One Piece at a Time


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Her bra was light pink and edged in lace. Something about the innocence of it hit him in the gut. She was vulnerable, just like he was. Kelly wanted him, and he was going to reject her...just not yet. And not forever. As she reached behind her to unfasten the garment, her hips rolled across his lap slightly, and he groaned. He couldn't help it. Maybe he was weak after all.

As she dropped her bra next to her shirt, his hands moved on their own accord and cupped the fullness that was inches away from his face. The chill night air already had them puckered, but as his hands made contact they tightened to the edge of pain. Kelly gasped and instinctively her hips wriggled against him. Rick leaned in the last couple inches and kissed his way through her cleavage. His head moved slowly, his lips trailing across her skin.

Goose bumps broke out and Kelly tossed her hair over her shoulder, looking down to watch as Rick's mouth encompassed her nipple. She sighed, bringing her hands to the back of his head. He sucked and flicked his tongue over the pebbled flesh, grazing her with the edge of his teeth. Moving to the other side, he gave that breast the same attention.

He pulled back with a last few lingering swipes of his tongue, and Kelly's mouth made a moue of disappointment.

"Kelly, I-"

She leaned in and kissed his words away, trying to get him to reach that breaking point that would push him past being a gentleman. Her body was screaming for release, so she knew his had to be too. Their love life in the past had been nothing short of perfection, and with things being so different now...well, she was on the verge of begging. Wetness gathered between her legs, and she could feel his cock pressing up against her. Every touch on her skin was almost painful; each nerve on fire, imploring for his touch.

Rick grabbed her hands and stretched forward, putting both their arms behind her back. His fingers held her loosely, but with enough strength for her to know he was serious. The only problem with his plan, he quickly realized, was that it arched her back and her breasts heaved with each breath she took, scant inches from his mouth. Her skin had tasted like vanilla...he took a deep, calming breath through his nose, which was a mistake.

Her scent filled his nose, and he almost swore he could smell the musky hue of her womanhood...but he was pretty sure his mind was making that up. He shook his head to clear it, and leaned back in the chair.

"Kelly, I want it to be perfect for us. I have a plan...I need you to stop seducing me, because I can't take much more."

Miraculously she laughed. He was so afraid to hurt her, but she took it in stride.

"Damn you and your honor, Rick." He released her wrists and she stood. "Go home before I slip you a date rape drug."

"Just be patient, sweets. You'll be happily surprised." Rick stood also and put out the fire in the pit, then followed her into the house.

Kelly had put her shirt back on, but left her bra off. She locked the sun room door behind him, then together they walked to the front door. He grabbed his keys off the sofa table, and turned.

"Thanks for dinner."

"Tell Papaw I said thanks for the corn. That was nice of him."

"I'll talk to you later." Rick wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her a quick kiss.

"I love you."

"Love you too, baby doll."


"I was up until two, then I got up at seven to finish these cupcakes. I'd forgotten. My trip to the store to get the stuff didn't happen until ten o'clock last night!" Kelly flew around her kitchen, boxing them up.

"Calm down. We've got plenty of time." Rick was loading the car.

"I cannot believe I did that! Oh, this last batch isn't cool yet!" Her tirade trailed off until she was mostly talking to herself, and Rick couldn't help but laugh.

It was Saturday, the day of the festival, and it was due to start in an hour. Everything but that last batch of cupcakes was ready to go.

"Forget it. I'll ice them there. It's going to be a hot one today, isn't it?"
"Sure is. I might volunteer for the dunk tank just to cool off."

Kelly froze. "I forgot I volunteered to do that." She glanced down at her white shirt and made a mad dash for the bedroom.

With a change of clothes and the uncooperative cupcakes in tow, the pair made it to the church with plenty of time to spare. There was live entertainment, food in the fellowship hall, as well as some arts and crafts for sale.

The festivities began, and everyone was surprised at the amount of people that showed up. Kelly helped make funnel cakes under a tent, and Rick disappeared to go assist with the car show. Everyone was busy feeding people, directing traffic, and talking. The music pumped from speakers that were set up in the back of the parking lot, and the Elvis impersonator sang a variety of songs from the 50's and 60's. Their were some fair-food vendors as well, and the church provided free pop and water.

People danced and ate and had a great time. A few minutes before one, Rick came and retrieved Kelly from the tent and told her it was almost time for some dunkin' fun. On their way to the tank, several church members spotted them, and made a fuss over the fact it was Kelly's turn.

Pastor Dave happily relinquished the 'throne' as he called it, and Kelly climbed the ladder and got seated. Immediately she was dunked over and over again by church members, then they finally left her alone. The crowd outside had tapered off some. People were getting food and taking it into the air conditioning to eat.

Kelly leaned back carefully and swung her legs in the water. It felt nice. It had to be close to ninety degrees, and the humidity was getting bad. The news that morning had said there was a chance of storms for the afternoon, and everyone hoped and prayed they held off until after the festival.

Rick appeared from inside the fellowship hall and made his way towards her.

"Bored yet?"

"Nope. Happy I'm getting a break."

"Enjoy it while you can. Pastor Dave has been heard saying that it's unfair you're out here drying off." Rick laughed.

"Poor thing. He's just jealous that it was so busy when it was his turn."

On cue, a group of people came back outside, and Elvis was done with his break. The music started again, and several people took to dancing. Unfortunately, there were some people heading towards the dunk tank, and Kelly prepared herself. It always made her jump when someone hit the target. Rick stood to the side to take money, and a few kids stepped up to try and dunk her.

More and more people came out, and Kelly noticed that it was mostly church people. She thought to herself, 'Wow, these people are out for blood.' With a good natured laugh, she sat the bench back up and climbed on. As she wiped the water from her eyes again, she saw that Rick stood there with a ball in his hand, tossing it nonchalantly in the air.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kelly laughed.

"Kelly, my love, I have a question." Rick continued to toss the ball.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I want you to marry me. And if you say no, I'm going to throw this ball." A wicked gleam lit his eyes.

Kelly was momentarily stunned. She never in a million years would have dreamt that's what he had up his sleeve for today. She wasn't worried about him dunking her, or her saying no. With the sun beating on her head, dripping wet, and in the midst of an unconventional proposal, she was as happy as she could be.


"You never asked." Kelly was trying not to laugh.

"Oh. I apologize. Kelly, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?" Rick tossed the ball over his shoulder and headed towards her. She knew all the church people and festival goers were watching. Kelly climbed out of the dunk tank and threw her arms around his neck, and he held her tightly against his body.

"I love you, and I promise to do that 'til the end of time."

"Well, in that case, how could I not marry you?" They looked at each other for a moment, and then Rick turned his head.

"In case you guys didn't hear, she said yes."

A cheer went up from the crowd. Rick quickly retrieved the box from his pocket and slipped the ring on her finger. Kelly only had a moment to be dazzled by it's brilliance; Rick was kissing her and then the well-wishers converged.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a hazy blur. Kelly was still a little surprised. And every time she looked down at the ring, she got a lump in her throat. Rick had an incredible amount of faith in her, and a lot of forgiveness in him. She supposed she had God to thank for that. She caught sight of him and waved, and the people headed into the church. Pastor Dave was doing a quick sermon for any who wanted to attend.

She stayed behind with a handful of members to start the clean up process. Trash was taken out, decorations taken down, and tubs of ice water were dumped. Kelly had never been so happy washing coffee pots in her life. The women ooh-ed and ahh-ed over her ring, and once everything was set to rights, they went back outside.

Clouds had rolled over the perfect day, and thunder started rumbling in the distance. On cue, all the car show people that were left made a dash for their precious automobiles. The parking lot cleared out, and guests and members made their way out of the sanctuary.

"Well everyone, I'd say it was a job well done today." Pastor Dave looked very self satisfied.

Applause broke out and Rick made his way to Kelly's side. The first raindrops started to fall, and with shrieks of dismay, everyone said good bye and took off to gather their things. Kelly and Rick made it to his car in record time. Slamming the doors shut, Rick started the engine and flipped on the air conditioner.

"Wow. Today was truly spectacular...I can't wait until they add up that money. I hope the youth group raised a ton." Kelly lifted her damp hair off her neck.

"I think they did. Stuff was cheap, so people bought more than they would have, I think."

"It's hard to believe we're engaged." Kelly smiled and brought her left hand to her face, admiring the stone.

"Weird, isn't it? Sorry the proposal wasn't very romantic." Rick glanced at her and smiled.

"I think it was perfect." She laid her hand on his and gave it a squeeze,

The last several minutes of the drive were made in happy silence. The sky had torn open, and rain lashed at the car and everything else in its path. Rick was forced to slow down; visibility had turned to zero. He pushed the button that turned on the hazard lights, and crawled the last few blocks to Kelly's house.

"That's really coming down." She peered through the murk at the vague shape of her house.

"Yeah it is. Want to wait for a few minutes out here?"

"Mmhhmm. Got any ideas?" Kelly sent him a sultry look from beneath her lashes.

"Oh no. We're waiting until we get married. I decided."

"What would it take for you to un-decide?" Kelly unbuckled and slid as far over as she could get.

"Give it your best shot." Rick almost immediately regretted his words.

Kelly's mouth moved to his ear, and her tongue flicked across his skin. She tasted the heat of the day, and moved on to his neck, then nibbled her way across his jaw. Rick finally turned his head and let their mouths meet. They explored, and it seemed different the way that they were about to belong to each other.

Kelly's hand moved and settled between Rick's legs, feeling her way along the seam of his pants, smiling into their kiss as his cock rose to meet her hand. She rubbed gently against him, testing his length; remembering how he felt inside her. The memory brought a moan to her throat. Rick caught it, and suddenly there was a sense of urgency that wasn't there before. But he was still determined to hold out.

Deciding that some mutual teasing wouldn't be terrible, he twisted slightly and stroked the exposed skin of her thigh. Kelly parted her legs, and his hand moved higher; his fingertips just brushing against her hot skin. Their tongues warred with one another, and their breathing grew ragged. Kelly unzipped his pants and dove her hand in before he had a chance to offer protest. Her hand was cool from the air conditioner and his hips jerked as her fingers wrapped around him.

In response, Rick slipped his hand up inside her shorts and panties, and let his fingers part her lips. He quickly settled on her clit, and then realized that she was completely wet. His fingers slipped easily along her slit, and Kelly scooted down, tipping her hips in offering to him. Rick plunged a finger into her depths, and she sucked in a breath, breaking their kiss.

Suddenly realizing their session had gotten out of hand, Rick pulled back. The rain hadn't let up any, but they had fogged up the windows.

"I, Kelly, take you, Rick, to be my husband. I promise to love and cherish and honor you. Until death do us part." She gave him a smile, and he noticed the glint of tears in her eyes.

"You're going to marry me in the car, so I'll get in your pants?" Rick grinned.

"I'll do whatever it takes. I love you, Rick. I want to be with you. I want to feel you inside me. Is that so wrong?"

"I, Rick, take you, Kelly, to be my wife. In sickness and in health, I'll stand by you and love, and cherish, and honor you. Until death do us part."

"You may now kiss your pretend bride."

Rick leaned in with a laugh and pressed his lips to hers. Somehow, it wasn't that all consuming passionate kiss, but it was a heartfelt declaration of their intentions to one another. Kelly pulled back.

"I am going in this house. I am getting naked and laying on that bed. I plan to have sex in a few minutes, and I hope you're there for it."

Rick barked a laugh as Kelly threw her door open and made a mad dash for the house. He was hot on her heels. It didn't take long for both of them to get soaked to the skin. She fumbled with the keys since her hands were wet, then finally shoved the door open and ran inside. Rick slammed it shut behind him, and Kelly turned, tossing her hair over her shoulder with a spray of water.

"That rain actually hurt, it was coming down so hard." Rick stripped off his shirt and wiped the water from his face.

Kelly took off for the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing in her wake. Rick smiled as he stepped around her bra and panties. True to her word, she climbed up onto the bed and laid on her back. Goose bumps had formed all over her body, and her nipples were puckered as tight as they could be.

The air conditioner was running, and Rick also got a chill as he stripped out of the rest of his clothes. Kelly's eyes were appreciative as she took in his body, and she smiled as he climbed in next to her.

"I'm going to need some friction to warm me up."

"Oh, is that right." Rick laughed.

"Mmhhmm." Kelly rolled to her side and propped her head on her hand.

Rick did the same, and just laid there looking at her. She was beautiful. Inside and out, and the best part; she was his. Rick leaned in and caught her mouth with his, pushing Kelly onto her back. He half laid across her, wrapping her in his arms. Kelly's lips parted, inviting him in with her tongue. He slid a hand over the curves of her side, and brought his hand between her legs. Instantly her knees fell open, and he stroked her sensitive skin gently. He knew was she was wet; he'd figured that out in the car. He knew he was hard; he thought he might die if he didn't get inside her soon.

Kelly finally decided that Rick was going to take too long to consummated their pretend marriage. He was going to be a gentleman and tease her endlessly. She wanted that- oh, yes she did- but not right that second. She was ready to cry with the need to feel him inside her. She pushed at his shoulders, and Rick immediately backed off.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, ya goon." Kelly smiled as she climbed to her knees and straddled his midsection.

"Oh." Rick adjusted himself so he was lying completely flat.

Kelly reached between them and stood his cock to where she needed it. Lowering herself, she eased onto his length.

"Oh is right." She smiled as she rested her hands on his chest and sat the rest of the way down. "This is what I've been waiting for."

Rick reached up and grabbed her hair with one hand and pulled her face down to his. His other hand went to her hip, and he kissed her as he began thrusting his hips up into her. Kelly gasped against his mouth and leaned forward, planting her hands on the bed. She worked her hips as he bucked beneath her, and finally tore her mouth from his, gasping at the sensations.

Her breasts swung enticingly before his face, and Rick caught her nipples in turn, sucking and biting for a moment, then moving to the other. He grabbed onto her hips with both hands then, and held her down to him tightly, slamming up into her. Kelly bit her bottom lip, and pushed off the bed to sit up. The change in angle caused both of them to gasp, and Kelly smiled.

Rick pushed her off of him and onto her back, then crawled on top of her. His cock bumped against her entrance, and she tipped her hips invitingly. As Rick slid inside, Kelly closed her eyes. The silken drag of him being inside of her, his width pressing against her walls, and the head bumping against her womb almost sent her over the edge right then. Then Rick caught her right knee and pushed it up so it was caught by his upper arm, spreading her wider, tilting her hips so she took him deeper. As he slid that final fraction, Kelly felt like weeping with joy.

Rick started rocking against her, and each time he hit bottom she tightened around him. Finally, he began moving for real, pumping inside of her with abandon. His eyes moved to her chest, watching her breasts shift with each thrust. Rick leaned in, catching one of her nipples, flicking it with his tongue and sucking it roughly into his mouth. Kelly moaned, her hand drifting up into his hair. She watched his muscles flex as he moved, and she hitched her other leg up along his side, increasing the depth even more.

He released her nipple and pumped faster, and Kelly knew he was close. She reached between them and found her clit, and rubbed her fingertips over it quickly. It only took a few seconds, and she exploded, her pussy convulsing around him. Her muscles stayed tightened, twitching around him. Rick grunted and the first spurt broke loose even as he was pulling out, his hand sliding over his length as he came onto her stomach.

Rick sat back on his heels and strove to catch his breath. Kelly let out a tinkling laugh- he looked like he'd ran a marathon. He finally got off the bed and went to the bathroom, returning with a wash cloth to wipe off her stomach. Pitching it to the side, he climbed back in bed but got under the covers. Kelly crawled under with him.

"That's what I've missed."

"Me too." Rick laughed.

His arm automatically went around her shoulders, and Kelly scooted close, resting her head on his shoulder and sighed happily. His hand stroked the length of her arm, and their hearts ceased galloping in their chests.

"So, is this our honeymoon?" Kelly's breath tickled his neck.

"Hmm. I guess so, unofficially."

Kelly pushed up and moved the blankets, settling herself astride Rick's hips.

"Well then, we better get started."

Rick rolled his eyes and smiled.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Critiquing the critique. “estragon” ripped this story apart just about every way possible, and yet it still scored higher than anything he’s ever posted. I think that’s interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
The answer is...

Kelly was pregnant by another man. She ran away from the wedding because she cheated on Rick. She came back after having the baby to pick up where she left off. Sadly Rick is none the wiser. So that is why she lost 50 lbs. She was pregnant at the wedding, and was already overweight. When she had the baby 4 months later, she lost more weight so she could entice Rick back. She really isn't as Godly as she appears. Once a cheater always a cheater....

estragonestragonabout 13 years ago
Loved the Concept

Loss, love, redemption, salvation--it's their story and all our stories. Total feel good. I really like the characters, although Rick is almost too good to be true.

Now for my quibbles:

The parishioners were milling about, talking, singing, greeting one another.: Interesting church y’all have there. We’re more formal at our church, so this threw me more than once in the story. Do people sing, pray and talk all at once all through the service in your church? Isn’t that a wee bit distracting?

help me win forgiveness. : Wasn’t forgiveness won for you at the Place of a Skull on the first Good Friday? But of course the lady’s emotions are doing the talking.

"I have. About fifty pounds so far.": Fifty pounds in one year? I’m sure it can be done, but does this girl have an eating disorder? And was she channeling the Goodyear blimp when she left him at the altar a year ago? She jilts her boyfriend and loses fifty pounds in a year; hardly normal behavior.

Her head turned on it's own accord: No, her head turned of its own accord. Possessive adjective, and the idiom is “of its own accord,” or “on its own”.

Pam however, stood : Either “Pam, however, stood” because “however” is in apposition to “Pam stood”, or better still, just kill “however” and let Pam stand.

If He is willing to do that, what else will He do: What else did He have to do or does He have to do? He did it all. Your turn now. All you have to do is accept Him as your Lord and Saviour; He’ll take care of the rest (of course He will whether you accept Him or not, but it’s more fun if you accept him).

He took off to the back of the sanctuary reading to shake hands with everyone as they left.: Your pastor is a trifle abrupt, isn’t he? “He took off” sounds like he made a mad dash, as if trying to catch a bus. And was he reading while shaking hands? No eye contact? That’s very rude. How about this? “He walked to the back of the sanctuary, shaking hands with everyone as they left.”

a years worth of hurt and longing.: No, a year’s worth of hurt and longing. Apostrophe denotes possession. The worth belongs to the year. “Years worth” is more than one year, plural.

church work and real work: No! Church work is real work, or if it isn’t, change your church from within or find another church and change from without. Try this: between “church work and her job”

Kelly didn't have much time for alone time.: Wasted words. Try this “Kelly didn't have much alone time.”

Kelly sort of felt like they should wait.: “Sort of” is a pet peeve of mine; it’s the evasion of a lazy or unimaginative writer. Did Kelly feel they should wait? Sometimes yes, sometimes no? Try this: “Kelly thought they should wait, sometimes…”

his tongue snuck between the seam: No, it sneaked between the seam.

quit swat on the behind: Exactly what is a “quit” swat? Do you mean quick?

After dinner, they decided to not watch a movie.: No, clumsy. “After dinner, they decided not to watch a movie.” You can split some infinitives, but not with a negative like “not”.

neighbors dogs” No, possessive adjective needs apostrophe. “neighbors’ dogs”.

was that he had bought a ring. A new ring, full of new promise.: The man is a bleedin’ saint, so he is! If it had been me, the only ring I’d give her would be mine to kiss.

he'd actually even talked to Pastor Dave about the situation.: Actually even?? What do you suppose the man is there for? To shake hands while reading? Why are you surprised, do you not talk to your priest or minister or pastor or whatever about something more important than who’ll make it to the Sweet Sixteen?

had chopped away at his confidence with one move: She had also publicly humiliated him in front of the people who were dearest to him, stolen the ring he gave her, and behaved like an untrustworthy, wholly honorless brat. She should be prostrate at his feet, washing them with her tears.

She made a promise inside herself right then, that no matter what, she would never hurt this man again.: Right then? Was she uncertain until then? What made her change what passes for her mind then? How about a promise outside herself, if she is capable of thinking of anything or anyone outside herself. How about this: “Unable to bear his stillness any longer, she stood and said, “Before the God I adore and the man I Iove, I promise I will never hurt you again or fail to honor you, not as you deserve because I’m not good enough, but as far as my heart and strength will take me as long as I live.”

she sat her iced tea on the table: No, she set her iced tea on the table.

last couple inches: No, last couple of inches. Partitive genitive. That inch or two out of all the inches that ever were or will be.

musky hue: “hue” is shade of color. You could try “musky scent”, but that’s a cliché. How about this “the feral, animal aroma of her aroused womanhood”.

She supposed she had God to thank for that.: And for everything else. This woman is none too swift, is she?

thunder started rumbling in the distance.: Cliché. Try this: “and the summer thunder beat on the hot still air.”

"I am going in this house. I am getting naked and laying on that bed. I plan to have sex in a few minutes, and I hope you're there for it.": Wonderful! Great! Bravo! That’s the way to do it!

and laid on her back: No, she lay on her back. Use the Resources link and read one of the excellent essays on grammar.

He knew was she was wet; he'd figured that out in the car.: Permit me to congratulate him on his perspicacity. An undoubted coruscation of ratiocination by Captain Obvious. Now get rid of the first “was”, an obvious mistake, and forget what he figured out in the car.

to consummated: No, to consummate.

stood his cock to where she needed it: Try “moved his cock to where she needed it.”

head bumping against her womb: No, might be bumping her cervix and that, I am told by those who possess such an article, hurts. So leave her womb to her gynecologist.

Great story!

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
Where did that "green cat" come from?

I'm still trying to figure out why she left him at the altar the first time?????? I still gave it Five Stars!

amber1312amber1312over 13 years ago

written and its nice to read a short story that says everything it needs to and ends happily too. thanks

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
What a great story to start the day......

Well written story that made me feel good. Thanks.....

chytownchytownover 13 years ago
Great Story!!!!!!!

It is a feel good love story. (Thank You) for a delightful read.

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