Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05D


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He said that it was clear I had pretty good access to drugs, so he wondered if maybe at the end I would consider giving him a "large dose of the good stuff, so he could go high. Actually, it was his dream death to go high, and inside a woman. When he picked this life he knew there was no comfortable retirement. Now I had all his money, millions, and his drugs, so he could not pay for anything, but maybe...?"

I needed him incapacitated for what I planned, so I said that I would consider his request. What I had planned would be his dream, at least for a short time.

The real beauty was that Darnel, Doria and Gracie all agreed with my idea.

What I gave him since then was pretty close to the max helping of Peruvian powder to let him sleep or wake up but he was not unconscious until he was picked up. He might as well enjoy it. I put him to sleep with the painkillers before we left the safe house.

Now on the ship some time had passed and without the IV that last dose was wearing off. In an hour I needed him awake and erect. After Doria and Chiggs were both out of sight the door of the copter was opened the rest of the way and Darnel was brought out. He was high and did not complain as he was strapped into a simple harness. Then he got another shot just like I promised, this was a maximum dose of Viagra that his heart could take, plus a "fill-in" shot of fine Peruvian so he would feel good, staying awake, but not too lively. He also got a small air tank and a set of goggles. He was still feeling no pain. The drugs would open his eyes in about 20 minutes but he would be under a tarp on the deck until I needed him.


While Doria was selecting, modifying and putting on her dive suit I had my talk with Chiggs about life. He had been led into a room with two guys wearing body armor, helmets with razored facemasks (think football helmets except they had razor blades to cut anybody who grabbed them) and holding serious swords (gladius, with brass knuckles for the loop guard). I have found that primitive deadly weapons are always a bit of a mind blower. Chiggs was a trained boxer, his powerful punch was a killer in a tight space, but his fists would not serve him against the padded armor and these blades. He was not cuffed or restrained, swords have a "sit quiet" effect on folks.

I held up my hand when I entered, to forestall conversation as I addressed Chiggs. He did not know my face when I flipped my visor up. I was in a "full face" type of helmet, that covered the lower part of my face, so only my eyes were visible. There was no recognition in his eyes, so I scored 1 point for Chiggs. But he needed a lot more points.

"Please, time is an issue and lives are on the line so do not speak until asked a specific question. You met me at a barren dust bowl prison where hell opened as faces flared." That got a reaction, the sight of thermite consuming those skulls was a hard memory to shake. "Like then, I am here to kill my enemies, so I have to determine if that includes you. You should consider this a life or death matter. I have seen movies of you, Darnel, and Doria without clothing, being friendly together." I spread my hands and brought them together with the fingers interlaced. "Very friendly." He knew what I meant. "On the other hand, I see you doing manual labor like a grunt at the Smith estate instead of walking free on the street, armed and commanding respect, like a trusted Shark warrior. You see my confusion. If you could use one, two or three words to defuse my confusion and sum up the relationship between you and Doria, what would those words be? Take you time, think before you answer. One to three words."

Chiggs could never get in the military, his IQ was far too low. But he took his time with this. Finally he had it. "Her kicking dog." He said the words with great bitterness.

The words offered several interpretations, but it was the bitter tone of truth that saved his life. At my signal the soldiers sheathed their swords, I could see the fear and tension lift from Chiggs.

"I am sure you have heard the expression 'actions speak louder then words.' The actions I saw seemed to be in conflict with your statement. Carefully and briefly, can you explain the difference?" I pointed to a screen. "First, when the films were shot? What changed?"

The brief video segments were from Darnel's computer so I had the timestamps and knew the answer.

Chiggs explained that the scenes were shot in March, May, (before Darnel's Gracie/split the Sharks scheme) and then in August when Doria was trying to get close to Darnel again. Darnel split with the Sharks in May when he grabbed weapons and drugs. He overestimated his popularity, it drew few recruits, but only from the bottom 20% of the gang, and he lost people at every turn. Chiggs defended Doria and she saw him fight very well, using his fists in close quarters he killed other Sharks and saved her life several times during her escape. But things got confused when she left him and Darnel took him in. He was confused about that. After I released him Chiggs stayed in the Smith house, kept close first as Doria's trusted bodyguard. Sometimes there was sex between them.

All along he tried to improve his marksmanship, but his skills seemed to be going the other way. It was only two weeks ago when he learned he really needed glasses.

By August, with Darnel still in hiding, Doria thought to hedge her bets and made contact using a dead drop signal. Chiggs did not think her father sanctioned this as a ploy, but he did not know for sure. They had used her sex as an inducement before, Doria knew she was attractive enough to be aggressive with it. Doria arranged one 'pleasant meeting' at a safe location, she brought only Chiggs (no guns, they all stripped) and the three had some good times "working together to start negotiations." But soon the talks failed, she claimed she needed Darnel's help but he would not expose himself just for her pussy.

By then Chiggs was no longer a bodyguard.

To get back in shape Chiggs exercised like crazy starting in April. In early July the estate's old gardener suggested to the boss that physical work was better exercise. "It builds flexibility, and he can't shoot anyways," the gardener said. In fact old guy just wanted his strong back. Doria agreed, she said Chiggs was loyal "as a dog," but a lousy shot. In a gunfight he was not effective, so she gave him to the gardener who was verbally abusive. When Chiggs complained Doria backed the gardener. In his place Doria took a cocky stuck-up sharpshooter as a bodyguard and part-time bed warmer. The erotic movie in August was the only time Doria was nice to Chiggs after he started to "smell like manure." Then last week she mentioned this mission to get her off the grounds of the estate. After a quickie teaser, to get him interested, Doria said that sex would come at her safe house, and in fact they both enjoyed it this morning. She was amazed at how his body had been re-sculpted, she could not keep her hands off him and said she would fire the mouthy gardner. In fact, she liked him so much that in the shower she blew him for the first time ever, then she served him breakfast in the nude while waiting until she could sit on his cock in bed. She loved it both ways they did it, looking up at him when he "mastered" her and also when she was on top, because she loved his big strong hands all over her. She claimed her other lover had girly hands, and she was sick of him.

Doria begged to finish belly down, with him on top, so he could really put his muscles to her. He did as asked. When he was done she said she was "magnificently sore" as she licked him clean and wished they had more time.

I asked for a few clarifications. Chiggs had not heard about Doria being on house arrest, but he might not have been told. Still, he thought that sneaking her out was strange. He knew the boss had been out of the house for at least 10 days, traveling with one of his four resident sluts, a white girl with blonde hair, but Chiggs had no idea where. The girl seemed excited about the trip before they left together.

He did say that around the house, Doria acted affectionate towards her father, including "rubbing on him, and enjoying when he handled her." He had no idea what happened behind closed doors. She told Chiggs that it was the way she had to be, because her "father knew he was not her father." That confused Chiggs.

I explained that Doria's mother was a whore and Mr. Smith pimped her to several men including a guy who deliberately knocked her up. They both knew the whole story.

Chiggs did not understand how a man could do that, and I agreed.

To myself I thought that after this the best I could say about Doria was that she betrayed her father (poison) and was a snake. At the worst Doria's "prisoner to rape" and "Chinese import" stories were intended to draw me into a trap. That seemed more likely. In fact both could be true, and after her dry ice idea for Gracie she was dead no matter what. I figured it was the most justified death I had ever arranged.

I wrecked her plan to take me with my 'run around town' drill, she did not expect me to swap out her phone while staying in communication, lose all her escorts, put her in a jeep and then use a helicopter to fly out of a box canyon where even a second phone would do her no good. Chiggs said she was cursing pretty good as she got in the Jeep and her second phone would not work.

I mentioned the Jeep had a cell jammer, Chiggs had no idea such things existed.

Really, making her use the military radio com full time was the critical point, she could not anticipate military grade hardware keeping her on a string. Looking at it, she thought there might be real-time video and GPS as well, I had stuck a dummy lens on the unit.

Next I changed subjects and tone. "Chiggs, you cannot stay with the Sharks. Bad times are coming for them... internal war. I don't want to kill you, but you said once that you could not really go anywhere else. I know you were being loyal to Doria then. But now..."

He was like a dam bursting as he blurted out, "South Dakota. I need 2 bus tickets to Aberdeen South Dakota. Also solid ground under my feet. I hate boats or flying. Get me that and a phone call will do the rest, I will be gone where none can look."

I really did not see myself giving anybody a ticket to South Dakota. Not after he lived in LA. That sounded inhuman.

It seemed that Chiggs had kept one bit of info hidden when Sara talked to him at the prison. Well, he also hid it from his lifelong friends, because another life was at risk. He thought we had space lasers so nobody was safe.

When I got him to calm down Chiggs explained he had a secret girlfriend named Figgy living in Vegas. She was not a showgirl or a gambler, she worked selling and fixing cell phones in a store. She was barely keeping afloat. They met in Vegas 15 months ago and had met in secret a few times since then, every other month when they could. She showed him how to swap the SIM in his phone so they could call each other every other week. Also, when he was a soldier before May, they arranged meetings in Barstow.

Figgy had a place to go, in fact she was desperate. Some older relatives had a small farm in South Dakota, the middle of nowhere. Their health was failing and harvest time was coming; if they had to pay to bring their harvest in they could survive the winter but could not plant in the spring, which was another step on their downward economic spiral that would take the farm from them. The town was small, not even a motel, so snoopy strangers would be noticed right off. Chiggs would be safe there and his help could make life better for all of them. But they needed some cash to get there without a paper trail, the Sharks did not allow early retirement. Also, Chiggs had almost no freedom or money and was constantly watched by the nasty gardener and his flunky. The Sharks were probably hunting for him now.

I asked about the one scene in the sex tapes where Doria and he seemed to have a real connection. He immediately knew what I was talking about. "Darnel was eating Doria's pussy while I was rubbing my dick on her tits to get it hard - she never sucked me back then. Doria said Darnel was eating her 'like a fig' which is something I thought that only I did. She looked at me then, maybe she though that was special for us and she did not want me to beat up on Darnel just because of that. To keep things in control I smiled at her special, like we were sharing a good memory, but I was really thinking about Figgy's pussy. I knew I was safe when she smiled back. Right away she chased Darnel off her, put me in her and started going hard, like the old days with me. Darnel bitched and said he wasn't done, but I made a face like I was going to punch him and he backed off quick."

Well, that moment on the tape was my only doubt about the big guy.

I mentioned my prison Chiggs had visited. "I know it isn't great housing, but could you stay there for a week while I checked your story out? It is secure from the Sharks." I said he could make one call to Figgy (his phone was in the Jeep) and then I would have to take his phone for a time. He would have to be in a holding cell so my guys were safe, because I knew he could do real damage with his fists, but that was all. If everything he told me checked out I could set him and Figgy up with safe transport. "Both of you would take busses to Reno, throwing off anyone tracking you, then a buss from Reno east and then north from Cheyenne might be best. I can provide travel money for food, and some cash for a used truck once you get there... a percentage of the gold. Don't get glasses until you are there."

Chiggs was amazed that I could come up with a plan that fast, off the top of my head. It just reinforced how little he knew about who I worked for. To be honest, he could not pick South Dakota out on a map.

Channeling the "Godfather" I said that he would owe me a favor, but as I had no business in Northeastern South Dakota (he was really surprised I knew where Aberdeen was) it was a favor I might never collect on.

I should stress that I am NOT a nice guy, but this type of story that would endear Gracie to me and it cost so little. Plus Aberdeen was a university town, while it was outside my area of operations now, things might change. Especially if the farm had lake access.

Chiggs looked profoundly happy.

I will not say it was pretty face, but it was sincere. He would not observe what happened in the next half hour or so, but when it was over I would fly him back to the mainland with us. I put two pills on the table. "I don't like flying either, so I take these OTC drugs. Take either one, I will take the other, that way you are sure it is safe and it will make the time easier until we are on solid land again."

After that he trusted me more than any man. He told me that everything he wanted to keep was in a storage unit in Covina, he did not figure to return to the Smith mansion whatever happened today with Doria. I could arrange shipment before he left.

"You should stay here sitting down until I have somebody come get you, after the pills take effect."

We had a deal. In a week or two I would have a big man in South Dakota. I had no current business there, but there was a lot of flat acreage for a plane in trouble. It was something to keep in mind.


When Doria said she was ready we set up the shark cage on the desk, attached to the crane.

At the start of our talk Doria asked if she might cut some select bits off Darnel before they went into the water, but I declined on behalf of the crew, they hated seeing a man without his little friend.

That was when I made a counter-suggestion. We soon came to the present arrangement where Doria would be vertical standing within the tube, protected. Darnel had been positioned face up in a horizontal position just below Doria's crotch, his body and legs were sticking out of two Darnel-width holes cut in the tube at just the right height. He would be erect, Doria was going to enjoy that special part of him one last time while he was alive. She thought the two side holes were too small for any shark to get in even if Darnel was wasn't there to block them. Maybe she was right, but I arranged it so that would not be a problem.

I had explained some of the arrangement to Darnel, leaving out a few details. All things considered he was quite pleased to hear that Doria wanted a "last ride" before whatever happened next. "We come into the world that way, but how many go out that way?" The man had a point. The straight coke and the shot of Viagra made sure that Darnel had a smile on his face and the erection Doria needed for their connection.

As planned, Darnel went in first, in a horizontal position, with his legs sticking out one side hole and his arms, shoulders and head sticking out the other Darnel-sized hole that had been cut in the tube on both sides. He was wearing the breathing gear so he could not talk. A band around his upper thighs kept his legs together. A second band was around his body at the ribs. That was all he had on. The two bands were tethered to the cage to keep the wildlife from pulling Darnel out. Doria could release the tethers when needed.

When we talked about this Doria had asked for a knife to modify her dive suit, she wanted to cut away the crotch and breasts of the suit to expose those parts of her body to Darnel's blood in the water as she played with herself while the sharks did what sharks did. She did not care about the crew seeing the uncovered sections of her body, she just knew what she wanted. I was agreeable.

When Darnel was ready in the tube Doria came out wearing her modified dive suit plus a thin air tank on her back and a helmet. The few crew members on deck responded to her with comments. Since the crew were all Europeans Doria assumed they were tastefully praising her body and not crude in any way.

Climbing in from the top of the tube she made sure Darnel was "all that he could be" where it counted for her. Then she slipped a tight cock ring on him to make sure he stayed that way, lasting as long as possible, followed by a little lube. When all was ready Doria lowered herself into the tube, impaling herself on Darnel. She was extra tight today, for good measure she whittled a bar of soap into a crude butt plug and inserted it in her ass. She settled so she was standing on the cage bottom as she began to enjoy Darnel's Viagra-induced erection. Doria had the benefit of being fully inside the shark cage, she was standing with Darnel's cock inside her pussy and wasted no time enjoying it.

Instead of a face mask Doria was wearing what looked like a round space helmet, it was large, transparent and looked very strong. The size was about warmth, in arctic waters divers need the air space because the body loses a lot of heat from the head. We did not need the super-insulated suits today, but my guys said these were the only helmets we had ready, and they gave a better view. The neck sealed to her suit and her air tank fed into the helmet. It was comfortable, roomy, and had great visibility. Her helmet also had a wireless connection to a camera, some bio-readers, and a com system.

What most people do not realize is that a space helmet is easy to design, because they only needed to cope with one atmosphere of pressure between the inside and outside. But underwater helmets had to be much stronger in every way because the pressure went up steeply - roughly one atmosphere every 10 meters. Doria's helmet was good for the bottom of the hull, say 20 meters down, but going below 25 meters was not recommended, and at 30 meters (or 100 feet) there was a 75% chance of failure.

Doria was not aware of how her suit's weight belt had been slathered with seal fat and the belt's catch was locked so she could not open it. As a non-diver she never considered checking it. She was not wearing fins (they would not fit) and did not have a place to hold a knife, it was a basic suit along with a thin lightweight tank holding about 20 minutes of air. The shark cage tube was designed for a big man working in an insulated suit in arctic waters, for Doria there was room to spare. But to make sure I had the inside of the tube coated with seal grease below Doria's waist, in case it was too tight for her butt.