Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05D


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She was hesitant only because she knew Joe Pope's private eyes were still on the case. I could not really tell her that Joe was currently dead on ice, had defrosted, and was deep into another freezing cycle.

The bottom line for her was that she needed my unique mix of protection, filling a great tux and naked fun. I agreed, "I am 'all in' for you, full armor, shining sword and mighty lance."

"Ohh yess... the lance. You know, I was hoping you would say exactly that," she said with a giggle. "Maybe we could spend some time without the armor."

"As you wish. Some other gentle people will be around if we want more friendly company."

"OH! Be still my heart, you say the nicest things to easy a distressed woman."

"So how is filming going?"

"Well, art is sometimes messy. We had one change, I am a magical tulip tree, the tulips are better for the tame version. Today I was ravaged by sand creature from Yuk, very messy, and given the tone I had to do both "G" and "XXX" versions... I got sand and yuk saliva everywhere... you will never guess where their yukky cocks are, it is too disgusting to mention."

She did like the CGI stuff, where she was totally nude before a green scene, with no scenery or marks or other characters, just acting for the cameras and a half dozen very nice boys and girls who were also nude so she was comfortable. "We were all comfortable, but some of the guys are clearly not 'at ease' if you know what I mean. The director likes it that I still get a response from the crew."

At the first opportunity I mentioned that Joe had been served divorce papers and evicted by Vi, she had usurped him in prostituted the Church sluts to his partners so she could stay in good graces with the top brass of the law firm. Also, Joe Pope had been hounded to distraction by Stern and Barnes on her behalf, and after he finished his last job Pope had not been seen by anybody at the law firm. "The last time he was in the building was when he got the court papers from Vi." Then I hummed the 'Suicide Is Painless' theme from MASH.

She joined in, she knew the words from a quiz show. "Through early morning fog I see / visions of the things to be / the pains that are withheld for me / I realize and I can see / Suicide is painless / It brings on many changes / And I can take or leave it if I please..." She sighed, she bought that Joe could commit suicide. "You know, as I think about it, Joe is the type who just might off himself. He had goals and he really blames himself for falling short. I mean really, a gay honeymoon retreat with weed? Whenever he lost he always bet more to 'make up' his loses. There was no winning for him."

Vegas loves that type of thinking, but for Pope it was real estate games with lots of leverage making big losses bigger.

She said that she was not sure she could take so much good news. But from her lawyer and agent she knew the PIs were still around watching for her, "wasting Joe's money."

I said a police report had been filed, so perhaps the police could get a straight answer from the snoops, plus maybe scare them off entirely. Or somebody might get Vi to stop paying them. Joe had been using the Church account so the three girls could turn off that waste of cash and the PIs could go back to taking nip-slip and "I forgot my panties" pictures for TMZ and the internet.

"Honey, those nip-slips are box office gold you know," she said. "I have done my share when I was younger... I was ashamed all the way to the bank. The key is rarity, you can't cash in too often or your market value suddenly drops."

Actually, the key was rarity and contrast, Amy was blessed with very dark nipples so when they slipped out they were easy to see spots.

Regardless of Joe, Amy had the idea that I could provide her with protection during her time in LA, and maybe a safe place to lay her pretty head for a couple of mutually thrilling nights. She had her prepaid ticket and would arrive Wednesday October 15. She needed an escort on her arm for the show itself, to walk the Red Carpet and sit through the award ceremony, plus attend at least two parties - the night before and immediately after the award show itself. "Since I am up for an award and might be on stage I actually get both an escort and a female 'helper' so maybe a handsome escort... and I dare to hope... with a very attractive female along for fun?" She was thinking of Cynthia, except she was pregnant.

"Also, she is out of the country with family," I added.

"Well, if not some sweet Sin, how about either your knockout wife Abril or my distant cousin Jessica? She is in the business and knows the game. She also has the contacts. I owe her for a talk show thing." Amy knew I had a Town Car that would work.

I agreed that it would be a pleasure to accommodate her. "Abril might not be the best choice, she doesn't sit still well and always likes to be the star, but hates cameras."

Amy agreed with a giggle. "I can see that... I still get naughty wet dreams when I hear 'Whiter Sade Of Pale.' Fuck that was hot. Say, have you ever had those two... you know... together?"

"Individually, yes, but not together. Sam is now engaged to my uncle, who you met that night, but the date will not be until next year."

"Really? How delicious for her, your uncle has muscles on muscles... yum. Well then, maybe Jessica is the better choice in any event, it would do her some good and she is a pleasure."

She had to ask about the next law firm social, which was on October 25. It was Halloween themed and she always loved to attend those, calling it the most "social" of the socials during the year. I mentioned that the current thinking, post Labor Day, was masks and not much else for the women. Well, we can dream. I mentioned Corky's complaint and how that shook things up.

She said that she was matched with Corky's husband for the exchange, or maybe it was for a date, she could not recall which. "He was better than what I usually got, but was down a tier from the best."

I told her right off that if Joe was not fired and showed himself, he would have to behave and would not be invited to the overnight festivities, Vi had really closed him off.

Amy mentioned that she had sent her medical reports to Sam so technically she was still in the pool. I said that there might be some extra females at the social and some new rules, the young wives had expressed an interest in a change after the Labor Day auction/orgy. She asked that I mention her interest to David Barnes, she would love to see the old crowd and had a very minimal outfit she could use if needed. "It is a cat's tail, very clever, and not much else. For special parties."

While talking about the Auction/Orgy I mentioned that Abril got the highest bid, and that Barnes had hogged her for most of the might. She responded that I had to expect that, Abril was a rare beauty.

Then I told her that my team got Jessica for the second highest bid of the night. Also, Jessica spent a few extra nights at my place, enjoying some people she knew while avoiding the whole 'Church girl doing her mother' and associated therapy.

Amy was so pleased for her cousin. "You have had her then? Good for her, the "E ticket" I'm sure, she deserved a break from the law office antique collection. It is about time her snatch got a workout she could look back on with pleasure."

"I am sure Jessica would love to hear from you, she has some news about her private life." I also mentioned that Cynthia's pregnancy was advancing nicely.

If she did talk to anybody else, I asked that she "keep my secrets" about Chronis and my role there, as well as my home. She readily agreed, she had no reason to talk about that and was used to keeping secrets, even under the klieg lights. However, she did ask about thanking the people who were with me, "if that was allowed." I knew she wanted to say "thank you" in the most up-close and personal of ways, without clothes, individually and in small groups with an audience if possible. I mentioned that Brisk was with Cynthia, traveling, but I said the others were all in town. Did she want me to arrange a party?

"Oh goodness... I would be so thankful if you would. Fuck, you are turning me on... I am going to wet my labial make-up. You are so generous to me... are you sure you won't mind sharing? That thin woman with the knife, I am going to dream about eating her pussy all night... Does she swing that way? You know my schedule. My slave drivers could only spare me for two weeks so I have to fly out of LA on the 27th."

I said there might be an issue with having Irene and I in bed together, "a cousins thing" but I'm sure she would enjoy a private session.

"A full night with her alone? Yes Please!" Amy replied.

I said I would ask. To be honest, I was not sure about Irene going that way.

Amy would email me with more details. She was going to call Jessica next.


After I hung up I decided a talk with Abril was in order, especially about the sleeping arrangements for Amy and Jessica in my bed and the Red Carpet thing. With Cynthia gone Abril had been a little needy of late, but not in an assertive way. For instance, one night when she needed to hold somebody close she asked Nia to her room. The next morning both were all smiles and "thank you" to me just because I gave them freedom.

The idea of the Red Carpet and the Hollywood parties was something Abril had a true aversion to, avoiding cameras and an audience she didn't know was something her father had conditioned her into her nature. In part she had too many people she had run a con on in the past who might recognize her distinctive beauty. Some of them had connections to people who she really did not want to see again.

Abril was trained to focus on one person, a mark. Being at a party with 1,500 people she did not know, who would all hit on her, was the opposite of her comfort zone.


The Shadow Of Abril's Father

That evening, after Abril was done with her shift I filled her in on Amy's call. She was happy things had worked out and that I had what sounded like a fun weekend coming up late next month. She also agreed with me about her not participating.

Abril mentioned she had lunch with her mother and they talked more sincerely than they had in some time.

Her mother was worried and during her recent visit her father had nothing good to say about Abril, even though Abril was supporting the family. He was impatient to get a lawyer to spring him, he thought I was stalling just to keep screwing her. He was also very upset to hear about Abril sleeping with Cynthia, in fact he was not sure which made him more upset, her being with Cynthia or her being with me. In any event he expected Abril to spring him soon (by the end of the year) and rejoin him in his con schemes. But that was just the start.

Abril's mother said that he father had lost the smooth unhurried veneer he needed to run his cons, she was sure that if he tried anything from his past he would soon be back in the pen or worse, like a busted flat gambler he was looking to make up his past losses with a big score... or a bigger last bust. The biggest fish are sharks, so he might target somebody who would take it harder than the guy who caught Abril.

(He took no blame for Abril's capture, even though it was a job that she "forced" to help him. "It was her fault, she should have known better," he said. Except she did know better, and told him so, but he insisted she try it anyways.)

There was another issue on the horizon inside the prison. Abril's father had always been a non-joiner in the past, avoiding gangs and being "smooth" to make sure he never gave offense. But sometime in the six months - the last time his mother visited - he had started doing drugs in secret. Also, instead of moving every 6 months like clockwork, he had been in the current location for 11 months. To get his drugs he worked his way into a gang. With his brains, communication skills, money skills and fantastic detailed memory skills he quickly inserted himself into gang leadership as "the Book." He knew too many secrets.

"Mom says it is not a racial gang, but is based on a drug. Which drug she did not know for sure, father used a one-word code for such topics." But Abril's deduction, from what her mother described, was PCP or speed which supercharged the gang and kept them erratically dangerous. That fit with the personality change her mother saw. Abril stressed that this was third hand information, but the point was that her father was plugged into a prison-based drug infrastructure that had to extend outside the correctional system. That meant that when her father did get out, the gang was going to expect him to continue as part of organization, and as desperate, unreasonable people they were unlikely to make rational requests. Her father did not play well with others, he needed freedom to create opportunity from chance and thin air.

Gangs did not see freedom and opportunity that way.

"So what am I to do? If I spring him he will want me back, to take me from all I value now, and to put myself in the hands of powers unknown and likely irrational. But he is my father, I promised to get him out and my parents expect me to keep that promise, even if that means putting me and my siblings into the system. But when you are done with the job I signed up for, there is nothing binding us, the contract will be over. I don't see a way out."

"Well, first off, your promise was to hire a lawyer, not to break him out. Even with the best lawyer that will take much longer and won't even start until substantial payment is made. It might not assure success."

She had told both her parents those facts, but her Dad was getting increasingly irrational.

It turned out that all of this had come, in rumors and dribbles from phone calls over the last 2 months, but Abril buried it and refused to believe. The information became solid after her mother visited the prison and then Abril talked to her mother today. I would confirm the facts with my own contacts, but I saw no reason to doubt anything she said. Suddenly Abril saw a lot of deep problems with her future, she felt trapped in a maze with no exits. She had been keeping all these ideas buried until Cynthia was gone, but now they just came pouring out to me.

I reaffirmed that she was not going to be discarded once I got the money, she would have choices. In fact her new attitude towards Li went a long way towards giving her better long term choices in the future. I did point out that I did not foresee her parents or her siblings in my house.

She admitted that she had been "overly proud and haughty" to Li in the past. "I was trying to stay on top when you had been screwing her hot, tight pussy for more than two years while I had been playing like I was your sexy sister, willing to give my pearl to everyone but you. It was the only way I knew to distinguish myself. The explosion, and then the thing before the wedding told me how wrong my plan was."

Cynthia's pregnancy and now her trip to Peru also shifted Abril's attitude. "I am not saying I want Li as a roomie forever, we are different about things. But I see ways in which she has a lot to offer. I just have my body and face, and looking at my mother I see where that will go."

In my own mind I knew one strategy that would work. Under his birth name Abril's father was undocumented and a wanted criminal (murder in a bar fight) back home in Barcelona. He could be extradited for the balance of his term if his name and location crossed a particular desk in the Spanish consulate. In fact, if confronted he would brag about the crime, he was that kind of guy. In theory he might come back some day from Spain, but Abril's family could not blame me for things that may or may not have happened on foreign soil. The problem with this option was that his family might follow him to Spain, and I could not be sure Abril would stay with me.

There was also a second option, a private extraordinary rendition - not to a country of origin - which could happen to anyone with a shady past. He was wanted in several places.

Abril knew all this as well, she would not like it if I made either choice for her. On the other hand, as the time for his release got closer and his shadow grew in her mind, she might ask me for one of these options, and make promises to me in return.

The best thing that could extricate Abril and her family from the shadow was if the guy was killed in prison. Previously I would have said that was unlikely, he was too chameleon-like in his personality and demeanor, he really worked at not offending. But now with that chameleon cloak gone and drugs hyping his profile instead, the odds of something bad just went up.

Abril and her family knew this, they begged him to take solitary confinement while the lawyer worked on his case. But he would not have it, he had to be free to operate as he pleased as long as he was inside.


Chapter 33. Wives In The Office

Monday September 22, 2008.

Monday morning I was in a unusual mood - a sedate and very successful mood. In the last week I had eliminated three active enemies, Cynthia was adjusting well in Peru, Brisk wasn't (this was good news because he might return), I had just gotten confirmation of a $5 million transfer from Darnel's estate (I love being in LA, because half the day is over in New York so the broker's emails are good news early) plus there was Amy's call yesterday, and then I went to bed with Zar, who was very turned on by Bente's photo shoot Friday, but was tired enough that sex was easy and loving. I slept for 6 hours after we made slow and gentle tribal love.

There is one car that fits this mood perfectly, the sedate Lincoln L, with the factory-ordered extended wheelbase. The ride is wonderful, like a favorite cocktail savored alone in a quiet refined hotel bar. I drove that to work. Everything was good.

One of the rules for our office building was that family members, especially wives, were not allowed on the floors with the offices. They could enter the atrium on the first floor, and there were conference rooms on the top floor, with a dedicated elevator between, but because we were all "busy working hard" wives and family were considered distractions and hence forbidden on the office floors in between.

The real reason for this policy was that the wives should never see the service girls, especially when they are working. Barnes knew that no PA could keep a wife or young child from walking in on her lawyer-husband-father while he was on a "coffee break" with a naked lady on her knees sucking his cock, and the results of such an unlikely event were too unpredictable to contemplate.

However, at nine on Monday morning, the Barnes and Stern couples, plus Jessica Stern, trooped into my office like they were on a mission. I got a 2 minute warning on the intercom, but I was sure it was a joke. Fortunately I was alone in the office when they arrived.

I know a gentleman stands when a lady enters the room. Both wives and Jessica immediately wrapped me up in a group hug with friendly, happy kisses which I clearly deserved for some reason. I didn't argue, I took it like a man, kept my mouth shut and waited to find out exactly what I had done to merit such treatment. I was sure I would be told eventually.

It seemed that Amy had called all three households last night after her call to me. Besides spreading the word that she was okay working in Europe, she said that she owed her sanity and safety in some way to me, that I was "there for her" in a way nobody else she knew could be. She was vague on details. Judge Stern naturally tried to push her a bit, but his wife shut him up and took the phone. Amy said that some things were private and would stay that way. Amy said, "I trusted him and he came through big time. He said the right words to the right people at the right time and saved my career. I owe him to return the favor."