All Comments on 'No Questions Asked Pt. 02'

by Choppedliver

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  • 241 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What @mike0422 stated is spot-on. Yes, OP gets waaaaaay too granular at some points, but that's preferable to the lazy, cliché-rich, trope-dependent verbosity that sustains most of these stories. Yes, sometimes it feels like lugging a grand piano up the west ridge route of Mt. Everest, but the summit seems worth it. Some parts are obtuse enough to require a re-read, and others are overwritten. Like a good finishing sander and a side of high-quality wood-filler, an editor could not only provide that "second set of eyes" all writing needs but also "universalize" those parts that make perfect sense to the writer but with which the rest of us struggle. I like the story so far, though it's starting to drag out like the last three minutes of a basketball game. Well-done on the chapter division.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just mind numbingly dumb. Author has set a very high bar
impossible probably
.for what the “big reveal” is going to be that remotely justifies the logical jujitsu Bea is engaging in here
much less the incomprehensible “let mer go” attitude of her wimp ass husband.


Guess we find out tomorrow đŸ€—


2 **

rockdoctor63rockdoctor639 months ago

Oh good grief. She thinks she is gay and wants to prove or disprove it. She is and has been untruthful to her husband. What happened in college? Was she involved with women? So in the end if she finds that she is attracted to women will she dump her husband? How long has she been on councilors and keeping it from her husband? Not very encouraging for the husband. This is all on her. She has admitted that she us going away to have sex. It is not clinical, she will be at it all night. Sounds like she wants to preserve her fall back just in case she us not totally attracted to women. Yime for the husband to protect himself and see a lawyer. Even if she decides not to dump jim, she has been lying to her husband for a long time.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny9 months ago

The crux of the problem for me is ,she is worried because on magazines and movies she's as attracted to the females as the males. We all are attracted to people we see in media, in the grocery store, at our kids school, whatever.... but that's when you realize what you have is what's important and greater than the what if... of searching something out. At some point you've made your choice (the husband) and you're gonna stick with it...hold em or told em. But this lady wants both, she's just doing it in a clinical setting which she has made her self believe makes a difference, it does not. Obviously she's Bi because she intimated that she had this problem for a period in college, so she's always had these desires, but tough shit, everybody has desires you just don't act on it. That's what puts us above animals,that's what gives us dominion over the Earth, to deny our base instincts and plow forward to reach goals. But whatever, I'd make sure to have her served before her trip, that way I could ensure her little "experiment" has a negative memory attached, but that's me being petty.

60022Mallard60022Mallard9 months ago

Score declining as the tale proceeds in ever decreasing circles.

The whole thing ( including the next part!) could have been edited down to around 5 pages max.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The writer does a great job of creating angst, and this is apparent in their stories including Splashdown. But really, this could be a one section story with perhaps 4 total pages, instead of the 3 chapters and 9+ pages it will end up being. It also isn't realistic that a professional doctor would be setting up a sex therapy session for a patient to test their sexual orientation, so really the whole story is built on cards. But that doesn't make it unenjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The writing is very descriptive and thought provocative. It is also too much. Most couples would not drag out this situation with so many words and thoughts.

Flh3241Flh32419 months ago

Yes they will and do set up a twandy session a lot and most professional are licensed sex therapists however I am seriously having my doubts about the marriage and hope I am wrong but I see this marriage going down hill very fast

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too much repetitive dialogue. Boring!!! She's already crushed him. If he doesn't go with her, it should be over.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Complete waste of time. The author could have gotten us to this point in 2 pages from the start.

GardenshedGardenshed9 months ago

Still the writing is full of emotion and anxiety
.. the things I like about this story. Looking forward to the last chapter, hope it measures up to the first 2?

Thanks for writing. 5⭐

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Getting dumber and dumber. She wants to try out a woman. That is cheating. No way their conversations would be so lame and convoluted.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You obviously don’t read or if you do, understand your commenters. This is repetitious and unneeded word salad.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

C24j, what kind of crack are you smoking?

"Some crazy religions have put all sorts of taboos and cultural stigmas in place that have resulted in many suppressing it . . . but healthy people don't"

Taboos and stigmas usually came about because groups of people recognized that certain behaviors were detrimental to the group as a whole, not just to the individual. Not suppressing a bad behavior is the sign of an unhealthy person. Healthy people don't engage in bad behavior.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aa9 months ago

Gambinluck hit the nail on the head. This chapter was long winded, repetitive in context, and misplaced. Why, after all these years of being married, is she having feelings of being a lesbian? Doesn't work and doesn't make sense. And why ALL the drama of lying about it, hiding

the truth especially to her husband, the supposed "love of her life". What happens when she returns and finds out she really is bisexual, where does that leave her marriage and her husband. Will she try a threesome, go behind his back, or be up front and tell him "it's only sex / I have an pussy I need to satisfy". This storyline was too long, confusing, and just plain bad....Hopefully, the final round will conclude this sorrowful story. 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This story keeps getting worse and worse. On a site full of unbelievable dialogue, this might be the most unbelievable I’ve ever read. It’s way too long and even worse, boring.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please stop with the word salad. Three pages that should have been one.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x9 months ago

So she had SOME sort of a psychiatric problem in college, that's resurfacing, but she can't tell her husband?


"this isn't about sex, not really." - What does "not really" mean?


I still don't see why he can't see what she packed.


Still just talking around in circles. She wants him to trust her, but she won't trust him to even check out her luggage, which is strange if sex isn't involved.


If they're close enough, I'd take her and the suitcase to her parents and have her make her case to them!


"That's the terrible or dirty secret." - Spouses shouldn't have dirty secrets from each other.


"What does that mean? Admit -- yet? Does that mean you've been doing something and haven't been caught?" - No, it means that she hasn't done anything yet that she would have to admit.


"Dave, ironically, I'm doing all of this to stay true to you." - Why should staying true to him even be in question?


"The, er, tests" - What kind of "er, tests?"


If the truth is a deal-breaker or kills his love for her, then so be it. Their love shouldn't be built on a lie.


"Dave, I fear I may be bi! - Jeez, is that all! Being also attracted to women is no different that also attracted to other men.


You KNOW if you're bi or not, there's no psychological tests for it.


@Masterpuppy, I agree. We're all attracted to others, of whatever sex, it has nothing to do with how much we give to our partner/

MartyMartiniMartyMartini9 months ago

This is agonizing. If my wife told me she went to a Doctor in college for her mental health and she needed to visit her again, I would give her the support to do it until she proved she didn't deserve it. But a chastity belt. Come on grow up. I skimmed the last two pages just too painful to read.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Damn! What a boatload of drivel. Skipped most paragraphs since this is like music on a reel. Repeat bs, repeat bs, repeat....

KaeyoKaeyo9 months ago

Far too much repetition. Slogging through is difficult at best.

The wife’s reasoning is at best quite suspect.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The bitch is playing games. Divorce her ass

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Jeez. So many words. I still don’t understand why it had to be such a big secret. The secrecy and lack of openness is a way bigger problem for this marriage than the wife’s sexuality.

True story: My wife came out to me as bi a few years ago. I said “ok.” And that was that - we didn’t have hours and hours of talking in circles and speaking in riddles.

Being bi doesn’t mean that you can’t be in a committed monogamous relationship with one person. It doesn’t mean you have to go outside your marriage to sleep with same-sex partners that you’re attracted to, any more than straight married people have to sleep with extramarital partners of the opposite sex they are attracted to. Unless the partners decide to open the marriage, which is fine, but doesn’t have anything to do with sexual orientation.

Also, why the psychiatrist and the intensive sessions? Being gay or bi is not a psychiatric disorder.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I’m trying to like story and I can’t, I want to slap both of your main characters for various reasons, I’ll wait to vote but this story should have been posted as one story not broken up over three days

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Your just repeating over and over ,Getting boring hope chapter three is better !!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Stupid, just stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I would like to rate this better, but the repetition is maddening. You, me and everyone else knows this could have been said in one page. That said I am still anticipating the final chapter.

Frank66Frank669 months ago

From a fascinating story line, with all the suspense and intrigue we would want, told in every which way we could imagine...... gradually being beat to death..... finally winding up being a 'nothing burger'. Anti-climatic describes this one- what could a chapter 3 possible contain? Oh yes, more dialogue......

muskyboymuskyboy9 months ago

This should have been a 750 word story...

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I give up, to slow developing.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

There is no legitimate medical specialty that would involve itself in what the author describes. Just as porn stars are engaging in prostitution under the ridiculous lie that they are being paid for acting, a doctor's office that provides someone to have sex with a patient is pandering and the "therapist" is a prostitute. Yes, there are "sex therapists, but they are quaks, not MDs. And placing this in Houston? San Francisco, NYC, or LA would be more like it. Let's suppose that this preposterous scenario could be real in some alternative reality, as developed up to nearly the end the husband's response would be, and should be, "If you promise to tell me the complete truth when you return, go. But, if you have any form of sex in any setting with any person, understand that this marriage is over."

Honestly, the characters and story are becoming so "wrought" that it is all becoming silly.

BTW, the actual way that same sex attraction is measured clinically is by having the subject watch videos an measuring the subject's physical response. The author would have done better sticking to reality instead of coming up with a bogus clinic.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I assume her vows included giving her mind, body, and spirit to her husband or something along those lines which is causing her guilt for not giving 100% of her mind. Her solution is to 100% give up her body? You can argue if that starts with the first touch or just getting on the plane. So dumb! There should be a test for marriage and kids. I freaking loved the roller coaster that was splashdown. This was a kick to the nuts. I'll still give you 5 but do better!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Chapter 1 Started out as a 3/4

Chapter 2 was a 2/3

Chapter 3 - trend says not good

BlueEyd2BlueEyd29 months ago

The whole rational is BS. She has distrusted and disrespected the one person who she claims to love like no other and wants to be 100% his. She has not brought him to any of her counseling sessions, nor have they gotten any couples counseling to address this 800 lb gorilla in the room.

And what if she finds out she likes women more?

They appear to be moving very rapidly into a no-win situation for him. And frankly, she is a wack-job in her BS attempt at rationalizing her actions.

It seems like a seperation is in order and probably divorce. Her whole BS about wanting to be 100% his is horsepucky when she has totally excluded him from what she has been going through up until right now.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

WolfenSS69 hits all the right notes. This story is long-winded nonsense. What city do they live on that doesn't have any therapist in residence? As so many have said, what difference does it make if she's attracted to women. She has made a commitment to be true and faithful in her marriage. That covers both sexes and all species. I will probably just skip to the last page of the last chapter to spare myself more of this inane bullshit chatter. Midway through this mind-numbing chapter the author has already removed the balls from our husband to set up the ridiculous acceptance of his wife cheating on him with women.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Funny, the whole argument in this story can be summed up with the one line/concept... "concentrating on the finger with a splinter instead of your other fingers that are fine."

Because if she was really concentrating on what really matters (her husband & their relationship); this wouldn't even be a conversation/issue. Not letting other thoughts/feelings distract from that core relationship and, choosing to love/concentrate on her husband.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


If wife has desire for her husband, and loves him, she may be bi but so what. Even if she is heterosexual, she may very well have desire for / be attracted to others, as many people are. The question for all of us who are in monogamous relationships is not if we are attracted to someone else, but whether we have the integrity and self control to not act on that attraction.

Going away to test how she feels when having sex with someone else is BS. She is either committed to her husband or not.

EZ8ltEZ8lt9 months ago

God, another story from you with full of drivel, convoluted bullshit conversations, and with a main character who's ultimately a simp weak cuck. Last time you went on for like 8 chapters with it, now it's 3, sooner or later you'll realize that without all the bullshit you can done these type of stories in a few sentences, since they already lack the soul anyway.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Since there was no real ending I'll just make up my own, where Dave decides a a once a week threesome with a hot lady andthey live happily ever after.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

For the first time, I’m giving this author five stars. There wasn’t just talk, there was action, development. But critics raise the right question: the real issue isn’t bi or not, it’s fidelity or not. We’ll find out if the author understands that.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Sorry mate, I got to the second page before I realised I really don’t care about two people relentlessly not getting to the point and gave up

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

Yeah right, l guessed what her problem was in reading this chapter earlier than her admission. Heaps of married people are bisexual in nature but never act on it when in a committed relationship. They control it because they love their partner and understand the concept of cheating. It’s not hard.

Your story is a mess, just way too long given the problem. If either partner cheated, no matter what sex the other person was, the marriage is over regardless. Same rules of fidelity count..

Your premise is just ridiculous. I’m finished with this story.

Scores 2/5

Karn9Karn99 months ago

Too too too tooo long! 3*

groaningbumpgroaningbump9 months ago

Definitely better than chapter one, although no matter couple would talk to each other like this. Interested to see how it ends. 4 stars thanks for posting. - gb

GamblnluckGamblnluck9 months ago

Actually, i see some potential for this story that I doubt Choppedliver does. He is portraying 2 people deeply in love. The woman now has revealed she feels some tendencies to being lesbian or at least bi and she wants to identify it because she wants to be 100% devoted to her husband.... (impossible of course). 2. Hubby figures out where she is coming from now but does NOT ask some crucial questions. 3. She says 'her' doctor is in Houston. He knows she went to school in Houston. But that does NOT mean she saw this doctor in Houston. He/she is the one she is going see. 4. Hubby never asked her if this is a former doctor or a new one. If new, how did the wife get in contact.

It comes back to my comment of chapter 1 where we have little context about their private life. How long have they been married? The are obviously well educated from the way they speak to each other. (Which I privately find irritating as it is almost TOO formal with big words and syntax.)

As far as plot is concerned, I think Choppedliver is going to let her go get her evaluation and then decide if he wants to forgive her for cheating or divorce her. That is FAR too simplistic.

My big question is how she found this evaluation program and what did they really promise. Wife said the offices are near the hotel where she will be staying and hints there my be late night or even overnight stays during her weekend. And it is not a good idea for her hubby to be there. Where did she get that idea? From her own mind or was it suggested by the good doctor?

I see this as a possible spam/ totally bogus program. Wife found them online. "Determine your true sexual nature." She of course has to pay for this evaluation. And WHY is it done over a weekend?

The say she will be exposed to lesbian influences etc. But is that all? Maybe they throw in a few men. Men who pay for their fun as well adding to the 'doctor's' profits. The woman comes out at the end of the weekend thoroughly screwed. Physically and financially. Of course she signed consent and NDA forms so she 'thinks' she has no recourse. There is just too much potential here for a story than just the husband's reaction to his screwed up wife's wanting to figure out her true nature.

GamblnluckGamblnluck9 months ago

I am surprised at the readers/commenters whose immediate response is "dump the cheating bitch". I see a woman who while she may be intellectually smart is naive and dumb as a box of rocks.

The chastity belt thing which was also widely panned in the comments, is a good ploy. The wife's reaction told us more than paragraphs of dialog. To her that is unacceptable. Which is how the hubby knows there is definitely sex involved. Of course, Chopped took way too long to say that.

Chopped has a decent story here. But I think he was too long winded in his telling. I am seriously thinking of modeling a story along these lines.

BaggyUKBaggyUK9 months ago

I think I used the term ridiculously over wordy for your story Splashdown, which would have been a really good story cut to 3 maybe 4 chapters. I never thought I'd see the like again, there is a depth and quality to your writing but why bother with 500 words every time when 20 will do. Sorry but this is so verbose i (and many others) will have to give up. Shame really, your stories are quite good but why make them so unnecessarily long, it detracts so much from the actual tale your trying to tell...

Pinto931Pinto9319 months ago

Story stretched out far to long. You tell the truth or you don’t go, simple really.

nyc1975nyc19759 months ago

How much more dysfunctional can a marriage be than this one? A wife who is off the deep end because she may be bi, and rather than explain that to her husband, she plans the magical mystery tour to Houston. Meanwhile the hubby is a clueless dick fixated on the fact his if his wife is touched sexually, even by a medical specialist, that's cheating. One wonders how they lived together so long so this point.

This author desperately needs an editor.

cyendreycyendrey9 months ago

Sound and fury dignifying nothing.

She just kept twisting him and herself in linguistic gymnastics that, in the story, generated word count but didn’t do much to progress the story. Read the first and last two paragraphs and skip the blather in between.

She’s going cheat, and she twisted him in garbage language until black became white. The result being he agreed to something that he had designated a marriage killer in the beginning. A more cynical manipulation of a partner’s love is difficult to imagine.

It also closely replicates another author’s storyline from a few years back.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider19559 months ago

Too long. A real man would have ripped the suitcase open and seen the sexual get-ups. A real man would have had divorce papers prepared and served before she left. I hope the ends with the next submission. The husband has been a wimp.

DreddrasDreddras9 months ago

Honestly, the big reveal being possible bisexuality does not work for me. So she's attracted to what? She's made a vow of fidelity to her husband. She loves him, she's attracted to him...again, so what if she's also attracted to women? So what if she's attracted to other men, for that matter? I'm sure her husband, assuming he's 100% hetero, isn't exclusively attracted to her. I'm sure that big-breasted blonde secretary in his office catches his eye. That doesn't negate his vow, just as her attractions don't negate her vow to him. So the premise of her "needing" to do this is flawed; she has the option to just remain bi-curious, without taking steps to satisfy that curiosity, because she's in a committed monogamous relationship. Just like he has the option to remain big-breasted-blonde curious, without taking steps to satisfy that curiosity, because he's in a committed monogamous relationship.


I also REALLY don't love the premise in this story that same-sex attraction is something that should be addressed as an illness. Why is she going to a psychiatrist about this?


Honestly, before reading this chapter I expected the reveal to be gender dysphoria. In some ways, I would have preferred that, as those issues likely WOULD require some counseling, especially in light of her life/marital status. Of course, excluding your spouse from that discussion is also not acceptable, so it still wouldn't really justify the hall-pass request.

GamblnluckGamblnluck9 months ago

@HarleyRider1955 Yeah, and a REAL man would be signing over half his stuff before he got answers and figured it it was needed.

Rw43Rw439 months ago

Now that Bea has let the cockroach out of the closet, her innocence can no longer be defended or even hinted at. As I used to tell my oldest daughter (the one who had to try everything once just to see if her old man was stupid or just a killjoy): “You gave me an explanation when I asked for an excuse. You’re not forgiven.”


After yesterday’s story I inferred 5 statements from Bea. Other than acknowledging that she intended to come clean after this trip (a statement based on considerable naĂŻvetĂ©) but that she had failed to promise, all those repulsive, ugly half-truths are still a huge part of her explanation that doesn’t successfully excuse her.


My contention that she also cannot guarantee resolution in one weekend also still stands. And my suggestion that she herself may be responding to a predacious cockroach that is compelling her response is also still possible.


In short, maybe she has drawn sympathetic Dave into the role of seeking conciliation —but in the cold light of waking up alone, he will realize that she loves what they had more than she loves him, and she is willing to sacrifice both in order to follow “her nature”. Words be damned. Actions count. Bea is a liar.


And I’m usually a RAAACer.

StoneyWebbStoneyWebb9 months ago

So far this story is very similar to the one I mentioned after the first part. The woman in the story I read like the woman in this story was conflicted about whether she likes women or not. The only difference now is whether she comes back to her husband or discovers she is a full-on lesbian. Judging by how this has been dragged out and all the protestations by the wife of her love for her husband, I rather suspect that she will come back wanting to be with women full time.

njlaurennjlauren9 months ago

Besides the usual complaints about the very long, unrealistic and circular dialog, the main premise is the problem with this. If she has attraction to women, why is she going to a psychiatrist? They can't diagnose her as a lesbian bc it isn't a mental illness.

If she is attracted to other women it doesn't make her a lesbian. There are bi women,there are women who fantasize about other women but would never have sex with one. The wife is freaking out that that means she is a lesbian,which is silly

If she was seeing a therapist , that would ask her are these feelings interfering with sex with your husband ? To get aroused , do you need to fantasize about being with a woman? If she loves her husband, is happy having sex with him, why the hell would she need to go and have sex with a surrogate?

It is something ppl don't understand about being bi or otherwise having same sex attraction..

You don't have to act in it. Plenty of bi ppl are in monogamous relatiinships, this idea that if you are bi you can't be monogamous is ludicrous, it is as stupid as Mike Pence saying he can't have dinner with a woman alone because he would be tempted, just as silly.

The idea that if you have attraction for another person means you aren't 100% into your spouse is also idiotic. Attraction takes nothing away from the marriage unless that attraction ( like fantasizing about them during sex w the spouse) hurts the relationship.

njlaurennjlauren9 months ago

For the anon calling sex therapists quacks, they aren't. Sex therapists are talk therapists like anyone else , they don't have sex with patients,among other things it is a major ethics violation.

There are sexual surrogates but they are licensed professionals who help ppl when they have diagnosed problems with sex, like abuse victims and the like. Put it this way, insurance companies pay for it if a person has a diagnosed issue. You generally have to be referred to them,and it is a lot more controlled then you think.

The scenario in this story is fiction, you don't stay overnight, you don't have sex all night, that is.ludicrous and you wouldn't use a surrogate to figure out if you are gay or bi or whatever.

OOAAOOAA9 months ago

More info now.... a cheating that seems is not a cheating but a "medical test"....

... something she wants to try..., but without her husband around/near...

...finally more comunication in the couple...

...almost unpacking at the end... but... we're not in Texas anymore... or was it Kansas? 😜

...let's see final chapter 3 soon.

Buster2UBuster2U9 months ago

So she is going to Houston, to some shrink? She maybe met on line to determine her sexuality. But to do that she is going to have sex with a man and then with a woman to see who h she likes better. Hubby might as well get divorced first, before she goes to cheat with others in Houston. What is the big deal she just wants to FUCK SOME OTHER PEOPLE FOR THE WEEKEND!

Xanada98Xanada989 months ago

Shaggy dog story

Total waste of time

MarkItZeroMarkItZero9 months ago

She's a manipulative psychopath and he's a doormat. All the semantics and word games she has put him through make it obvious he'll never know any truths from her.

So now he "knows" what it's all about and she would still rather his mental demons wreck his mind versus letting him go with her so she can obfuscate and twist the truth to continue to blow smoke up his ass. Oh yeah, and he should get the bolt cutters and open the suitcase himself if she won't give him the key, but he's too weak for that.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You really should put this to the side when you "finished" it, and then reread it as if it was the first time you've read it. Maybe then you'd realize how redundant it was. They keep talking about the same points over and over. It might not have been too bad if the points were logical, but it's all rhetorical bullshit.


About the only good thing is that you claim there's only one more chapter of this nonsense.


Why do I have the feeling that what she's so worried about is going to be something incredibly minor?

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine9 months ago

Good but way to verbose.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove9 months ago

Again, I feel what I imagine the husband is feeling; this is becoming tiresome and needs to be resolved. He has a legitimate fear of losing her but loves her so much he doesn't want her to be unhappy or suffering. His love is true and self-sacrificing. Hers is also true, but not self sacrificing. This is often the case, it seems, in many marriages today. Just because it is another woman, doesn't make it any different than it was another man. Ity is the same as him saying that he needs to find out if his secretary is his soulmate. The fact that she has "doctors" involved in this doesn't give legitimacy to any of this except perhaps in a malpractice suit since ther4e isn't any physician who would arrange such an "experimemt". It is unethical . And if the female love interest IS the doctor, her days of practicing medicine are over. Which leads me to my next question; who is paying for this? A team of "doctors" working over a weekend to engage in some bisexual "enlightenment" won't be covered by insurance in the real, sane world.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is like teasing a kid with a lolli-pop. Just tell the story and stop the BS.

vanyevanye9 months ago

Ok. Done reading your work. Again, too wordy, too repetitive..... And the woman is again too stupid to be with her partner.

jbpeters74jbpeters749 months ago

Before I read the last chapter, I wanted to point out an issue with your lines of thinking. Yes I know it is just a story, but the wife you describe does not need to explore her lesbian side, she wants to explore her lesbian side. You already is attracted to her husband and desires him sexually. Just because you are bisexual does not mean you can not have a monogamous relationship. Bisexual is not something you have to treat and she can be 100% his if she wants to. So you whole underline reasoning is flawed in my opinion.

I will say the way you kept putty the decision back on her was masterful. I do agree it is getting a little repeative, but I didn’t have an issue with it. Of course this is before reading the final chapter.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

sorry, this is tortuous.

Schwanze1Schwanze19 months ago

Doesn’t matter who she’s attracted too. I’m sure she thinks Brad Pitt is hot. It matters who she fucks. Let her go, then have her served when she gets back. Too dumb to have around

If you were going to drag out the big reveal this long you should have waited till after the trip.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x9 months ago

However legitimate this "doctor" visit is, there's no local doctors that can deal with her issues?

26thNC26thNC9 months ago

Please don’t drag this out as you have some of your previous stories. This chapter doesn’t bring the story of the, obviously planning to cheat, wife any closer to a satisfying closure. It’s an interesting story, but it won’t be for much longer.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It's an interesting story, but a weird concept that the wife wants the trust and permission to explore her sex, but doesn't trust him enough to be part of it. It's cheating regardless and not worth trying to unravel her word soup to justify her actions.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Psychiatrist? Chasity belt? Afraid she 'might be bi'?


My first thought was "this story is fucking stupid!" However, that may be unfair to the author.


So I considered whether this story is about mental illness: a mentally ill woman who is afraid of sexual boogey-women and losing/hurting her husband. Well, that is grossly unfair to secretly bi-people who are married and need to decide between a new life and current monogamous married life. They are not mental ill, they just need to make decisions and live with the outcomes just like "straight" people.

So that leaves me with: the story is not very good. Length and nuance does not help. Two stars.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A person can be bisexual and monogamous.

But more importantly, why isn’t the husband researching this doctor and her program to make sure it’s legit and mentally/emotionally safe?

BSreaderBSreader9 months ago

Far my question and the husbands concern should be "what if likes women better than men"? Than what. He should have ended by telling her "go do what think our marriage will survive but everything will be different after your and you know that".

FordF150guyFordF150guy9 months ago

Blah, blah, blah, I feel like most of this chapter is just continuing to be stuck in the roundabout argument of the first chapter. She couldn’t have explored this idea, predicament, thought process when she was originally seeing the shrink about possibly being bi. And so what if she is? Is that any different to committing to one person when they got married. Do “bi” individuals get a “twofer” when they are married? Do they get a female spouse and a male spouse? Is that any different than if she says she’s heterosexual but, says she has the capacity to “love” two men? You are either committed or you are not. He will always wonder if she is late from work, going shopping with the girls or even worse doing a girls night out if that is where she really is. she started a fracture that will never heal in their marriage.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

She says she’s not going to leave her husband if she determines she’s bi. So, why find out? What’s the gain?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You seem to be confusing bisexuality with monogamy. If she was truly in love and commited to her husband, it wouldn't matter if she was bisexual or not. She'd be with her husband because she married him and promised to be faithful and that would be the end of it. By the sound of things, her real issue is that she thinks she might notnbe 100% monogamous. She's afraid she might need someone else (that person being a woman is just a lie shes telling herself so she has an excuse) so she's off to Houston to have and affair. It doesn't matter if its in a doctor's office, if she has sex with someone else, she's cheating on her husband.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Ben it is all done .. she sleeps with a girl and is conflicted and he has to leave her

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

That was a lotta words for a plot device that is not such a huge problem. Replace her thinking she is attracted to women with she thinks she is attracted to men other than her husband and the answer is simple. And it is not to go off in secrecy and test getting intimate with “professional sex workers”. The answer is to concentrate her attention and sexual thoughts on and with her husband. Duh. Another overly wordy story making a non-problem a plot problem. This author has a style and cannot write a new way.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Story is still a 2. It’s like being on a merry-go-round and being unable to find the stop switch. The bigger problem with this story premise is that somehow she might be bi-sexual? So what? If your married and being faithful but tempted to have sex with others, that makes you normal! All marriage partners are tempted by those they fine attractive. She just needs to not give in to her temptations to both sexes.

Then the comment that made me laugh out loud was, “what if I’m only giving you 90%?”

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Memo to Harleyrider1955: it’s not his shit. It’s their shit. Another misogynistic dinasaur

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Gosh, Stoneywebb, you’re so smart! Of course the fact that the author mentioned in his introduction that it was similar to “The Fourth Man” does give one pause to think about your intelligence level

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

WTF. There is no therapist in the world that would go along with this plan. A real therapist would in no way suggest someone in the wife's position to endanger her marriage. A real therapist would work on Acceptance; she doesn't have to sleep with a woman to be Bi, it's who she is.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

@ Anon: "And placing this in Houston? San Francisco, NYC, or LA would be more like it." Absolutely right, in Texas the exploration takes place, with no more fees but the price of the liquor and drugs, every weekend at a thousand different roadhouses and honkytonks. As all Texans know, science is just bullshit anyway, so no medical specialists needed. A ten gallon hat and a bit of X is all that's needed for you to get the answers your looking for. Yee Haa!

WetheNorthWetheNorth9 months ago

Just plain dumb

and it took to long to get to the point

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Njlauren is right. Her being bi or not doesn't change the calculus regarding monogamy... and that's what her husband should have told her.

WetheNorthWetheNorth9 months ago


I just realized that you are the one that wrote that awful 'Splashdown' series.

If I had known, I would not have read any of this

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is so stupid. I can’t stand these twits. Who cares if she’s bi? Just don’t fuck women like you don’t fuck other men

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nah, the story just bombed.

No matter what the pundits believe, I don't agree with the premise of undeniable, unstoppable gender preference. Being lesbian is one thing, but being bi is a further stretch.

In the case that you aren't hurting another person, though, I say... 'have at it'; do what's right for you.

But in the context of this story, let's say Bea were to die suddenly. Let's say she fell victim to that new 'phenomenon', SADS.

Once her brain stopped working, you could not give her an autopsy and point to the 'bi gland' and say that's the cause of her dilemma. It's all the making of the mind, whether rational or otherwise.

Oh, I know about hormone levels blah blah, but I don't think this applies in this story. Like I said, you aren't hurting anyone? Do whatever you want.

But Bea had already set her life path. All she needed to do was to think of things objectively.

Her obsession could only have built through entertaining fantasies until they became predominant. It's not like she was lesbian and found men appalling.

What if hubby discovered he had an Angelina Jolie gland, and a look-alike moved next door? What if Bea had a weakness for linebackers?

Should either of them need to be granted a time-out to determine if they were strong enough to resist this overwhelming urge?

Should either of them sit at home waiting to see if there was anything left of their partner for them?

Do we not face temptation every day, and if we have integrity, never let it even get started to the point where we could be drawn into betrayal, never dishonor our chosen partner by stealing the intimacy that belongs to them and giving to another?

Gender doesn't come into the basic concept of holding true to your own vows, of living up to the contract that you willingly entered of your own choice.

Actually, gender does come into this one. It's being used as an excuse to cross boundaries because it's not something that her husband can counter.

No... it's not clinical help she needs, it's psychological, and not to 'fix her broken mind', but to help her recognise her own responsibilities... and that's only because she claims she loves her husband so much that she wants it resolved and keep her marriage.

If her fantasy attraction is so great that she cannot turn her attention away from a third party (doesn't matter if it's male, female or a yoga goat) then she simply is not ready for commitment. She may love her husband, but not enough to prevent stray thoughts from occupying her deepest secret desires.

The only question for me, is what the husband is made of. My choice, if being kind, would be an amicable split, because she clearly does not look to him to the exclusion of all others, while he can. A marriage will fail on that basis. Free her to her flights of fancy, and start over, hopefully with another without the baggage. An honest partner.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

He needs a divorce!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

If I were Dave, I would hope she turned fully lesbian so that I could get away from this nut job with a guilt free conscience.

Nothing wrong with being a lesbian, but Bea has nothing going for her. Simple questions are like pulling teeth to get her to respond.

Somewhere around the 30th page of repetitive drivel I wanted to shout at Dave to, “Stop talking! Just shut up, let her go, and divorce the loon.”

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Took me a day to think about this. Female character is an idiot. Monogamy is not about not fancying others, it's about not doing anything about it, committing to that one, whether you are straight, gay or in-between. In North American society and judeo-christian societies generally that means something, it's something that transcends sexuality.

Sex therapy is a thing, it's legitimate, but it's something that should be discussed openly with significant others. Significant medical issues should be a family thing, that's the point of families and the bonds between them.

The problem here isn't a sex problem, it's either a selfish character or it's a bullshit extension to the claim that gay and bisexual people are incapable of controlling their 'urges'. And the latter is homophobia masquerading as a moral dilemma.

Note: I'm talking about the character not the author. I'm at least interested in seeing where the author takes this. Not starred until the final chapter is read - either a five or a one.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This whole story is a stinking pile of horseshit. Go to Houston bitch and don't bother coming back.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You could have told this entire story as one of the 750 word challenges.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

‘Great first chapter. Not much meat after that. You have a style that may not be everyone’s cuppa.

Rated 3


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This reads Ike the diary of aliens pretending to be human.

sermexsermex9 months ago

Dan save yourself a lot of pain and anguish and divorce her.

oldtwitoldtwit9 months ago

As I said in part one, you have written a blinder here, silly, but good.

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