Old Temptations


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The moment her fingers found her sensitive nub her entire body exploded and her screams were loud enough to shatter the windows as she violently thrashed her ass on my cock, sucking it deeper inside her as she tightened her muscles around it.

Gayle entire body began to shake violently as the first orgasm swept over her body like a tidal wave. I looked down and watched as the muscles in Gayle beautiful soft ass twitched uncontrollably, as did the insides of her juice coated thighs. She completely lost control of her body, caught in the grips of the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced.

This orgasm was quickly followed by two more and on the third I couldn't hold back any longer, exploding deep inside her ass, filling her with my hot cum. Gayle's body continued to twitch and throb as intense sensations of pleasure consumed her and my hot cum warmed the depths of her ass for the first time.

"OH GOD, BABY! OH GOD!" I cried out, my words moaned slowly, with emphasis on every syllable. I was awed by the experience we had just shared. "I can't believe I finally came in your hot, tight, WONDERFUL little virgin ass! IT WAS AMAZING!"

"OH, M-A-S-T-E-R! YOU MADE ME CUM SO HARD!" panted Gayle breathlessly. "THANK YOU, M-A-S-T-E-R! THANK YOU!"

Gayle continued to devour my cock as she tightened her ass muscles around it, refusing to let me pull out of her hot needy hole. She persisted in undulating her hips rhythmically, trying to savor every pleasurable sensation that continued to tingle within her body as her multiple orgasms slowly receded.


The late afternoon sun was streaming through the tall living room windows as I awoke, the sun's rays basked my face with its warmth. Gayle and I had collapsed on the couch, exhausted after our first foray into anal sex. It had been an exciting and erotic experience for both of us and left us physically and emotionally drained.

Gayle had joined me on the couch and snuggled up between my legs, sucking my cock clean before drifting off to sleep with her head resting next to my flagging muscle as I stroked her hair. In no time, I fell asleep as well. It was the first truly restful sleep I had in days.

But now as I awoke, Gayle's warm soft body was gone from between my legs. Sitting up, I looked around for her, but she was nowhere to be seen or heard. I wandered down the hallway looking for Gayle, intending to take a shower and thinking the perhaps she had the same idea.

Sure enough, Gayle was in our bedroom with several full white trash can liners stacked up on the bottom edge of our bed. The door had been slid back on her side of the closet and about half of her clothing was missing, with only the empty hangers remaining.

"Oh Hi," said Gayle cheerfully as she looked up at me when I entered the room. "I thought I would get a head start on getting rid of the clothes I'll no longer need. We can give them away to Good Will, I guess."

"Good idea," I replied as I walked in and leaned up against the left side of the dresser. I looked down and saw that the wide bottom drawer hung open and all of her panties and bras were gone.

"Yeah, those were the first to go," reassured Gayle, having noticed that it had caught my attention. "That will be a perfect place to store our new toys. There's plenty of room for more!"

As I looked at her, the wicked smile returned to her face as she uttered the final sentence. She was moving toward me and soon was kneeling in front of me with her hands wrapped around by cock, stroking it to erection.

"Did master have a good nap?" she asked. "Is he well rested?"

Without waiting for an answer, my cock disappeared down her throat and she languidly bobbed her head up and down on me several times before lifting her head off of my cock and looking up into my eyes, continuing to stroke my shaft with one hand and knead my balls with the other.

"You walked into a different room, master," said Gayle with a sensuous smile, by way of explanation. "Am I performing my new duties in a satisfactory manner?"

"More than satisfactorily!" I gasped as she passionately went about her task. "God! That feels so good!"

"I waited for you," said Gayle as she lifted her head for a moment, "would master like to join me in the shower so I can cleanse both our bodies? I can finish my current task there."

Not waiting for my reply, Gayle got up and took my hand and we headed for the bathroom. She immediately got the shower running and invited me to join her under the warm water.

As I stepped inside to join her, she removed her butt plug again, putting it in the shower rack next to the loofa. She bent forward and spread her ass for me, looking back at me seductively. She appears to have already lubed herself again.

"Perhaps master would like to help me finish my task," cooed Gayle. "Then I can cleanse both our bodies under the warm water."

I slid more easily into by wife's warm ass this time as she pushed backward against my cock when I entered her. The sounds of our moans and the running water filled the bathroom and we were enveloped by the warm steamy air that surrounded us. There was something cathartic about the experience this time, as though the simple act of laying claim my wife's ass was healing a part of our souls that had been wounded.

"Oh God, baby," I passionately whispered into her ear as I licked and nibbled on her neck, eliciting a serious of sensuous moans. "It's so warm and tight inside you beautiful ass!"

"Fill me, master! Fill me with your hot cum again," begged Gayle. "It felt so good the first time. Fill me again!"

A half hour later we both stepped out of the shower, our bodies clean and our wounded souls somewhat more healed. Gayle dutifully dried my body before doing the same for herself.

As I watched her dry herself, I surveyed her abused flesh. There were handprints seared into both her breasts and into her ass cheeks where both her former boyfriend and I had inflicted both pain and our will on her body. Gaye followed my eyes and knew what I was looking at.

"Why don't you go pour us some wine, master," Gayle suggested, "while I finish in here."

When Gayle joined me on the couch, taking her place on my lap, she had dried and coiffed her hair and looked stunningly seductive all over again. When she turned to sit, she made sure I saw that the butt plug was snuggly back in place and that fresh lube glistened on her soft flesh surrounding it.

As she nestled herself on my lap and placed her head on my shoulder, she whispered in my ear.

"What are master's plans for his slave for the remainder of the afternoon," purred Gayle, "and for this evening?"

"I thought we could just talk," I replied. "And make plans for the rest of the week. At the moment, I just have an urge to be with you, to hold you. I'm going to take the rest of the week off, so we can spend some quality time together."

"Your slave would like that," cooed Gayle, nibbling on my ear. "Thank you, master!"

For the next hour as I laid out my plans and we drank our wine Gayle seemed genuinely receptive to everything I suggested. I told her we would go to the salon tomorrow and have her hair cut shorter and recolored red. She was glad that I was going along so I could pick out the shade I preferred.

She didn't protest when I told her I wanted the word 'Whore' tattooed on her mons but did offer another suggestion regarding the 'Slut' tattoo for above her ass. She was coy about it and asked me to trust her on the matter. She told me that I would understand when we watched the 'Training Video' in bed together, later in the evening.

Gayle seemed genuinely enthused when I told her I wanted her in the gym every day from now on to tone her beautiful body. She said that she already had a gym in mind where she could do hot yoga as well. I asked her if they had personal trainers as well and she confirmed that they did.

I told Gayle that we would spend at least part of the day tomorrow selecting her a new wardrobe and that excited her. Gayle was a little skittish when I told her about piercing her clit as well but warmed to the idea after we looked the subject up on my laptop. We agreed to let the man at the salon who had pierced her breasts provide some guidance.

After looking on the internet, it seemed clear that a single piercing just above her clit would be the better option. The testimonials from women who had the procedure attested that it constantly left them wet and aroused. That seemed like a good thing to the both of us.

After doing our online research I abandoned the idea of four clit rings on each side of her clit, realizing that when I had the idea, my real motivation at the time was to inflict pain on her and that impulse had since passed. I was enjoying my new role as her master and protector.

"We can discuss the clit ring at the salon tomorrow," I told Gayle. We wouldn't do the piercing until the following week since her pussy would be unavailable while the it healed.

"Sounds like a good idea, master," mewed Gayle. "At least you will have another place to enjoy my body while I heal--and one that I now enjoy as well!"

After that we transitioned into other random subjects of a more mundane domestic variety. We discussed dinner and agreed to go to the grocery store together a little later. With that in mind, we discussed what Gayle should wear to the store, and we agreed the wrap around she usually wore at the beach would be appropriate until she acquired her new wardrobe. While not see through, the wrap was very revealing.

Later, after we got back from the store, and as Gayle prepared dinner, I finally brought the things that we had left in the trunk when we got home. I unpacked my overnight bag and stashed it back in the closet when it was empty. I took my laptop to the den, put it on my desk and plugged it in to recharge.

I also stashed the spy cam and USB cable I had used at the back of the bottom locking drawer in my desk after removing the SD card and hiding it in my briefcase, planning to review it later. I knew that there was nothing on the SD card, my laptop of phone that could get either Gayle or myself in trouble should the police contact us.

But the recording on the fake thermostat I attached to the wall in Jerry's room was a different matter. It showed our personal confrontation, my use of the stun gun and the questionable way I kicked the butt plug into his ass. I decided it would be best to keep that well-hidden.

After removing the SD card and replacing it with a brand new one from my camera bag, I plugged the SD card into one of my old cameras in the den's closet, hiding it in plain sight. The fake thermostat, I attached to the wall across from my hidden wall safe. Again, hiding it in plain sight.

If asked, I would say that I used it when we went on trips in case the house was burglarized and the safe compromised. As I thought about it now, I was glad I had the presence of mind to pay for the fake thermostat separately with cash.

While I hadn't said anything to Gayle yet, I was reasonably sure the police would come knocking after they looked at the contents of Jerry's cellphone and Gayle would be interviewed by the police, and me too, probably.

I didn't want to spoil the mood tonight be discussing the police with Gayle. But tomorrow we would need to talk about discussing things with a lawyer. I didn't want either of us going into an interview with the police without a lawyer at our side.

Although I would certainly discuss the matter with a lawyer first, I felt pretty confident that our involvement with the police would end if I showed them the video I recorded under the door since Jerry confessed to robbing the liquor store and threatened to viciously rape my wife. I also suspected that the police might view Jerry's throat fucking my wife and the way he beat on her as oral rape.

Done at my desk, I wandered out to the kitchen and watched my wife continue to prepare dinner in the nude. It was a new and novel sight.


As we ate dinner together, I finally got around to broaching the subject of a boudoir photography session with nude photos of her. I told her I planned on using them on adult dating and swinger websites. We also discussed creating an online identity for her, using a screen identity.

"I've always liked the name 'Amanda'. What do you think?" suggested Gayle. "It means 'one who is loved', and it sounds like you plan on me getting a whole lot of lovin' in the future."

"Whatever you say, Amanda," I replied, both of us finding the exchange humorous.

I was honestly surprised that Gayle gave me no pushback on the subject, but then I remembered our escapade at the adult store earlier in the day. But what really surprised me was what Gayle said next. She really caught me off guard.

"You knew what was going to happen when I walked into Jerry's motel room and you didn't stop me. I suppose, perhaps, you might have been thinking about catching me red handed and using it in a divorce. I know now, thank God, that wasn't your intention."

"Certainly not," I replied emphatically. "The thought never crossed my mind."

"Why did you wait so long next door--did you video it too?" asked Gayle.

"I could tell you were infatuated with your former boyfriend," I answered truthfully. "If I had stopped things too soon, you might not have seen him for the disgusting thug he really is. And yes, I made a video too."

"I can see that," replied Gayle. "But why did you let him have oral sex with me before intervening."

"Yes, I know," I replied sheepishly. "I probably should have stopped him sooner."

"Be honest with me," said Gayle, as she squeezed my hand over the table, "Did you enjoy watching another man fuck me? Did you enjoy filming it?"

We looked at each other for several seconds as she waited for my answer, neither of us averting our eyes from one another.

"Yes," I finally replied in a hollow voice.

"Obviously that's what the dating and swingers websites are all about," said Gayle in a surprisingly conversational tone. "You want to watch me fuck other men and I suppose you want to film it too."

"Yes, and to be honest, women too," I replied. "And I also want to take part. How do you feel about that?"

"In a sense, my feeling are immaterial," said Gayle. "After all, I'm your sex slave now, and happily so. So I will do whatever my master wishes."

"Yes, but how do YOU feel about it?" I asked.

"Honestly, I've had similar fantasies over the years," confessed Gayle. "But because of my family and my upbringing, I've always suppressed them. I guess I don't have to now, do I master?"

"So, you're ready to live out our fantasies together then?" I asked eagerly.

"Yes, master!" said Gayle with her wicked grin. "An obedient sex slave always wants to please her master."


After dinner, Gayle and I went straight to bed. She was eager to show me her movie. I had only glanced at the cover and vaguely recognized the name. I had heard the name referenced a few time in movie reviews and elsewhere, but it had never really registered with me.

I was surprised that Gayle would pick a movie that old, or even know about it, given its subject matter and her conservative upbringing. The movie had been made almost thirty years before she had even been born and the book it was based on was twenty years older than that.

When I asked her how she knew about the movie she said she and some of the other girls in her dorm had watched it together their freshman year and it got them all horny. She said she had been having fantasies about it occasionally ever since, imagining herself as the girl in the movie, whom she resembled, although the girl in the movie was a brunette.

As she told me the story, she revealed something that she had never told me before. That night after watching the movie, she and her roommate returned to their dorm room and had passionate sex. Gayle claimed it was the one and only time she had ever been with a woman.

As we lay in bed, watching the DVD, I was struck with the similarity between the character arc of the woman in the movie and the voyage of discovery on which Gayle was now embarking. Both women were being encouraged by their lovers to become their sex slaves.

In the case of the woman in the movie, her lover was delivering her to some sort of mansion or chateaux where young women were molded into compliant concubines. They were beaten, whipped and sometimes tortured into compliance before their training was complete. They were trained to submissively submit to all manner of debauchery. The character in the movie willingly submitted to the training because she wanted to please her lover who demanded it.

I was struck with the degree to which the situation mirrored our own. As we lay cuddling in each other's arms, watching the movie in bed together, I appreciated why Gayle had chosen it. And it was indeed, the 'Training Video' she had jokingly described. Now I understood why she had made straight for the BDMS section at the adult store.

Even before the movie was over, I realized that submitting to be my sex slave wasn't so much a matter of her seeking absolution for her infidelity as the culmination of her lifelong fantasy. I think that her having me watch the movie with her was her way of telling me that. She was letting me know that now that she had crossed this bridge, she had no limits.

When the movie was over and the TV and light were off, we made passionate love for two hours, and then engaged in pillow talk for another hour before we finally drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

We brought each other to orgasm orally, engaged in vaginal and anal sex, with both of us orgasming again each time. Finally, I took her ass again while she impaled herself on her favorite vibrator while sucking on three of my fingers in her mouth. We were acting out one of her oldest fantasies about being taken by three men at the same time.

For the first time in our relationship, Gayle was opening up to me about her most secret and darkest desires. I was surprised and encouraged that they involved threesomes, foursomes and group sex, as well as various rape fantasies and female liaisons, many of which I shared.

After a bit of gentle prodding, Gayle admitted that her favorite fantasy was a ménage à trois with two well hung studs who used her body mercilessly and threw her around the bed like a rag doll. In eight years of marriage we had never been so open with each other about our wants, needs and desires.

On the one hand, my wife's wanton infidelity with her high school boyfriend still wounded both my heart and ego. But had she not succumbed to her lust, we probably never would have found ourselves where we were now. I had never felt this close to Gayle before, and I think she felt the same way.

The events in Travelodge Rooms 233 and 234 had been a watershed moment in Gayle's and my lives, thrusting us toward new, exciting and uncharted territory.

As we lay in bed shrouded in darkness, our bodies entwined and feeling each other's warm body pressed against one another, we whispered our secret yearnings into each other's ears. We fell asleep, knowing we were on the cusp of an exciting new adventure together with no idea where the journey would end.


The first sensation I felt as I awoke from my deep sleep was the exquisite surge of pleasure as an orgasm swept over my body. The next thing I felt was the warm mouth surrounding my pulsating penis as cum rushed from my exploding balls.

"Good morning, master!" was the first sound I heard, other than my own moans of passion.

"Good morning slave!" I moaned sleepily.

"Does master prefer this to an alarm clock?" asked Gayle, tantalizing me.

"I think you just swallowed the answer to that question, slave!" I replied, stroking Gayle's hair.
