Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 04.5


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"I have told you how I am in terms of my wives... you will not be ordinary wives."

Mer asked, "Do you mean your other wives? Or will there be more women?"

"There will be wives and others. For example, you know Marta, Zar and Kwool."

"Right, I should have figured that out," Mer said. "Wait, Marta and Zar are older than you. Do sleep with them?"

"Yes. But before and after sleep we do other fun things. I am not limited to younger women like most men. Young women tend to be attractive, but some older women have a special place in the heart."

"Who will be in charge? Will somebody order us to fetch water?" Per asked.

"Per has to go the farthest to fetch water," Mer interjected. "At home it is her greatest trial."

"Yes, somebody will be in charge, things don't work without that. Zar will be in charge of my house as long as she is willing and able. Somebody has to deal with the laundry machines. Somebody must cook. Somebody will see to the children. She can't do it all at once so she will delegate. Unlike your house now, these tasks will be shared. Did you think it would be better with a different husband?"

Per answered, "Gosh no... I just... I had to ask. Old habits and all. Sorry."

"That is fine. For now I want to ask you a question. You can change your mind later. But now, based on what you know, do you want to marry me?"

"Oh yes, more than anything," they both said at once.

Mer took the lead for something that was on their minds. "We have talked about it... we have become kinda friends so will do sex things with each other and even other women if you want... if somebody teaches us."

"That is not on the agenda today, and requires more conversation." I took their hands and removed the makeshift rings I gave each of them on my last visit. "I promised to replace these, so I have brought real rings for you to wear instead.

I slipped rings on their fingers. Kwool had taken them each shopping in a town and gotten the sizing. Samantha arranged the construction from my design. Each ring was simple, a band that widened to where a small but fine gem was mounted and protected, with no sharp edges of anything that could catch. Mer had a ruby, Per had an emerald. The gems were very good quality. "These are yours, a sign you are spoken for. They are not engagement rings because you still have a choice to accept or to back out. If the day comes and you still agree, the gem will be removed and mounted in another ring, with a diamond. This ring will be recast to fit. Unlike the Tribe, there is a ritual for that, a ritual that involves another woman. If you decide to turn away from the path, I will not stop you. We will talk and you will have options. The choice is yours."

The girls were quite overcome with the rings, they knew these were precious gems and that the beautiful rings had great significance. I had kept a promise made on our first meeting. There were tears and hugs and kisses, all very sincere.

The door was open between rooms was open and Kwool came in to see what all the excitement was about. She agreed with the girls, their rings were very special.

"In fact, I am thinking you should show them to the Chief," Kwool said. "Probably best while the sun is out."

"Would you take them?" I asked. Of course Kwool was glad to help.

Somehow I figured the question of a house would come up when they showed the rings.


I buried myself in the boxes of collected papers from the various houses of the Five and flown to the hacienda. My people had done a good job of keeping things organized. I needed half the rooms on the second floor to lay things out. Supper was a sandwich, but I made a pretty good dent at getting the stuff organized.

I had wondered about how the Five expected to attack the Tribe. One of the boxes from the house had the whole plan laid out.

The main attack was going to come from the Global Ranger and 4 Hueys the Five had arranged, they were scattered around northern Peru where they were each getting work done. All 4 of the Hueys were outside of specs in some way (hydraulic problems, too many hours on tail rotors, bad altimeter, etc.), the owners really had to get them fixed before they could sell them. The Five agreed to a fair price for each, less the cost of bringing them into operating condition. But all their contact info on the purchase agreements was fake. The purchase prices were guaranteed with diamonds (up to $1.5 million, good for a copter in good condition) in a safe deposit box, but all four contracts used the same diamonds. It was pretty clear the Five intended to just take the helicopters right after they were fixed and change the tail numbers. Skip chasers would look for them at every airport and helipad in Peru, Brazil and Ecuador, but they would be in the Colony, which skip-tracers did not know about and could not get to.

All of the Five were qualified to fly their helicopters and their airplane, but they had other pilots lined up to fly for the attack.

The plan would have failed, our cold war air defense grid, with radar on the mountain, would have spotted a formation of helicopters 50 miles away. They intended to come in radio and transponder silent, so we would have knocked them all down easily with nobody looking, making it look like they ran into a mountain in formation. High up on an isolated mountain it would be months before inspectors showed up, and by them the indians could clean the wrecks of any evidence or military weapons. (Loaded Hueys only go to about 13,000 feet and the Andes are the second highest mountain chain in the world. Bad things can happen.)

Well, the Five had a good plan to steal the Hueys, so I would borrow it plus the diamonds. My people would pick the Hueys up when they were each ready to fly.


It was about 2 in the morning when Chin wandered in, looking for who was burning the late-night oil. Her hair and face showed evidence that she had been involved in some physical activity - burning at both ends. She had a light robe on, but that was all, and after what she had done she was not that careful about keeping it closed. I made appreciative sounds. She was glad to show off and invited a hand in a friendly place, so I weighed her breasts but was not looking for more. Her pussy looked well-used and dripping from my grandfathers.

"Your grandfathers, we had fun last night. But tonight they were mad for me. They wanted to do it all. Where yesterday it was mostly 'no contact' between them, tonight they didn't care about that. They were head-to-head licking my breasts. There was spit-roast alternating and taking turns. I even had them both in my mouth at the same time! They lasted a long time. I wasn't sure I would get out of there alive..." She paused and thought a moment. "... what a way to go! As a whore I had forgotten about sex being fun, adult play. On the job I had to keep the barriers up. But here, with them, in the dark, it was really fun playing grab-ass and other naughty adult fun. They really enjoyed it, and that was a great reward for me. Well, for a woman my age I do have nice soft skin, and I am good in bed."

"Nice tits and a good figure too. If you bent over..."

"It is a nice thought, but I will pass for now."

I had shared women with the Patron, and I would not say he was energetic. "I guess that whipping bad folks turns them on," I said.

"Uh, that wasn't it. Okay, to be clear, they like that the threat to them is over, it was a great weight off their mind to show their people, they had selected leaders to do the job. But the bigger thing is that they feel better about you as a future leader, it was the plan they made before you parents met. You are bonding with those two young girls, and I guess they have other ideas going forward. Anyways, the final major task in their life is well under way, and they share a joy in that."

I changed subjects. "About you staying... you aren't going to kill them, are you?"

"I'm staying because of the girls. I am so glad they don't have to give up their bodies to avoid a beating. So are they, I am not sure there is another society in the world without prostitution. But the situation here is really hard for them to cope with in some ways. Most can't go home and they can't go forward. They really wanted to be in the US or Canada, but that is unlikely now. They are stuck here. Grateful to be free, not to be whores or drug mules. But how do they support themselves? They know life is work. Okay, I know that a few extra women can be absorbed into some homes, like the helicopter guys looking for wives. It is so much better to have a choice. Plus, the lesbians, who are free to hold hands for the first time ever, it means so much to them to do that and see people smile at them. But without communication, what type of jobs can they do? Only menial ones. Okay, honest work is all good. But they need my help... and you know, it is nice to feel like I'm helping somebody."

"How long will you stay?"

"I don't know. Maybe a month... maybe I will tell Li to sell the house. Here I can do good instead of watching TV reruns all day and collecting dividends."

By now she was antsy to get back to my grandfathers, and I was too tired to get any more work done, so we said goodnight.

As she was about to step out the door she stopped, turned her back, and said, "I would not mind..."

I knew what she wanted, I stepped behind her, pressing against her, then reached around front, slipped my hands in her robe and cupped her breasts, weighing them again and playing with her nipples with sincere appreciation. She felt me stiffen.

"A real gentleman... Li is so fortunate, as am I." she finally left.

I checked on the girls, they were in their bed, and I saw they were actually sharing the bed together, instead of clinging to the two sides. I took that as a good sign.

In my bed Kwool was sleeping naked. She was too sleepy for our usual level of activity, but when she worked out that I was getting into bed with her she invited me to spoon her with the usual 'connected' benefits. She sighed and shivered as I slid in to her wet tightness. "Somebody is having naughty dreams," I said. She giggled.

I was Kwool with that. I recalled planting a kiss on her bottom earlier. She said, in a sleepy voice, she had been thinking of it all day and had hoped I would show up.

"This is my bedroom." I sounded half asleep myself.

"Yes, but there are more than 40 chinese girls you have never known that are very grateful. I have seen them, they clean up nice. Sometimes you sleep other places."

"I had not thought of them... but I am glad I found you," I said as I slipped into her body. She sighed, a contented sound.

I gave her a good feeling about it. It was very nice to be stroking away as she enjoyed it, without having to do anything else. We didn't even talk, we fucked like married people, spooning, so our only contact was our genitals. She would touch herself, her breast or below as she felt like it, but she liked what I was doing without anything extra.

After she enjoyed about a half hour of pleasure like this she gently used her fingers to get off while I was inside her. Her finish was exquisite for her, she said it was what she needed for now. She was very appreciative of my help, and she asked if she could do more for me. But I said that feeling her enjoy herself around my cock was as much goodness as I could appreciate. So I let it rest where it was and I felt her fall sleep. I was hard, but not particularly impelled to do more. I was satisfied for now. We were both asleep before I finished my business, but we had enjoyed what we started and had some nice dreams.


Chapter 50. Tuesday

I was not alone when I woke. Kwool was there, in panties she did not have on last night. Mer and Per were also on the bed, wearing nightshirts. I was under the sheet and they were on top of me, under the blanket but on top of the sheet. I gathered that Kwool had arranged it.

It was marginal behavior, but I had given them rings, we were promised to each other, and until they were older I was effectively their father figure. I did not feel like complaining to anyone and decided to let it be.

They were nice to hold, holding each other in bed seemed to be the theme. I noticed they were holding hands, and that Per had Kwool's hand also. I wondered how this had happened, but I could not work up enough interest to ask.

Eventually they stirred. The first thing said was from Mer as she wrapped her strong arms around my neck for a hug, then offered my her cheek to kiss as she said, "We forgot to ask yesterday, but what should we call you now?"

I had been thinking on that myself, I stalled a few moments with I kissed her cheek, then turned and did the same to Per. Per wiggled happily, her eyes were closed but she was listening closely. Kwool was too far away and anyways I could not kiss what I wanted on her.

"What do you want to call me? You must have some idea."

"Well, the rings made us think about that. 'Prince' and 'husband' do not fit and seem out of place. 'Father' is close but that leaves a bad taste because we plan to make babies with you. A personal endearment like 'Ocho' seems good in private but not in public, but we are not sure where public starts." She glanced at Kwool.

"Ocho" was a Tribal word, used by lovers when they were alone, or in their home with their children. It implied affection with sex, but since it was the Tribe it was not immediate or exclusive. However, the privacy thing was the priority, a woman would never say it to her lover, even if they were in the act, if her child or parent or husband was near. In this case Kwool's status was unclear.

"Well, you know that I have two names, don't you? I admit, it is a tiresome habit."

"Yes," they both said.

"However, almost nobody calls me 'Pablo' which was what my mother Zoam named me. In the Colony and LA most people call me 'Eric' since that is what I use there. Now, 'Pa' would be acceptable, except that in English that means 'father.' But just between us here, when we are alone, how about you two and Kwool calling me 'Pab' as a private family name."

Both the girls were very pleased. Rings and a secret name of affection, all so quick, it was wonderful. Including Kwool seemed unusual, but in light of the sleeping arrangements and how she helped me with them it seemed okay.

Per had to ask, "What about when you sleep with other women, like Resha or Cynthia or your fake wife."

Clearly they were suspicious of Abril, so I tried to give them some peace on that. "How about we keep it just for us, for now. It is something I don't need to share with the others who are not in bed with us right now. Okay?"

"Okay," came back as a three note chorus from Mer, Per and Kwool, who was very pleased with my cleverness in bringing her 'into the circle.'

Mer then switched to a confession mode, her body and face. "About the one's in bed right now... we tried to bring you any spare donuts from the kitchen. We found two but we had to know if they were fresh enough... before we knew that... well, they didn't make it. Then the cook told us those were the last ones."

"Not to worry, really. It is okay."

There was more hugs and chaste kisses, with Kwool fully included. I stayed under the sheets. The girls figured out that I was not dressed and that maybe I wanted some private time with Kwool, so they went back to their room. Smart kids.

Kwool slipped out of her panties. With an unconscious movement her fingers went down and pulled open her pussy showed me her wet slit before she joined me under the covers. After last night we were both hungry for the other, if I wasn't having donuts I was strangely hungry for her breasts. Plus, I had discovered they were her "startup" switch. We kissed passionately, then I had to slip down to her nipples and pleasure them until they were both standing up. Then I enjoyed them some more like that.

Kwool moaned with enjoyment at the treatment. "You are the only one who has ever gotten my nipples so stiff they hurt... they hurt so good," she said as she held me tight to her chest. When I backed off to admire my work she dragged my hand to her moist pussy, she did not need more warm up. "I must say, something about those two puts me in a mood. Their energy and life... well, it is a pleasure to do what I can with them. Now, how about we enjoy something more conventional?"

She was right about the girls, her pussy was even wetter on the inside. We slipped easily into the missionary position, her peach was already open for my cock. She did this deep moan-groan thing as I slid inside, as sexy sounds go it was in my top 5, and we were just getting started. I took two easy strokes to get all the way into her body. Then came a deep kiss as I started moving inside her.

She was with me at every step, moving in perfect harmony, like our brains were somehow wired together. Even in the kiss, her lips were just the right pressure, her tongue made just the right moves dancing with mine.

The kiss lasted a while as I moved slowly in her body. She felt wonderful. She moved with me, as her hips moved to meet mine she had this way of rubbing her erect nipples against my chest crosswise, reminding me of what a wonderful woman she was to have as a lover. There was a soft noise coming from her, something like a very low moan.

"You know I am leaving today. I am really going to miss this," I said. I meant it.

"Well, you do have some special friends in LA, I saw pictures. Come to think of it, I have one too... she wasn't in the pictures."

"Resha did not want to come to the wedding, she was afraid she would be recognized. The law firm has a rule that service girls don't meet wives. Li is bold and hides in public with little to disguise her, but she is Oriental and to the the white lawyers they all look alike, so it does not take much. Resha would be hard... maybe impossible to disguise. She was at work, invited to work overtime at weekend rates. There were extra lawyers working during the weekend, proofing my work. About 200 man hours in total. It is part of the process."

"They were proofing..." she sounded a little skeptical, then her tone switched. "Fuck you feel so good... I don't care about the other. Fuck me Je... Pab, a little harder and faster."

"You are so wet inside..." I said as I did as she asked.

"Hence the... 'harder and faster' request. I really wish I could be with you more."

"Me too... I have connected to you so quickly. Maybe the day will come."

"But my duty is here, at least for now. The tribe needs a pilot."

I had to agree. "Yes, I know. Still I have to say that something about this, with you in my bed when I wake and when I go to sleep, feels more normal than it should, all things considered. I really like it. Did you apply to be my tribal wife?" The question had been bothering me.

"No... at the time I considered myself a lesbian, since I only had women. But that first day... I was attracted. I knew we would fit... we do fit."

"So do I. Maybe... oh that is SOOO good... Maybe it is genetic... for a thousand years husbands and wives of our tribe... have been... strangers one day and naked, passionate fucking spouses the next."

She mused a bit. "Maybe instant intimacy is part of the genetic coding, something inherited like blonde hair in Scandinavia."

"Or maybe this incredible... perfect fit... juicy pussy is the part that is inherited." I said. "It does feel wonderful."

"Enough talk. Kiss me like you mean it... Pab."

Yeah, I did that, let her have the last word as I sank into the kiss. She reacted above and below, with more passion and feeling and putting herself into it... so I added some more of the 'harder and faster' to it. Her body responded in kind.

We stayed like that for a time, both of us building passion and desire for each other, almost like hunger or thirst only much, much faster. We were kissing so she could not do the countdown, but by now it was not needed, we each felt what was building in the other, the song was part of how our bodies moved.
