Obsessed with Aunt Laura Ch. 09


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"Could you like.... hold it around the bottom?" she asked.

I brought my left hand up and gripped my cock around the base. I shook it gently, causing it to wobble back and forth. Melissa giggled in approval before taking another picture. She took several more from different angles, probably in an attempt to find the perfect lighting. Either that or she just wanted a lot of pictures of my cock.

"Okay, I'll do the selfie one now." she said, sounding more excited.

She readjusted so she was half sitting and half laying with her legs pointing up towards me. This allowed her to lean in closer to my crotch. This also allowed me another view of her bare legs.

"Hmmmmm okay..." she thought out loud while getting situated.

I moved my hand off my cock in an invitation for her to take it herself. She didn't at first. Instead she moved so her face was about an inch away from it and took a selfie. She took a few more, making different faces or using slightly different angles.

I was getting too excited so I tried to concentrate on what was on TV while she had her photo session. All I could hear were the snaps of the phone and her giggling every so often.

It took my by surprise but finally she took my cock in her hand. I had to stifle my moan. Her hand was so soft, it was like someone wrapped my cock in silk.

"Ohhh it's so warm!" she said.

She held it around the base like I had been earlier. The only difference was her hand felt a lot better. She brought her face closer, so my cock slapped against her cheek and took another couple of pictures.

I looked at her for half a second and our eyes met just as she took another picture. I gave my cock a flex in her hand and she responded by squeezing a little. I didn't want to but I let out a moan.

"Oh god..." I said.

Melissa squeezed again and smiled for another picture.

"You like that?" she asked.

I didn't answer. I probably shouldn't answer.

Not getting a response out of me, she turned her phone screen to me.

"Can you take some pictures? My arm is falling asleep." she said as she took her weight off her arm and adjusted her position again.

I took her phone and waited for her to get ready. She crawled between my legs so now my cock was between the camera and her. She reassumed her grip on the base and used her other hand to grab right above that hand. I presumed she was ready so I started taking pictures.

"Jeez Matt how does this fit in your pants?" she asked between photos.

"Very carefully. Usually it's not like this unless there's a pretty girl around." I said, giving her a compliment.

"Aww, so sweet!" Melissa said, then gave the side of my cock a kiss.

I thought that would make a good picture so I told her to do it again.

"Oh, did you like that?" she asked.

"Well it would look good for the camera!" I insisted.

Of course I liked it but I wasn't about to tell her I did.

Melissa smiled and then planted another kiss in the same spot. She kept her lips slightly parted, and I almost prayed that her tongue would creep out to give it a lick. After I took a few pictures she pulled back a bit and just stared at my cock.

"So what else should we do?" she asked. She sounded like she wanted me to instruct her next move.

As much as I wanted to keep going, the smart thing to do would be to stop now before we got carried away. And by we, I meant me.

"You probably have lots to choose from already, don't you think?"

"Hmmm I guess so." she said, not sounding convinced.

I handed her the phone and she started swiping through all the pictures we took. She kept one hand on my cock the whole time. She made little comments about the pictures every so often.

"There, I sent the ones I liked." she said after settling on her favorites.

I guess I didn't have a say in the matter.

"Alright, well......" I began saying before her phone made a few dinging noises.

"Ohhh they all really like the pictures!" she said excitedly. She gave my cock a squeeze in delight.

Not only was my cousins hand wrapped around my cock but now five of her friends were all starting at it together. I was slowly slipping out of control.

"Did you win?" I asked, not even sure if anyone could win at this challenge.

"I think so, they are all saying how nice your dick is."

I felt a little hint of pride. I knew based on the pictures I was a lot bigger than any of the other guys. I wondered if the other girls kept looking at my pictures. I also wondered if they knew that the cock in the pictures belonged to Melissa's cousin. I was about to say something before she spoke.

"Oh now Allison is sending more! Guess she's not giving up yet." she said as she waited for the picture to load.

She turned the phone so I could see the screen too, and a second later the first picture appeared of Allison gripping her boyfriend's cock near the tip and licking the side near the base. After another few seconds another picture loaded in, this time she was licking higher up.

"Wow, how are we going to beat that?" Melissa asked.

I already had an idea of what could top that. I just wanted her to suggest it.

"I dunno." I shrugged.

Melissa thought for a few seconds while looking at her phone. Her hand was still wrapped around my cock and she gave it a few gentle squeezes. This caused another groan from me. Not only that but it caused a drop of precum to form at the tip of my cock. I don't think she noticed.

"Hmmm." Melissa thought out loud before letting go of my cock.

She then peeled off her tiny tshirt, revealing her perky set of tits in a frilly pink bra.

I admittedly stared at them for longer than I should have been.

"Do you like?" she asked, cupping her hands underneath each one and lifting them up slightly.

I didn't want to answer too quickly, so I just nodded.

She smiled and got closer to my cock. She handed her phone back to me and waited until I had the camera pointed to her again.

"Take a picture of this!" she said.

She brought her mouth down to the base of my cock and kissed it. She then let her tongue out of her mouth and licked up the side of my shaft, leaving a slight trail of her saliva. I took a few pictures while she did. God was she hot.

She moved her head over and did it to the other side, so I took pictures of that too.

"Ok let me see!" she said, holding her hand out.

I gave the phone back to her and used the opportunity to try to regain my composure while she flipped through the newest pictures. Even though we hadn't done anything too crazy, I felt myself getting close to orgasm and wasn't sure how much longer I could control myself. I was hoping that would be enough pictures and we could just stop. But at the same time I also hoped she wanted to keep going.

"There, I sent those ones." Melissa said.

"So that's it then?" I asked.

"We gotta see what they say!" she said.

After a moment she got the results.

"Hmmm they want a tie breaker." she said, sounding disappointed.

I let out a sigh, which she took personally.

"Aren't you having fun?" she asked, giving my cock a squeeze. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

Of course I was. I was having too much fun, but the kind of fun where I end up making a huge mess at the end. I promised that I wouldn't let it go this far! But the small part of me that did want it to go this far was getting a lot bigger and harder to control.

"Well yeah, but I..... uhhhh." I stammered.

How was I going to tell her if we kept this up she'd make me blow my load?

Maybe I did want her to make me blow my load after all.

"What?" she asked innocently.

I wasn't sure if she actually had no idea the stimulation she was giving me, or if she was just teasing. Surely she knew.

"I think we should stop." I said before I could even think of what I was saying.

I surprised myself at taking the high road. Or at least attempting to, anyway.

"Why?!" she said, surprised at my sudden change of heart.

She got up onto her knees so she was essentially on all fours, minus the hand that still gripped my swollen cock. Her bra covered tits hung down and rubbed against my leg with each of her movements. She looked at me, and when our eyes met I could tell that she was having fun and didn't want our bonding time to end. Even if she didn't think of what we were doing as very sexual, I was too far gone and if we went any further I know I'd just let whatever happens happen.

"I thought we were having fun together." she said, sounding a little heartbroken.

I felt bad. Obviously she was enjoying herself, whether or not she knew what she was doing to me.

As if a switch was flipped inside me, my arousal felt like it broke through the dam and came to the forefront. I had changed my mind and I'd let her continue.

"We are!" I assured her.

"But...." I began, before being interrupted by her phone again.

Because of her positioning I couldn't see what she was looking at. She stared wide eyed at the screen as the pictures began to load. She opened her mouth slightly and let out a gasp.

"Oh wow." she said, flipping the phone around to show me.

There were two pictures. The first one showed Allison sticking her tongue out, licking the tip of her boyfriend's cock. The second photo showed her with her eyes closed and half of his cock in her mouth.

Seeing this cute girl give a blowjob was getting to me. I was slowly losing control and was worried I would say or do something I promised myself I wouldn't.

Melissa looked at me, waiting for a response. After not getting one right away, she looked back at my cock.

"Maybe I can put it in my mouth?" she finally suggested.

As if by some magic, her words caused an intense heat to bathe over me, starting from my cock and spreading outwards. I wanted nothing more than for her to take it on her mouth. My plan of keeping this situation under controlled crumbled and I was now going to let her do whatever she wanted.

"You want to?" I asked her.

"I want to win!" she exclaimed. She squeezed my cock tightly in her excitement.

I was too far gone to say no. And I was too close to orgasm that I decided Melissa would be the one to help me reach it.

She handed me her phone again and waited for my answer.


"I guess...." I answered in the most unsure way I could fake.

Melissa smiled and leaned in closer. I pointed the camera at her and when she saw that I was ready she lowered her head, licked her lips, and took the head of my cock inside her mouth. She let it sit in her mouth for a moment before she looked at me, letting me know she was ready for our photoshoot to continue.

I had to stop myself from forcing more of my cock into her warm wet mouth. She was lucky she was positioned out of my reach, because I'd definitely be grabbing for parts of her to squeeze. I concentrated instead on taking a few pictures, some closeups or from different angles. I took a few with her eyes closed and thought they looked both classy and sexy.

Before I knew it she raised her mouth off my cock and moved back a few inches. She left a nice coating of her spit on the tip of my cock which felt cool once it hit the air. A string of saliva connected from the tip of my cock to the corner of her mouth.

"Can I see?" she asked softly.

I handed back her phone so she could take a look. I waited until she was occupied before I grabbed my own phone. I wanted to take pictures of this for myself too. And maybe for Lauren to see, if she asked nicely.

"Hmmm." Melissa thought out loud.

Before she looked up from her phone I took a few pictures. I made sure to capture her telephone line-esque connection of saliva from her mouth to my cock, and her hand softly gripping it around the base.

"Maybe you should take off your bra too." I suggested.

"Oh? And why's that?" Melissa smirked.

"I thought because Allison didn't have her bra off in her pictures, so yours would be that much better."

Also because I wanted to see her tits.

Without any more convincing Melissa handed me her phone again. She sat up slightly and undid her bra, unclasping the front and let it slip down and fall to the floor. Her tits bounced free and I got to see them in all their glory in the glow of the TV light. They weren't as big as aunt Laura's but still looked like a nice handful. Her nipples were hard, showing she was enjoying our play time together as much as I was.

I wish I had recorded that on my phone.

"There we go!" she said, before getting back into her previous position.

She took my cock in hand again and without any warning started stroking it. She looked at me, as if she was waiting for verification.

"I just had an idea." she said.

Her hand felt so good on my cock I struggled to remember how to speak.

"Oh yeah?" I managed to say.

She slowed her strokes until she gripped me around the base again.

"Maybe you can record me giving you a blowjob?" she said.

I thought she'd never ask.

"Do you want to?" I asked, repeating my question from a few minutes ago.

"I want to win!" she said, repeating her answer from a few minutes ago too.

"Well I guess if you want to win...." I said.

I raised my hips slightly, bringing my cock back within licking distance of her mouth. She smiled and licked her lips.

This time I pointed the camera at her on both of our phones. I don't think she minded that I was keeping my own record of tonight's events.

Melissa brought her mouth down again, this time painfully slow as if to tease me. I hit record on both of our phones just before the tip of my cock disappeared past her lips. She adjusted how she was sitting so she could lean over easier, letting her mouth slide farther down my shaft. I let out a stifled groan as I watched her lips creep closer and closer to the midway point of my cock. I was surprised she was taking it so easily considering aunt Laura could barely reach that far without gagging.

Melissa kept her eyes closed as she slowly worked her way back up my cock and then down again. Her movements were slow and smooth, and her warm wet mouth left a slick trail of her saliva with each pass. She bobbed her head up and down and slightly side to side, making a bit of a show of her blowjob.

After a minute or so she pulled all the way off my cock, but not before lingering and swirling her tongue around the tip. Once her mouth was fully off my cock she gave it one last sloppy wet kiss and I stopped the videos.

"Jeez Matt your dick is so thick I wasn't sure I'd be able to do that." she said after taking a few breaths.

I handed her phone back to her and she watched her performance. Meanwhile I did the same on my phone.

"How did I do?" she asked, looking up from her phone.

Was I going to tell her that I wished she kept going?

She looked down and saw my cock, still hard as ever, now bobbing slightly as if it was begging for more.

"I guess that's my answer!" she said, then giggled.

She played the video again before sending it off to her group chat.

I flipped back to my chat with Lauren and sent her the video too. I didn't get to see her reply when Melissa spoke again.

"So um.... they said they want us to keep going..."

"What do you mean keep going?"

She turned the phone towards me so I could read the group chat.

"Oh wow!"

"He's so big!"

"I think we have our winner!"

"That means you have to make him cum!"

I blinked a few times after reading the last message.

"Well then..." I said.

"Yeah..." Melissa said.

I wondered if Melissa actually wanted to go that far. Would she really want to give her cousin an orgasm? At the start of this whole thing I would have been fine if I had to do it myself in the bathroom. But now I don't think I'd be content unless Melissa was the one who made me cum.

"So....... what do you think?" I asked.

I flexed my cock on her hand. In response she gave it a few light squeezes.

"I dunno...... is it ok?" she answered, not making eye contact but instead looking at the throbbing cock in her hand.

I didn't want to answer too quickly, so I gave it a second as if I was in thought.

"If you want." I said, shrugging.

It's what I wanted, but I didn't have to let her know that.

"Like.... we've gone this far right?" she said.

"It'll just be for fun."

She sounded like she was trying to convince me to let her do it, and that it wasn't a big deal. What she didn't know what I was convinced a while ago.

"Just for fun." I said.

Without saying another word Melissa lowered her head and took my cock into her mouth again. That was my cue to start recording again. She bobbed her head up and down slowly, while her right hand stroked the bottom half of my shaft. Each time she raised her head high enough to almost let my cock out of her mouth, she swirled her tongue around the tip and then lowered her head again.

"Oh fuck...." I said with a groan.

As if that was her cue, Melissa sped up her movements. Suddenly she was on a mission to make me cum. With her combination of sucking and stroking, my entire length was coated in her saliva and it made for a nice lube as she picked up her pace. Her pouty lips looked so sexy wrapped around my cock that it was getting me closer and closer with every downward movement of her mouth. Out of nowhere she pulled off my cock and looked at me through the camera while she kept stroking.

"I wanna make you cum!" she said, sounding both like a statement and like she was begging me at the same time.

I wanted her to make me cum too. Neither of us would have to wait long at this rate.

"Give me your cum!" she said before bringing her mouth down on my cock again.

I didn't know Melissa had this side of her. First showing me lewd pictures of herself with her friends, then asking to see my cock, then proceeding to take it into her mouth. The stimulation she's been giving me was building and I was reaching my limit. I was about to let go and flood my cousin's mouth with my load.

Or so I thought.

Not two seconds later we heard the bathroom door close from the hallway. Had it not been for that, Melissa would have been drinking down more cum than she's probably ever had. Instead we both looked at each other in the eyes for a second, then I immediately stoppedrecording and we scrambled to get dressed and situated. Melissa fumbled with her bra for a moment before giving up and just putting her shirt on, while I pulled my shorts back on and used a blanket to cover myself from the waist down in an attempt to hide my raging hardon. I couldn't think of what to do so I flipped onto my side facing away from Melissa and acted like I was asleep. Once she was dressed, Melissa sat crossed legged facing the TV while pretending to be engaged in her phone.

I closed by eyes and concentrated on pretending to act asleep. I was so close to cumming in Melissa's mouth that I was barely hanging on to the edge of my orgasm, even now with nothing happening. If I thought too hard about what was just taking place I would have probably blown my load in my shorts. My hard cock pulsed with my heartbeat, wanting the sweet release that I couldn't give it right now.

We both waited for the second sound of the bathroom door, letting us know whoever was in there was leaving. I never heard it, because I fell asleep again. All this excitement must have tired me out, even though I would have loved to finish what Melissa and I started. That was my curse, I could fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

I wouldn't wake up until morning.


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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Thank you for the continuation of the story hope there is more to come like is Lauren getting to be part of the action she so deserves it

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nice story, expecting more ✌️

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Fantastic - more please ...

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Awesome more please 😀😀😀😀😀

dz2681dz2681about 1 year ago

Hot as ever, been a fan of this series for a while and so glad you kept it going. Hope you can keep it up with less time in between. Thanks for continuing it and looking forward to the continuation.

Iangillan53Iangillan53about 1 year ago

Helloooo 👋 you've an amazing story going on here, please continue.

Can you give us a progress report 🤤✌️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story! Keep it cumming please!

dlj403dlj403about 1 year ago

Glad you finally came back to this story! Please don't leave us hanging for another two years!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’m hoping you got a few more chapters banked up and that we finally get the payoff with Laura sooner rather than later

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