Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05C


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He had a quarter key of powder, and would step-on it until he had a full key, wrap it airtight then seal it in the extra piece of Smith's luggage. His work was clean-room clean, there would be nothing to alert any drug dogs in the airport. Since the cocaine bag perfectly matched the other bags in the set, it would blend right in.

The cops would spot the guy when they looked at the video tapes of the baggage handlers days after the fact, but his disguise would stand up to a few grainy photos.

As a favor to me he also took a small glass container, filled it with a cocaine solution, and sealed that in glass so it was also safe. This type of work is tricky but I would pay well. When the cargo compartment door opened in LA it would break the glass within the plane's luggage compartment, contaminating all the luggage. In LA drug dogs would come running, especially after a helpful citizen makes a call ahead of the landing. Mr Smith was known to the authorities, and with a key of coke in his bags he would have some explaining to do. No matter what he said, he and his party would spend some time in lockup without his sluts or his ritual drink.

Next I asked Darnel about his snakes. "Isn't that a dangerous hobby?"

"Not if you are careful, and they keep the rats away, both the 2-legged and 4-legged variety. Also, cops get real careful, some cops will push on the law if they can't get caught, but a snake-bite is news so they don't mess with that house."

Darnel actually had two impressive snakes his brother cared for, a "Beware of Snake" sign was very useful in his neighborhood, especially when a snake was wrapped around it. Besides the super-deadly Taipan, Darnel also had a Black Mamba he got in honor of Kobe of the NBA Lakers, who used "Black Mamba" as a nickname. The Mamba had his poison glands removed when Darnel got him, although this fact was not commonly known. The Mamba was not normally caged, it knew who fed it. Mambas are extremely fast and Darnel's brother was told to unleash it on any intruders.

"My Brother Ray learned snakes overseas, in the army."


Darnel Talks About Doria

After calming and relaxing Darnel's mind, and improving his ability to answer questions 100 % with a small injection of the stuff he craved, which he greatly appreciated, I asked about Doria and her father. Most folks didn't know the truth, but it was actually an interesting and twisted story.

I knew that the skin tones of both Doria's mother and Robert Smith were much lighter than Doria.

Darnel explained that Doria's father was was not Robert Smith, but in fact a late South African named Bembala. Mrs. Smith was often pimped out by her husband as a "sales aid" back when he did legitimate banking. It was part of their joint career strategy. They both knew what she was good for it. She was going to fuck guys anyways, it was her addiction. Why not get big bucks for her trouble?

After college graduation the new MBAs Robert Smith and Amos Muller (the current Shark high earner) were both hired by a large bank where they competed with 4 other new hires to sign large clients for their bank's overseas business. The bank was very clear, after one year at least 4 of the 6 new hires would be working elsewhere, without benefit of their six-figure hiring bonuses.

Now, sometimes larger clients required various 'off-books extra inducements' before they sign on. Mr. Bembala from South Africa was such a client, the biggest balance that particular year with the biggest off-books ask. It was of a personal nature that sort of grabbed the balls for those so equipped.

From the start Bembala was explicit, he would come to LA quarterly to see to business. He traveled with 2 staffers who varied, male or female, black or white. On each trip he wanted his banker to provide him with an understanding woman for total companionship over one or two nights. She had to be clean and trustworthy, and he insisted that "she must not be foolish about condoms and such." (This was the '80s, he was South African, and he made it clear that he had other women at home and elsewhere.) She might spend some time with his staff, but most of her time would be with Bembala, acting as a temporary wife, willing and naked in his bed. He said he had a full and varied appetite.

The two bank hires who were female got the first choice, but they said "no way" to such an arrangement. They were not opposed to sleeping their way to the top, but they said an international philanderer in the age of HIV was suicide and stupid besides. So Muller and Smith were called.

At the time no suitable LA professional would accept such a regular date, especially a South African, without condoms, it just wasn't done. Muller and Smith explained the request to their wives.

Both wives were attractive former university cheerleaders who had graduated as part-time whores before they burned their trick books of clients as part of their marriage ceremony to their upwardly mobile banker husbands. They both agreed to help their husbands using what they knew, getting naked and very understanding for high-value customers in better hotels. They came home with fewer bruises than with their previous clientele. Both women knew what they were doing and considered it a move up in life, instead of counting greenbacks at the end of each evening they were earning equity on their backs.

Their husbands knew the deal, they needed the career booster and married accordingly, with full disclosure before anybody said "I do."

During initial discussion with Bembala, Mrs. Muller decided that maybe she could not be so understanding about not having condoms. She had looked up the HIV and STD stats for different countries so it was a short meeting.

Smith's wife was more open and closed the deal at their first meeting. When Bembala met the couple at the door of his suite she slipped off her dress as soon as the door was closed and walked past the aides to aquatint herself with the bedroom. Mr. Smith took a seat in the living room talking with the aides about business details during the entire 80 minute meeting. Meanwhile Mrs. Smith and Bembala repeatedly straightened out something in the bedroom. She was very talented and gave Bembala the full tour of what he could expect to enjoy. Out of courtesy the bedroom door stayed open and they saw no reason to hold the entirely natural noises down. Mr. Smith stayed all business, informing Bembala staff of the bank's policies.

Bembala was impressed by the couple. As the got ready to leave, Mrs. Smith was standing in the living room wiping her face and nipples in front of all the others before putting on her dress, Bembala complimented the couple by stating that such things happened in one or two other countries, but he had never met an American married couple so devoted to business. He would be in Smith's office the next day to sign the papers.

As they turned to leave Mrs. Smith bent forward while lifting the back of her dress so she displayed to all her bright red ass (from spanking) and both of her stretched and dripping holes. She said that she looked forward to enjoying him again.

Smith got the client and was promoted. At the end of the year Muller became Smith's subordinate at a much lower pay rate.

After Bembala was signed Mrs. Smith's first regular overnight visit was very pleasant, the couple had an expensive meal with just the two of them, then they went to bed. Bembala complimented the woman's beauty and pleased her with his attentions. She got off more times than he did and was home before her husband left for work.

The next few quarterly visits were similar. Sometimes Mrs. Smith provided for the attentions of the various staffers as well, they were eager to enjoy her while their master was recharging. She took these extra duties in stride. In the second year, once Bembala was the foundation of her husband's position, he became more demanding during his visits. He required anal, DP, rough handling, even keeping her naked in his suite to use over both nights plus the day in between. One time he brought an aide who was a 'stunt cock' in pornos, with unusual length and width. For that Bembala made a video of the encounter, and sent a DVD home with her to share with her husband. But to her it was better than doing a half dozen clients each night, so both Smiths considered that they were doing very well.

Bembala always insisted Mrs. Smith present herself for each date "unsoiled for at least 24 hours," in fashionable new clothing without undergarments. It was always expensive clothing which he usually ripped or soiled before she left. It was meant to demean her husband, Bembala always said she "deserved something better, go shopping and send me the bill." There was no deliberate pain or marking her, but he was demanded enough so the sex was no longer 100% a pleasure. Still she got a nice shopping session out of it four times a year.

For the second visit of the third year Bembala's visit came on the days Mrs. Smith could get pregnant. That had happened before, Mrs. Smith used a diaphragm when she was close and Bembala did not say a word. This time Bembala found out her exact dates from Muller and planned for this.

He crossed the line, starting by traveling with two female staffers who brought strap-on toys and bondage gear. Despite Mrs. Smith's protests the staffers found and discarded her diaphragm. When her protests got too loud she also was gagged. All three of them used her virtually non-stop for over 40 hours. Bembala was inspired to fill her body 8 times over the visit. After each of his ejaculations into her fertile vagina each female staffer followed with toys to "compound in his chances."

Again, a DVD was made.

Robert Smith was not upset when he heard of this, the client was worth a lot of money to him. Mrs. Smith was outraged but her husband told her he "did not see a difference from the usual... except for something trivial." He insisted that his wife write to Bembala and give him her fertile dates for future visits.

"If it becomes a growing problem it can be easily fixed," he said. The problem with that was, in her heart, Mrs. Smith was deeply opposed to abortion, the attitude was something her mother gave her. She decided that if she was forced to make a choice, she would file for divorce. It was California after all, they had pre-printed forms.

Some years later Smith learned that Bembala was from an ancient secret cult or religion where a man's power in the afterlife rested on how many girls came from planting his seed put into the wives of other men and then "harvesting from what he planted." After the girls were born and raised the men had to return to "plant and harvest" by impregnating their own blood daughter with more girls. Whether the other men involved, like Mr. Smith, knew and/or consented was of no import. Harvesting could be with or without the girl's knowledge of the relationship, but it had to occur while she lived under the roof of her father or husband. Harvesting could be done more than once with a given blood-daughter. Only the female children conceived or harvesting from a blood daughter counted for the afterlife.

The cult members were rich, powerful, handsome men skilled in seduction and raised without any modern concept of morality. The cult had origins 5,000 years ago, they claimed their "written scroll" was the oldest complete writing extant, and it was kept in a secret temple in Egypt or the Middle East.

It is a fact that a handful of cities have existed this long or longer, and a temple in Turkey has existed more than twice as long.

After his visit Bembala got the first stage of what he wanted from Mrs. Smith, she refused to have an abortion and fled from Mr. Smith. She contacted Bembala but he would not help her. Doria was Bembala's twelfth daughter conceived from another man's wife, his second in North America. He visited LA the next quarter and was pleased to learn that Mrs. Smith was pregnant. Their date for that visit was more like the second year, a little rough handling was involved but it was just the two of them. However, he did not live long enough to enjoy harvesting her, or even learn for sure if the child was a girl.

In fact he only harvested a few of her half-sisters before he was killed.

The bank's internal security became aware of the practices, in part because Muller ratted on his boss over some slight and thought he might get promoted. But when the investigation concluded Smith (when his wife was 7 months pregnant with Doria) and Muller (with a son in school) were fired with prejudice.

It turned out Bembala was a weapons dealer selling on the black market, he came to LA because no reputable European bank would deal with him any more. Smith had figured this out, but assumed he was better off keeping the knowledge to himself. Bembala was due to be arrested but some unhappy customers from the Horn of Africa beat the authorities to the punch. (Two of the customers from this group had pregnant daughters.) These customers were convinced that Bembala sold them defective weapons that got many of their brother-soldiers killed, it was the type of thing they took very personally. The African rebels/pirates caught Bembala in Seattle and shipped him East, back to their home, by boat across both the Pacific and Indian oceans, so as to avoid encounters and questions. The trip in chains almost killed him. Back in Africa they asked for a refund and damages. Since no refund was forthcoming they collected in blood and pain over several dozen days, one day for each warrior lost.

They never questioned if the untrained troops or the 40 year old Chinese ammo could be to blame, Bembala had made impossible claims about the weapons, so he had to suffer.

Darnel said that Doria knew the whole story in detail before she was 10. Her mother had left her a letter describing the events and Smith had no qualms about discussing the incident when she asked. He essentially said that he married his wife as a part-time high class whore and put her in a nice home with wonderful clothes and she only had to work in bed a few nights each month. Both were happy with arrangement at the time. In fact, after Smith was fired his wife continued to "entertain his clients" for the balance of her pregnancy with Doria. Similar arrangements existed with other clients and in fact it seemed that some wealthy third-world clients found her more attractive to fuck when she was showing herself heavy with child.

Smith and the bank anticipated this so her post-firing services were covered in his termination letter. Essentially Mrs. Smith continued to be paid as a consultant for entertaining special clients right up to three days before her delivery date.

Muller never got another job in banking, nobody trusted a rat. He took a bath selling his McMansion and his wife divorced him, taking the Bentley. He turned to fixing cars. Boosting cars to order and repo work (is their really a difference?) became important sidelines for him that were not mentioned in the divorce agreement.

Smith had a contact at a smaller bank where he landed, as part of his termination letter the large bank agreed that he was NOT fired but instead it was a mutual choice to move on so he could be with his family more. That bank job led to the Sharks, first doing their money laundering and his arranging promotion to head the gang.

Next I asked Darnel about Doria's sex life. I guess she was an all-out slut, one her father found too good to waste on a boyfriend or even his own cock. "She came by it honestly, her mother was a natural slut." So he instructed her and then used her, both for himself and as a reward for his inner circle. But where she shined was as a party toy for important suppliers. Eventually she negotiated all contracts, both price and arrangements. She made it clear that she did not mind working with two-person sales teams, and she was very flexible in all sorts of arrangements.

When she was little all the Shark's Mexican suppliers who visited the house loved the child and tween dancing around the pool, but they always promised, 'when you are old enough....' Her dad new an opportunity when he saw one, he trained her in sex for precisely this reason. Darnel said that when the time came he helped with the 2-on-1 stuff, like training in the DP and the spit roast. "That is why the boss has 4 house sluts, when the Mexicans come to town it was 'all hands on dick' for the girls. We never knew when they were going to show up, for security reasons they like the old 'surprise visit.' They liked Doria enough that they were willing to share her, taking her to the "negotiation room" with the large bed. It was the one case where the men looked forward to sloppy sex for the night. The escorts and drivers shared the sluts. Then after the deal was reached the bosses and her father did her in a messy spit-roast on the coffee table to seal their deal, then invited all their men to dig into the leftovers."

Where had I heard that before? The difference here was that when the Mexican jefe 'shot off' his associates shot off too, with six guns. It was hell on the Smith's ceiling.

Knowing those folks with their routines and contact info was how Doria had effectively become #2 in the gang. "She was charming for a extra 10% discount, and extra pleasing overnight for a 25% cut with the drugs up front," Darnel said. "A lot like her mother, she kept business first." They also taught her to be an expert liar, and to remember account numbers and such, she was her daddy's little notebook, using various mental tricks and natural ability from her blood father to keep the codes in her head.

Darnel thought Doria was popular enough with the Shark membership to be the next leader of the Sharks, but only she had a male she could trust to inspire when needed. Darnel thought he had a chance to get that gig, but he really wanted to move her out of the way. In this he was deluded.

At the end Darnel thought Chiggs might have the inside track on the 'Enforcer' job, he was building muscle, was loyal as a pit bull to Doria, and he did not have any real friends in the general membership. Doria had the knowledge and the contacts with suppliers so she was the only one who could follow Mr. Smith if something happened to him.

Darnel stressed, "The Sharks need those two on top, she gets product, he moves the money and plans ahead, otherwise the gang's income will plummet. When you are getting paid you can forget a lot of little things, but if income drops for a man who is paid to shoot folks the internal rivalries and greed will tear the gang to pieces."


Who Am I?

Next I asked a few things to find out what Darnel knew about his nemesis, "the guy who broke up the Black Kings party he planned." Basically he had hit a dead end on that question back in June. He had the incomplete plate number which he ran through the city mechanic he bribed. He used that to hire the sicarios. He paid for three contracts and promised to get back to them with more precise targeting as soon as he knew it. His people rented the house near Seerdon and also hired the spotters driving the Mustang.

When the two male teams did not report back he figured I had gotten them as well as the pair in the Mustang. He figured the base that was raided was just an Aztex thing, and random chance, because no gang could pull of two precise ops at the same time.

I used that "get back to them later" back-channel when I retargeted the female sicarios for the explosions at the law office parking lot.

He could not figure that out, the girls got back to Mexico alive and reported a success. Plus there were multiple bodies, but none of the bodies seemed like the surviving banger who chopped up three Kings and took the girl. He concluded that maybe there was another body in the parking lot, a janitor or somebody hanging around, and that body was removed by other confederates before the cops arrived. He did think it was strange that there was no footage of the explosion, any big business with expensive cars in the lot had to have cameras, it would not make sense otherwise.