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And sure, enough it wasn't.

"Apparently Eliott is a serial seducer and loved to bang married woman. He would normally lead them on for a while and then try to get something out of them. Money, clothes, cars or whatever he could and would blackmail the wives with pictures he would sneak as the fucked." Tommy filled me in on what he found. He also found out that our local court systems was full of lawsuits and complaints that had already been filed against this little puke.

"It just looks like he's just slimy enough and relies on the couple's embarrassment that if the pictures got out to friends and family to give him what he wants without much of a fight." He concluded but admitted he couldn't get a good count of how many marriages he tanked over time but knew of four recently off-hand.

I was surprised at how much information he had on our little friend but as it turned out, Eliott was already a part of a cheating case he was working for another husband of a Yoga Spot alumni. Tommy didn't know that night because I hadn't shared his name or details.

"He fucked her, didn't he?"

"Yes." There was no need to lie at this point.

"Brother don't do anything foolish. This fucker isn't worth it." He pleaded.

"I had no plans to do anything Tommy." I'm not sure he believed me.

"You're not good enough to get away with it."

"That hurts Tommy!" I chuckled. But he was right, doesn't mean I wasn't already thinking we shouldn't have a little conversation.


I double checked Eliott's schedule, his last class was over at 8:30 that night. I was sitting in the back part of the parking lot waiting. Staff had to park away from the front doors to keep the limited spots open for customers which put the instructors in a secluded portion of the lot. It forced the staff to have a decent walk to the front door, it wasn't a bad ambush spot. The way the buildings blocked the view from both the street and the other business', I could do this. I was glad that Kari had only done day classes and didn't have to walk out here by herself at night.

I had already drilled an 1/8-inch hole into his right rear tire and replaced it with a beat up roofing nail I found on the road, 8:22 I had slipped out of my truck and stood in the shadows, my police issue ASP in my right hand.

This would go quickly; I've practiced this technique many times before. I knew my primary and secondary body targets.

I knew what to do.

I knew how to make it painful without turning deadly.

I stood there; my mind drifted to JT; how would he grow up if I were caught. 'Would he be better off with his father in prison?' I thought about the new life I would lead in Texas; the interview was Thursday. 'Was Tommy, right?' We always caught those stupid lug-heads who tried this shit, 'What makes me think I'm that much better?'

About 8:50, I saw my victim come out with some lonely wife. He walked her to her car and kissed her.

He deserves this.

He earned it.

Worked really hard for it.

Lonely wife started her car and just sat there. I could still do this.

Eliott walked out to his car, saw it listing to one side. Walked around to the right rear. His back was towards me. I positioned my left hand in a blocking pattern as I brought my baton up to shoulder height and started to step out of the shadows.

3 seconds later the deed would be done.

Lonely wife puts her car in reverse. Eliott jumps and takes off yelling.

I move back into the shadows. Eliott was able to catch her before she left the lot. She stopped and I could her him ask for a ride and say he'll get the car tomorrow.

I rush back to my truck and just sit there breathing hard, my heart was pumping. Truth be known, I had frozen my actions a heartbeat before Eliott jumped. Reality of what I was about to do hit me. I was going to beat a guy for fucking my wife, weeks after the fact. 'Was that who I really was?' the answer was easy, 'no'.

I reconfirmed my decision; I was divorcing Kari.

I made my way back to Kari's, put my ASP away in storage and went to the basement.

This isn't me. This is not the man I want JT or Kari to remember. My father taught me how to be a man. You don't have to be violent; a real man doesn't need to gather physical revenge on someone. There were other ways. Kari hating him and herself for the rest of her life would be one way. Their actions together were the cause of this event, the cause of the divorce and the demise of her family.

A real man takes responsibility for his actions, and the actions for those in his care. Kari and JT are within my care, I'm responsible for their actions. I would be disappointed in JT if he even thought of doing what I just about did. I knew my dad would have been disappointed in me as well. He taught me better.

I knew better.

I was a better man than that.

The Corps taught me to be a gentle man, until it was time to not be a gentle man. I was taught 'Rules of Engagement' as well as escalation of force in the academy. What I planned did not meet either definition, I would have been totally in the wrong if had gone through with it. In fact, I committed a crime just planning it, I needed to separate myself from those thoughts.

What I really needed to know is why Kari cheated. 'What was it that was so interesting about this guy?'

Wednesday: Session 3 (both of us)

"Welcome Dean and Kari ... thank you for coming back." Mrs. Watson opened the door and ushered us back in.

"Mrs. Watson, if you don't mind ... I have some more questions for Kari?" I was asking permission to investigate our issues a little deeper in my own way.

"Kari, is it alright with you?" Mrs. Watson watched Kari closely as she fidgeted in her seat and looked everywhere but at me.

"Yes ... ahh ... I guess so." Kari squeaked out. She didn't appear sure of herself or of me. I guess I didn't blame her for it. Not sure I would trust me either.

"So, Kari ... last time we discussed a little bit about why you got involved with this guy. Can we discuss that a little more?" I was trying hard to be gentle and not accusatory. I really did want to know. "You mentioned that we were in a rut and this guy chased you ... did I not chase you?"

"Dean, you are a good husband ... a great father ... but ... I don't want to hurt you anymore ... are you sure you want this?" Kari asked.

"Kari, I think Dean should understand your point of view ... if you two are going to stand a chance to repair the damage." Mrs. Watson inputted.

"Please Kari, go on."

"Well, we stopped talking about us ... I mean ... we talked about work, JT but we didn't talk about us, our feelings." I listened as she continued. "We said 'I love You' every day, but you hardly ever told me that I looked 'Hot' any more ... you didn't touch me with desire unless you want to have sex and even then it felt labored and a duty ... I didn't feel the lust every day ... not like I did before." She hesitated for a minute while she collected her thoughts. "I can't remember the last time you brought home flowers for me ... I know it must sound silly to you, but something so simple means that you were thinking of me.

"I just became a part of the house, I took care of JT, I took care of the house and then you when you came home ... and when he started chasing me ... I knew it wasn't real, but my lonely mind made me believe it was. And soon I fell victim to his charms."

I took in all that she had to say, there was a bunch here that needed to be unpacked. Was it really my job to help her find worth in her daily life?

"So, if I had bought you flowers you wouldn't have fucked this guy?" My anger raised to the surface a little and came out in my tone.

"No, it isn't that easy ... Dean, I ..." she started and then stopped herself

"Well, you know what I need from my wife?" I asked.

"Respect, that's what! And you sure don't show it by fucking some little pretty boy in my bed!" I declared loudly.

"I RESPECT you!" She declared.

"Really? I guess maybe I should show you the same respect by fucking some little slut one of these days!" My anger boiled over. It's like she wasn't listening to me.

The rest of the session went pretty much the same way. Mrs. Watson talked a lot about how respect is important to a man's psyche and how a woman needs to feel wanted and appreciated for being a woman. Of course, there was other things said between the two of us but basically that was the drift. We also talked about trust and lying.

I reflected on the lying part for a moment, not only did Kari lie to me but I was about to lie to her. She had no idea I was going to Texas to interview for a new job.

We wrapped up for the night and I'm not sure either one if us was better for it. It was a quiet ride home. When we got back to Kari's, we went our separate ways. Kari mentioned that she would pick JT up tomorrow, we came to realize that it would be better for all of us if he stayed at her mom's house on Wednesday nights for a while.


I was up and out of Kari's early and off to the airport. They wanted me to stay the night but I declined telling them that I had a little one to get home to, so I flew back that same day. I rolled in late and Kari was sitting on the couch, crying and had several crumpled tissues littered around her.

"You're really late." she stated

"Yep, a real shit-show today."

"Why didn't you let me know?" she asked

"I'm sorry, I'm not use to giving that consideration to roommates. But I will the next time it happens."

She sobbed. She also noticed I was dressed better than usual.

"Were you on ... a ... a date?"

"WHAT!?" I growled.

"I'm not the one who broke our vows!" I said a little quieter.

She sobbed harder; her insecurities showed more than I have ever seen them before.

It broke my heart.

She broke my heart.

"We had execs from corporate onsite today and I had to look presentable." I lied, then just turned, and went downstairs.

As I reviewed our conversations from the last few weeks, I could see how she might have thought that I was on a date. Divorce was pretty much a forgone conclusion at this point. Something major was going to have to happen if we were going to save this marriage. My guts were in knots again.

Friday and the weekend:

Since we had no production scheduled and I only had some light paperwork to do, I arranged to go into work a little late. Since I decided it wasn't me to beat the shit out of pretty boy, I had come up with a secondary plan, one that would put him in his place but also get some small sense of revenge on Kari and anyone else who fucked this boy.

I started it off at the kitchen table with Kari right after JT took off for school. I laid the packet Tommy prepared on Eliott in front of her.

"Did you know you were just another slut in is corral?" I asked plainly.

She opened the packet and looked at the information in front of her. Her eyes got wide and a little panic came across her face.

"Did he ask for anything?" I queried.

"No, not from me ... but I heard that one of the customers might have had bought him something. Not sure what it was ..." she trailed off a little.

"I ... I don't think he would have." She stated.

"Kari don't be so naïve! ... he was just waiting to see what he could get out of you!" I retaliated.

"He DIDN'T LOVE you! ... Kari, you were just a piece of ass ... he would have dumped you as soon as he got it on the regular somewhere else and would have flipped on you and threatened to tell me as soon as you stopped or didn't give me him what he wanted." I said.

"Where did you get this anyway? ... and how do you know all of this?"

"Tommy dug it as part of a divorce investigation he's doing ... one of your girlfriends is going to be sitting in divorce court with you if you don't pull your head out of your ass!" It was too damn early to get this worked up.

"I'm showing you this as a heads up ... I'm dropping off a packet for each lady at the Yoga Spot on my way in this morning." I stated.

"WHAT!" she screeched.

"Yep, I'm shutting off pretty boy's pussy faucet. Just thought you might want to know so you can turn off your phone ... it's going to be a fucked-up day at the Yoga Spot."

"Please don't Dean ... please they are my friends. Jane had nothing to do with what happened, please don't do this." She was practically begging at this point.

"Alright ... you do it then ... and I want you to confess fucking him, tell them all how you slutted around with the little prick ... call it a penance." I looked her straight into her eyes. "I'm going to check with Jane later, you need to share this with all the women down there and let them know what's going on .... If Jane is really your friend, you wouldn't want her to get blindsided." I dropped off a few packets on the table and headed out the door.

I had thought it might go that way, so I had made arrangements with Tommy to have one of his guys watch the place for the day to see if she actually went down. About 11 I got a call from Tommy telling me that she did it. She went and from what the guy could see through the window, she spoke with Jane and a couple of the regulars. One woman came out right away with a packet and Kari came out in tears a minute later, apparently it wasn't a pretty sight. Throughout the day about three other women came out crying with packets in their hands.

I never called Jane. She didn't need to hear anything from me.

Around 5:30 that night I got another update from Tommy, apparently Eliott came in around 4:30 and came out 30 minutes later, completely pissed. He had a packet and was yelling at Jane holding the door open so everyone could hear his rant. As he walked towards his car a casually dressed man in his 20's approached Elliot, spoke with him for a few seconds and handed him a second envelope. This spun lover boy up again, causing to him cuss the, assumed, server and Jane. It got aggressive, to the point that The PI prepared himself to intervene physically or call 911. But Eliott thought better of it, jumped into his car and sped recklessly out of the parking lot.

She did warm up a little on Saturday and wanted to talk about the divorce comment I made the day before. I played it off as an 'attention getter' comment but if we can't figure out this mess then we may just end up there.

I did learn through Tommy later, that Eliott was fired by Jane, sued by the aggrieved husband and was being investigated for fraud and coercion in conjunction with a couple of the wives. Somewhere along the line, the poor boy was mugged by a couple of bad dudes and received a beat down that landed him in the ICU for a week or so. That worked for me.

Oh yeah, they got caught. The muggers were a couple of hired thugs, and they rolled over on the jilted husband. Apparently, he had been keeping track of the boy and waited a year, so it wasn't one of the Yoga Spot wives, thinking that it would be harder to track. It wasn't. The cost of that wife's infidelity keeps growing, first with the messy expensive divorce, child support, lawyers and now a prison sentence.

Weeks 5 & 6:

The next couple of weeks were fairly uneventful, though we did discuss the Eliott file I made Kari take down to the Yoga Spot with Mrs. Watson at our weekly session. Mrs. Watson didn't agree with my actions and admonished me for my desire for revenge, but it did make me feel a little better and gave Kari a small sampling of how I been feeling, I guess she started looking at things through my lens a little more because we started talking more outside of counseling and Mrs. Watson started to work with us a little bit more on how to regain our trust and respect for each other. She also asked us to try a guaranteed 'Date Night' each week. Which seemed a little premature and a standard counselor's go-to fix all. But we agreed, so we set up Saturday night babysitting with a teen down the street and made plans. I was still set on a divorce, but some of the things Mrs. Watson was saying made some sense to me.


I needed some time to think, so I made sure I was free from work that Friday morning and went out to the lake to check on the trailer and do some fishing. Arriving at the lake I poked around and cleaned up a little and made sure everything was good with the trailer, also taking notes what I wanted if and when I had to sell it either for the divorce or the move. Grabbed a couple of poles, bait and my favorite fishing chair and made my way down to the lake.

I set up my chair, rigged for bottom fishing and cast my line out. Propped up my pole and broke out a coke and cookies. I needed this, so I let my mind drift ... I had a lot of things to wrap my mind around.


The most important was JT. So many questions went through my mind, he was a true innocent in this mess, he never asked for it or had a hand in its making. He needed his father, almost as badly as I needed him

'What was I going to do about him?'

'Was I willing to stay with a cheating, lying cunt just so he had a good childhood?'

'Could I do that?'

'Even if I could, what kind of life would that be for either of us?'

'Was he my biological child?' I hated that I even thought of that one. But I guess it does have to be asked. 'Was this the first time she actually cheated?' My gut said he was, he was a carbon copy of me, so much so Kari gets pissed when people ask what features he got from her side of the family. Also, I told myself, that he was born so early in our marriage that we were still in the 'Honeymoon' phase, it might be unlikely that she was cheating. I reminded myself to ask her about it at our next session, her response should tell me all I need to know.

The next counseling session:

That thought train led me to thinking about our next session, we really need to talk about the trust elephant in the room.

'How do we go about rebuilding trust?'

'Can I ever trust her again?'

'Fuck, now I've lied to her, will she ever trust me again?'

I was so angry with her and wanted her to hurt, that I felt it was ok to lie to her and keep her in the dark about my interview and conversations with the lawyer. She already knew I talked to Tommy, and she wasn't happy about me sharing with him. I suppose it had more to do with her embarrassment and humiliation of being caught more than the actual act.

The tip of my pole bounced, once, twice ... I set the hook and for the next few minutes forgot about my woes and reeled in a decent Channel Cat. I put him on my stringer, pinning it to the bank, laid him back in at the edge of the lake, re-baited and re-cast out my line. I used to love going fishing with my dad, we use to have the best conversations out on the water. I remember him talking to me about marriage, just before Kari and I got hitched.

"Son, I'm really proud of the man you have grown into ... and Kari is a fantastic woman ... but you know marriage comes with its own bag of problems and new lessons to learn." He said as he watched his bobber drifting though our favorite Crappie hole.

"You are taking on the 'Head of the Household' role ... do you know what that means?" he asked me.

"Well, I guess it mean I'm in charge." I said proudly thinking I got the answer right.

He laughed loudly, scaring away any fish in the vicinity. "Well, kind of ... but really it means that you are responsible for your wife and eventually children ... no matter what happens in your house, you have to own it ..." I didn't understand that back then, but as I reflected back on what he said my mind took me somewhere else.