Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05D


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Her first words were to wonder how the Patron was in bed last night but I quickly explained that he was working cock deep into Colony-Tribe political matters and had two new Tribal council members to satisfy - I had seen their nipples and breasts at dinner yesterday, warming the old guys up. I had no idea if he worked alone or with the Chief at his side.

I explained about Ximena and how we shared in a room with two beds because the house was so full. Also, I was too exhausted from travel. "But enough of that, I called to say I missed your wonderful body, and my body missed your touch. I want to hear your soft voice at least." Abril felt the same so we said loving things for a few minutes - maybe it was half an hour - on the sat-phone.

After that Abril said that she spent the night with the Prince, "but it was like the old days, when we cuddled naked but there was no sex." He was remarkably understanding, holding her close when she might have shed a few tears. I did not mention the choice I had to make in a week because I did not know what I was going to choose. We were glad for the chance to call but sad when it ended.

When I got back to our room Ximena was there, resting on the bed. It was warm without the AC, we just naturally stripped and at my invitation climbed into the larger bed together. "We both have to get used to it if we are going to..." I said.

She agreed, as a teen she had never shared a bed with anyone, and was naturally stand-offish, but this was different so she joined me.

I felt very comfortable pressing our bodies together and doing some kissing. Our hands ventured over the other's body, breasts and bottom. We did not go between the legs, we were not there yet. But we were getting comfortable with the contact, with being close to the other person.

(Maybe some of you remember the party game "7 minutes in heaven" where a boy and a girl were picked at random to make-out in a closet for 7 minutes. Without words, and without knowing how much time is left, the couple negotiate a pleasurable and intimate mutual experience for both - or not. This felt like that game, two relative strangers sharing sudden physical intimacy. In fact it felt like I was a young teenager again.)

We were not underage teens at a party, we had known each other for a day and a half. The question on our mind was, could we know each other better for maybe 10 weeks? We had a week to decide.

Ximena said that she had been dreaming of this for some time, ever since the Patron suggested this trial period. It had been hard to "hold off" yesterday on the airplane and in the room last night, but meeting me and her anticipation of the "no touch, no talk" period ordered by the Patron just served to build up her desire. Now she liked it more than she anticipated. She thought the Patron was very wise about people.

She liked me a lot more than she imagined she would. She had imagined being married to a stranger, man or woman. Part of that was the baby, it seemed that everybody had to love a pregnant person.

She was a little scared of being with the Patron, who she knew all her life and respected. She was planning on a temporary marriage before the military. Being scared was natural, but she was also looking forward to it, to being initiated to womanhood by her wise old friend, the man who did the same for her mother. But for her the bigger problem was going to bed the next nights, spending the night and opening her body to some man she didn't select, opening herself in the manner in which baby's are made. As an experienced woman I was a big improvement.

I liked her too, so maybe we had both reached the same decision about marriage. I was expecting to spend 10 weeks under the Patron with his cock inside my body every night. He was charming, but from my LA perspective that seemed impossible. I said, "Your body is much nicer to hold and look at... and taste. I think we could both find fun ways to do pleasure."

I said that we did not have to stay face-to-face, I got her to turn around so I could cup her breasts while I pressed my larger breasts into her back, adding kisses and nibbles on her cheek, neck and ear. She was entranced by the feeling of physical contact and had to return the favor, so we reversed the position. She really liked holding my breasts from behind. Her rough hands felt man-like but her body was very female. I enjoyed the contrast.

Next I worked on kissing, she had never known an open-mouth kiss in her life, so I got above her and introduced her. At first she was shocked at the act, the violation, but after I pressed she was surprised at how it excited her. I was in a dominant position, being aggressive taking her... like my Prince sometimes did when he was with me. This was very new to her. Finally, still holding myself above her, I took her delightful pointy breasts into my mouth, one at a time with tongue lashings on the nips in each case.

She was aroused by the kiss so she felt something new down below, something strange and exciting. She pressed her body against me seeking what she didn't understand. Something her body said she wanted but I could not give her.

We kept that up for a time. She was driven to it. Finally she had a peak, there was a sharp breath, then her desire evaporated. It was not a full climax but it was something like that, the word that stuck with me was that "she swooned." It took her by surprise and she was not really sure if it was good or bad for her character, but it sure felt good.

When she asked I said I knew what happened. I did not get that feeling this time, but I knew she had nothing to be ashamed of, and in fact she now had something to look forward to. "You had a nice hill, but there are mountains ahead. I felt it when the Prince gave me my child." I said the feeling was built into all humans when they were ready, it was just a matter of degree. We would talk about it later.

However, it had been a long day for both of us, talking to people in the hot sun. She was clear, we were not going to tire my pregnant body out. So we calmed down and talked. As we did she seemed to want to keep contact, but it was simple contact, friendly. The sex stuff was over for now.

She knew my story, she had seen me take the oath with my parents in July. She also knew about Abril and Resha and Li. I told her about my fairy-tale tween dream and how, with Abril's help, I gave up my virginity to the Prince pretty much the way I wanted, it was like a long-held dream coming true exactly as I imagined, only better.

I also told her about taking my first real anal sex with my parents watching. That required a talk, she had no idea what anal sex was or why a couple wanted to do that. I said that a woman could feel the desire sometimes. I knew that men were drawn to buns. For my first time my willingness was based on wanting to give him everything of myself, to show him I was his. "I wanted to give him myself in a special way, with my parents and others watching. I wanted nothing of the child left in me. Girls can get the same desires," I said. "Look how your hands went to bottom, the desire to do more will grow. Now, it may not get to the point of you wanting to do that, but curiosity about it will grow from what you feel now."

"It will have a long way to grow," she said, with some not-so-hidden disgust in her voice.

I also explained how I came to open my legs for my Father while "my guy" was putting my half-sibling, who was also my child's half-sibling, into my mother. Again, she could not see herself going there, but she agreed that both of my parents and my sister were sexy. She could imagine doing Ernie and Tony, but not Pammie.

I said that I never thought of Pammie that way, and for some reason I was blocked from thinking about sex involving my mother. But my dad was very sexy to me, I had always seen him as the ideal man.

Next I asked her about joining the military, the when and how. She had to report to the recruiter in Santiago, Chile on Monday December 1. One hassle was that she had to show a paper trail for living within Chile (supposedly she was now living near Iquique, a city in northern Chile) plus her travel from there to the Capital.

She explained that her story was different from most, it was a coincidence that the Patron was capitalizing on. "He is so wise in his guiding the people, small events 20 years ago will now pay off. He lets nothing slip by him, if it benefits the people."


Ximena's father was a cook named Santiago Gomez, a name which is rare in the Colony but in the Spanish-speaking world it is in the running for the most common combined name, sort of like "John Smith." His nickname was "Bump," but he never explained that.

Ximena's story was rare these days because her mother and father married twice, they were in a temporary marriage and they remarried after her father's military service in Chile. In fact, they spent time together while he was in the service. The combination of modern transportation, and Bump's service as an enlisted man, allowed them to keep in touch.

Dual marriages used to be common prior to 1900, but as military service became more technology-based it became rare.

The final key to Ximena's journey to military service in Chile was that the official records said Ximena was born in Chile, they did not have to forge those papers.

Around 1984 Bump volunteered to serve in a foreign military on behalf of the Colony. This was a turbulent time in Latin America with the Shining Path in Peru, Pinochet in Chile, a military junta in Argentina getting a black eye, Sandinestas in Central America, the growth of Noriega in Panama and Pablo Escobar increasing the cocaine trade, ramping up civil disruption and criminal activity a hundred-fold in the region among others problems.

Many blamed the problem on Cuba which was dependent on the Soviets, they became a puppet state, with no pride. They increasing their activity in the previous decade, when they took advantage of American kindness and inattention to educate charismatic leaders in Soviet revolutionary tactics and also made cheap weapons available. Ask yourself, would the Soviets have allowed a strategic asset like the Panama Canal slip out of their hands? Never, for example they still hold tightly to Konigsberg, which is a nuclear knife against the belly of Europe. But Jimmy Carter actually celebrated giving the critical strategic asset away. It was seen as a "welcome Soviets" message that had to be paid for in blood with an invasion of Panama, which was then under the control of a narco-criminal, a few years later.

Since 1800 the Patron sent people out to gather military expertise as leaders, mostly officer-types. But military leaders and their troops take time to gain access and they tended to live in relative isolation from common people and their problems. Things were shifting fast enough all over, both right and left, that the Patron needed to add another component, he needed to have people in the streets feeding him information about what they saw every day in normal people. It helped that unlike military officer recruits, enlisted soldiers did not need a deep 'legend' or history. Recruiters had a quota so enlisted men of the right age could join up and get posted in a short amount of time.

One consideration was that military enlisted personal were relatively safe no matter where they were. Unlike most modern military services, in Latin America each service, and each command, maintained a degree of autonomy. (For example, the Falklands war started by the military junta, but Argentina's Air Force and parts of the Navy basically opted out of the war after taking hits.) The Patron sent out a call to the Colony to double his people in other nations.

Bump was no military genius, but he was good enough to get through basic training and shoot a gun well enough to qualify for the Marines of Chile. Once he was in he showed expertise as a cook making him popular with the officers he cooked for. He was also popular in outside social life, getting along with people.

Bump made many friends in Chile. One was a woman named Luciana Vega who worked in a store. The couple became romantic for a time, even renting a apartment under his name for a year. As a favored cook, Bump was allowed to live off base, so he could get the best food for his officers. They claimed they ate better than the Admiral.

Luciana had a non-identical twin sister named Salome, she was a radical Communist and a drug user with a half-dozen false identities. She was reduced to living in the mountains near the border of Argentina. This was a time when governments like Chile's filled soccer stadiums with people they felt the need to question about politics in ways that were just plain brutal. The government had a long list, Salome Vega and several of her various identities appeared on that list. If she lived in a larger city Salome's usual fierce attitude would get her captured and her radical views plus her poor health would get her killed during questioning. But she was convinced to stay out of sight and alone except for non-political guys who either fucked her or sold drugs.

In Bolivia and Peru some cocaine products were available in stores, they were noted for improving productivity among the natives. Salome was part of a network moving these products South into Chile where there was a demand.

Salome did visit Luciana and Bump at their house once to celebrate the twins's birthday, Luciana assured Salome that the enlisted marine was a safe person for her to know. Bump danced with Salome and made her laugh but did not drink and said with authority how her coke had been stepped on so many times it was not worth snorting. Instead he gave her some coca leaves to chew on. She agreed, the leaves were better. But lousy drugs was all she could afford.

Bump had some cocaine, but if he gave her the pure stuff, she would have overdosed.

In early 1989 the Patron pulled Bump and other "enlisted-level watchers" back to the Colony. With the slow fall of the Soviets he was worried that power would shift and South America was going to collapse into riots and civil war. He was convinced that some nation would go to a shooting war as a way of uniting the country (it was a favored strategy in the region). It started with targeting a neighbor's military bases where the Patron's enlisteds would be at risk. It was clear afterwards that the Patron did not realized the power of the siesta on the military, beating up your own civilians was fine sport to keep the natural troublemakers in the military busy on a regular schedule, but taking on another military with real weapons was bad for one's health - just ask Argentina about their missing flagship.

Before Bump left the Colony he had a temporary marriage to his sweetheart, a woman named Luna. He also visited with Luna a few times during his service, sometimes she came to Chile, other times they met in Peru. When he returned to the Colony for good they remarried. In early 1990 the remarried couple had Ximena.

Unknown to them, Salome also got pregnant the same year (she didn't know who), but she was not well. She checked into a hospital under her twin Luciana's name and had a baby girl. For the hospital records she put down the name Santiago Gomez as the child's father - it was a common name, and the one clean name, address and phone number she knew. She listed the man's profession as a Marine. Delivering the tiny girl was Salome's last act, she did not survive long enough for the last push but the hospital got the baby out.

The child went directly to intensive care but only survived three weeks.

The hospital birth ward called Luciana two days after Salome died. By then Bump was back in the Colony and Luciana had taken up with another man. Luciana figured out what her sister had done and told the hospital that she was the sister of the child's father. When they dated Bump had mentioned "Missy" as a girl's name he liked. So Luciana told the hospital her brother was on base or deployed, but out of touch with the child's mother. However, since the woman was dead he wanted to name the child Missy. So the birth was recorded as "Missy Gomez" by the hospital.

Luciana sent the details to Bump using a mail forwarding firm in Valpariso Chile. They forwarded the mail to an address in Iquintos Peru where the Colony picked it up every week or two. The mail took over a month.

In some Latin countries, the name Mitzy or Mixi is used for Ximena, like Bob is used for Robert.

When Bump got the information he went to the Patron. They made a plan, then Bump called the hospital and said that the woman must have heard his sister wrong. He insisted that his sister said the baby was named "Mitzy" (meaning Ximena instead of "Missy"). At this time the child was no longer listed as being in the hospital. Bump said that family had her but he asked that the birth records (not yet processed) be corrected ASAP, giving Ximena Gomez a valid birth certificate. He wanted the "corrected" paperwork.

The hospital clerk, imagining a squad of marines landing on the hospital helicopter pad, did the healthy thing, which was whatever the "deployed marine" asked. The time was one of great turmoil in Chile as Pinochet saw his office and control of the nation slip away slowly. He went peacefully, but was tempted to go the other way every day. Civilians tended to veer sharply from confronting anybody in the military; lest they get invited to a soccer stadium and not come home in time... or intact.

The hospital's death records, recorded in another office, were never changed, so Missy Gomez was officially recorded as deceased. They were really too busy to cross-check such details. Who would lie about such things?


While talking about our history Ximena and I continued to use our hands on each other in a friendly ways, we were both comfortable with touching, running hands over each other. When the talking hit a lull, the kissing started again, or maybe it worked the other way.

Ximena was hesitant to go farther, but I had built up enough desire that I had to inhale those pointy breasts and the nipples atop them again. This time I did both, sucking each of them into my mouth and lashing the pointy nipple with my tongue. The sensations shocked her in a good way. She liked it so much she was scared. But she was not up to returning the favor, she was afraid of doing something wrong. I didn't push her. She was getting bolder with her hands, she stroked my bottom but said now it felt naughty somehow, like she was up to something, even if she didn't know what. I gave her bottom a spank, that explained it. It did not really hurt, it was sexual play.

I said lovers touched each other in other places, they made the other a gift of their whole body to touch and pleasure with hands and lips. I showed her some of what I liked there.

Ximena thought she was lesbian but it was hard to be sure. The Patron was so wise that she desired his touch and penetration, she had been looking forward to "her night to grow up" all her life. But everybody understood that would be a one-night thing, by the time she got back from Chile the Prince, my baby-daddy, would be the Patron with may wives. Would my child be the Prince? I was working on that.

The Patron and the Prince were actually the only men Ximena wondered about, since she was a tween she had felt drawn to women. She said that Tony and Brisk were each handsome in their own way, but she did not want then to touch her like I was. The Patron was different somehow, because there was no "handsome" driving the feeling. Besides "wisdom" his attraction was hard to put into words, but it was clearly there.

She understood that of-age women in the Tribe felt that they had the right to their Chief's favors on a regular basis, and they took advantage. They could have any man in the Tribe, and they all had preferences, but the Chief was the only one they cued up for and treated as a seasonal right. These days they signed up with Mer, who kept the books for the Chief. Ximena thought her feelings about the Patron might be similar, she really was never "hot" for any other men, even when she saw couples having sex.
