Once Again Pt. 02


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"I can feel it, oh Bob, I can feel it. You're getting bigger, cum in my pussy. Fill me, give me so much it runs out."

I raised off her body, shoved my cock as deep as it would go and began to dump semen inside her love tunnel, I thought I could feel it splashing against her cervix. My climax brought about another for her, this one stronger than the first. Her Kegel muscles were tightening, drawing out every drop I had to give, my dick was throbbing as stream after stream coated her insides. She pulled me down to kiss me, with her face an inch from mine she said softly.

"Best fuck I've ever had, and in college I had more than a couple. Your cock is perfect for me, nice and thick with enough length to stretch me and not pound against my cervix. That hurts. Had one guy who was long but skinny, he hurt me the few times we did it, that was not fun when he was banging against my cervix."

I moved off and to the side, she lay in my arms stroking the hair on my chest, my hand was on the closest breast.

"Play with my tits. I like it when the nipples are squeezed and pulled a little, I love it when they're nibbled on. Not hard, but firm enough to send flashes of lightning into my pussy. I just love it when there's a pair of lips on my nipples."

I sucked and played and pulled, her breathing was erratic, when I bit lightly her back arched, her hips pushed forward and she let out a scream. I'd not experienced a woman having an orgasm from nipple play, but I certainly looked forward to having it happen again. Recovering in my arms she lifted her face to mine.

"I know this is just a one time thing, it's not like we're gonna date and get married. I'm not ready for that, and this will keep me satisfied for months, but would you stay with me overnight and tomorrow night. I love to suck cock and I insist on swallowing, I like it in most positions, I even like it in my backdoor if you take your time and start out gentle. Will you stay Bobby?"

She may have been a little overweight but that girl could fuck, talk about a blow job. I was sure she could suck a ping pong ball through a garden hose by the time she finished sucking me to completion the first time. She called for cock two more times that night, she wanted it a third time bent over the bathroom vanity, I couldn't, I had nothing left, so I took her into the bedroom and had her sit on my face. Another screaming orgasm, the fact that we'd showered and she'd pushed most of the cum out made it easier to let her ride my mouth.

We slept until late morning Saturday screwing within ten minutes of being awake. I explained if she wanted anymore that night she needed to give my body time to generate more ejaculate. Having a medical background she understood allowing me the afternoon and evening to reload would be to her benefit. The stories about guys ejaculating nine or ten times in a row are basically bullshit, there are exceptions to everything, but it isn't normal. Then there's the incorrect theory that because a dick is bigger it has more potent sperm. The truth is it's different in everyone, a huge dick may produce no more than a dribble, while there are short dicks that shoot four or five streams at 25 mph. There is no "norm" to semen production or level of ejaculation, every man is different.

She wanted it ankles on shoulders the first fuck of the second night, it was hard for her to keep her chubby legs up like that, I told her to let them slip off and hook her knees at my elbows. It ended up being a perfect position, she was wide open, I was balls deep, we both entered another stratosphere when we took the other over the edge. We went at it again a little after midnight and fell asleep. When I woke just after eight am she was not in the bed, I heard the shower door close and she walked into the bedroom with a towel. Scooting onto the bed she pushed my body to the side, lay the towel down and assumed a hands and knees position.

"I'm all cleaned out and ready. There's lube in the nightstand, I want you to buttfuck me."

I'd only done anal twice before, this experience was by far the best of the three. She told me exactly what she wanted me to do throughout the entire process, by the time we'd finished I was hammering her rosebud with as much ferocity as she was pushing back against me. It was one of the most explosive orgasm's I'd experienced to that point. With her hand covering her rectum she hastily made her way into the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet she let out a sigh.

"That was a lot of spunk, my ass will still be leaking tomorrow at work. Speaking of work, we need to be as we were before we ever fucked. Okay? I'm not looking for anything more than what this was, I hope you aren't either."

I held and kissed her, "This was the best weekend I've had since coming home, you are one mighty fine piece of ass Luna, but you're right, we go on as though it didn't happen. No one at the hospital needs to know anything."

That was the way we left it, a wild weekend where two people in need of sexual release found one another and met the demand. At work we would smile and nod knowing what had occurred, never anything more than that. It had been a month or so since Luna and I had hooked up when I happened to see her at the gas station with a tall skinny drink of water, he was cute, what there was of him. When he went inside for something she sauntered over to where I was.

"Hi Bobby. How's life treatin ya?"

"Good. How about you? I see you have a beau. Does he work at the hospital?"

She smiled, "He does, his name is Gene, he's an electrician and works in maintenance."

I tried to make a joke, "Not much to him is there?"

She smiled big, "He's not bulky, but he meets all of my requirements if you know what I mean. And stamina, dear Jesus that man must have an abnormally overactive seminal vesicle and prostrate gland. I've never known a man to cum so many times in one night, and every one of them is a huge load. He wears my ass out Bobby, and you know from experience that doesn't happen often. Oh, here he comes, say hi,"

We shook hands as we greeted and left it at that. Watching them walk back to her car I found myself wondering how two completely opposite people managed to find each other, then again, love is a wonderful thing when it manifests in both parties. I grinned thinking about his long slender face being lodged between her large breasts, or better yet, her thick thighs trapping his head when she came after a good licking. He was easily a foot taller than her, but then again it's all about how we meet in the middle isn't it?

Riding home I found myself doing something I hadn't done in a long time, letting thoughts of Karen filter in. Was she still angry with me after all this time? Did she really think I was a racist, or was it a reaction to hurtful words uttered by both of us? It was foolish to think of her knowing she was over a thousand miles away and I was sure by that time she was in a solid relationship with some up and coming doctor. By the time I reached home and my nostrils being bathed with the wonderful aroma of my mothers cooking I was no longer thinking of Karen. I made it through Thanksgiving in much the same manner I had done elsewhere, covering shifts for people in my department who had families.

I don't do anything other than keep tabs of a few friends on facebook, in my opinion the time I wasted reading through mountains of meaningless drivel wasn't worth the effort. Just before New Years I noticed that I had a messenger notification and opened it. It was a short blurb from Addy telling me she was engaged to an RN who worked at a nearby hospital. I was surprised when that afternoon she sent a picture, knowing her family didn't necessarily approve of me when I visited I was surprised he was a white guy, then again I wasn't. She and I had been good together regardless of skin color, I was sure it was the same with him. That evening I received a text asking if it would okay to call. Taking the initiative I simply hit the dial button and had her on the phone in thirty seconds.

"Hi Bobby. Boy it's been a long time. As they say, no news is good news, so I'm assuming all is well."

"Adelade, great to hear your voice and congrats on your engagement. You two look good together, when the magic day?"

"He's sweet Bobby, like you. In fact it was him being so much like you that led us to this point. I knew what I wanted and when we met there was no second guessing for either of us. The magic day is July 17th. We're excited."

We chit chatted about this and that when she dropped a bombshell in my lap.

"Karen has been asking about you. Did you know she's back where we all started? When Montgomery left she got her old job back with an older much nicer doctor, the guy's been married forever and they have 7 kids. She feels comfortable and not threatened in any way working with him."

I began to wonder out loud, "Is that the reason you called Addy, to tell me Karen has asked about me? I've heard nothing of her since I moved back home. Why would she be asking about me, we made it clear to each other we weren't happy with what had been said and done, I figured she'd go her way and I'd go mine."

"You know as well as I do Robert things don't work like that when you're invested in someone."

I shot back, "Robert? Now I'm Robert, what happened to Bobby? And what's this investment shit? It isn't an investment unless there's a return, something I've never received from Karen no matter how much time and effort I invested with her."

"I knew calling you Robert was the only way I'd have your full attention, so cool your jets rocket man. You may not have seen it as an investment or a relationship and lord know's she did more than her fair share to screw things up. But we all change Bobby. Getting older is mandatory, maturing is optional, some people take longer to find themselves and their self worth. She knows she messed things up, she just wants to know how you are?"

I was confused, "Why Addy? Why would she want to know that? It's not like she's going to ever visit me in what she calls Hicksville, and then there's the whole having nothing to do with a white guy thing. I simply don't need it Addy, I loved her unconditionally, in return I've received nothing, so why prolong the agony?"

I could hear her take a deep exasperated breath, "It sounds like she's made some serious changes. The doctor she works for is a black guy with a Filipino wife, he's big, she's small. He laid into Karen one day when she was talking mixed races and all that crap, he was hearing none of it. Told her his mother was black and his dad was white, Bob, she told me she nearly shit a brick. I only know this stuff because she called me that night and bawled her eyes out. Give her a call, or text her, just let her know you're alright so she'll stop calling me every other week."

We said our goodbyes, me with good intentions of reaching out to Karen, but tomorrow would be soon enough. Little did I know my life would change overnight, as I dozed off I diverted any and all thoughts of contacting Karen into the sea of forgetfulness. I woke about three with a sense that something was wrong, there were no telltale sounds or signs, but something was wrong. Walking toward mother's room I could hear her gasping for air, I had her stabilized by the time the ambulance arrived but still she was in bad shape. It was determined by mid-day that she'd had a massive stroke at the age of 82, not unheard of, but then ... that always happens to someone else's family doesn't it?

The next six months were consumed between work and being with family, mostly my mother. She was able to think clearly but unable to communicate verbally, she and I worked out a way for me to converse using signs and eye movements to answer or spell a word, in time were able to construct a sentence. There was no time for thoughts of Karen, or Addy for that matter. With my siblings we sat one entire Saturday afternoon with mom getting all her end of life issues taken care of.

She let us know who she wanted what to go to, how the proceeds of savings and life insurance was to be distributed and finally that Cheryl and I would be the executors of her estate. When she left us in April we had been preparing for the worst, it was still a loss but at least we knew it was inevitable. My siblings wanted me to have what was left of the farmstead, just over sixty acres of mixed crop and tillable land. All of us received a substantial inheritance and none of them felt it was important to sell the farm, they felt that since I'd spent the past two years looking after mom it was alright for me to have the farm.

The next disruption to my otherwise stable life happened three weeks after mother's funeral. Mrs. Weston announced she was leaving, she had secured a position in Des Moines and would be transferring within a month. A new administrator had been hired and would be transitioning with her until her time to leave arrived. He was an arrogant prick with short man syndrome, I think he was five foot five and every bit a nasty middle aged creature. Thankfully our department was well run and well rated so he left us alone, not so with other departments, we were losing good people because of him.

He lasted two weeks before they jettisoned him elsewhere, meaning Mrs. Weston was back in charge for a few more weeks. Since she was transferring within the medical group they moved her transition date two weeks out, although she was technically no longer working for our hospital. Which brought about a very interesting scenario. Walking into my office she shut the door and sat across the desk from me.

"Bob, would you like to come to my house for dinner Friday evening? I do a mean filet mignon on the grille, I'd like to share a meal with you. Are you a wine drinker?" I shook my head. "Good, you can bring the beer, I like Coors. So, are you available?"

I was certainly available but wasn't sure how it would work. "Yes, I'm available and it sounds lovely, but I work for you. How is that going to be seen as okay by the Board of Directors?"

She was laughing softly and then moved to sit on the corner of my desk facing me. The shimmer of her nylons and the sound of them rubbing together brought my eyes to the hem of her skirt which was just above the knee. As I looked up she smiled.

"Technically I no longer work for this hospital, I'm officially a consultant. Bob, I've wanted to know you better since the day we interviewed in my office. Now that I'm no longer employed here I can do that. I'm 49 and know what I want, I don't need dining and dancing, I don't need flowers or a lot of meaningless attention. What I need is a man, and that man is you. There have been numerous doctors who asked me out, but there was nothing saying I should go. You on the other hand, I've waited for this moment two years and if this Friday works out we're going to share a wonderful time next weekend."

I raised my eyebrows, "A weekend?"

The heel dropped off her, the silky feeling of her foot caressed my arm without exposing any more leg than I'd seen.

"Ah, so you like the idea as well. Yes, a weekend. I haven't been with a man since my hubby died, chances are I won't be with another one for some time. Since I like you as a person and trust you as a man of integrity, I plan to let you make love to me all weekend. I have a lake home on Wilson Lake, there's no one for a mile, we can make all the noise we want. It'll be a fun weekend."

I reached to touch her foot, then raised it and kissed the bottom. She giggled like a schoolgirl as I put the shoe back on her foot.

"Oh my, you're a devlish one. I've never had anyone kiss the sole of my foot before. You aren't one of those toe sucking guys are you?"

I laughed, "Oh hell no. It just seemed like the thing to do. By the way, do I get to call you Constance?"

She was grinning, "Six o'clock Friday and plan to stay the night if we connect like I'm hoping we will. You can call me Connie if you like, that's what Steve called me, it would be nice to hear a man call my name again. Especially in the throes of passion."

Winking she slid off the desk, adjusted her skirt and left the room without so much as looking back. I'm so glad I was sitting, my cock was hard as a rail, throbbing, aching to be buried in her unused pussy. I could imagine she was as tight as a virgin after all this time being without a man. Her hips seemed to have an accentuated swish as she walked away, my dirty mind immediately pictured her on hands and knees with me behind, my hands firmly gripping those hips as I drove deep into her vagina. Her screaming "more" as we reached a mutual climax. Man, it had been too long since I'd dipped my wick.

I didn't see her for the next three days, when my shift ended on Friday I was more than ready to be used as Connie's boy toy, fuck buddy or anything else she wanted me to be. I was a walking hard on. I'm not someone who can fuck all night long and never run out or get sore, but I'd been dormant long enough I knew I had two or three good sessions lying in wait. I don't know how I knew, but she hadn't gone through menopause yet so it was likely she still had plenty of natural lubrication, and since she'd texted me in the morning and told me no condoms I assumed she was on the pill.

She met me at the door at 5:55 wearing a long, neck to ankle soft flowing dress. The kind you see some women wear at the beach. I chatted with her on the deck while she cooked, after the kitchen was cleaned she suggested we sit on the deck until the bugs drove us inside. Grabbing a couple of ice cold Coors I followed her outside. I couldn't see another house for a half mile, the yard overlooked a huge corn field surrounding everything except her yard.

She told me it was her brothers land, he lived approximately a half mile away. Waaaayyy down there she pointed to the left. By eight the bugs were determined to drag us off into the bushes for the little ones to devour. It was time to go inside, as she slid the patio door closed she pointed to a hallway.

"The bedroom is at the end, go ahead, I'm gonna lock the doors. None of us kids knock and I'd rather my brothers don't see me naked, or better yet, in bed with a strong young man taking advantage of me. You are going to take advantage of me aren't you?" I smiled while eagerly nodding. "Good, go ahead and get undressed, I'll be right there."

I liked this woman, I mean I "really" liked this woman. Too bad she was considerably older than me and moving away. I knew it was a once in a lifetime connection that would last a week or two and be gone, but hey, I intended to enjoy every single moment we had together. I was sliding my underwear off feeling my stiff dick slap against my stomach after having been caught on the waistband, looking up she walked into the bedroom and dropped the dress. I never imagined a 49 year old body could look so damned inviting.

This may piss some people off but I'm taking the story to a part three. There's too much going on to end it now. Part three is done and will be posted soon. Be patient.

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MarrttyMarrtty8 months ago

Great story. I find you depictions of racism to be very accurate, similar to my life experience. The Karen character is fantastic. She's only gonna date black men because all others suck, but she is on a dick conveyer belt being used and discarded like a sock in a teenage boys room.

The crap she pulled in the club just taking off with other dudes with no thought of him, I like that the mc ditched her instantly the only proper way to handle it.

I think you may have what I consider a common problem... a female character that is actually Worth loving. Karen he as no chararistics worth loving, she is not even a decent friend. Most girls only take from male friends few give equally. So Karen's friend ship is accurate.

Few men what 30 plus Eskimo brothers. The STDs, the absolute inability to bond. She would never be able to mate bond to mc after being messed over as much as she has. No matter how good he will be in bed. Can't wait to see the rest of the tale

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

For anyone to get mad about someone else’s stories, I say screw them! I enjoy your writing and most everyone else’s stories since I can’t write one ! Don’t let anyone get you down!

stewartbstewartbalmost 3 years ago

Appreciate the comment about there being a part 3. It feels like there really is much more to this story that we can enjoy. Addy - Karen - Constance what a mix ... let's see what floats to the top. Thanks for a good story.

oldsage_1oldsage_1almost 3 years ago

Oh, no problem, my Friend, with a third chapter. I was worried you were going to rush and give the ending a short shift! I can easily see a long chapter 3 or even a chapter 4. All depends how engrossed you are with this set of characters. Sometimes a story just writes its self! Looking forward to the next episode.



oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 3 years ago

Don't need Karen.... she's history and even if she has changed some, there isn't a need to have her as a part of his life now. At least Connie and Luna had the decency to lay it out at the start that it was a one time thing to be enjoyed by both parties. Other than her pulling her shit, I enjoyed the story. Thanks

AnalogContinuumAnalogContinuumalmost 3 years ago


I am thoroughly intrigued with this story. Only discovered your stories recently.

Cannot wait for Chapter 3.

Thank you for writing.

TechumsahTechumsahalmost 3 years ago

Great storytelling as usual no reason to apologize for an extension everyone is looking forward to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You are right I’m pissed you stopped at this point. But since I’m anonymous my opinion really doesn’t matter so I’ll wait patiently. Fine story thus far!

Omart57Omart57almost 3 years ago

Very good, R! Looking forward to the next part!

SithLord6969SithLord6969almost 3 years ago

Still not much of a romance

Bobby continues to be used and discarded by every woman he encounters.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 3 years ago

49 is in the prime!


Storyteller0112Storyteller0112almost 3 years ago

I can foresee Karen coming back. My question is, "Why?"

Extend this as long as you need to for telling the story, I'm hooked. 5 stars again!

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