Open Window of Opportunity (NSFW)

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Short DD/GG Erotic Fantasy.
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I have been watching for several weeks now. Being retired has it's less-obvious benefits. There is a quiet spot in the woods behind your home where I can wait comfortably without being noticed. I know your routine. Several days a week you are gone before I get here in the morning. Today is not going to be one of those days. Your husband comes out of the house about 8 AM. He must be nearly twice your age. I have noticed the way you look at him. I can see in your eyes that you love him, but I can also tell he is not interested in you sexually at all. Maybe he once was, before you became mother to his child. He goes into the garage, where he sounds busy working on a car for 30 minutes to an hour. If it is a day like today when you are home, he then he gets in his old truck and leaves. He will be gone for at least an hour, maybe two. I presume to the auto-parts store, but then again maybe he is having an affair. Either way he will go straight back into the garage when he returns. He won't be back in the house until after noon.

My only concern is for the little ones. I have observed that they seem very self-sufficient and look out for one another well. They should already be in front of the television having their breakfasts. I don't want to disturb them at all from their routine. They know that mommy lies in bed late on the mornings she is at home. They are accustomed to her bedroom door being shut. I will have to move quickly, quietly, and decisively.

Today is one of those beautiful late spring days when the weather is just right for letting fresh air into the house before the afternoon gets too warm. This window looks directly in on your bedroom. I have crept across the back yard from the woods without being noticed. I have peeped in before a few times. Your bed sits at a right angle to the window, head of the bed to my left. You habitually sleep on your left side, so your back will be to the window. I anticipate that your wide soft hips will be lovely in this morning light. I hope you aren't wearing any panties today. My memory of seeing you like this before stirs something primal in my balls. I actually watched you masturbate last week. It was all I could manage to do to stay quiet and patient myself. You sounded so fucking hot rubbing your wet pussy on the bed. I remember you mentioning "Daddy" several times as you did in a soft juvenile voice. Your orgasm was spectacular. Your hips thrusting involuntarily. You writhed in ecstasy for the longest time. Then when you calmed down and regained your composure, you got up and changed the sheets. When you turned towards the window I had to duck down quickly. You nearly gave me a heart attack that morning when you opened the window to let in some fresh air. Today the window is already open. Judging from the messy bed, you must have already masturbated this morning and fallen back asleep again. Good girl.

I am still in fairly good condition for a man my age and the window is not nearly as high as it looks at first. I quietly climb in and creep across the room towards your bed. I take note of the room as I do. The door is closed as expected. I think I can hear Nickelodeon on the television down the hallway. The children are quiet. I quickly slip out of the loose clothing and shoes that I wore today on purpose. As I ease myself onto the bed behind you, you stir gently, but do not turn my way, mumbling half-asleep "Mmmm, Daddy". My already half hard cock grows harder at the sound of your soft, sleepy voice. You sound at least ten or fifteen years younger than you look to me. I decide to take full advantage of your obvious fantasy. I slip my had around your abdomen and slide my palm and forearm over one nipple until my hand comes to rest gently against your pale white throat, fingers positioned to choke you, but not pressing yet. You moan and say simply "Yes, daddy." I think you must still be asleep and dreaming. I roll your body over towards me and onto your back. I keep my hand on your throat. I whisper in your ear, "Shhh, baby girl. Daddy has something for his princess."

You do not open your eyes or startle. You simply spread your knees apart pulling your feet up towards you crotch, spreading your thighs for me. You are clearly still soaking wet between your legs. You moan softly and say "OK. Daddy. Am I wet enough for you?" I place my left hand gently over your mouth, just in case you want to get loud. My right hand slides down over your breasts, lightly teasing them in passing and over your pale soft mommy belly. I slide my fingers through your soft well-trimmed, light-brown bush and along your hot damp pussy lips. They part slightly as my finger tips slide along them on their way towards your anus. I stop when they do, reversing course and dipping inside to part them further. You moan and thrust involuntarily upwards. "Push two fingers inside me, Daddy. I am ready for them." As I do, you continue talking in your cute juvenile voice, "I have been waiting all week for you to come in through that open window."

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