Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05C


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The thing that confirmed that his unknown nemesis was dead to him and the other Sharks (meaning Doria) was that there was no retaliation against the Sharks for staging the party where they did. "Who does that?" he asked. Every gang has to strike back, we were counting on it to start a war. Instead the Aztexs start doing the national distribution meth thing after gutting the Kings. They just ignored the Sharks.



Next we skimmed over a number of minor topics. Darnel was open and broken, there was no deception or holding back in our talk. He was not a nice guy and had to die, it was clear that how and when were on his mind.

Really, if I gave him a gun he would shoot himself then and there, but I wasn't up for that. "Wet work is work," I said. "I may need alive for some other things. But I don't have a need to hurt you, like I did for your neighbor."

We talked about what he would like. "A girl is probably out of the question..." he said.

Well, they say a broken clock is right twice a day, so what he said made a connection to me with something Doria had said. I became more positive. "I am not totally opposed to that idea now that I know a bit more. But one thing I can do is adjust your drugs to a sustained level, with some sedative added. You will be high 24/7, on a normal sleep cycle of 8 hours a day. When you are awake you will feel good as possible in the rig. Sound like a deal? I will up some feel-goods too."

"You have no idea how good it sounds."

With that I put Darnel to sleep and reviewed what I knew.

Besides Robert Smith, none of the Sharks knew how much Darnel had stolen, it was substantial, roughly two months sales. However, Darnel lost roughly twice as much as he kept when one of his boats sunk as he made his escape from the Shark's oceanside warehouse. Then he used a lot more to pay off the sicarios and Tuccos. For the Sharks it was the huge inventory losses that may have turned Smith to bring in outsiders. The trouble was, those Oriental guys never let go once they established a grip.

Then I reviewed Darnel's sex videos of Doria again. Looking close I saw she really hated what she was doing, but she was careful never to let the truth show. She was a good porn actress. Besides Darnel, the only other face I saw more than once was one I knew, Chiggs Martin. He was muscle I threw back to the Sharks after taking their scout-house in Aztex territory, near the Seerdon. Since then Chiggs worked fanatically hard getting back into shape. At moments during taping I saw where Chiggs had feeling for Doria and she liked him more than Darnel. Suddenly a few things fell in place. In one scene, for just a moment, I saw them seem to connect. Chiggs was a volcano, disgusted by what Darnel was doing to Doria because of something unknown. Whatever the reason, he was ready to erupt with violence anytime she gave the word. He was ready, willing and able to kill Darnel with his bare hands.

That told me that Doria was doing the sex acts for some reason besides her own pleasure, the last was probably a honey-trap on Darnel for her father or herself.

Next I considered Doria's story. For her alibi, Doria needed to be photographed some place public, on a schedule, and she would have to be dressed to stand out. On the date she mentioned there was a thing coming up in Surf City (aka Huntington Beach in Orange county). The event starting early, ran all day and would be the 'nice local news' at the end of the show for all the local news stations. That fit her needs, lots of photographers and she could easily slip her own people into the mix. A pretty underdressed woman could get lots of camera attention, all of it time-stamped.

Surf City was in the next county, well south of Shark territory. Sharks mostly operated north of I-10, anywhere south of LAX the Sharks were an endangered species.

Chiggs was no longer a soldier in the gang, it seemed Mr. Smith reassigned him as a yard guy. He brought groceries, took out the mail, did landscape work and cleaned the pool. I figured that was Doria's escape plan, Chiggs was probably going to get her out of the estate grounds before dawn in the dump truck he used to transport dirt and plants. Chiggs had told Doria about the space lasers because Sara mentioned them when he was in our jail, that was the ONLY mention of the term. Smith would have told Chiggs to keep that a secret, but if he told Doria they still connected.

For me the question was, would the hassle of killing Muller's alibi and bringing Doria into Darnel's goodbye really pay off with the chance the Sunset Sharks would tear themselves apart? It sounded like a "low risk - high reward" thing, almost too good.

But could Doria be believed? No. Either father and daughter were working together, or Doria was working alone to impress her father, or Doria actually planned to kill her father and take over. In any case she was dangerous and untrustworthy. I had assume this was a plan to bring me into their hands. But I could mess that up, their plan was too thin.

In any event, since Doria wanted to kill me, I had to kill her first. Putting her boss in a bad place would also pay off well in any event. That I could work with.

On the way home I called in a few questions about the Mullers and some other things to my people, so I could get a handle on the Shark problem and how to deal with it.


When I got home - about 2 in the morning - Abril was in my bed. She had been crying about Cynthia flying out this morning. I understood she was missing her friend and lover, but hoped that she would understand better as the trip unfolded. I admitted that I also missed Cynthia, she always lightened the mood.

I did tell Abril that Joe Pope got his divorce papers Friday so he was off her dance card. Of course I could say no more, like how he was dead. But Abril understood that I meant it as a comfort, it was one of the things on her mind because traditionally mentors, like Joe, had a priority for a social night with the mentored lawyer's wife. She expected to be matched with Joe at the October law firm social, or certainly in by January.

We were both exhausted from a long day, so we stayed held each other close, but there was no sex. We were not in the mood.


Chapter 25. Cynthia Calls Abril

Wednesday September 17, 2008

Abril was working the Pablo security desk the next day when Cynthia called her from Peru. They spent a lot of time talking about how they each missed the other, an "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing. I was very glad when Abril told me, her mood and tone suggested that Abril might be with at least one of us for the long haul.

Cynthia talked about the trip, and the day with the big celebration, and about her roomie because the house was so crowded, and how the Patron was too busy with political stuff to sleep with her, which made her wish that she could sleep with him. There was no pleasing the woman.

Cynthia briefly mentioned what the Patron said in the morning about Ximena. She tried to sound indifferent because she was not sure what she though of it herself.

Actually, all of that got Abril to open up a little more about her own issues.

One concern I expressed was the way Abril kept losing weight. She admitted she was still working at it, Zar made sure she got reasonable nutrition but had crafted a diet which allowed Abril to slowly lose more weight. It was basically water and pills. After some questioning she admitted that part of what was driving her was the fact that Gracie was coming. Abril said she knew that Gracie was very beautiful, she wanted to make sure that she looked as good as possible when Gracie arrived in about less than weeks. "First impressions count so much."

I stressed that Abril was beautiful, she did not have to compete against anybody. She said Cynthia and Resha, who had met Gracie, had told her the same thing. Abril still resisted. "But she is also rich... really rich. My body is all I have, and she has me beat there too."

"Your body is fine, and you do have a tasty seasoning to your personality, it is very easy to get used to." I also tried to convince her that beauty and wealth were less to me than other things. We had shared a lot together and that history meant something.

She agreed, but said that would not help her. "For more than two years I rejected you as a lover, I frustrated you with my body. How can I make up for that mistake? I was foolish, I had so much right here but I had to be stubborn and stay with that thieving bitch, who almost took your life. So I don't see where 'what we have shared' helps me any, it sounds like something I can't make up for."

"I think I would have noticed if my balls exploded from lack of use. As I recall, I had other outlets for such exercise, but I also had some memorable times with you, times we both enjoyed, when I enjoyed a night of holding you close, and seeing you in the sunlight, asleep and then waking up. Our deal did not require the good times before and after the socials, I loved having you around."

She had to admit I had never showed ill-temper because of her 'look but no pussy' games. Instead I had always seemed appreciative of her company, both her body and her wit.

Still, she was worried that Gracie was in a league of her own.


Chapter 26. Jessica and Doria Call

Thursday September 18, 2008

Thursday at lunch I was sitting in my office eating lunch when I got a phone call that coded as "Personal." I don't get many of these on my office phone. I did not know it, but the computer allowed Barnes and some others to see our personal time in the office in real time. Jessica had her father's codes.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, it is me, Jessica. I had the desk flag me when you were at lunch because I know about how calls have to be tracked."

I did not know our switchboard did that, but she was the daughter of the #2 in the firm while I was a new partner, so I still had some things to learn.

"Miss Stern, how nice to hear from you. How can I help? Hopefully without having your father involved. Again."

"I wanted to thank you for the date with your concubine, it was amazing. I can't get it out of my mind... or my dreams. I know that if I wanted to set up another date I have to call you, and time is always an issue. But I have heard of these things called 'booty calls' and I wonder if they are possible... and how they work."

"Hmmm... Are you thinking me or..."

"Such a choice. I am not sure I could choose just one. I am hoping for either, but I am dreaming for both. I am so horny, in those few days, with you and then the date... I can't stop reliving it. I wore out my Magic Wand, the plug in, it just gave up on my pussy. I have been writing furiously, trashy sex stuff about what your pleasure maker does to my good place... I can't describe but I MISS it. So I was wondering about a booty call. I will do anything you ask. Do you think..."

"Well, typically such requests are a simple conversation matching time and place. Now as it happens, I might drive near your place tonight. Shall we say 8:30, for a delightful time at your work apartment?"

"OH! Yes please, I would love that. Who should I expect?"

"I will check. You know these are confidential..."

"I had new locks added. My parents are not expected but just to be sure their keys won't open the new deadbolt. I will leave word at the desk for... S. Chase. Does that work?"

"Excellent. I or an associate will call, we appreciate the business." For the last I tried to sound like a travel agent or something. She gave a laugh and we both hung up.

I called Li, she was available and her laundry did not really need doing, it was just a habit and she really did not need it for work. She had to be at work Friday afternoon but planned to spend the night with me, so I would pick her up at the mansion. I guess this would be a threesome. She agreed, it would be fun.


Doria's Call

At 7:01 Thursday night I was in the Crown Vic, winding through the Hollywood Hills after picking up Li. She slipped the battery into my phone and 5 seconds later it rang. It was Doria but the sound was different. She had a better phone with better tracking gear as I expected. It would not help.

Her first words to me were that things had to happen this Saturday, her dad was flying down and would land in the morning. That was what I figured and I planned accordingly. She said - almost convincingly - that she spotted the tie-downs for her father to use on her innocent body already attached to his bed. She would have to make her move before he got home. It was risky.

I kept it brief. I agreed to help her, but I said there was a price. Well, she expected that. We went back-and-forth twice until I threatened to hang up. I struck a nerve when I said she must have a "go package" including cash and other valuables. She had to admit that was true, and if this worked she would not need her escape kit. I said I wanted her gold or the deal was off - I figured she had 8 keys of gold. She denied that but - she claimed that 8 was too much to carry. I pointed out that she would not leave alone, she had already made arrangements. To keep me interested she had to keep up her story and come up with something. We finally settled on four gold bars, a kilogram each, with proper marks. She would bring them to the meet. She also agreed to bring just a driver. Both would strip for inspection.

Since she expected to take me down at the meet or soon after she considered the gold more window-dressing than actual value at risk. But it was something she would expect to show at the meet, and a hassle she had to cope with.

Next I said if she sent me questions to ask Darnel, I would record the answers. Because of my own activities and Darnel's limited life expectancy I gave her a window of 24 hours to email questions. However, since time was tight I could not allow followups.

Next I gave her general contact arrangements for Saturday, a dock south of Surf City. I mentioned two of her suggestions as to how Darnel might see his end. The final choice depended on what I could arrange quickly, I still had to tie up details like timing - which was on her.

She sounded so grateful, but I listened closely. In her tone and timing I heard the exaltation of a successful trap, not the breathless gratitude for saving her life. Well, I would make the extra effort to see she got what she deserved.


After Doria's earlier call (Tuesday) I asked for some research on Muller. I talked on the phone with my guy while driving with with Li to Jessica's

My car guy knew him. He was charismatic but was not so popular in his gang members, because he acted like he wasn't part of the group. The inner council knew that he was a steady earner, meeting his goals every time and kicking an extra tax to Smith simply because the boss hated him. But they did not share the information with their crews.

The father Amos Muller did have a secret cadre of followers within the gang, he was known to kick an extra set of wheels to a brother who needed it. The thing was, his following was loyal but based on personal contact, it would not scale up to a larger crew.

His son had his own territory and shop at the edge of Shark territory, but they did collaborate. Their territories did not touch, the space in between was a "black hole" with no opportunities for any segment of Shark operation. The kid had a different routine, he boosted construction equipment and was known to steal from dealers. Smith made sure each stayed in their lane and did not work together.

Each Muller had his own crew and weapons, they were not compatible, they did not even use the same ammo. (Dad was.45, pistols and lever-action carbines. The kid used 9 mm and AR types.) They were almost set to go there own ways, except their hunting grounds were in Shark territory. So they played nice.

Darnel had mentioned that the #3 in Amos Muller's crew, a top wrench named Joey who had been a Shark soldier, was ambitious, and would probably soon be given a chance for promotion after completing some special task for the Smiths. Joey could run either, or both shops, if the Mullers were out of the picture. Of course, he might get killed in the process, as he was not popular.

I had put my guys on passive observation of both Mullers.


I wanted to go a step further than just getting Doria. One bit of solid information I could use was about the French three-engine business jet. Now that I had a solid arrival date for her father, I called back my tail-watcher at Van Nuys who checked his files and the flight plans. For Smith to arrive Saturday morning he needed a request for a landing time.

It appeared likely that Robert Smith used a plane based there. Talking to ground staff and looking at the records, we figured that Smith would return to LA on a plane that had taken a party from LA to Winnipeg and would then fly to Vancouver on Friday the 19th. On Saturday the 20th it would fly Smith's party of 6 to Van Nuys. (Smith traveled with his slut, an assistant, and 3 bodyguards). That flight plan gave me a schedule I could count on for my trap.

Next I sent a text message to my confidential contractor with the info he needed to slip the bag and the coke onto the private plane Mr. Smith would use to fly from Canada to LA, I was still hoping I could arrange a room and meals for Smith from the Feds at taxpayer expanse. After all, he had been very rude to me on the phone.

The guy texted me back four hours later. His end was on schedule for the flight. His 'clean room' stuff wold be done Friday afternoon. The guy was a real professional, expensive and confident.


Chapter 27. Booty Call

Thursday September 18, 2008

I rang Jessica's doorbell at 8:30 and she opened the door like she was standing by, waiting. She was delighted to see that Li (Do Wong to her) was with me. Her first words were "Hello there... I guess I am in for twice as much fun."

The two girls had talked by phone about what happened during a booty call. For the law firm (these were in Judge Stern's rules as "Brief Dates") the #1 rule was that it was not a social call, there was little chit-chat as folks went to the bedroom and got to it. Drinks and snacks were set out on two trays on the coffee table or breakfast counter, but besides that it was very informal.

Jessica had the LA Swingers Club recommended "hostess" outfit consisting of either a simple short nightie (open front with ties and/or bra cups) or baby-doll (closed front w/o bra cups). Jessica's was a loose-fitting sleeveless nightie, worn without panties. The official guide said the outfit had to cover the nipples (so the hostess could open the door). Any bra cups had to slide away so the goodies could be accessed fully to invite improper praise and attention. The outfit had to be see-thru or close to it, and the lower hem had to be high enough to expose at least half of the slit in front when standing straight. Some of the fashionable designs managed the exposure with an inverted "V" at the hem, or a hem that was a bit longer at the sides but got shorter in the middle to intentionally display the expected center of the night's attention. Open-front nighties often had ties but were open from the neck to the hem. Some folks adjusted the hem with a scissors, but there were a few discrete shops that carried "approved fashion" custom fitted versions of the outfit with matching slippers, wigs and a variety of masks (worn at larger parties). Li said they charged "wedding dress prices" for tiny bit of fabric, she had a red one as a gift. I will admit the fashion versions were very sheer and were oh so soft to wear and hold.

Li had a hard time keeping her hands off Jessica's outfit. She said afterward that Jessica's nightie was made of very fine threads of a cashmere and silk - it was soft as a whisper when the thunder cracked. The US standard for cashmere is the soft underbelly hairs of a particular goat, with a diameter of the threads averaging 19 microns. "Her lovely outfit must have been made from hairs half that diameter, I have never felt anything so soft, and I have made a study of such fine things."