Old Temptations


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"Get dressed. NOW!" I yelled.

"But where are my--" Gayle started to say, before covering her breasts as I closed the distance between us. She begged, "OK! OK! Please don't hit me anymore. PLEASE! OH PLEASE, My darling MASTER!"

"Forget about bras and panties, you little whore!" I sneered. "They're no longer part of your wardrobe. It's bare tits, bare ass and bare pussy from now on. Other sluts and whores don't hide their assets. So now you won't either!"

"But what about at work?" asked Gayle nervously.

"That's simple," I replied. "You're resigning this afternoon."

"Buy WHY?" bellyached Gayle as she finished pulling her top over her head.

"Because you have a new full-time job," I said.

"What new full-time job?" asked Gayle as she zipped up her skirt.

"From now on, you're my full-time whore," I replied. "You're on call 24 hours a day to service my needs and whoever else I tell you to. Got it?"

I watched as a chill ran through Gayle's body. I could see the goosebumps all over her body and her nipples get rock hard.

"Take those fucking bells off your nipples too, or I'll rip them off," I demanded. She lifted her top and removed them from her nipple rings.

"Throw those fucking things in the trash," I ordered. "And when we get home, throw the rest of the string away too. I never want to see or hear them again."

"Yes, my darling master," replied Gayle submissively.

Gayle's hair and body were still soaking wet and her nipples easily showed through the wet camisole as I roughly grabbed her by the bicep and pushed her toward the door.

"Pick up the briefcase, whore," I ordered her. "We're leaving."

Suddenly I heard her dipshit boyfriend yelling for help from next door.

"Oh, fuck! Wait here. Don't you dare fucking move, you little whore!" I barked as I moved toward the connector door. As I barged in, Gayle's tattooed asshole of a boyfriend had scooted up to the front door and was calling for help.

I dragged butt plug boy back across the carpet to the other end of the room and behind the opposite side of the bed. I pulled the stun gun from my windbreaker and used it to tickle his balls again as he made more piggy noises. When I hit his balls with the stun gun, they were already swollen up to the size of baseballs. I wondered if they would look like softballs by the time the police arrived as I left the room.

"Let's go, my little whore," I sneered at Gayle as I came back through the connector door, closing it behind me after removing the tissue from the lock. "We'll take your car. I'll pick mine up later."

"Yes, darling!" Gayle replied obediently.

I turned and glared at her.

"Yes, my darling MASTER!" she corrected herself.

As we walked down the stairs to her car she pulled her keys from her purse, juggling it, the briefcase and her stilettos in her left hand.

When I was at the base of the stairs, I took Gayle's car keys from her and popped the trunk. We tossed everything inside and I added the stuff in my windbreaker pockets to the pile as well before closing the trunk.

I opened the passenger door for Gayle and she got in.

"Thank you, master!" said Gayle meekly as I closed the door.

"You can call me 'darling' in the future, so long as you never disobey your master," I said.

Once we were out of the parking lot, I removed the burner phone from my shirt pocket and pulled up the three text messages I created to the police departments and hit send for each of them.

"What's that, darling?" asked Gayle meekly.

"It's a burner phone," I replied. "I just sent La Jolla, North Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada Police the motel address and room number so they can scrape up that piece of shit boyfriend of yours."

"Why, darling?" asked Gayle meekly. I could tell she was burning to know the answer.

"Because your girlhood heartthrob is wanted for robbery in North Las Vegas and the Henderson police and his ex-wife's lawyers are looking for him because he hasn't been paying the child support for his four children since he got out of prison."

I looked over at Gayle and her eyes were wide, and the tears were flowing again.

"He's also wanted for parole violation. I don't know who's got first dibs on him, but the police back in Nevada can figure that one out," I continued, then added sarcastically, "If I were you, I wouldn't worry about fucking him again, any time soon. He won't be out of prison under sometime long after you've been through menopause."

I looked over at Gayle again and her head was cast downward as she hid her face beneath her hair in shame. But I could see the tears dripping on her forearms, which were folded on her lap.

We rode for a couple of miles and neither of us said anything, both of us lost in our thoughts. Finally, I heard Gayle whispering to me in a low emotion laden voice.

"You fought to keep me!" sniffled Gayle. I could hear the sense of wonder in her voice. "You saved me from being brutally raped and God knows what else!"

Looking over at my wife, her chest was heaving.

"I just want you to know ― I know I don't deserve you," confessed Gayle. "You are right! I AM a worthless slut and whore!"

"Not worthless, baby," I said as I reached over and she tightly gripped my hand in both of hers, not wanting to let go. "But you are a slut and whore--MY PRECIOUS SLUT AND WHORE!"

"I'll gladly be your whore, darling," cooed Gayle. "I'll do ANYTHING you ask of me. You've had some pretty kinky ideas over the years that I've shot down. Now I'm prepared to do them ALL! All because I love you so much and I'm grateful you didn't throw me away like a piece of trash, even though I deserved it."

"Why the change of heart?" I asked.

"Because you're so strong, so forceful, I guess. Because you fought for me!" gasped Gayle. "From now on, I want you to dominate me! Bend me to your will. But I don't just want to be your slutty little whore, I want to be your sex slave, your concubine. I want you to possess me!"

"Wow, what brought this on?" I asked looking over at Gayle.

"You have your fantasies that you want me to fulfill for you," whispered Gayle earnestly. "And I have my fantasies too! I want to be dominated. I don't want to constantly feel guilty for what I think or do, for how I disappoint my parents and grandparents. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I think I do," I replied as I squeezed her hands more tightly. "I'll make all your decisions in the sex department from now on. Is that what you want?"

"Yes, master!" replied Gayle eagerly.


When we were just a few miles from home, I remembered that there was an adult shop in the industrial park just ahead. I made the turn and we pulled in front of the store a couple of blocks later. I didn't want to wait for the Amazon package to arrive.

"Where are we going, master?" asked Gayle.

"I think they may have something I want to replace here," I replied. "Come in with me."

Gayle gave me a startled look but said nothing. Instead she got out of the car and joined me when we reached the curb, taking my hand.

"May I look around, master?" asked Gayle.

"Certainly, my little whore," I replied. "I won't be long."

Gayle wandered off on her own and I went up to the counter and asked the guy if they had butt plugs.

"Sure, they're over here," said the man, leading the way. He must have been in his fifties, but he was very fit. He looked as though he worked out regularly. "What size you looking for?"

"You know, I'm not sure," I replied, before consciously shouting to Gayle so everyone in the store could hear. "Come over here my little whore. We need to find the right size butt plug to replace your old one."

Several heads among the men in the shop turned toward my voice and then pivoted to Gayle as she approached where the clerk and I were standing. Her skin was fire engine red.

"Yes, master," cooed Gayle, playing along and trying to pretend she wasn't embarrassed.

"Which of these is the same size as the one you wore for your sex partner this morning, slave?" I asked.

Gayle gave me a wicked smile. She made a show of handling all of the larger butt plugs, comparing them as she played Goldilocks.

"This one feels like the right size," said Gayle. "I didn't actually see it when he put it inside me, master. But this one feels about right."

"Thank you slave. You may go back to what you were doing," I said, dismissing Gayle to return to her shopping, curious what she might find.

"I'll take that one and the three that are larger," I said to the clerk. He took them back to the counter as I turned to find Gayle in the BDSM section. She was testing various whips, floggers and canes. She already had a set of fur lined wrist and ankle cuffs in the plastic shopping basket she had picked up.

"Well, shit!" I said under my breath. "This is a brave new world!"

I joined Gayle in the BDSM section and slipped my hands under her camisole, squeezing her breasts as she continued to look at the bondage equipment. I could feel her pushing her ass back into me. When I reached up her short skirt, her pussy was sopping wet and she moaned softly.

"Do you want me to discipline you, slave?" I whispered in Gayle's ear.

"Y-E-S! Very much!" purred Gayle as she reached back and squeezed my already hard cock.

"Then pick out your preferred instruments of punishment and I'll carry them back to the counter and put them with the butt plugs--while you continue to look around," I told Gayle.

"Thank you, master," replied Gayle with a wicked smile.

She handed me a whip, a riding crop, a couple of canes and a flogger. Then she walked over to the adjoining section and handed me two large bottles of silicon lubricant and a couple of tubes of lotion for treating welts.

"I definitely think we will need these too," said Gayle as she flashed me her wicked smile again. Then she wandered off to look at the videos while I carried her selections to the front counter.

A few minutes later, Gayle joined me with a DVD in hand.

"Only one DVD?" I asked.

"I think this is the one we need to watch first. We can always come back!" replied Gayle, again flashing the smile. "Think of it as a 'How To' video.

Gayle turned to the guy behind the counter and it was him with the wicked smile now.

"Will that be all today?" asked the clerk.

"Yes I think so," I replied, looking at Gayle for confirmation and she nodded her head yes.

The clerk rang everything up and put the items in a large plastic shopping bag except the butt plugs and one of the bottles of lube.

"Would the young lady like to wear any of these home?" asked the clerk as he leered at Gayle.

"What do you think, slave?" I asked Gayle, turning to look at her.

"Yes, master. How about this one," said Gayle, picking the one that was a size larger and a bit longer than the smallest of the four. "Perhaps the gentleman could assist me in getting it in."

"Very well, slave," I replied, stunned at her suggestion. "If it is all right with the gentleman."

"The gentleman would be happy to!" replied the clerk.

Gayle made a show of hiking her skirt up to her waist, exposing her entire ass as she bent over the counter with her tits pressed against the glass top.

"Spread your legs wide for me, slave," ordered the clerk and Gayle complied. Then he added, "spread your ass open for me too. Use your hands."

The clerk stepped out from behind the counter and dribbled lubricant all over his index and middle fingers, then slowly stuck them inside Gayle's already lubed anus, dribbling more lube on her gaping asshole as he continued to ream her.

"You were already pretty well lubed," said the clerk. "I think you're ready."

"OHHHH!" groaned Gayle as the clerk slowly began to penetrate Gayle's virgin ass with the larger butt plug. Looking up, I could see that Gayle was gripping the edge of the counter really hard as the clerk continued to drive the new butt plug inside her.

"AAHHH, UUGGGHH!" squealed Gayle as the clerk drove the plug the rest of the way into her tight, previously unused anus with a forceful push.

When Gayle glanced back over her shoulder, looking at both the clerk and me, it was only then that she noticed that she had drawn a crowd. There were a dozen men leering at her naked ass and admiring her sopping pussy as well as her lovely legs. Several of the men grinned as they saw ropes of her slick and shiny pussy juice streaming down the inside of both her thighs.

"Would you like a towel to wipe your thighs off, slave?" whispered the clerk who also saw her condition.

"Would you be a dear and do it for me," Gayle asked coyly, giving the clerk her wicked smile. "Perhaps dab my pussy dry too."

The clerk looked at me and I nodded yes.

Once the clerk wiped Gayle dry, we departed the store and its stunned patrons, as we headed home.

"Did you enjoy that, master? Did it give you pleasure?" asked Gayle once we were back in the car and on our way.

"Yes, slave. Very much," I replied.

"I'm so pleased, master!" cooed Gayle. "I live to serve you!"

It was apparent that Gayle wasn't taking any chances. She knew she had broken faith with me and now she was going to do whatever she had to in order to regain my trust and salvage her marriage.


The moment we got home I instructed Gayle to remove all her clothes.

"When we are at home slave, you will remain naked at all times," I ordered Gayle. "Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes, master," replied Gayle as she quickly removed her clothes, putting them in the bag with the Adult Store merchandise.

Gayle immediately knelt in front of me, unzipped my pants, and pulled my already hard cock out as she began giving me a blow job.

"What are you doing, slave?" I asked, somewhat confused.

"A good slave always pleasures her master whenever he enters a room," replied Gayle as she handed me the video she purchased. "Master should watch the instruction video."

"Gayle looked up at me with a lewd, lustful look on her face as she made my cock disappear down her throat. In no time she sucked me dry and cleaned my cock.

I realized that she wanted to get out of the doghouse, and I had to admit, so far her efforts were proving successful. Just then my burner phone buzzed. My first thought was that I must be in trouble because of what I had done to Gayle's loser boyfriend and the police were calling.

When I flipped the phone open, I saw that it was a message from Detective Silva with an attachment.

The subject was 'YOU DON'T SEE THIS EVERYDAY!' And the text read, 'I thought you would appreciate this photo, especially since I'm sure you had nothing to do with this.' The attached photo was of dipshit Jerry still zip tied with the butt plug sticking out of his ass. A group of cops were standing around him all snapping their own photos on their cellphones.

I couldn't stop snickering.

"What's so funny, master?" asked Gayle, seeing that the message had come in on the burner phone.

Looking down, I finally noticed that for some reason she was on her haunches leaning all the way forward with her arms extended above her head. Her palms were turned up with her nose touching the floor and her hair arrayed in a starburst around her head. Gayle looked like a sultan's naked concubine, and it totally aroused me all over again.

"Is this from your 'How To' video too?" I asked as my heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, master," replied Gayle.

"I really do need to watch your 'How To' I guess," I replied earnestly.

"I'll show you mine, if you show me yours, master!" suggested Gayle, impertinently risking punishment.

"Show you what?" I asked.

"Whatever it is on your burner that's so damn funny, master!" replied Gayle brashly.

"Oh, yeah, right!" I replied. "OK, then join me on the couch and I'll show it to you, slave."

Once we were seated on the couch with Gayle on my lap, I flipped the phone open and showed her the photo.

"OH FUCK!" gasped Gayle. "Did you really do that to him?"

"Seemed like the thing to do at the time," I replied flippantly.

"How did you get that butt plug in him?" Gayle asked. "I can't believe he didn't fight that all the way.

"He did. I could only push it into him a couple of inches with my hand," I said. "I had to kick it to get it the rest of the way in."

Gayle turned to look at me with a smirk on her face as she repositioned herself so she was straddling my cock. She positioned my cock beneath her wet pussy, sitting back as she pushed my raging cock inside her hot wet hole.

At the same time, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a passionate kiss, nibbling on my ear before resting her head on my shoulder.

"You are my hero!" gushed Gayle. "I know you saved me today. Jerry was going to RAPE me when you rushed in--and God knows what else! He said no one would ever want to look at me again when he was done --EVER AGAIN! Thanks you, master!"

Gayle burrowed her head into my chest and quietly wept as she slowly undulated her hips on my cock, gradually bringing both of us to an exquisite orgasm. After that I held her in my arms, with my flagging muscle still inside her, as she used the muscles in her pussy to bring my cock back to life.

"You were there for me today when I needed you most," whimpered Gayle softly, "even as I was betraying you! And I love you for that! I also know that I don't deserve your love in return."

Listening to Gayle's heartfelt confession, her act of contrition, only served to make me hard all over again. Gayle could feel my cock growing inside her. Intuiting what I wanted, she lifted herself off of me and moved to the side of the couch. I watched her closely as she bent her body over the well-padded arm, never taking her eyes off of me. Her eyes were on fire with lust.

"Pull my plug, master! PLEASE!" begged Gayle. "Take my virgin ass and use me like the whoring slut you want me to be for you! Please, master! DO IT NOW!"

Gayle eyes were pleading for release.

"P-L-E-A-S-E, MASTER!" begged Gayle. "DO IT! Take me now. I need you inside my ass! FILL ME!"

I moved to the side of the couch and stood behind Gayle as she looked back over her shoulder, the lust in Gayle's eyes burned into me. I withdrew the plug from her beautiful ass and it made a popping noise. My cock had never been so hard as my glans teased her gaping asshole, making it twitch open and closed.

I drizzled more lubricant on my cock and rubbed it in as Gayle looked back at me with burgeoning anticipation. Running my cock back and forth over Gayle's twitching asshole she began to moan as her excitement continued to grow.

"OH GOD, MASTER!" squealed Gayle excitedly, her voice going up a couple of octaves. "NOW, MASTER N-O-W!!!"

Leaning forward, I felt Gayle's ass muscles tighten around my cock, making me harder yet. One urgent squeal after another escaped Gayle's lips as I slowly penetrated her heretofore most precious untapped treasure.

When I was about halfway in her hot tight hole, I pulled almost all the way out, and then drove back inside, claiming another inch of the virgin territory. Gayle's squeals became even more insistent and high pitched as I drove deeper inside her an inch at a time. She was pushing back against me now and crying out her encouragement.

"DEEPER, MASTER! D-E-E-P-E-R!!!" cried out Gayle excitedly, her voice husky and hoarse with unrestrained desire. Delirious with lust, Gayle began to wantonly thrash her ass back into me, trying to force my steely cock deeper inside her.

Once my pubic hair was scratching against Gayle's soft ass, she began mewing as I slowly thrust in and out of her, almost pulling out on every third stroke before forcefully thrusting back into her needy ass, as far as I could go. Each time I did so, she let out another high pitched and pleasured scream.

I looked down as Gayle brought her right thigh up over the top of the padded couch arm and lifted her ass slightly, allowing her to thrust her fingers inside her sopping pussy and find her throbbing clit.
