Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 60


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Blazing Storm Gorgo had the following components; Design Drill Bit - Gorgo I, Energy Layer - Gorgo I, Forge Disc - Burning Lightning, Spin Track - 100, and Performance Tip - Hole Flat.

She launched it and it smashed through a giant rock easily. "Wow, that is what I call true power. Now let's test that special move, Go Gorgo. Special Move; Burning Fire Strike."

Blazing Storm Gorgo starts creating extreme friction. Then, it starts to shoot out flames and rushes towards the opponent. To end things, the beast of the Gorgosaurus erupts and charges full throttle while Blazing Storm Gorgo crashes into the opponent in a powerful inferno of fire, which blew apart the entire rock.

Elsewhere, Tenzil Kem/Matter-Eater Lad, was watching the training. She was an 18 year old female who was 5 feet 10 inches tall, 150 lbs, had blue eyes, long black hair, an average body, enhanced 35F breasts, and a 11.5 inch long dick.

She had the following powers;

Bismollian Physiology: A humanoid-like creature that is capable of eating anything it can get.

Superhuman Digestion: Matter-Eater Lad can eat any substance in any amount at super-speed. She can consume an unlimited amount of matter in any form - solid, liquid or gas. She once hollowed out a large meteor in a matter of minutes.

Content Analysis: Bismollian super-taste buds can instantly analyze the compositions of various foodstuffs and even detect substances which are poisonous to non-Bismollians. As well she can determine the nature of various chemicals in substances.

Digestive Enzymes: Their power to eat hard objects, like steel, without having super-strength or invulnerability, stems from the Bismollian ability to produce a variety of digestive enzyme that act on specific substances, making them easier to chew and digest. Once, when Computo had robbed her of her matter-eating ability, she could still produce enzymes, but biting into a piece of steel hurt her teeth.

Metabolism Induced Super-Speed: Bismollians can metabolize food almost instantaneously, and if needed, they can consume tons of food in minutes. Bismollians don't normally possess super-speed but as soon as the digestion process begins, the matter consumed is immediately transformed into food energy by the Bismollian "stomach". That energy fuels the person to move at a faster and faster rate of speed, as long as the energy supply keeps coming. When the person stops eating, the excess energy is collected and stored, in concentrated form, in cells very similar to human fat cells. Over the course of a couple of days, this stored energy is micro-diffused out of the body through pores in the skin.

She had the following abilities;

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): She fight in melee combat. It usually applies to police officers, prisoners, low level street heroes, gang members, basic soldiers and low level vigilantes.

She had the following equipment;

Legion Flight Ring: All Legionnaires were presented with a flight ring that enabled them to defy gravity and sustain movement through the air by aerodynamically generating force.

Matter-Eater Lad's Suit: She had a yellow and green bodysuit with red sunglasses and a tooth symbol on the chest.

Schoolgirl Uniform: She had the same schoolgirl uniform that all the Dickgirl University students wore when they were at school.

She welded the Beyblade Dark Bull Horn 145 SD. Dark Bull had the following components; Face Bolt - Bull, Energy Ring - Bull, Fusion Wheel: Dark, Spin Track: Horn 145, and Performance Tip - Semi-Defense. Dark Bull Horn 145 SD had the Special Move: Dark Bull Uppercut.

Bull tilts downwards underneath the opponent's energy ring, and then quickly tilits upwards to uppercut the opponent into the air with the horns on it's spin track. This causes the opponent to loose control and crash.

Impressive, she thought.But she won't win that easily against her. I must find her and tell her about this.

She ran off towards a naval shipyard.

Nora sighed. "Well well well, you are as tenacious as I ever expected," a voice said.

"Thawne," Nora said as she turned around and faced her arch nemesis. "You will not harm anyone else."

Thawne sighed. "I've just got started," she said. "By the way, do you have any idea where your friend Mana is? Sadly, she won't be joining us ever again. But, she did leave me with this." Thawne held the Shadow Elemental Gem. "Shadow Elemental Gem, Unleash the Power!" Thawne morphed into a Dino Warrior. "Spino Fury, Shadow Warrior."

Nora was furious at Thawne. She instantly morphed into the Red Dino Warrior. "This will be your last chance to surrender," she said.

Thawne drew her Spino Boomerang and swung it around. "Thawne's do not surrender," she said. "We conquer."

"Well then, if you won't back down," Nora said, drawing her Red Gorgo Smasher. "Then I won't either."

Suddenly a blast of green and silver energy struck the ground between them. The Green Dino Warrior showed up and was holding her Green Chasmosaurus Fighting Fins.

"I told you I would handle this fight myself," Nora said. "This doesn't concern you, Naomi."

"We're both in this fight together," Naomi said. "I'm not going anywhere without you."

Nora nodded. "Then we face this problem together," she said.

Thawne smiled. "Well then I guess I have no reason to fight you now," she said, demorphing. "I want to face you when you're at your best and strongest. You aren't that strong yet. The stronger you are, the more power I can take from you. We will battle again soon enough, and I will defeat you." Thawne then vanished from sight.

Nora and Naomi demorphed and sighed as they realized they had lost their own greatest hero. Nora dropped to her knees and cried. Naomi hugged her tight.

"Mana," Nora sobbed in anger and despair. "MANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Her scream of sadness and anger was so intense that the entire earth shook violently.

Meanwhile deep in the desert.........................................

Drifter and Arcee were both battling against each other for training. Ratchet and Optic Kong were both watching the match. AutoConians; JusticeBots and Warpicons alike, all had inside their chests a T-cog. T-cogs are bio-mechanisms that enable AutoConians to scan alternate modes, transform, and operate integrated weapon systems. AutoConian organs such as these are beyond Ratchet's ability to construct or repair.

High in the sky............................

The Warpicons' spacecraft, the Nemesis, was holding steady.

Skyquake was preparing for an attack against Earth and humanity. Skyquake was the identical twin sister of Dreadwing and a devoted follower of Magnatron. She was entombed in stasis on Earth for centuries before Starwarp re-awakens her in the episode Masters and Students. She transforms into a green, silver and red fighter jet resembling an F-35 Lightning II, and shares the same body template as Dreadwing, a robot, or a Pteranodon. She is shot down by Bumblebee and Agent Fowler in a fight with Optic Kong, and the JusticeBots bury her remains. In the episode Shadowzone, Starwarp tries to revive Skyquake as a Terrorcon zombie using Dark Energon, but a ground bridge malfunction leaves the zombie trapped and wandering aimlessly in a parallel dimension. Her death, and resurrection, would serve as the catalyst for Dreadwing's betrayal.

Currently she was soaring above the clouds in her vehicle mode. Suddenly she received a message from Magnatron.

She flew to the spacecraft and transformed into her robot mode. "Lord Magnatron," she said. "I humbly ask you to forgive my late arrival." She suddenly noticed Starwarp. "Uhhhhhhh, Commander Starwarp, I was not expecting you to be here. Where is Lord Magnatron? I'm going to report to her immediately."

"Sadly, Lord Magnatron is not available for reports at this point in time," Starwarp said. "She is more or less currently preoccupied with the situation at hand. We have a greater threat to our survival than any JusticeBot; a human being known as Slipstream is creating a weapon that is capable of destroying all before it."

Skyquake laughed. "I do not fear a human," Skyquake said. "This Slipstream is nothing but a little speck of rubble on my boot."

"Oh I don't know about that," a voice said. The two robots turned around and faced Thawne. "I'm so heartbroken that you would think that about me."

Starwarp blasted her energy immobilizer at Thawne, but the pyrogenetic speedster easily dodged the attack. "Do you want to know how I got my name?" Thawne smiled. "In fact, it's not so different from Magnatron's own history. Long ago, there were two heroes who battled against the forces of evil, but one of them wanted to eradicate all evil in the world by any means necessary. That individual showcased her true power, which was a situation where she faked a hostage situation, only to then mercilessly slaughter all of the police officers at the scene except one, letting her go to tell everyone what happened just now. What the officer said was that she saw a blur of lightning slipstreaming behind cars and other vehicles. That officer considered herself to be the lucky one. The next night, the blur of lightning, known now as Slipstream, murdered the cop."

Back at Dickgirl University..........................................................

The 10 chosen girls were talking about the loss of the Shadow Elemental Gem. Suddenly they received a call from Mana. They headed off towards their apartment and into their respective Shock Suits and vehicles. Mana revealed that she had survived the attack from Thawne but had lost the Elemental Gem.

The main ten heroes headed into the outskirts of the city. Suddenly Alex and Caitlin contacted them to return to the HQ, they had something to show them.

In the HQ Garage........................................................

Caitlin and Alex had finished their work on the system for the Gorgo Zord. It was now able to effortlessly change to different modes and use different weapon systems in those modes.

The ten heroines arrived at the garage. "Nora, we've upgraded your Zord with a new armament system that will allow you to effortlessly change to different modes," Alex said.

"Wow, that's awesome," Nora said. "Thanks Auntie Alex." She knew what she needed to do to thank Alex more. She dropped to her knees, pulled Alex's pants down and then began sucking Alex off.

Caitlin smiled. "Nora, your Zord has no limit to the amount of modes that it can take," she said. "But we have the following modes ready and able for testing now; the Gorgo Zord Jager Unit, the Schneider Unit, the Panzer Unit, the X Unit, the Phoenix Unit, the Falcon Unit, the Gusoku Myokoh Unit, the Valkyrie Caesar Unit, the Miko Unit, the Mariner Unit, and the Nightwise Unit," she said. "These units have several different kinds of weapons that can be used."

Alex explained each of the Units and their individual specifications.

The Jager Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 132 tons

Depth: 24.1 m

Height: 10.8 m

Maximum Speed: 330 km/h

Weapon(s): Laser Fangs, 4 Strike Laser Claws, a AZ 208 mm Double-Barreled Shock Cannon, 2 Vulcan Pods, and 2 Flying Vulcan Pods.

Equipment: Changing Armour System (CAS), 4 Aero-Fairings, 2 Large Ion Boosters, 2 Side Thrusters, 2 Multi-Blade Antennas, and 8 Objective Blade Sensors.

The Gorgo Zord Jager Unit was the first CAS to be developed for the Gorgo Zord. It focuses on speed and maneuverability. The two large Ion Boosters mounted on its back serve to make it a very fast Zord. It is, however, lightly armed and armored, as it only has a pair of vulcans mounted onto its face and the double-barreled Shock Cannon on its stomach by way of ranged weapons. It retains the Strike Laser Claw of the basic Zord, but is far more noteworthy for its speed rather than its combat ability. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for dark blue color.

The Schneider Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 135 tons

Depth: 24.1 m

Height: 10.1 m

Maximum Speed: 310 km/h

Weapon(s): Laser Fangs, 4 Strike Laser Claws, 5 Rushing Laser Blades, 2 Laser Blades, and an AZ 208 mm Double-Barreled Shock Cannon.

Equipment: Changing Armour System (CAS), 5 E-Shield Generators, a Multi-Sensor Scouting Pod, 2 High-Output Ion Boosters, 2 Shoulder High Mobility Thrusters, and 4 High Mobility Thrusters.

The Gorgo Zord Schneider was the second CAS Unit for the Gorgo Zord to be developed. Schneider is German for "cutter" or "tailor." It is designed specifically for close combat. The unit features seven Laser Blades mounted on the Gorgo Zord's head and sides (five around the mane, one on each flank) which can be used to cut through enemy Zord armor. The Gorgo Zord Schneider also features improved speed and acceleration through the use of high-output shoulder boosters and thrusters. This CAS also allows the Gorgo Zord to use an Energy Shield. The five blades mounted to the Gorgo Zord's head can flip forward to allow it to use an attack called the "Five Blade Storm" (or "Buster Slash"), which is a formidable thrusting attack. The two flank blades fold out laterally in a similar fashion to those of the Blade Liger. The extra two blades allow the Schneider to use its ultimate attack, the Seven-Blade Attack. "Schneider" is German for "cutter" or "slicer". Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for bright orange color.

The Panzer Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 145 tons

Depth: 23.3 m

Height: 9.7 m

Maximum Speed: 285 km/h

Weapon(s): Laser Fangs, 4 Strike Laser Claws, 2 Hybrid Cannons, a AZ 216 mm Railgun, a AZ 108 mm Beam Gun, 4 AZ6 Micro Homing Missile Pods, 2 AZ3 Micro Homing Missile Pods, 2 AZ2 Micro Homing Missile Pods, 4 AZ2 Missile Pods, 2 Vulcan Pods, and a AZ3 Grenade Launcher

Equipment: Changing Armour System (CAS), 2 Multi-Blade Antennas, and 4 Aero fairings

The third CAS for the Gorgo Zord, the CP-21 Gorgo Zord Panzer is specifically designed to be a heavy-artillery Zord. It has a great number of missiles, as well as two powerful "Hybrid Cannons", and is wrapped in thick armor that offers much more protection than the basic armor does. However, this comes at a cost, as the Zord is not as agile as it would if it were to mount the other CAS units. "Panzer" is German for "tank" or "armor". Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for dark green color.

The X Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 115.0 tons

Depth: 24.0 m

Height: 9.8 m

Maximum Speed: 315 km/h

Weapon(s): Laser Fangs, 4 Strike Laser Claws, 2 Stunblades, 2 Electron Drivers, and a Cutter Fairing

Equipment: Changing Armour System (CAS), 2 Drum Condensers, 4 Objective Blade Sensors, 4 Chaff Dispensers, an Ground Unit, 2 Static Generators, and an Optical Stealth (active)

The fourth CAS, the X Unit (EZ-054) is designed to partake in electronic warfare. It has a pair of electrically-powered Blades and can fire bursts of electricity from the weapons on its back. Unlike other Gorgo Zord CAS units, the X is an Imperial creation linked to the Gorgo Zord Empire (EM), which is a recolored base unit. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for dark blue and gold color.

The Phoenix Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 106.0 tons

Depth: 26.0 m

Height: 9.4 m

Maximum Speed: 340 km/h or Mach 2.3

Weapon(s): Laser Fangs, 4 Strike Laser Claws, an AZ 208 mm Double-Barrelled Shock Cannon, 2 Phoenix Cannons, 2 Phoenix Rays, and a Charge Missile

Equipment: Changing Armour System (CAS), an Blox-CAS, 2 Downforce Stabilizers, and a set of Magnesser Phoenix Wings

The fifth CAS for the Units. By combining the Fire Phoenix and the main unit, the Phoenix Unit can be constructed. It has flight capabilities, and is therefore extremely agile. In addition, it retains the melee weapons found on the Gorgo Zord and the guns found on the Fire Phoenix, making the Zord a versatile and reliable unit. Its Charge Missile rivals Gojulas Giga's Zord Core Cannon in firepower. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for red and gold color.

The Falcon Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 108.0 tons

Depth: 23.4 m

Height: 8.9 m

Maximum Speed: 560 km/h or Mach 4.0

Weapons: Laser Fangs, 2 Buster Claws, 2 Zan Smasher Claws, 2 Strike Laser Claws, an AZ 208 mm Double-Barrelled Shock Cannon, 2 AZ 165 mm Linear Beam Cannons, and a AZ 108 mm High- Density Beam Gun

Equipment: Blox-CAS, 2 Downforce Stabilizers, 2 Magneeser Jet Wings, and 2 Tail Stabilizers

Like the Fire Phoenix, the Jet Falcon is a stand-alone airborne Zord that can combine with the main unit to form the Falcon Unit. Its Buster Claws give the main unit even greater melee weapons that it would otherwise have, and, as the Jet Falcon is a more advanced unit, resulting Fuzor is faster than the Phoenix unit. It also wields significant firepower, as the Buster Claws serve not only as blades, but also as guns and drills, thus making the Falcon Unit a very useful unit. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for yellow, red, and blue color.

The Gusoku Myokoh Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 108.0 tons

Depth: 23.4 m

Height 8.9 m

Maximum Speed: 560 km/h

Weapons: Laser Fangs, 2 Strike Laser Claws, and a Laser Kantana

Equipment: Blox-CAS, and 2 Downforce Stabilizers

As part of the Zords: Generations line, the Gorgo Zord Souga was released. With it, came the new CAS, Gusoku Myokoh. The CAS also gives the Zord a katana, which it can hold in its mouth or in a slot on its left front leg. There is also a sheath for the katana on the Zord's right side. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for dark black color.

The Valkyrie Caesar Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 57.0 tons

Depth: 22.5 m

Height: 7.5 m

Maximum Speed: 210.0 km/h or 130 mph

Weapons: Laser Fangs, 2 Strike Laser Claws, 2 Twin Impact Cannons, 2 Twin Beam Cannons, a Triple-Barreled Beam Cannon, 4 Brave Vulcan Guns, a Six-Barreled Shock Gun, a Valkyrie Blade, a Crush Bite, a Tail Knife, 2 Brave Daggers, and 4 Giant Claws

Equipment: Blox-CAS, 2 Downforce Stabilizers, 8 Hard Protections, 5 E-Shield Supply Systems, 6 Heat Dissipation Fins, and 2 Tail Stabilizers

The Valkyrie Caesar Unit is a type of unit, a race of biomechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zords universe. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for dark gold color.

The Miko Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 57.0 tons

Depth: 22.5 m

Height: 7.5 m

Maximum Speed: 210.0 km/h or 130 mph

Weapons: Laser Fangs, 2 Strike Laser Claws, 2 Twin Impact Cannons, 2 Twin Beam Cannons, a Triple-Barreled Beam Cannon, 4 Brave Vulcan Guns, a Six-Barreled Shock Gun, a Valkyrie Blade, a Crush Bite, a Tail Knife, 2 Brave Daggers, 4 Giant Claws, and a twin propeller

Equipment: Blox-CAS, 2 Downforce Stabilizers, 8 Hard Protections, 5 E-Shield Supply Systems, 6 Heat Dissipation Fins, and 2 Tail Stabilizers

Featured in the Zords Generation story, despite DHM having produced the Miko Unit armor and exhibiting it alongside other Generation Zords, the unit was never sold. Appearance wise, the Zord swapped out the grey coloured areas of its original armor for red and yellow color.

The Mariner Unit had the following specifications;

Weight: 57.0 tons

Depth: 22.5 m

Height: 7.5 m

Maximum Speed: 210.0 km/h or 113.391 knots

Weapon(s): Ship-to-Air Beam System, 3 x Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel Anti-Air CIWS, and 24 x Missile Launcher