Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05D


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I thought that was pretty clever.

When the Doria and Darnel were ready a crane lifted the cage, swung out, and lowered them into the water, they were joined together as Doria suggested for a special final goodbye touch. Her cutaway suit allowed her to expose her breasts and her crotch to the bloody water, so she was sure to would get maximum benefit from the experience.

At the time there were several large tagged sharks within a hundred yards of the cage in the water. I guessed there were five to ten untagged sharks for every tagged one.

Doria knew I was reading her pulse and brainwaves, she called me a voyeur and a pervert to "peek" at her during her orgasm. But I said that my interest was only to monitor her health. Perhaps I did not explain that completely, it was not excitement I was concerned with, to me her health was what the docs call TOD or Time of Death.


There was one other refinement to the system, something Red had suggested when I first asked her about Crenshaw.

Red HATES sharks since one took her leg, almost killing her, she was at first place in a surfing thing with one more ride to go. When I said where I would be she asked to come along and drop grenades in the water, but I said that if the body of a tagged shark showed up someplace with signs of an external explosion, some "sharks are our friends" busybodies would start an investigation. What we needed was to target the man-eaters.

She took that to heart.

A few years ago Red and her support group (disabled, mostly vets but a few with shark issues) got worked up about sharks and decided to make a project of it. They came up with a design and all worked together. The size of a "A" battery, it was a plastic case with a flashing red/white light at the end, activated by immersion in salt water. Inside the case was a small explosive device encased in metal. The metal was hard enough, and the object small enough, that the shark was likely to swallow it whole. The explosion was timed for 30 minutes after going into the water. They made about 50 of the little bombs, they were ready to go.

After I called Red and gave her a broad outline of my plan she gave the box to me. The red light devices were attached to Doria's suit at the wrists, ankles, thighs, upper arms, back of the head and various points of the body. Darnel also got his share of the lights on his limbs.

Her groups problem was to get the bombs into the sharks, they were hard to keep on fish pieced used as chum. Red figured that some sharks, especially large man-eating sharks, would swallow one of the devices if we attached in in some way to a piece of meat. Thirty minutes later the internal explosion would rip out the sharks guts, which would signal the other sharks that it was time for a dessert of shark sushi.

Red got really happy when I approved the plan. She really hated sharks who chose "humans" from the menu, and this was well-targeted to return the favor. She bought a surf trophy and put one of the bombs in it for her mantle. Phil didn't ask.


As the plastic tube with the coupled pair slipped below the surface of the Pacific both Doria and Darnel felt great. Perhaps Darnel was not entirely aware, he had a lot of Peruvian powder flowing through his veins, plus the special part of him inside Doria felt much better than usual. It was like old times with a special twist of doing it weightless in the water. "Why didn't we think of this before?" he tried to ask.

Doria was also having a great time, her pussy was full of a cock and she was eagerly working her body and her clit so she would get the full effect, at least until the water turned blood red as the sharks fed. Darnel found that didn't take long, then she had to work at holding on.

At least a dozen large sharks were visible, something in the water had them worked up. (Hint: seal and fish blood.) They did not take long to find the meat they could sink their teeth into. Doria felt much better than she had that time she fed the dolphins. Right away she compared her ride to one of those mechanical bull-riding machines from "Urban Cowboy" only using a Sybian sex machine for a saddle, and doing a much better job; every jerk and tug was a thrill for her, like a live bull, but there was no space to fall off and the sensation hit her in a good spot. She noticed Darnel got off very quickly, shock activated the guys systems in their last moments.

Sharks have rude eating habits, with no knives or forks they just bite and pull. Eating machines created by evolution, they are compelled to try anything that looked like it might work for them. Taste is for the other guys, sharks don't care so they don't take the time.

Doria enjoyed a wild but short thrill.

When Darnel, the former Vice-President of Mayhem & Turmoil for the Sunset Sharks flatlined I texted Gracie.

Doria said it was such a great show but too brief to come out of the water, she had to touch herself some more as she bathed in the bloody water. It was well worth the cost, but now she wanted to finish "enjoying the experience," by strumming herself before we started to pull the tube back up. She promised it would not be long. I said "Okay."

She quickly popped the tethers and discarded what little was left of Darnel because it was in the way of her enjoyment. With the blood loss and heart stoppage it wasn't doing the standup job she needed any more.

As a courtesy I waited for a few minutes as she enjoyed herself. I watched both the brain waves and the heartbeat for timing so I knew when her enjoyment peaked. Premature endings are so rude, and even for Doria there was no need to be rude at this point, especially since I knew what was next.

A few minutes later she called out that she was ready. We started the hoist to lift the cage, and as usual there was a jerk when it started to lift up. At the same instant that the jerk pulled the cage up, the bottom of the cage where Doria was standing with all her weight suddenly popped open.

It was my bad, I pushed the floor release button.

It was only fair since Doria had suggested and provided the dry ice for Gracie's party. Doria deserved a special ending. The wireless link was still bringing readings from her suit and helmet. The readings said that she wasn't happy anymore.

Her hands were both buried in her crotch when she dropped, the tube was not wide enough for her to reach up. (Ever try to raise your arms in a confined space?) She struggled to find something to grab but her fingers kept slipping on what felt like grease coating the inside of the tube, plus maybe her own juices on her fingers. She was very surprised to see the open bottom of the cage pass her as she dropped and the cage moved up.

At that moment maybe I said something like, "you know, I have heard that what is good for the goose is good for the gander." Listening to the tape afterward, Gracie loved that line.

The sharks did not look surprised at the blinking lights of their second helping, but then how can you tell?

Doria had time to scream some great curse words I had not heard before. They didn't help. The sharks had other ideas, there were a lot of sharks that were still hungry. Always hungry, maybe they were attracted by Red's flashing lights.

Doria was thrashing, trying to swim, but she was handicapped by the weight belt and a lack of flippers so swimming wasn't working. Maybe the sharks thought she was signaling for them to help themselves. They acted like it, tearing into her. Soon enough her cursing, complaining, brainwaves and heartbeat all stopped suddenly. The helmet did not get to 70 feet before a sound told me a shark bit it in half.

I sent Gracie another text. My phone almost melted from her suggestive response.

I have read that sharks will eat almost anything, but they don't particularly like humans. However, any shark that eats a seal has had a good day. Today, despite the heavy scent of seal fat in the water, none of these sharks had a seal-good day.

The guys on the ship got the seal blood and fat from some natives in both the polar regions. It was really a goodwill ritual, part of a 'making friends' exchange of goods to show they were all good people at the ends of the earth. The crew gave the natives strong waterproof ropes and canned food (peaches were a special treat) while the natives gave them clothing made of pelts plus tins of seal fat and seal blood that were excellent for moving sharks one way or another.

I had kept the deal I made with Doria even when her use of chase cars and sniper rifles constituted fatal bad faith on her part. In fact, Doria never stopped telling me lies, so I felt she deserved a full bite of the experience.

On the other hand, once Darnel broke he was honest and told me everything I asked. He knew he was beat. So the deal I made with him, that he went out high feeling no pain, and with Doria working out on his cock (which was her choice but something he greatly enjoyed). It was my way of saying "thanks." He said, once Doria was impaled on him, that I was "Quite a guy, all things considered." He knew he was dead, but he still said it, I considered that high praise.

I also kept the deal I made with Gracie, giving payback to Darnel and Doria for what they planned for her. For my trouble I collected Darnel's wealth plus Doria's gold bricks.

I used 10% of one a gold bricks for Chigg's expenses and as a cash bonus, calling it a finders fee. When Figgy's uncle found Chiggs a good used truck I sent him the cash to buy it. I sent the rest of his share to him in the form of Canadian gold maple leaf coins. At the time the stock market was trending down, all three of the Big 3 auto firms were in serious trouble, banks were failing regularly, and even gold was dropping. But I figured things would turn, so I told Chiggs to bury the coins on the farm and see how things were in 5 years. It was actually closer to nine years before things jumped up again, but when it happened he was able to clear the farm's debt and buy out a neighbor. I was invited to the party, Figgy's cousin sent a topless picture and made an obscene suggestion but I declined, saying I was married.

We had been on the ship less that two hours when we the RC plane returned. We flipped the transponders and the helicopter off took for the jeep and the prison. Corum would stay with Chiggs about 20 hours until relieved. I had a date with Irene coming up and I needed to build up some stuff to give her.

Before sundown the helicopter pilot Andri and his wife would return the chopper, then have two wonderful nights in LA with my compliments. They sent me pictures of their good times, including some very romantic explicit shots that showed everything from a session in Bente's boudoir studio. I guess Europeans have a broader view of some things, they were clearly very happily married. Bente also sent me a note, she was still learning and the couple had been very helpful in improving her art. They felt they were all cousins, so there was an immediate connection that made the experience much better for all concerned.

Before the ship weighed anchor the shark "red light explosive indigestion specials" that Red provided went off as scheduled, 30 minutes after the couple went into the water. The man-eating sharks who had swallowed a chunk of Darnel or Doria with one of the Red's red-light surprises attached had a chance to feed some of the others who were hanging around looking for a meal. They were shark sushi and they gave until they had nothing else to give.

Red wrote me the nicest "thank you" note about the three shark GPS trackers that went down at the same moment, like they would if there was a shark fight. Since we strapped a total of 20 exploders to the pair that sounded about right for the ratio of tagged to untagged sharks.

Even if she was married, they were both having affairs. Red was very grateful to me for what I did and made several indecent suggestions to thank me, as long as her husband could watch. She was not shy. "I know I can't equal the oral BJs you get at work, or the beauty of some people, but I like to think I am pretty flexible doing other things... all kinds of ways... with a guy to make him feel good. If you are into it, I would not mind doing you double, or maybe including one or more of your other special friends. I am also not shy about pictures."

After Friday I sort of figured that. I told Phil that while I was flattered and attracted to Red, in the short term I did have some expansions coming to my normal rotation. Plus, if we did get together in the future, it would not seem appropriate to me unless I was sure that he was enjoyed things "as well as I did."

He said we would talk again.


In the local news that night there was a big story of a drug bust at the airport. My guy at Van Nuys saw the whole thing, when the jet landed, instead of going to it's usual taxiway it was directed to a hanger where the Feds were waiting out of sight with drug dogs. When the luggage compartment was opened the handlers sensed something in the air. The luggage and the passengers were moved to a holding area where the bags were inspected. That did not take long.

The head Shark, Doria's father along with the rest of his party spent time in lockup answering questions about that "for distribution" key of cocaine in his bag. The guy with his DNA on the clothes packed with the brick caught the most questions. He honestly did not know what was happening until he realized there was one extra bag, compliments of his former friend and VP of Mayhem. It was sort of a last bit of mayhem from his old friend. By then it did not matter.

The feds kept insisting that they asked questions, they did not answer them. Because the flight landed on Saturday he was questioned and detained until Tuesday, court was first-come, first served and it had been a busy Friday night. His first contact with a lawyer was Sunday, but nothing could be done until arraignment on Tuesday. The judge was not impressed when his lawyer complained about the delay. His client was a wealthy man well known by the law-enforcement community who lived well with no legitimate means of support. Smith got the high bail number of the week.

In their conference his lawyer explained to his client that any bail money he put up would be seized unless he could prove it was legally obtained. Smith had always had a religious objection to taxes so he never showed any taxable income, ergo all funds were the proceeds of a criminal enterprise. The lawyer had always told him he had to file tax forms, but Smith was an outlaw and refused.

Since Smith had no wealthy legitimate friends it would take a lot of time to raise sufficient clean funds. (Mexican drug dealers and gun runners don't count as legitimate friends.) Plus, he flew in on a private jet so he was a obvious flight risk, meaning even if he made bail he would have to trade his passport for an ankle monitor while he was under house arrest at his legal address, which was a tiny apartment in LA he kept secret. Things looked bad.

It was surprising to Smith that he, his lawyer and the cops could not reach his daughter. To his mind that meant she had gone to ground, but the more likely scenarios were something bad or something much worse.

On Monday the Feds presented the obvious option (a plea deal) if Smith was interested in answering many, many questions truthfully. His lawyer strongly recommended he take the plea deal. But Smith knew that people who learned of his arrest already suspected he was talking. That included Mr. Smith's very serious associates in Canada who would figure the deal they just made turned bad when Canadian friends started getting arrested. These folks liked to fix problems before they happened, or before they got worse. There were also the suppliers he knew in Mexico. Once the feds had a friend of theirs they often took a proactive view.

On Tuesday afternoon, after his bail was set and his lawyer talked to him for the fourth time Mr. Smith waived giving a plea and asked for a delay while his new lawyer talked to the feds. That day a professional assassin tried to kill an different Mr. Smith and was arrested in the courtroom. Smith was moved to a secure cheap location while the lawyer and the feds talked about the scope of the questions included in any plea deal. The feds were also talking to his traveling companions so they kept expanding the list of subject for discussion.

A week after that there was a new supply of drugs on the street in Shark country. The Sharks were being targeted, their customers were intercepted a couple blocks from their normal corners by sellers willing to make half-price deals. It was all good stuff, relatively high content. Also, Doria was still seemed unreachable. To Mr. Smith it looked like Doria, his clever daughter who knew all his contacts, had gone into business for herself with an ingenious business model - she was selling his product that Darnel had stolen! He should be proud of his clever girl.

He was also sure that Doria was robbing him blind, but he was kind of handicapped giving orders to his people. He was secure in a fed motel where the walls had ears. It was so cute how it also had bullet holes.


A few months later I sent Mr. Smith a note (electronically and untraceable, through Samantha) that his daughter had set up a sex and eating party with some Sharks that she enjoyed until the end, when some other Sharks surprised her. I included an MP3 audio download of "We'll Meet Again" from the end of "Dr. Strangelove."


Chapter 32. From Bohemia With Joy

Sunday September 21, 2008.

On Sunday I skipped the office and spent the day at the pool with my girls around. I event had Samantha with Kwit and Bente with Tango over.

In the early afternoon I got a direct call to my private cell from a foreign number I did not recognize.


"Hello, my darling white knight. How is the most handsome bravest knight and smartest lawyer in LA?"

It was Amy, calling me from Prague, the capital of Bohemia where she was filming a new adult movie trilogy. I was glad to hear from her and asked how filming was going.

"Filming is easy, the CGI folks are great. As always, the one bump is the money, they tell me the world economy is in the toilet and flushing is imminent. All the producer's droids are buzzing around at near panic... of course, that is always the case... bean counters rule by living on caffeine. But now the money people are looking grim, it is amazing how they can pass for undead so easily, maybe the outfit helps. I'm am sure it is all Germany's fault... There is speculation the Chinese will save us but they are sending mixed signals about the nudity. That is life on a worldwide silver screen. Well, enough boring stuff, we have fun to talk about. Real Hollywood party talk."

She sure sounded like she was happy about something, and it wasn't the economy or the upcoming election.

Amy got straight to the point. It seems she had been nominated for an acting award in a minor Red-Carpet award show plus the related festivities in Hollywood. It would be the weekend of October 19. This was not one of the big shows seen on national TV Sunday nights, but it was sponsored by some of the guilds, so it carried prestige and would be shown repeatedly on a cabal of the cable channels.

It carried enough status and publicity that the film company would pay her way to attend the live show. The CGI types were hustling up a reel of short takes that were tempting and could be shown on cable TV, and a racier set for the news shows.

There were two conditions, they would only pay for her, not some drunken waste-of-time companion, and when she was asked she would mention "the exciting movie series... sci-fi with naughty bits" she was currently filming. The producer's droids thought the mention of that specific phrase might cause excitement and jerk some money out of a few overstuffed German money-belts. "Would you believe it, the bean counter swarm actually pushed for the idea of the trip, and since it was just me they approved a first class ticket. It seems the bean counters all love me because I played a CPA once on a show, even if I can't recall it. My line, I was surprised while wearing just a skimpy towel so you could see my navel, was to turn suddenly and say 'imagine the EBIT!' That still gives them orgasms. Marshall, the head bean-counter, said this award was the type of buzz-creating publicity you can't really buy, and it could save the day for the franchise. It would be fiscally irresponsible and potentially actionable not to send me."