Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 05D


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"The custom is for the one going into the military to ask me for a temporary spouse. They may suggest a name or two. If all agree I would suggest the following weekend for a ceremony, public or private as you prefer. The press of time reflects Ximena's reporting date. Typically the woman's period is also an issue, some temporary marriage brides seek their best chance for royal impregnation, most prefer to avoid the option. I suppose that birth control will change that. A quick marriage is typical for temporary marriages. If you decline I will select another... with her advice." He handed me a sheet with the dates listed.

I had to ask... "Is this my only path to marriage with the Prince?"

"Only path? No. But it is the only path where you are the leading candidate. We will not discuss that further. One other note, I expect you to discuss this with your sister. Normally that is discouraged, but I am assured that I cannot prohibit it, I have not such power. I would ask that you swear her to silence. Now, my dear, you must prepare for the ceremony. Your presence is the most important event, but Tony's investiture will take the most time, I am sure. His story - a true warrior's tale - has captured the imagination of the people."

As I left the room part of me was very pissed off at being maneuvered into this whole situation. That was the spoiled LA teenager in me, we are a difficult group, with a sense of entitlement and freedom that exceeds all reason, especially in matters related to what is best for us. My anger flared then cooled.

I knew that this was my fault because it was exactly my dream, my teenage Disney fairy tale with a baby on the way. Even then I knew royal marriage worked this way, so I had nobody else to blame. In the old days both sets of parents and strangers WATCHED the royal bridal couple on their wedding night, and since I spoiled that charming scene I knew my naked body would entertain the old man in his bed. Old men, actually, my Prince had two grandfathers plus I imagined my Father might like a fond farewell when the time came. Heck, by then I might have a week of 'fond farewells' with old lovers before my second wedding. Somehow that all sounded good, but I was pissed anyway. I was so spoiled!

The baby was the last chapter in my fairy tale, but my falling in love with Abril, plus proving I was promiscuous (really, I was) with Amy and my Father and the others added a whole new book with adult material I could not have imagined when I was a naive tween. Now the old man was giving me a chance to continue the XXX part of the tale with a very naughty interim chapter, plunging my naked body into a variety of lovers' arms. It was true, it was my dream choice, but I also hated being led like this.

I was being childish and the thing was, I liked being childish, even if I was getting what I wanted. Typical LA teen. Messed up.

When I got to the room I heard Ximena dressing. I admit that I thought of her differently, thinking about weeks when I could spend every night with her in my arms. I missed Abril my love... but I expected to get back to her lovely naked body, sharing pleasures with her and my Prince like we had the last week. It was like sweets, I could have either, but I got both.

But like any slut, if I could not be with the one I loved, I wanted to get my rocks off with the one I was with.

Wait! I realized I had skipped over something... As I reran the conversation it came back to me. Had the Patron said I could have TONY in my bed during the next week? Fuck me, that was a good thought to have just before I opened the door. Or maybe it was a test, like Pammie and Tonto sharing a room. I hated tests. Now it was also confusing as all get out. I could have what I wanted, but what did I want?

When I opened the door Ximena was wearing panties and a skimpy bandeau around her chest as she removed the last of her hair rollers. She had a little speech that could not wait.

"After your talk with the Patron he now encourages us to talk about anything except politics, without restriction. I have agreed with him that talking about the White Scarf for a lesbian, regardless of your decision, was a priority. Do you want me to help you dress?" I had concluded already that unlike moody Abril, Ximena was always a bright, sunny personality on even keel. I regretted it for her sake, but my mercurial nature would test that.

I wanted to call LA so badly just then... to bitch. But I knew it was a childish reaction and there was no time and I had not started to make up my mind. I had a child to think of. Two really, the second child was the rebellious LA teenager I saw in the mirror who had a week to grow up. Plus, playing dress-up with Ximena, maybe with some physical contact thrown in to spice things up, sounded like a lot more fun. "Why thank you, I would appreciate the help..." There was no reason to wait, and no time to waste, so I got naked as soon as I crossed the threshold. She smiled. I smiled back, "...but maybe it makes more sense to do something else first." I zeroed in on her.

Our first kiss was chaste, it did not feel like she knew anything else. She expected it, welcomed it, so it was not awkward. When we parted we were suddenly very good friends... the type of friends who lightly trailed a hand over their kissin' cousin's bared breast. Next she sank down before me and kissed my belly bump. Looking up she said, "my mother suggested this." Then she put her lips close to my belly. "Hello in there, my future maybe prince or princess." (Neither of us knew all the fine points of the process.) "I hope to get to know your mother a lot better, if I am fortunate. We will talk again."

She was actually talking to my child, and I admit that I felt a sense of delight in the process. I picked her back up and we spent some time with each of us giving gentle kisses to the other's lips and faces. I admit, I pressed her hands against my breasts, it felt good and she appreciated the invitation. She cupped my pussy, it was a way to hold me but showed no skill. I wanted to do more, go farther, but I really had to get ready and now there hardly seemed time.

Ximena made it work, she was close to ready so she worked on me, mainly hair and makeup. I wore a light dress with flesh-colored panties underneath (the only store-bought garment I wore). The dress was fancy and colorful for the Colony but I was going to be center stage. My shoes were my own, white, with a modest heel. Ximena's simple dress and modest slippers was typical for the party occasions in the Colony.

As we dressed we could not resist a few more kisses and some hands moving over bare flesh. Her pointy tits were a delight to cup from the front or back. She managed to nurse on one of my nipples enough to get a reaction, she jumped in surprise. As she buttoned my last button up the back of my dress I had the lift my hair out of the way, and she gave me a little kiss in the center of my neck, right below where my hair started. I had to shiver, only my Prince had ever kissed me there before.



When we were dressed Ximena and I stepped out on the porch. Ximena's sense of timing was perfect, she put me next to Tony who took my arm. I guess he knew the drill.

Did he know that I had permission to bed him? I would wonder all day, but we were the stars to a thousands people so we were never alone for a quiet word.

Tony's outfit was styled much like the armor of a conquistador of old, it was modeled after the originals that were in storage. Tony's breastplate armor was gleaming polished silver over kevlar. There was even a sword, a dagger and pair of polished single-shot pistols. With a glance I noticed that several others including the Patron had helmets and breastplates, but only Tony and the Patron had highly polished silver, the others were blued metal, like a pistol.

A few people in armor marched with Tony and me to the main stand with the tallest seats and a colorful canopy. I was told a thousand people were gathered in a large, bowl-like natural arena, where the Five were whipped the last time this large a crowd had gathered. Tonto and Pammie and Ximena were in a second, smaller stand to one side. Indians, including Mer and Per with the Chief, were on the other side.

When we sat I was handed a brief speech to read, I could see where Pammie had a hand in polishing it but her note said most of the speech came from Mer and Per. It was not complicated, but included some light touches and applause points. My introduction to the crowd included a mention of my second trimester, but the Prince's name did not come up. I learned that since I had not been screwed by the Patron the royal connection was not yet official. Still, everybody seemed to know the who and why of it, upon birth the child would be a citizen of the Colony no matter what my marital status. My speech said I was so proud to bring my unborn child and his bloodline to the Colony for our second visit "to HIS Colony." I was pleased to mention my home in the Pablo among my relatives from the Colony. I was also looking forward to visiting "my child's future godmothers on the mountain." (Surprise!) Pammie wrote in "Mer + Per" there. I had seen my Prince's presentation about bringing the two peoples together so I guess I was mother of the start of the union.

They raised a canopy over Tony and I so we had a chance to get comfortable with our talks while other people filed in. I had a program with notes for the whole deal.

Later, when I sat down after reading my speech I realized that this really was a big deal to these people, and it happened all because a tween-age girl made up a Disney fairy-tale for herself and then, in a very non-Disney-like twist, deceived the nice horny Prince in order to make the "baby" part happen.

I was kind of stunned as it soaked in. I had to wonder what they would all think it they knew the truth about what a slut I saw in the mirror. Well, the Tribal women would understand.

Tony was given a speech that took longer, he was to be invested into the Colonial Order of Knights based on his actions defeating the Aztexs. Irene set it down on paper, Martin, the Monsignor and the Patron added a lot of color to it. Two retainers read most of the account. I knew some things, like the day Tony came in from the cold and gave us Crow. That was the day he stripped for us and we shared a shower, he gave me a smile at the mention of his coming in. But that was not the start. A group of his own people, led by his greedy-for-power witch of a wife started it. They were making and selling Crystal Meth, which Tony and the Prince knew was wrong, so he started gathering information with cameras in Aztex space. A turning point was when the Prince took some assassins down with fury, ease and efficiency - Tony's son Tonto was in the command truck! Once the crack in the Aztexs turned into a gap Tony was a prisoner. With a handy screwdriver (inserted in the ear) he freed himself and continued his campaign against those who would poison his people and take the Pablo. They projected a picture of Tony, looking dashing in leathers, daring to ride his Ducati on the streets where he was marked for death.

Once Crow was taken Tony volunteered for training, to be part of the mission. He was the only combat trainee without US military training, so he worked twice as hard (Irene's words) and proved invaluable due to his skills like driving bulldozers in tight places.

Tonto, Pammie and I did not know about the Recon mission where Tony learned about the Nun from Blue, or the second mission into the insane drug and blood crazed party when Tony, practically naked and undisguised (another picture - girls swooned) went alone to break into the jail, overpower the guard, rescue the Nun and her companion, then took them out to the mercy of the sea where they hitched a ride to Belize. The weapons used were not mentioned, except to say that the great foresight of two prior Patrons provided critical resources. The Prince's first command, when he was 16, was also essential for his people. This tradition continued with the brave Colonial military who infiltrated their neighbors and returned with their weapons, so the Colony was always prepared to defend itself and it's interests.

In his speech Tony noted that 100% of the other "boots on the ground" in Yucatan were members of 49 who served in the US military, emulating the Colonial traditions started by the then-Patron in 1800. He also pointed out how invaluable the "electronic warriors" of the Pablo Geek squad were, with targeting, communications and drones. "I could not have saved the Nun without those young experts communicating in real time to the troops on the ground, Irene the commander on the ship, the Pablo staff in LA, and your Prince who gave the orders."

The crowd went crazy as Tony spoke Irene's words.

I actually knew that my Prince was screwing the heck out of Abril, Rose Barnes, Jessie Stern and at least three other wives that weekend so I am not sure how much he was actually giving the tactical orders, but he sure sounded involved and the crowd loved it.

This was the second time in the summer (after the Five at Troma) when the tactical command of Irene under the Prince had saved the Colony, the Pablo and the Tribe without the loss of a single friendly life. It was impressive, they commanded small forces in military-type operations against brutal thugs and won big.

Next the Patron spoke. He said that the Colonial Knights was a fellowship open to any who were distinguished in aiding the Colony against an enemy. Knights were always welcome to visit or live here, and no vow save secrecy was required. However to become a member of the Colony or a retainer "from outside of the bloodlines" one did have to be of age and swear the oath.

That was a cue, Tony rose and spoke from the heart. "Here I have found the home I always lacked. I desire to swear the oath to the Patron and claim a new home in the Colony, where I have many friends I have not met yet." This was planned, but only a few knew of it.

(I learned that Tony got a condensed lesson from my mother in LA, after returning from the Yucatan. Because I am a slutty bad girl I wondered if the lessons took place in bed.)

The other knights and retainers present gathered around Tony. They presented Captain Foxe's actual sword and Bishop Foxe's personal scepter, both hand crafted in the 1500's. Tony swore the oath in Castilian Spanish on these ancient emblems of the Colony's origins. If he had children in the future, they would be considered descendants of the Conquistadors plus Avee and the Maidens. Plus, Tony and Tonto brought a new bloodline.

When the formal presentation was over it was time for the party. It seemed that many of the mothers, both Colonial and Tribal, wanted to lightly press their hands to my belly. The two young energetic godmothers-to-be and Brisk ran interference for me, keeping me from being swarmed. It was not like a party in LA, the people here (except Oriana, Li's mother and the Chinese) were all related on one side or the other to my child, that made it family.

This LA girl was surprised that there was no booze (except a mild sangria) or drugs in the crowd.

Many of the mothers brought their sons to see me, although they hung back. I did not understand that until Mer pointed out, "they think you might someday educate the boys when they marry a White Scarf. If you become the wife of my husband, you will be relatively young. Many husbands had teachers much older." I did not realize that was part of the system, but I should have made the connection. I was a decade younger than my Prince, that large a gap for a first wife had happened only once last century. I realized I could get young virgin cocks in my slut pussy for the rest of my life!

Of course, Mer and Per were slightly younger, but they were not Colonial wives. Still, if the Prince became Patron, they might volunteer for such service as part of uniting Tribe and Colony.

I could tell, these smart indian kids already figured that out. It was clear we might share many things.

Tony spent a good deal of time with the Patron and the Chief, although I noticed there was a steady stream of Chinese girls coming up to him for a friendly talk. It was a smart move, as a US citizen he was the express line for some girl getting to the US with all the benefits of life in malls and traffic jams. They were all smart, attractive and aggressive about getting what they wanted. Some were even virgins. Tony could do worse, in fact, he had lived with the Witch who was much worse!

Pammie and Tonto were practically glued together as they moved around the crowd talking to people. For a time that included Kwool, who was perhaps the most "westernized" person of the Tribe because of her work. I realized she was also the one there most likely to bed them both, and she did not need to wait until they were married! I wondered if Pammie was thinking of girl-girl and her pretty White Scarf.

I guessed that the couple knew about the Tribal custom where a woman could ask a man to have sex with her, and it was impolite for the man to decline without a good reason. Being married was specifically not considered a good reason. But both had to be of age, and the two kids weren't. Not yet.

Once I heard Kwool tease them about providing a "mutual wedding present," assuming Pammie had the same tastes as me. Tonto got wide-eyed at the idea. Pammie joked about it, but maybe a bit too quickly. The way her eyes took in Kwool meant she was entertaining the idea. We had talked in the past, Pammie did not favor females like Abril and Resha. But if pressed she admitted that Tonto's lack of body hair and soft skin suited her. Also, she did confess a curiosity about "some women." She mentioned Irene and Li as examples, slim confident intelligent women who were driven, and did not giggle or gossip.

Kwool fit the mold.

I had noticed Brisk watching the presentation with his family, including an attractive woman who was close to 6 feet tall and built like one of those sexy TV Professional Wrestlers/stunt women. Afterward we were introduced. Her name was Cleo, she was 10 weeks pregnant and was very horny for guys she wanted but could not normally have - except when she was pregnant. This was her 'announcement' week, she looked very well fucked by her family and was not done yet. Her brothers Ash and Ker plus her cousin Brisk were her favorites. They were staying in the Colony where there was access to abundant hot water so Brisk was giving lessons in oral and anal sex. That meant Cleo could do more guys at once, she could get watertight! She was immersing herself in the multi-guy incest privilege. I knew that in the sand caves all sex was public and some woman brought two men to trade off, like a relay race. Afterward I learned that when this family went back up the mountain the 4 pretty much moved in together, except for the 3 days a month Cleo spent with her husband. The trio of guys was much in demand by other women. But pregnant women were a priority for taking men, it was a legacy of the high rate of maternal fatality at childbirth. However, women now had the option of a hospital birth, and Oriana's presence might mean an on-site doctor. Things were looking better for all.

It was the way the Tribe had done things for a thousand years while I lived in the world capital of promises made in white dresses followed by bitter divorce, so it was hard to say they were wrong.


After The Party

Crowds are exhausting, so I sort of "sat out" the socializing after dinner. Finally I left the party, stopped in the Patron's office and called LA. I was too exhausted to call the mansion to bitch to the Prince about not telling me the plan and making me worry so long. Besides, I might thank him, I was not sure, so I would wait and decide later. Instead I called the security desk at the Pablo where Abril was scheduled to be working.
