Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 60


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Dickgirl Werewolf Brown Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Coral Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Fortgreen Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Gray Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Green Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Lime Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Maroon Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Olive Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Orange Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Pink Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Purple Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Red Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Rose Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Tan Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf White Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Yellow Paintball Team - 3 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Rugby Team - 15 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Soccer Team - 11 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Swim Team - 5 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Track and Field Team - 12 players

Dickgirl Werewolf Volleyball Team - 6 players

The teens were ordered to change into the new training suits immediately.

The training suits were basically black full body suits with blue stripes on them.

The suits came with inhibitor collars. Inhibitor collars were special control collars designed to prevent the wearer from accessing their superhuman abilities, and also to apply electric shocks powerful enough to render a person unconscious. The collars must be pre-programed for an individual's specific abilities. For subjects with multiple powers, the collars are capable of selectively repressing or allowing individual abilities, and can be remotely switched between settings. The collar Brain used on Captain Marvel was also able to prevent all movement from the neck down. It is unclear if this is a feature of all inhibitor collars. It is also possible to attach explosive charges that can be detonated from a distance on the collars. The collars work by interacting with the spine and brain, necessitating they be worn around the neck. Inhibitor collars appear to be standard anti-meta-human law-enforcement devices, and are widely available to many parties;

All convicts at Belle Reve Penitentiary are made to wear these collars, which are programmed to counter the convicts' specific abilities.

The Brain used similar inhibitor collars to control animals in northern India and Bwunda. She also used them against the Team when they attempted to investigate her Bwundan operation.

Agent King Faraday used a collar on Parasite upon her arrest.

In Impulse's original timeline forty years in the future, devices akin to inhibitor collars have been affixed to the necks of Impulse and Neutron. The device attached to Neutron vanished when Impulse cured her in the past.

Black Manta's agents used inhibitor collars during their invasion of Mount Justice, and the abduction of Miss Martian.

Count Vertigo used one on Superboy when she podded her under the Markovburg Children's Hospital.

The police used one on Brick when she was arrested.

The Meta-Human Youth Center offers collars to its residents as an optional method to control their powers. Wendy Jones initially declined one but, after losing control of her powers, decided to wear one for several months.

The Team used collars against Onslaught while thwarting the latter's attempt to abduct meta-humans from the Meta-Human Youth Center.

Police officers arresting Killer Frost put a collar on her, following her defeat by Infinity, Inc.

Baron Bedlam and Simon Ecks wore inhibitor collars while held at the Markovian National Penitentiary.

Inhibitor collars are kept in the Watchtower's stores in packs of five. Kid Flash took a pack for her mission with the Legion of Super-Heroes. She tried to use two on Lor-Zod and Ma'alefa'ak, but Zod destroyed them, and it was Kid Flash and the two Legionnaires who were collared.

"Welcome to the new training center," Coach Brigdet said.

Fiona looked around but saw nothing. The entire gymnasium was empty. "But, there's nothing here," she said.

Coach Bridget pulled out a remote. "This whole gymnasium is equipped with holographic projectors," she said.

The gymnasium was known as the Hero Training Center. The Hero Training Center, as it was originally dubbed, is a large facility intended to train new heroines. As it has grown in size and technology and taken on a class of students, it has been renamed the Hero Training Academy. Located inside the Dickgirl University gymnasium, the facility is mostly underground, featuring a massive reconfigurable Rescue Arena, and a GroundBridge which was originally linked to Coast City but has since been upgraded to a space bridge capable of reaching AutoCon. Above ground, the base resembles an AutoConian building topped with a landing pad, and has a racing track available for speed practice. In its early days, the facility was run by a hi-tech computer with a hologram interface of scientist Elma Hendrickson.

The initial plans for the base came from Optic Kong. Stage one of the work required building the GroundBridge, and Graham and Brocker also visited the Hall of Inspiration to check out the architecture section. With Doc Greene's help, they constructed the Dickgirl University end of the Groundbridge while Savage and Blurra built the other end. New arrival Quickshadow also joined in working with the pair on the mainland to construct the base.

The big day finally arrived, and the center was finally transformed with great ceremony, though Blaze was disappointed at the turnout for her housewarming party. The team became aware that all was not as it should be -- the Center's computer locked the base down, disabling travel through the GroundBridge, and the holograms disguising the center began to fail.

While Brocker and Graham attempted to debug the computer system, the rest of the team tried to escape the base so they could repair the holographic cloak. Despite the best efforts of the computer to hinder them, they managed to succeed, and Cody also realized that CeCe Greene's security scan had been mistakenly been uploaded into the computer's personality, resulting in it exhibiting child-like behavior.

When Drifter crashed her ship at the Training Center, she also accidentally brought a small Energon eater which escaped into the center's air ducts. The Rescue Bots managed to chase it down, with Drifter and Blaze capturing it before it could do too much damage.

The Morocco virus took over the center's mainframe, turning the Elma Henrickson hologram into a Doctor Morocco hologram and giving her access to all of its technology. HeatBlast blew up the center's GroundBridge, destroying Morocco's MorBot. Morocco survived and used the center's 3D printer to create Scrubbers which repaired the GroundBridge and MorBot. The Rescue Team were only able to retake the center when Professor Baranova and Blurra reached it by land, bringing in Graham, Brocker and Cruiser to help them de-virus the mainframe. HeatBlast and Kade were later posted to the center on a permanent basis to train new recruits.

Coach Bridget smiled. "These suits that you are wearing will allow you to interact with the holographic tools," she said. "Some time later, the center had been upgraded with new utilities such as launch tubes, and renamed the Hero Training Academy. It took on its first class of students -- Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix and Wedge -- to be taught by the four Rescue Bots and Cody with crash test bot Tough Luck Chuck helping. Wedge's overzealous use of the rescue drill alarm resulted in her getting stuck in a launch tube as the tubes were in the middle of repairs at the time. The academy's technology was not without glitches, as the recruits discovered when a girder in a Hero Hall simulation behaved unexpectedly."

"Can it simulate anything?" Willow asked.

Coach Bridget nodded. "Let's test it out," she said. She activated a simulation. A 12 floor building shot out of the ground on fire. Tough Luck Chuck was on the 12th floor. "That's Tough Luck Chuck. You'll saving her a lot." Tough Luck Chuck was basically a next-generation crash test dummy for rescues. Built with AutoConian technology, she plays the part of the victim in the Rescue Bots' simulated rescues, and can dispense both helpful advice and reports on how the rescue is going. She takes a lot of abuse, mainly at the hands of Hot Shot, but she's easier to put back together than a human. "Who wants to give it a try?"

Nora looked at her classmates and the other girls. "Ummmmmmmm," she said. "What kind of test is this?"

Coach Bridget smiled. "Thanks for volunteering for the simulation, Nora," she said. "The simulation has a set of objectives; put out the fire, and then rescue the human."

Nora nodded. She thought for a moment. She had a good idea about how to save the human, but she had to make sure that the fire was completely out before she could do it. She thought it through.

"Time is a virtue that doesn't come easy," Coach Bridget said. "You must work fast. I'm giving you full access to all your powers and abilities. Save the human and stop the fire."

Nora nodded.Okay Nora, focus, she thought to herself.You can do this. But how? What did Mom say about preparing for a situation like this?

Caitlin's voice appeared in her mind. "Nora, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch of it?" Caitlin said. "You could. You have the time. But you don't. You just run in blind. There's a difference, Nora, between having powers and having precision. You ever heard of the CLAP method? C-L-A-P?"

Nora shook her head. "No," she said.

"There are four principles of protection," Caitlin said. "First is to control the situation, C. Stop, take a breath, and take charge of people and traffic."

Caitlin pointed to a small group of kids who were playing in a park, took out the lid of a nearby toy horse, and unscrewed the top of the toy to show that it's a hiding place for things that could cause problems for the children or other people. Empty.

"L is for Look for hazards," Caitlin said. "Look for anything that might cause harm to children or bystanders in the immediate area. Don't forget yourself!" She pointed at a small piece of metal that was sticking out of a tree that was covered by shrubs.

"A is for Assess the situation. Gather as much information as possible about what has occurred from bystanders and try to make a diagnosis (history, signs and symptoms)." People walk by and wave at the two women.

"Which brings us to P. P is for Protect and prioritise. Ensure protection is worn (gloves) and the casualties are prioritised using a Triage system. Try to gain assistance from a bystander and contact the emergency services."

Nora chuckled. "You've got to be kidding me," she said.

"Might want to glove up," Caitlin said. "Saw a box of sex toys in the main storage room, and don't forget the toilet. Search before you flush."

"Wait," Nora said. "Uh, why do I have to be "P"? I don't I don't want to be "P." I could be "A" or "C" or something."

"We don't pass calls."

Nora opened her eyes and smiled. "Requesting access to my elemental powers," she said.

Coach Bridget smiled. "Granted," she said.

Nora slammed her hand down on the fire hydrant. "Time for a water bath," she said. "Hydro Blast." She blasted streams of water from her hands on the building. However she felt that she could do it herself and faster if she blasted it even harder with high pressurized water. This ended up causing Tough Luck Chuck to be damaged.

"Simulation failed," a robotic voice said.

Nora was at a loss for words. "Nora Snow-West, I would like to see you in my office," Coach Bridget said. "The rest of you can go to your next class."

In Coach Bridget's office...............................................

Nora felt that she had disobeyed Coach Bridget's orders. "I'm sorry for making a mistake in the training simulation Coach Bridget," she said.

Coach Bridget sighed. "Nora, you are one of the smartest and most talented superheroines I've ever taught," she said. "You have the potential to be the greatest hero of all time, but you seem to be distracted by something." Nora looked down at the ground. "You worry about your sister?"

Nora nodded. "I don't know if I can do it without her being with me," she said. "Thawne took her away from me, stabbed my mom Caitlin, framed my mother Iris for it, and then she had the audacity to pretend she was my friend and train me to be faster and more powerful. She will pay for everything she has done."

"I see," Coach Bridget said. "Follow me."

Coach Bridget led Nora to a wall of the school that had a prophecy written on it saying; A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through them will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.

Back in the cafeteria.......................

The teens were enjoying their lunch, all except for Nora who was still thinking about the prophecy that Coach Bridget stated.

She had to be ready for anything, so she headed to the gymnasium to train herself in her Dino Fury Saber and Dino Fury Blaster combat.

Meanwhile at the Dino Warriors HQ..................................................

Alex and Caitlin were working together to make a new armament system for the Gorgo Zord; the CAS.

The Conversion Armor System, or CAS, is a system where the armor of a Zord is removed and replaced with a different module. This gives the Zord a heightened ability to adapt to multiple different situations. A Zord with Fuzor partner(s) is distinct to a Zord with CAS units, as a Fuzor Zord is able to operate independently of the main Zord, while CAS unit is only a set of armor, and thus must be mounted to a Zord to be of any use. The Gorgo Zord is the first Zord that most heavily utilise the Changing Armor System.

Back in the gymnasium.....................

Nora was slicing and dicing the LMDs easily and handling her skills with ease.

"I won't let you ever finish your plan," Nora said. "You hear me? Thawne? I won't give up until you are dead and I am the only one standing. You dealt so much damage and suffering to me, my friends, my family, my sister. I will destroy you." Suddenly a metal chain shot from the back and Nora easily dodged it and shattered it with a single strike with her Fury Saber. "Huhhhhhhhh." She then turned around and faced Naomi. "What are you doing here, Danvers?"

Naomi drew her own Fury Saber. "You tell me?" She asked. "We decided that we would fight against Thawne together, as a team. But now you want to fight her on your own. You won't do it, and you'll be destroyed and the world will perish in fire and ash."

Nora drew her Fury Saber and glared. "You have some nerve to say that," she said. "My mother has been in battles all her life, so I think I know what I'm doing."

"Prove it to me then," Naomi said. "If you can."

Nora was not in the mood for this. "Step aside Danvers," she said. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Naomi pulled out her Element Key. "I'm not going to ask you again, Nora," she said.

Nora pulled out her own Element Key. "Very well then," she said. "I guess we'll have to see if the strongest one is yet to be found."

To summon the Transformators, the Dino Warriors tap their communicators, causing the Transformators to materialize onto their wrist. They then presented their Element Keys and activated them before inserting them into the Transformators. The teens shouted "Energize!" They then pull the trigger by shouting "Unleash the Power!" and shoot into the air, forming a construct of their dinosaur's head, which flies around the teen; unleashing the power. The Dino Warriors slam their fist on the ground and make a pose that will create images of their respective dinosaurs roaring. Then they jump to the air and their bodies will be engulfed in energy, each in their respective color as they land on the ground, causing the energy to materialize as their suits. The visor on the Transformater then unfolds. The light from the Transformaters then intensifies, and tornadoes of energy, each in the Warriors' respective color, descend and swirl around the Warriors, creating images of their respective animal's heads roaring. The tornadoes dissipate to reveal their transformed forms, with their helmets missing the visors. The visors detach from the Transformators and begin orbiting the Warriors before transforming into the suit visors and finally flying onto the helmets, completing the transformation.

Nora unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of red energy. "Gorgo Fury," she said. "Red Dino Warrior."

Naomi unleashed her Fury Saber, swinging it around, generating waves of green energy. "Chasmo Fury," she said. "Green Dino Warrior."

The two Dino Warriors began to fight each other, swinging their sabers at each other and clashing with every strike.

The two girls fought ferociously and lightning struck as they were both battling each other.

Naomi smiled. "I'm impressed with your determination and your courage," she said. "But even so, you still have nothing to prove that you are ready to fight against Thawne."

Nora grunted in anger at her friend. "We'll see about that," she said. She drew her Fury Saber and pulled out a Dino Key. "Sprint Dino Key, Ready." Based on the Microraptor, this key allows anyone who uses it to become faster in battle. "Sprint Boost."

Naomi sighed. "Then I guess we'll have to do it the hard way," she said. She drew her Fury Saber and pulled out a Dino Key. "Electro Dino Key, Ready." Based on the Spinosaurus, this key enables access to the Electro Battle Armor, which has lightning-based abilities. "Electro Battle Armour."

The two girls struck each other hard and fought each other's strikes repeatedly. Eventually Naomi won. "See I told you," she said. "If I was really trying to hurt you, I would have. You're not thinking clearly and you're just getting distracted by everything else."

Nora grumbled. "I'm not a child anymore," she said. "And I don't need anyone to baby me. I'm gonna go for a run to clear my mind." Purple and blue lightning surged through Nora's body as she sped off.

Back in the garage.........................................................

Alex and Caitlin were working very hard to get the CAS system up and running smoothly. The Gorgo Zord features the ability to utilize CAS to equip it with many different weapons, giving it adaptability to different situations. It also has the ability to fuse with other Zords, making it a Fuzor Zord.


Nora stopped running and sighed deeply. "I am ready for anything," she said. "No matter what happens, I will not let Thawne win again."

Suddenly she noticed something shimmering in the rocks nearby. It looked like a spinning top.

"That looks like a Gorgosaurus on the face of it," she said. "Well I guess I'll just use my strength to get it out of there." She blasted it with all her strength and power, but it didn't even budge. "Hmmmmmmm, this is a bit more tricky than I expected." Suddenly she felt an energy surge through her body. She looked at the top, as if it was telling her something. "I.................. I understand. You want to share your power with me. I won't let you down. We will rise to the top of the world together." She touched the top and managed to pull it easily out of the rock. "Amazing, you are a very powerful top, no, a very powerful beyblade. Let's test your strength and your skills." The Beyblade was called Blazing Storm Gorgo 100HF. "Let's test your power." She pulled out her launcher. "3, 2, 1, let it rip."

The launcher was composed of the following parts; the launcher, the launcher grip, and a Beypointer.