No-LIMIT-Rooms 04 English


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mask would be very difficult with this. But putting it on again correctly would be impossible. So I couldn't take the mask off unnoticed and put it back on later while I was lying in the trunk.

Then Isabell helped me get into a box in the trunk. It was a box similar to a dog carrier. Only big enough for me to fit in while kneeling. The bottom and sides were padded. It didn't have a window or lattice opening, just small vents that didn't let any light through.

"There you go, slave," Rebecca declared as I squeezed in backwards. "Should we get into a check, you will not say a word, understand? And I will then make appropriate sounds." She pressed a small button on a device on her keychain, and from somewhere came the frighteningly realistic growl of a dog. Then a bark.

I cringed violently, thinking for the first moment that a real dog was here in the trunk with me.

Rebecca laughed. "And when you hear that, feel free to rattle something in there, alright?"

"Yes Mistress!"

"Good, head down!"

I bent down and leaned on my forearms and she closed the lid. Then I heard the dull snap of a lock. I was again quite uncomfortably locked in the dark. Muffled, I still heard the trunk lid being closed.

It felt like it took forever before I felt the car finally start to move. With every turn I was pressed against the wall, with every braking or acceleration I was pulled forward or backward. Now it was also clear to me why the box was thickly padded with artificial leather. Without it I could have hurt myself. However, it did not really make it comfortable. Especially because of my 'clothes'. Slave life was so comfortable after all.

Well, it wouldn't be long before I would wish myself back into the box.

The ride seemed endless to me. After a short time I looked for a more comfortable position, first on my side, then on my back. Again and again this darned chastity belt or even the bra pressed. The hand and foot cuffs didn't make it any easier, luckily I wasn't still wearing the neck fiddle.

She was definitely heading for the highway. I assumed it was going to her ranch. In my mind I recalled the ranch: there was the mansion, the barn and further back another building. Had that been stables? But all day there, I hadn't seen any horses and hadn't heard any. But hay and straw had been stored in the barn. Where and in which direction the ranch lay, I could not even estimate. We had turned off too many times, driven in a traffic circle a few times, so basically everything within an hour's radius came into question. And that was a huge area.

Suddenly I heard Rebecca's voice right next to me and was startled. Obviously from an intercom. "Well, Eighteen, you all right back there?"

It took me a moment to catch myself and reply, "Yes, Mistress, everything's fine!"

"Good, won't be long now, then you may move!"

Then there was silence in my box again, except for the driving noises. It actually reassured me that she was monitoring me in here too. And indeed, it wasn't long before we left the highway and hit the country road. From the experience of the last trip, I knew that it would only take about 10 minutes until we were on site. And sure enough, we pulled over. I noticed a door open and someone getting out. I hastily struggled back to a kneeling position and had just finished doing so when the flap to my crate was opened and bright sunlight blinded me.

I saw Rebecca standing in front of me only as a silhouette. "So, you may get out."

With difficulty, I crawled out of the box and straightened up. I'm sure getting out of the trunk looked anything but elegant, too.

"Grab your bag and follow me, slave!"

My lace-up boots forced my feet into a rather stretched position. There were hooves attached to the top of the boots. So I was virtually walking on the balls of my front feet, with very hardly any support under my heels. This was not only unfamiliar, but painful. It felt like I was balancing on stilts with my front feet. Uncertainly, I stumbled along with my bag behind Rebecca, who strode purposefully toward the barn without looking back at me. So I sped up a bit so as not to miss the connection. In the apartment building Isabell had supported me, here I was actually walking freehand. And the chastity belt with the plug didn't make it any better.

Although the way was only 20 meters long, I arrived nevertheless with clear, temporal delay to Rebecca in the barn, where she waited already impatiently.

"Well, you're sorely lacking in practice," she reprimanded me. "There's a lot of work ahead! So, how much experience do you have on the subject of pony training?"

"None so far, mistress."

"Had thought so. But we'll just get started. Since it's supposed to get hot again today, we don't have much time. I'll show you the basics and I want you to get a feel for the sulky. You will wear the boots every day now, whenever possible, until you get used to them. Now put on the sling corset."

I searched in the bag for something corset-like and found a black, slightly wider leather corsage with D-rings on the sides. Rebecca helped me put those on and fasten them. Then she put a head harness on me with a rubber bridle and reins. Two leather ears were attached at the top.

"There, we'll leave it like that for today," she finally said with satisfaction. "Later it will be more complicated, your hands will be fixed to the back as well." She led me to a small sulky in the corner and turned my back to it. She lifted the drawbar and attached the two stirrups to the left and right of my leather corsage.

"Today you get to put your hands on the drawbar and hold on tight." She swung into the seat and grabbed the reins. "Let's go then!"

After the command, "Giddy up!", I began pulling the sulky out of the barn. I leaned forward, trying hard not to stumble. Amazingly, the hoof boots were helping me now, as the leading edge dug into the ground hardly at all.

First I got an introduction to the three types of steps horses and ponygirls take: walk, trot and canter. She shouted explanations and instructions to me and directed me by pulling on the reins. I had to raise my knees much higher and was to concentrate on walking elegantly. When I kept making mistakes, she became impatient. For the first time I felt small electric shocks on my nipples, fortunately not very strong. If I didn't lift my legs properly, didn't walk straight or didn't follow a rein command immediately, a small electric shock followed immediately.

Under my rubber hood it was slowly getting hot, it was not even noon. Rebecca had me walk a few laps around the property. There was a small street, which led in the oval once around the houses. Unfortunately, it was not a cinder track, but rather a dirt road. It wasn't always easy to pull, especially since it sometimes climbed a bit. After about two hours I was exhausted. Rebecca took pity on me and steered me back into the barn, where she unstrapped me.

"So, you get to shower inside with me. And then I'll get some hardly rest while you get to pamper me. I hear you have a useful tongue technique?"

32 Negotiating with Hal

In fact, after showering, I first had the task of cooking Rebecca something to eat. Fortunately, I could cook passably well, so I didn't disappoint her. Steamed zucchini spirals with crème fraîche on whole wheat pasta and with parmesan. In addition a mixed salad. I was also allowed to eat something myself, but I had to do that kneeling on the floor. At least from the plate, not from a dog bowl.

I wore again my rubber hood and my 'clothes' from before. Only the pony boots I didn't need to wear here in the house right now. After dinner, I cleaned up, put the dishwasher on, and then returned to Rebecca. She had made herself comfortable in a white silk robe on a leather chaise longue and was holding her pad in her hands . I knelt beside her with my head down and waited for her instructions.

She put the pad away, spread her legs and pulled her robe up a bit. "So, let's see what you can do."

"With the greatest pleasure, thank you Mistress!" On all fours, I crawled up to her and brought my head closer to her lap. My hands crossed behind my back as I began kissing up her legs. Her labia were noticeably larger than Isabell's, but she too wore a ring over her clitoris, which stood out clearly. I could tell that she was aroused. Tenderly, I began to lick her.

I liked the taste of women. Even though with men I had no inhibitions about swallowing their cum, it wasn't really a pleasure for me. However, I liked the feeling of spoiling a man with my mouth basically already. But nothing beat the taste and smell of a clean woman.

At my nipples I felt a slight electric tingling, which was quite pleasant. With increased passion I spoiled my mistress and at the same time noticed how I myself became aroused.

Rebecca did not take long to come. Immediately she ordered me to stop and sit back. She took her left foot back up off the floor where she had put it so I could get between her legs and closed her silk robe.

"Well, you're actually useful for that!" she praised me.

She had the pad in her hands again, and the tingling in my nipples ebbed as she typed something on there. I felt frustration because I had sensed that this would have actually brought me to release a short time later as well.

"Well, how do you rate your talent as a ponygirl?"

I thought for a moment about what I could answer. "Mistress, this slave thinks she still has a lot to learn and needs a lot of training."

Rebecca seemed satisfied with that answer. "That is true. But you have potential. I just changed your training schedule. You now run two hours a day on the treadmill with the ponyboots. Once in the morning, once in the evening. Five can give you tips, because she has also served as a ponygirl. But unfortunately, she wasn't very talented. It's about speed as well as looks and style, and you just happen to have the longer legs."

Again she typed something in.

"Tomorrow night, by the way, you have another gig. In the AI room!"

I lifted my head in surprise. Rebecca looked at me. "Do you have a question?"

"Um, Mistress, I thought there were no gigs in the basement at my rank?"

"Performances on your own account, that's right. But as my property, I can use you anytime. Do you have any objections?"

"No mistress!"

"But still, I will ask you now, are you ready for another test by Hal, this time without orgasm, just pain?"


"Endurance Test, will be the title. The clients are not interested in whether you enjoy it. They just want to hear you scream in pain. Real torture, preferably until you pass out!"

I had to gulp at the words. "If the Mistress thinks the slave can take it, Eighteen will try anything not to embarrass the Mistress."

"High bets have been placed on you, and the profit is accordingly. Too bad you won't get a share of it this time. But since it's your hell week anyway, take it as another test."

Inside, it began to boil inside me. Why was she provoking me like this? What was she up to? I understood her less and less. Still I stared at her. Almost too late, I remembered my status and lowered my head again.

"That's right: obedience, diligence and humility! And humility I will teach you, for sure! Now pack your things and put your boots back on, you're about to be picked up."

It was Diana who came to pick me up. She had come with the limousine, now left it and took over the van. Word-armed, she ordered me to climb back into the box. Then I sat again in the dark. During the drive back, I thought about more things. Also, whether the van had been followed. If it had, Holger should now know where the ranch was. I had now been there again, but I had not been given an opportunity to fulfill my mission. For that I would also have had to take the package, which I could not reach at the moment. And if things went on like this, I would never get to it. But I thought it was a stupid idea anyway. Screw Holger, he couldn't help me at the moment.

Honestly, I started to worry about tomorrow. Not about the possible pain, I could handle pain, it was Hal that I was worried about. I needed to talk to twenty!

The ride was otherwise similar to the morning, uncomfortable and unspectacular. In the underground garage Diana helped me get out and escorted me to the locker room where I had to stow my gear again. I was finally allowed to take off my rubber hood, had to clean it briefly and hang it on a rack to dry. Suddenly an idea came to me.

"Excuse me, Mistress Diana, but do I get access to Hal? I have the show tomorrow and would like to know what to expect."

She looked at me in amazement.

"But of course you can, if you like. The show scripts are always open to performers."

"Even for the past shows, I mean the records?"

"Of course. You can access them through your computer in your cell."

"Mistress, could you show me how? After all, I sat there all day yesterday, but couldn't find the access to the studios."

"All right, I have hardly any time left. Are you assigned to work?"

"Mistress, I don't know. Four just arrived earlier and said my schedule for the day had been changed."

Diana just nodded. "Yes, it was all quite unexpected. Actually, your mistress was going to start training you this weekend. But something came up. Hold on, let me check."

She took out her pad from her bag and turned it on. While she searched, I looked at the shelf and the hooks with my name on them. The pony gear section was even more extensive than the few pieces I had worn today. There was also a harness, like the ones I had seen in pictures. Diana interrupted my contemplations.

"No, you're off duty until dinner. We can get on your computer. Come on, we're done here."

We had the cell wing to ourselves. I awkwardly knelt down next to the table while Diana turned on the computer and called up the program. I immediately noticed that she had a different file structure displayed. She undoubtedly had admin rights and access to everything. When she opened the AI Room tab, an advanced menu appeared immediately. There she checked the permissions.

"Ah, I see your problem. Since you weren't designated for the AI room now, access wasn't unlocked either. Let me correct that for you. You can even talk to Hal now, by the way, his voice recognition software is out of beta."

She clicked a few times and then opened the list of room records. There she put check marks by the name Kumiho, release of all personal recordings and communication.

She had the folders displayed. The number of files were amazingly large and the data apparently went back almost a year. Most of the folders were marked with a red X. Only July and August had a green check mark. She called up August. Immediately I noticed the entries from August 6 and August 24, which had the addition of Show. Otherwise, there were entries almost every day that were labeled Test. Except for August 6, all entries had a red X behind them.

Satisfied, she nodded. She closed the folder, but then on the July folder still removed the green check mark without even opening the folder. She then closed the admin area and logged out.

"So, with that, you can now access your recordings and also communicate with Hal. But don't get stuck, it's developed from a chatter bot AI and loves to ask you questions."

"Oh, great, a virtual confessor!" it escaped me in a sarcastic tone. Immediately, however, I felt sorry, "Sorry Mistress, that was inappropriate!"

Diana looked at me in surprise, but then passed over my outburst. "I hadn't thought of it that way, but yes: basically, he reacts to your language, evaluates it, and then responds accordingly with platitudes." She laughed. "All that's missing is him making you pray a rosary for being lewd!"

It was the first time I had ever seen Diana laugh, and she immediately looked much more sympathetic. At that moment, no one would have suspected in her the sadistic mistress she really was. She was also an excellent actress.

But immediately she became serious again and reprimanded me: "You didn't refer the remark to a real Dom, moreover you had an exhausting night and an equally exhausting day, therefore you don't get a penalty point for it now. But moderate your tone and hold back with remarks!"

"Yes, mistress, Eighteen thanks you!"

"Very well, I think you'll be fine. I've got some work to do, too. I'll see you tomorrow night for the show!" She stood up.

"Thank you Mistress!" I bent my head and torso down to the floor and remained that way until her footsteps had faded and the barred door at the end of the aisle slammed into the lock.

Holding onto the table, I straightened up and carefully sat down on the chair. Then I logged in and called up my syllabus. I was well on time with my workload. I quickly called up the next lessons and worked through them in record time.

After that, I had time and then opened the AI room access. First, I took another quick look at the recording of my session. It was truly amazing the precision with which the Dalek had applied the clamps and placed the punches. Then I left the August folder and tried to open the July one. As expected, that didn't work.

But I had an idea. To do this, I put on my headset.

"Good afternoon Hal!", I logged in.

"Good afternoon Kumiho, it's good to hear from you again."

"Hal, can you open the records of mine?"

"I can, but only the ones from the AI room, Kumiho."

"Hal, please list for me what data you have on me."

"There are records for August 6."

"Hal, do you also have records on me from July?"

"I do not have a record titled Kumiho in July!"

I sighed in disappointment. Dead end. Then, suddenly, enlightenment came to me.

"Hal, is there a file in July with the name Johanna Blauert?"

"There is a folder for July under the name Johanna Blauert."

"Hal, please open the July folder Johanna Blauert!"

"I'm sorry, but Kumiho doesn't have access to the Johanna Blauert folder!"

Damn. I closed my eyes and put my head down to think.

"Hal, what is the creation date of the July Johanna Blauert folder?"

"The Johanna Blauert folder was created on July 26!"


"Hal, what time were the dates in the July Johanna Blauert folder created."

"The July data Johanna Blauert was created on 8/26 At 3:21 PM."

I had found my three lost hours. And I hadn't been dreaming: on the day of my visit, I had been in the AI room. Naked, drugged, and tied up in the rack. Unfortunately, I just didn't know why yet.

I started the script for tomorrow, which was already created under 'Endurance Test'. The complete script was written in English for the mostly foreign customers. It was in the interrogation category, but with the addition of 'proven to be innocent'.

"Hal, what does the addition 'proven to be innocent' mean in interrogation?"

"Proved to be innocent means that the deliquent has nothing to confess, and therefore cannot answer the interrogation questions." Hal's voice, as always, sounded soft and without emotion.

"Hal, I don't understand the answer. Is there another definition?"

"Another definition is that there is no code word."

"Hal, does that mean no limits?"

"No, it means that time or target must be met."

"Hal, what are the targets for my session tomorrow?"

"The targets for tomorrow's session, are four hours or pass out."

Yeah, I wasn't really afraid of pain. At least not the kind that was inflicted on me during an SM session. Especially when it was ensured that I would not suffer any permanent damage. But of course it became more bearable if the pain was also erotic in nature. Spankings could be simply painful, or done in such a way that I became aroused. I clearly preferred the latter.

"Hal, can you torture me so that I have an orgasm?"
