Not What It Seems Ch. 10


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Alin could hear her heart beat even faster as his breath fanned her face. He was so close, so close... She couldn't take it anymore, before he finished talking she leaned in and kissed him, slowly backing him towards their bed. She couldn't answer, so instead she hoped he would stop asking and just enjoy what they have.

Jared was still enjoying the feel of her lips against his, her body warm against his until he felt something give and before he knew it, he was somewhat backed onto the edge of their bed before slumping down onto it. Alin went with him, her lips, and her tongue still mating with his.

He was now lying on the bed, with Alin on top of him; slowly she undid the strings on his pants. Breaking away from the kiss she pulled it off him to find him naked, hard and ready. She resumed their kiss though now her hand rested on his thigh, so close to where he wanted it.

For Alin's part she really didn't know what she was doing or where the courage came from. It was hard to admit that she had feelings for him. It seemed appropriate that she hate him, and for a time, she really did, but truthfully she couldn't deny that she loved him and it was hard to erase that. So tonight, she gave herself excuses upon excuses and finally found herself in the arms of her lover.

She crawled back up to place her finger on his lips, "Shh..." then gave him a quick kiss before moving so that she could straddle him. Alin lifted her t-shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

"Alin I-"

"Just shut up." She whispered but he could see her lips slight curved up as a playful glint lit up her eyes. "And happy birthday."

Jared raised his hands to tenderly stroke her cheek. He smiled at the fact that she had remembered. He missed having a female in the form of this perfect woman in his arms, under him, above him, or anywhere near him. Just a little over a month ago, they had not parted on good terms, but now she was willing in his arms. Not that he was complaining, but he'd used tonight to show her just how much she meant to him. It wasn't just about the lovemaking, though, but the love he felt her. Not having her near him drove him crazy. So, to answer his previous thought, maybe during these few months, she did think of him. Jared smiled at the thought and sat up with her still in his lap, her knees drew back and hugged her tightly.

"I've missed you. I love you, Alin. I love you so much."

She pulled back and looked at him, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Suddenly, she climbed off him and Jared closed his eyes, he knew he deserved the rejection but...

Instead when he opened them again a moment later, he saw her slowly taking off her bra, unzipping her skirt, her eyes cast down shyly as she slid off her panties.

Jared got up and went to her, lifting her up, he held her in his arms as her lips went to his. He knew his declaration of love was hard for her, knowing how he had treated her in the past, and the fact that she still desires him should have made him happy, but he didn't want their relationship to be just based on lust.

Give her time, give her time... he reminded himself. He knew at least with her in his arms, there was some sort of foundation, where he could build love and trust with her.

And so with that positive thought, he concentrated on the beautiful woman in his arms. Kissing her deeply they tumbled onto the bed, he heard her laugh, as she fell on top of him.

He was about to shift so that he could taste her, but Alin took both his hands and put it over his head, trapping him. "I need to feel you inside me." She whispered, as she rubbed herself against his hardness letting him feel how wet she was. Jared groaned at the contact, feeling himself twitch.

Leaning over to capture his lips, she lowered herself on him, and released his hands. He could feel the way her tight pussy engulfed his hardness and couldn't help but fall back onto the bed, rolling his eyes as the sensation washed over him. Obviously he missed sex, but he had missed this physical intimacy that he knew only Alin could give him.

Alin moved up and down, grinding slowly on him. The way she moved was too much for him, he pulled her closer against him, frantically kissing her, matching the intensity of the way her pussy felt on him.

Jared watched as Alin rode him. Her pert breasts on display for his taking and the way her sensual lips opened in silent ecstasy.

Alin could feel her breast growing heavy, her stomach tightening, and her pussy slick. She took his one hand and placed it on her breasts and he quickly played with her breasts and used his other hand to play with her clit as she continued to ride him.

She threw her head back, arching her back as she came, her pussy tightening around his cock. Alin collapsed on him from the intensity of her climax

Jared felt the way her pussy tightened and couldn't hold back any longer, and thrust a few more times before he released himself inside her, shaking violently, and hugging her tightly against him as she slumped on top of him.

He took her face in his hand, pushing her long hair back and kissed her forehead tenderly.

Alin looked back at him, even though it was what she wanted, needed, she felt she had ultimately betrayed herself.

She tried to move off him, away from him, but Jared, held on to her. "Alin, please don't leave. Please don't go. Stay with me tonight...stay with me forever."

Never before have Alin seen Jared vulnerable, he was always so arrogant and sure, but to see him so lost and uncertain, it made her heart ache.

Instead of answering she kissed him briefly on his lips, and snuggled into him, knowing that she would give herself a few more hours before reality would settle in.


Jared woke as the late morning settled in. His body was exhausted and his head slightly throbbed from all the drinking yesterday, but regardless he felt sated, strangely relaxed and definitely happy.

He had come along way from Alin ignoring him to... he smiled.

Still, he couldn't believe in his mind, Alin could forgive him. And to think he had avenged for the alleged betrayal. He sighed and rubbed his hand over his face and reached across to find the bed empty.

He was slightly disappointed but smiled at the thought that they'd have plenty of time to wake up together. He got up quickly to search for her... and found her nowhere.

He scratched his head in confusion. He didn't hear her get up and leave. Walking back to their room, the missing items from the room confirmed everything he needed to know.

Alin had taken the things and left.


"Ryan, I've signed the contract with Steven. I leave tonight."

Ryan rubbed his temples in frustration and confusion at Alin's words.

"I'm sorry, Ryan." Alin said sadly as she cast her eye down.

The truth was in terms of the business side, Ryan really didn't need Alin. Since he knew the contract with The Daniel's group were soon to be a done deal, he had assigned no projects to her. For the past month she had just been helping out. But the revelation didn't sit well with him.

"Is this because of Jared?"

"I've always wanted to work on the project. You know that. But in terms of the timing...I'm not sure." Alin closed her eyes to compose herself, when she opened them, it was filled with tears, "It's just I'm so confused. I should hate him, but... I need to leave. I just can't forgive him. Even if I do, sooner or later the grudge and the bitterness will rise between us and I'll always use it against him. We will never be happy."

"Alin, I want you to have happiness and I'm not dictating your life, but you two make each other happy. I think you should still go, but to leave him now... I think you've left everything behind to escape. Does Hallie know about this?"

"I told her last week about the contract and told her not to tell anyone. In terms of when I leave...I didn't tell her."

"What time is your flight?"

Alin shook her head.

"You do know when you leave here, the first phone call I'll make is to Jared and the second to Hallie. I can't let you leave everything unsaid."

"Ryan, I'm sorry. I just can't...I'll call Hallie soon, but I just don't want to deal with any other problems."

"You love him. That's the problem, but you don't think, after the way he's treated you, you're supposed to love him. You think you'd be like your mom." He took her hand in his, knowing he'd hit a raw nerve but unable to stop himself, "But Jared's not your dad, Alin believe me. He's been beating himself up for months on end. He loves you, just as you love him."

Alin didn't say anything for a long time. She just stared at their adjoined hands. Then she finally spoke, but not the words he wanted to hear.

"Ryan, I have to go. Any other information I'll fax it to you once I get to Beijing. Daniel's needs you to sign some contracts too seeing as I'm under a contract with you. I know it's required for you to fly out once the initial construction work begins, so I'll see you in maybe a months' time?"

Ryan sighed. As Alin was about to leave, he said, "Alin, he deserves a second chance. You both deserve a second chance at happiness."


Jared had been so pre-occupied sitting down and thinking of ways he could approach Alin he hadn't realised his phone had about twenty missed calls and three voice mails. By the time he checked his phone and realised it was Ryan, he didn't immediately listen to any voicemail or call back.

Instead, Jared stared at his phone formulating what he should say. He had dialled her number a few times but before it went to the dial tone, he'd end the call. After what had happened last night, he wasn't sure where they stood. He wasn't used to treading on thin ice, he was used to taking whatever he wanted, but now he knew this was something he had to get used to.

Unexpectedly his phone rang again and taking a quick look, the caller was Ryan.

"Don't tell me you're gonna complain about how hung over you are-"

Ryan cut him off quickly, "I called you a hundred times why the fuck did you not pick up!"


"Jared, listen to me, Alin came to see me today, she told me about an hour ago, she signed a contract with Daniels and her flight leaves tonight."

"What?! Did she tell you what time her flight is and what airline?!"

"No, and don't think about asking Hallie, because she wouldn't know."

"Fuck!" Jared shouted. "It's okay, Ryan, thanks for telling me this." Jared hung up and quickly placed a call to his secretary.

"Sara, I won't be coming to the office today, please tell the other's the meeting scheduled at 1:00pm is cancelled, no actually I'm not coming in at all. And one more thing, can you place Grant Harrington on the phone?"

"Of course Mr Valentine... I hope you've had a happy birthday."

"Thank you Sara."

"Have a good day, My Valentine."

Jared waited patiently for the other line, and finally Grant Harrington came on the line.

"Jared, how was the big 3-7? Thanks for the invite by the way!"

Jared wanted so badly to strangle him. He was no mood to small talk, "Grant, I have a favour to ask you-"

"Hey I get no hi, how are you? Just straight to business? "

"I'd love to small talk with you Grant, but I don't think this is neither the place nor the time." Grant noted Jared's frustrated tone. He knew very well when to stop pushing him, and now is the time. Jared was infamous for his patience. It was definitely not a wise choice to piss him off.

"Sure, I was just joking, what can I do for you?"

"I need to know the flight Alin Fanning is taking."

Grant paused to consider, "Jared, that is personal records, I'd have to ask a personal favour from every airline to check that for me. You know I can't do that-"

Jared snorted, "Fuck, Grant, do you really think anyone else will know." He cut him off, "you're a fucking executive and you can find that out a click away."


"If you're going to waste my time, then fine. I just thought you'd be the best person to ask. If not then there's always someone else."

Jared was about to hang up when Grant quickly interjected, "Wait, Jared! Just give me a minute."

Grant rolled his eyes, fucking bastard. Damn if he wasn't Jared fucking Valentine who takes 'defiance' so seriously. He was well known in their inner-circle to be a bastard who would take revenge if you didn't give him what he wanted. No doubt his girlfriend was running from him. He had seen the girl, beautiful, but being with Jared Valentine must have fucked her up, so much so that she wanted to run, Grant thought and smiled as he quickly asked his secretary to check the information for him.

"Sorry about making you wait Jared." He heard a grunt acknowledging his apology, "Her flight is..." he scanned at the printed information his secretary handed to him, "first-class with Emirates to Beijing and the flight leaves at..." Grant checked the time on his watch, and mentally groaned. He was not going to take the news well, "In um... er.... t-twenty five minutes."


"Miss Fanning, I'm afraid we're about to take off in five minutes, and all handsets needs to be switched off in a minute. But once the captain indicates, you may use your handset again."

Alin smiled back at her and covered her mouth piece, "sure, thank you for letting me know."

"Hallie, I'm about to take off, I love you!"

"If you love me, you would have told me about this and not tell me now! Best friends, sisters, my ass!" Hallie snorted, she didn't bother hiding the fact that she was pissed off.

"Hallie, I'm sorry," Alin said sadly. She didn't want to lie to her friend but... at the time it was the right decision.

Hallie sighed, "Okay, okay, you're forgiven... for now. There are a lot of lectures coming your way. Call me once you land, okay? "

They exchanged tearful goodbyes and finally reluctantly hung up.

This morning as Alin woke, there was a few moment of hesitation. In Jared's arm she felt like she belonged somewhere. The twisted sheets, the way he laid his head on her breast, his legs tangled with hers and his warmth. Alin felt tensed. Even with all the things that had happened between them, she loved him. Last night, the connection between them was indescribable and now looking down at him, she gave herself hundred reasons to stay. However, she knew it was stupid to put her career on hold for a man, especially a man who didn't trust her.

Finally, she carefully disengaged herself from him. Quickly pulling on her clothes she looked at him one more time. He slept soundly and looked so cute with his messy hair and his arm thrown up above his head. Alin padded over to the bed quietly and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Packing the stuff she came here for last night, she let herself out of the apartment.

Alin thought about her life in Beijing and the hectic months that would take place. Though the project was not as long as originally planned due to some of the chains still awaiting approval, she could very well be in Beijing for a minimum of three years. Was she doing this to escape him or really for her career? She couldn't tell, but she would have accepted the contract Steven gave her regardless, but her leaving would have been a totally different situation.

Alin stared out of the small window as the plane took off. She was leaving to start afresh, but truthfully as her hometown faded, she wasn't sure if the memories etched on her mind, soul and heart ever could...


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EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69over 11 years ago
Fucking brilliant!

Favourite story list - check! Favourite author list - check check!

Latinlover15Latinlover15over 11 years ago
Please tell me there's more

Don't care how long it takes just finish this story please!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great. Please write more like this. About being betrayed and misunderstanding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I check rather fanatically for updates on this story. I was just about to head out to the gym when I saw chapter 10 had posted. Well I know I should have been at the gym but your work did get my heart rate up! This was enthralling I applaud you for your talent and Alin for taking charge.

I have no idea what the goofball who criticized you was thinking. Perhaps he or she is just envious of your gift.

Thanks again for the entertainment. Can't wait for the next update.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Brilliant Story

Really great, well done! I don't quite know what to think when someone posts about it being "another boring chapter" and yet they've read all the way to here.... They only make themselves look ridiculous. In my opinion it's a really well written, well paced story, and certainly not boring. I think you've got everything going for you, and look forward to seeing the next chapter!

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaover 11 years ago

Great story,,,,,,,sitting on pins and needles waiting for the next chapters.Please hurry,lol,,,dont worry about a few little errors,they are so small and are easily overlooked for the content of the story,,,keep up the good work,,,and it is NO WAY boring,,,,hurry with the next one,,not rushing you or anything,lol,,,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Ano-Marc: Great storytelling!! You have a gift!!!

Wow, very interesting characters and an incredible amount of detail... I found your story yesterday and read it right through. While it is nice to read stories that are well edited I don't think anything replaces great storytelling and structuring of the tale and you are extremely good at these aspects. I do notice some of the errors but I just chose to ignore them and focus on the story, you have mentioned that you don't have an editor so what can you do. I looked at your bio which states you are under 23 years old... it impresses me enormously that you can put together such a story! I am enjoying it a lot as you can see and hope to read more of your stuff... don't get discouraged when negative comments come up

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

if u have a problem with the story then stop reading it. no one is holding a gun to ur head to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Nice update. Hope you still keep writing. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.

browneyes213browneyes213over 11 years ago
MORE !!!

please write some more !!!! i dont want to wait another 3 months for another chapter ! please please please

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Boring, we wait so long and get another boring chapter and my advice is to find an editor BEFORE posting again, you had the wrong tenses, wrong words, and grammar all wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
You did a great job editing.

For someone who was stressing about not having an editor you did a fantastic job. Keep up the great work the chapter was excellent I gave it 5 stars.

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