One Wife, Two Husbands


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There were discontented rumblings in the community as well, people feeling Adam was taking advantage of his position and avoiding jobs to spend more time with Becca.

I went out on a scheduled hunting trip with Daniel and some others. James was back in the village looking after Cass; they said they would keep an eye out for Kyle. I found it a relief to be out of the village and it's recent stresses. There were four of us and we were nervous about running into other bands, it made us closer as a group, relying upon each other. We went further east than before and found good grounds for hunting deer; as well as small settlements that hadn't been completely stripped of food by survivors. My old hunting skills came back and we had great success, we were all delighted to be returning home early with a truck full of fresh meat and supplies.

I thought a couple of people looked at me oddly as we arrived back. I knew Kyle would be in school and even though it was the day Becca was due back, I had a good idea where she would be. I walked straight into Adam's house, only to be absolutely devastated by the scene before me.

Becca was naked and bent over the back of the couch, with Adam's cock in her mouth. What was even more shocking was that his deputy Steve was fucking her from behind. She saw me and squealed or would have done if it wasn't muffled by a mouth full of cock.

I headed straight back out of the camp, walking with no concern about safety. It must have been hours and near sunset when James eventually caught up with me.

He told me Becca had spent the whole week at Adam's and that his deputy spent a lot of time there. I asked about Kyle, he assured me Becca had been looking after him but Cass had taken them for him for a couple of nights at Becca's request. Eventually we had to go back; Becca was waiting for me at our house.

"I am sorry Mark."

"Save it."

"It's just sex; Adam has encouraged me to try new things. Life is so precarious now; we need to seize the day."

"Oh yeah, fucked anyone else whilst I've been away or is it just the two of them."

"Just them, I'm not a ...," she stopped herself.

"Oh but you are, did you spend the whole week with your fuck buddies, Kyle better not have seen any of that shit.".

"Of course he didn't, he was at school and the thing with Steve just sort of happened, it wasn't planned."

"Just sort of happened when you spread your legs for him."

She looked embarrassed but went on the offensive, "The rules here are 'at least two partners', I have the right to... offer more. You weren't here, so you weren't missing out and this liaison keeps Kyle even safer. You can hunt and fight, I have to use my own talents to survive."

"Don't fucking dare justify this with Kyle's safety, that's absolute bollocks and you know it. As for not being here, tell me was it your idea to send me out on the hunt or Adam's?"

She looked away and didn't answer.

"So infidelity, lies, manipulation, there really is nothing worth staying together for."

"Don't say that, I still love you; you're my husband... and what about Kyle."

"You should of thought about him when you were having your little fuck fest, I am sure you will manage with your two new guys, purely for safety reasons of course."


The murmurings of discontent continued across the camp as Adam and Becca's actions became widely known. Those heightened when I requested a divorce, it was unheard of and was denied.

Becca was furious, then switched to promising to come back to me and devote more time. To be honest I had lost all respect for her and thought I'd be better off alone. I limited contact to being about Kyle. Weirdly, she now couldn't spend enough time with me; always looking for excuses to do things together or come over to the house to spend time with Kyle with me.

Adam's position was being questioned and Becca begged me for another chance, "Please Mark, I never stopped loving you, I got wrapped up in the excitement of new things and being able to actually live rather than just survive. It was like being starved of pleasure for years and them given an overload, I couldn't stop."

"What part of that makes you become a cold hearted bitch, treating me with contempt?"

"I am sorry, I took you for granted and just expected you to be there. I'm lost without you, Adam isn't someone I can rely on, he... he's asked me to look after his friends."

"By look after, I'll assume you mean fuck. And have you, you seemed to be enjoying two cocks in you."

"No, that was the first and only time; I felt awful afterwards. When you saw me like that, I was so ashamed and felt like such a slut. I suddenly remembered who I used to be, a wife, mum and a good person and I had just thrown that away for cheap thrill."

"Yeah, you used to be those things Becca."

"I can be again."

"Not with me you can't, you can't undo the shit you've pulled."

Eventually peer pressure meant they had to accept divorce request. A simple signature did it, no lawyers or counselling.

Adam started having to fight off requests for Becca to take a second partner and was less than happy. Both he and Becca asked me to go back with them and admitted they had completely pulled the piss. I politely told them both to fuck off.


The scavenging and hunting trips were becoming more difficult, we were seeing more patrols from the group in the north. Then disaster struck, one of our scavenging parties was caught in a fire-fight with another group, 3 were dead and 4 injured, one of the dead was my friend Daniel. I was devastated and wanted to go after them; Adam rejected the idea of doing something about it or trying to find out who they were.

After two months of mourning, Cass was asked to consider a replacement for Daniel. James and her were in a dilemma, not wanting the problems associated with a new partner, especially a younger guy after my experience.

It was James who approached me, " Mark, you know we have to find another partner for Cass."

"Yeah mate, I know how hard that must be, any luck so far?"

"No not at all, the younger guys are a nightmare, arrogant and over confident, bragging about what they would do for her."

"Yeah I know that feeling."

"We... well we wondered if you might consider it."

"Me, right errm... what does Cass think about that?"

"She was the one who suggested you, I thought it was a good idea, might have thought about myself but in my mind you were still married; but now that's no longer true."

I thought about it, realising how much I had come to like Cass, she was like a second mum to Kyle and James was a true friend.

"I would be honoured; listen though James, we can work this any way you are comfortable with; Cass doesn't have to sleep with me, we can keep things as friends between us, no one needs to know."

"Thanks Mark, you a good friend, I'll let Cass know."

Becca was fuming but couldn't stop it; I was free to marry who I wanted. We had a quiet ceremony with just us and the registrar. I though Cass looked beautiful, she'd actually managed to find a wedding dress and looked like a blushing bride. I was divorced with one signature and after a quick kiss married with another. I told Cass that I didn't expect anything sexually, we could be friends, she smiled and thanked me.

Later she came to me explaining James was spending the night at a friend's place. She was dressed in a long flowing robe which she untied to reveal white bridal lingerie, a classy looking camisole and hold up ivory stockings. They went perfectly with her blonde hair and shy smile; she looked an absolute vision. We shared a night of wonderful closeness and passion. It wasn't all romantic, she was a woman in every sense of the word and she enjoyed a robust fucking. Everything we tried felt so natural and comfortable, sadly it reminded me of my first honey moon.

I was dreading seeing James the following day, but it was far easier than I could have anticipated. Cass offered him an enthusiastic cuddle and kiss as soon as she saw him and I heard her whispering her thanks to him as she held onto his arm. He looked at me offering his congratulations on our nuptials, saying he pleased Cass looked so happy.

We quickly settled into a comfortable way of life, a genuine three way friendship. We lived in the same house with Cass alternating which bed she slept in. I often noticed younger guys hanging around Cass obviously flirting, but she always politely deflected them, providing a sense of trust that I had lost totally with Becca. I overheard the end of a conversation with a particularly eager young suitor as I approached.

"No thanks, I have no intention of experiencing your big cock, I've got more than enough on my hands as it is."

He was about to argue when I caught his eye and stepped in, "Are we going to have a problem, she's already taken and you know that, she's also given you a clear answer... so jog the fuck along."

We smiled and laughed at each other as he scurried away.


There were continued complaints and discontent about Adams leadership, the lack of contribution and seemingly lording it over the rest of the community. As a result he started going out on foraging trips for fruit and berries, it was a pretty easy duty but gave the right impression to the community.

I was stalking my prey, for once not a deer but using my gun sight to assess the strength of the compound in front of us. James and I had decided to find their camp, after seeing more of their patrols and needing to assess if they were a threat. We decided not to inform Adam because... well he was useless, lacked any form of courage and I detested him.

We had managed to get a view into their camp from a tree covered bluff. And set about trying to count how many of them there were and what sort of weapons they had. The results were alarming, easily more men, more vehicles and more guns than us. Their camp was large and grim, it seemed like there were only a few women and children and some of them were being treated as slaves.

We'd been there about an hour and were waiting for darkness before pulling out when to our horror, a flat bedded truck raced in with prisoners. I recognised Becca immediately along with Adam, Joanne and Steve from their foraging group. They were dragged forcibly off the truck as a large crowd gathered around them.

Becca and Joanne were put on a block at the front of the group and their clothes torn away. There appeared to be some form of auction with waving suggesting bids. A guy stepped up and threw Joanne over his shoulder, as she kicked and screamed to the cheers of the mob. Two guys collected Becca, putting a collar and leash on her; she went along with them and out of site.

The mob then focused Adam and Steve, it looked liked they were being questioned and getting a severe beating. Then a huge guy drew a sword and swung it at Steve, decapitating him in a single stroke! After the shock of that, it was obvious Adam was giving information and directions, mixed in with pleading and begging. It didn't work, I heard the echo of a gunshot as his body slumped forward.

We needed to get back and quickly. If Adam had told them about our supplies and our numbers, we were a rich and attractive target. The chances of an attack were high and probably within days. Cass suffering the same fate as Joanne and Becca filled me with dread, but that was nothing compared to the threat to Kyle and the other children.


The attack came as we had expected. Vans, trucks and jeeps approaching at speed in a column. The lead truck had a battering ram attached, which looked heavy enough to smash through our gate. We were outnumbered and outgunned, the tension was unbearable, the thin line of our defenders could do little but wait in grim determination.

I turned the charge handle for the explosives as the truck approached, and watched in marvel as it somersaulted elegantly though the air in a perfect arc, before landing with an earth shattering smash on its roof... right in the middle of the approach road.

Their cavalcade peeled off to either side but were restricted by the trees as the walls opened fire. Every adult we had manned the barricade, but it still wasn't going to be enough.

Other charges followed, targeting the obvious escape routes, destroying some vehicles and pinning others in at the side of the road. We opened the gate and a fully loaded 30 tonne dump truck trundled out picking up speed, rigged with our own version of metal armour and a front snow plough. James was at the helm as steady and unflappable as ever. Once up to speed it was unstoppable, smashing through their vans and trucks on the roadside and obliterating most of the people in between. The remnants of their force become easy pickings for our marksmen on the walls as they scattered on foot.

I never thought the plan could be so effective, we had been incredibly lucky that they underestimated us and charged straight in. Ironically Adam's confession had done us a favour. We had some casualties, but in the scheme of things we got off lightly. Unfortunately the final casualty was my good friend James; someone managed a lucky shot as he was turning dump truck around for another run. Cass was already cradling his body; I tried my best to comfort her.

After the fight, we raced toward their camp easily overcoming the few guards they had remained behind. I was amazed to find Becca and Joanne along with around forty other women in a sports hall. A handful of shackled men who had been forced to do hard labour were also there. Most of the captives were semi-nude and it was obvious they had been abused.

Becca clung to me crying when she saw me. I had no idea of what to say, so just held her and said she was safe now. I told her Kyle was fine and was waiting for her. It took a while, but we managed to transport them all back to New Haven. Some of them succumbed to injuries but over time most recovered well including Becca.

With Adam and Steve gone and my success in warning of the imminent attack and planning the trap, I was asked to be leader of New Haven. I wasn't sure, so agreed to do until we had sorted out some form of election system. I did however immediately scrap the law relating to women needing to take two partners. It wasn't needed with the new balance in numbers and I hated it. With the rescued women and mostly male casualties there were now more women than men. I resisted the temptation of reverse the law saying each man needed two wives. Law or not, that is that happened, I think a lot of guys wanted a bit of pay back for previous arrangements.

Becca begged me to take her back, reminding me she was free and still mother to Kyle. I thought about it but I just couldn't trust her, neither did anyone else and she remained alone for a while. In the end relented and let her move back in with us, but that was for Kyle's sake, I certainly wasn't going to be a partner to her.

I supported Cass through grieving for James, despite her own loss; she helped a lot of the women to recover from her ordeal at the other camp. Cass was kind and patient and had natural affinity with people; they trusted her and opened up. She was exactly the same with Kyle reaffirming her position as second mum to him. She was a daily reminder that good people and good deeds still existed amongst all the turmoil.

She was exactly what I and Kyle needed after Becca's betrayal.

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KarenCDFLKarenCDFL2 months ago

Excellent story with an opening to read more. Please?

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician2 months ago

Poor feedback on this one. Read 1 paragraph and decided y stomach couldn’t handle your inciteful, illuminated, tome. Maybe your next one will be easier for me to digest. MtM

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Honestly I was looking for the husband to kill off his wife's new husband. To bad he was a cuck instead of a Alpha. Man stole his wife and used her whenever he wanted. Definitely deserved a nice killing in the woods.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman6 months ago

Interesting concept that someday the USA might face.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Adam abused his camp boss "authority" and the camp realized it. Becca was a cheating slut just needing the right circumstances and having the boss man taken w/ her allowed her to let herself go. His big dick was what she wanted and 3somes were exciting so she pretty much dumped hubby cuz 1- she wanted to explore her slut side and 2- she felt she cld get away w/ it with bossman protecting her, 3 hubby was a known and boring issue, taken for granted, and new, hopefully bigger dicks awaited. Even w/o the end of

times, becca wld have cheated later on, in her"normal" marriage. rk

silentsoundsilentsound9 months ago

One of the fastest ways to break down a civilization is to make men share women.

Interesting plot but it would destroy itself unless you don't believe history.😉

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hope this is t the end, it could go on for a couple more stories.

I give it 4 stars, rarely do I want a longer story but I did with this one.

BigfundrewBigfundrewover 1 year ago

I liked it. As stated many times before me, this paved a good way to more stories from this cast of characters.

It seemed obvious to me that for the law to be effective, it needed to be established that the 2nd husband had to be a good fit to the original couple - essentially a 3 way relationship, like what the MC experienced with the other family.

Anyway, good job

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Usually people say some stories are too long, in this case it felt like the story could benefit from it ot make a second part.

fritz51fritz51over 1 year ago

I had a hard time continuing this at a point in the middle as Becca became so enamored with the situation, but I continued and found that I respected the manner that Mark responded, including the offer to his friend James, of marrying, as required by tribal law, but not having sex with Cass. An honorable gesture but one too difficult to complete, especially with James allowing Cass to seduce Mark.

I too am left wanting more, his loyalty to Cass was expected, as was the agreeing to permit Becca and Kyle to share the dwelling, sans sex for Becca… but it seems there is more story to be told and I hoping that the author, or someone will do a follow up. For the great start, 5 *s.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

I hope to hell you are going to continue this great story, you certainly ended it with the story up in the air. Seemingly indicating there is more to come.

Fantastic story, 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm glad you put this in the LW category. Easily one of the better alternate future stories I've read in awhile.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 1 year ago
great start

please continue

1959richard21959richard2over 1 year ago

I liked your story.

It is commendable that you're expanding the situations, plots, backgrounds of your stories.

The skills of your writing seems to be a limitation to the enjoyment of your stories.

A college creative writing class could help.

I look forward to more stories from you satindesires 🙂😃✍️.







GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyover 1 year ago


You do realize that there are no longer any condoms, birth control pills, patches or sponges.

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