at me. That she excited me seemed to be her intention, because when she closed my chastity belt, while putting on the bra still as if by chance had caressed my breasts, and then closed the, she grinned broadly: "So, I hope you will not be unfaithful to me again!"

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Ew, like I ever was to you. And I have an alibi for last night!"

She laughed and slapped me on the butt. "I'll take your word for it. Ready, off to breakfast."

Other than the fact that this time I had to help set the table and get ready, breakfast went just like the day before. Only Twenty got her bowls on the floor again and had to eat bent over with her mouth. She had that ahead of her until the end of the week. I was amazed at the composure with which she did this, although it had to be new to her as well, since she probably hadn't been down here that long either.

Twenty I estimated a hardly older than me, more like late twenties, early thirties. She was slim, as was almost everyone here, with the exception of Four, who was a wee bit hardly plumper. Besides the dragon tattoo, which was still partially hidden under gauze, I recognized another tattoo on her hip, which depicted a phoenix. I wondered why it was used in studios, as I was told tattoos were a problem.

Twenty and I were again the only ones without clothes. Isabell wore a red and black latex catsuit, similar to her demon costume, only without openings for the breasts and also closed in the crotch. Four wore her transparent latex dress again, Eleven wore a light blue latex catsuit; Twelve wore a black one with a corsage indicated by red, Thirteen wore a pink one and Fourteen wore a light green latex catsuit.

I couldn't decide if I would rather stay naked instead of wearing something like this. Light green and pink were absolutely not my colors. I could only hope that it didn't suit Rebecca's taste either, because what a slave girl had to wear was decided by her owner. And that was Rebecca for me and Isabell.

In contrast to yesterday, sports were also on the schedule for me today. After the meal, the clearing and washing up, we all had to go to the fitness room. There began a sophisticated workout. The other girls peeled themselves out of their latex clothes. Sports in latex didn't really make sense. They hung them on a clothes rack with hangers. Since I with my chastity belt and the chains neither on the treadmill, nor the Trimmrad could, remained me first the rowing machine or the weight bench. Clearly for what I decided. Unfortunately, the KG pushed me in the stomach when I bent over, but when rowing it also forced me to the correct, straight posture. Only comfortable sitting was again not possible. Who could not get hold of a free device, had to do yoga. Of course the devices could and should be changed also times.

After an hour we were all pretty exhausted and went again under the showers. Isabell had to free me again and took nasty advantage of it.

"Say, isn't that actually forbidden to get me excited?" I rebuked her, as she came particularly provocatively with her lips close to my pubic and breathed against there, while she playfully moved the chastybelt with the plug attached in it a little up and down.

"What excites you I can not influence," she did innocently. "It's just forbidden to touch you directly sexually or to kiss you! I'm not doing that at all!"

I wasn't sure if she was still doing it as punishment for this morning, or just because she enjoyed it. Or maybe it was both. But I had to hurry now, because there were only 10 minutes allotted for this shower, and most of the time was already spent on my breakup and subsequent lockup.

So just quickly hop under, wet, soap up, rinse off and get out. Hair I didn't wash again, hardly like the other girls. In four minutes I was done.

Isabell needed hardly a few seconds longer. I had hardly dried off when she helped me back into my special clothes. I had also briefly rinsed off the plug in the shower. Since my butt was still hardly wet, it went in without any additional lubricant.

"Well, that fit well. Soon you can let Matjew in there too!", Isabell joked.

"Thanks a lot too, but unlike you, I'm not really into it."

"Says the woman who can get orgasms even under torture, of all things."

Four interrupted our banter, "Change of plans: Eighteen is to report to Mistress Rebbecca's parking bay in 30 minutes. Pack pony gear, face mask and head harness with bridle, put hoof boots on right away. Apply sunscreen. Five, you help her and escort her, you know where. Come on, hurry up!"

While I hurried as fast as I could through the aisles with the crotch chain beside Isabell, she began to explain.

"This will mean pony training for you. At least you'll get rid of those shackles for a change."

"Pony training?"

"Yeah, sulky pulling. She'll want to train you."

"With the chastity belt still on here?"

She glanced at it. "It's just fine, I've seen worse."

I didn't even want to imagine that, because I already hated the uncomfortable thing.

"You better worry about your tits. If she wants you to keep that one on, she'll steer you with it too!"

Ouch, I'd prefer to avoid that.

"And how else does that happen?"

"Either by strings on nipple clamps or nipple piercings. But since you don't wear nipple rings yet, only clamps would come into consideration. But that would also limit the workout to 20 minutes."

"So choice between plague and cholera?"

"No, in this case it's both. She can push you all day with this! And believe me, you'll trot!"

Promptly 30 minutes later, we were standing in the underground parking lot next to Rebecca's van. Packed in a bag was my gear. The lace-up boots with molded hoof soles were pressing quite uncomfortably now, and I was having trouble standing in them. Not to mention walking.

It didn't take long before Rebecca appeared. Immediately we both got down on our knees and greeted her appropriately. However, I had to be helped by Isabell, since the boots made it almost impossible for me to do this without help. Rebecca eyed me only briefly and then opened the trunk by remote control.

"You're going in the box, Eighteen. Before you do that, you put on the rubber hood. Come on, Five, give her a hand. Why didn't you do that downstairs already?"

Isabell justified herself, "Forgive me mistress, my order had been misunderstood."

"Given, we are still on time. The remote control is wrapped?"

"Yes mistress, it's in the bag."

"Good, give it to me right away."

Isabell bent down and fished the remote control to my punishment bra out of the bag, and immediately handed it to our mistress. Then she picked out my mask and the key to my choker. She opened it, then took my hair into a pigtail, while I held the mask so that the opening for my hair was facing backwards. She pulled the braid through the opening, then I unrolled the black rubber hood over my face. It had holes for my eyes, nostrils and mouth. The edges were outlined in red, and an 18 was painted in red on my forehead. Once the hood was wrinkle-free and properly fitted, Isabell closed my choker again. Removing the
