Orc Dominion: Elfin Descent Ch. 13


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Still, she had a plan. The princess thought to humiliate her, but she could still turn the tables. She watched as Lyriena began to lose herself in pleasure once again. She's such a slut; she should have been the whore, not me she thought. Now that she was on top, she could control the rhythm of their fucking. She began to work her hips, grinding forward to rub the base against Lyriena's clit while making it only awkwardly and ineffectively slide against her pussy.

"Ah, yessss, ride it. Ride that stallion's big cock!" Lyriena moaned as she watched Soleil undulate atop her. Her eyes wandered down from Soleil's determined face to her fat tits, which bounced wildly as she fucked herself on the dildo. Then she looked further down, to the side of Soleil's bare pussy stretched wide around the girth of the black sex toy. She moaned and twitched, pushing her hips up as she found herself dancing on the edge of climax, unable to tear her eyes away from the fake horse cock disappearing in and out of Soleil's wet pussy.

As she watched the princess begin to undulate beneath her, she could tell that Lyriena was ready. She suddenly pushed herself up off the modeled stallion's cock and launched forward, bringing herself to straddle the princess' face. She spread her labia apart above Lyriena's face and let herself go. A cascade of golden pee exploded out of her and splattered all over the elf's royal visage.

The sudden assault happened too late to prevent her climax. On the contrary, the sudden rush of degradation and humiliation seemed to enhance it. Such feelings had already begin to associate themselves with her pleasure, and now feeling them again on the cusp of ecstasy only ingrained them further into her conscious.

To make matters worse, her lips parted as she cried out in pleasure, giving Soleil the perfect target to aim for. Stale acidic piss shot into her mouth, covering her tongue and embedding the taste in her mind. Lyriena was forced to drink the harlot's urine even as it splashed out from the confines of her mouth to sprinkle on her face. She choked and gasped as she swallowed, causing even more of it to drip down the sides of her face.

As the princess convulsed, Soleil lost her aim but that was just fine. She continued to pee anyway, making sure to soak Lyriena's hair as well. The princess' head had been resting in a divot, and soon she found herself lying in an ever growing puddle of piss.

"Oh you make a right fine toilet, Your Highness. I know a whorehouse that would hire you in a second to be their piss girl. It's not every slut who will cum from getting a golden shower!" Soleil crowed triumphantly, but her victory only lasted a moment.

Trogar cuffed the elf on the side of her head, and then pulled out a horsewhip and started to thrash her. She yelped in pain, dancing about the room as the Prince struck her back, bottom, and thighs. "How dare you insult your Princess like that! How dare you disobey me! Who do you think you are you little whore!" Trogar raged at the twin as he punished her harshly.

"Here, let's get you up Princess" Florette said with a smirk as she helped Lyriena into a sitting position.

Lyriena had a dazed look in eyes as her brain tried to process what had just happened. Her hair wet with Soleil's piss dripped onto her naked body and she opened her mouth and gagged a little and pushed pee and saliva out to try to cleanse her mouth only to have it land on her small bare breasts.

"Come with me Your Highness and I'll see you cleaned up. You won't want to see what the Prince does to Soleil."

Florette helped Lyriena to her unsteady feet and held onto her arm. She smiled at the look in Lyriena's eyes and enjoyed the mix of confusion from the afterglow of cumming, going from being on top and dominant to being pissed on by a whore. Florette picked up the princess's dress and handed it to her in a ball. Lyriena clutched it to her chest and hung her head in shame as tears started to well up in her eyes. She wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. She numbly took her heels as Florette handed them to her and started to walk her to the door. Weary from her climax and humiliated beyond belief from the stink of urine running down her body, Lyriena acquiesced and allowed Florette to escort her from the room. Trogar was a brute, a beast, and if anyone was capable of punishing Soleil it would be him.


A smile crossed Trogar's lips as once Lyriena departed, but he didn't relent his attack for another minute. He wanted Soleil's screams to follow the princess through the castle. "That was brilliant, my dear. Well done!"

Soleil winced and tried to force a smile, but found she could not. She had been beaten before of course; many men like to pay extra for the privilege. But none had attacked with the ferocity of the Prince; they usually wanted a conscious, active participant afterward. "T-thank you, Your Highness."

"Here, I hope this will balm your wounds for now." He replied, giving her a heavy bag of coin. "Your real reward will come later, after I've succeeded." Trogar gave her a knowing look, which did bring out a weak smile. His plan had worked perfectly, even to the point of having the princess climax while lying under a deluge of a harlot's piss. Not only had she been forced to revel I her own humiliation, but he had the opportunity to punish her transgressor.

Now more of her ire had been transferred to Soleil, while he came across as an avenger. Trogar didn't delude himself into thinking he had won her over, but it was another step in the right direction. Slowly but surely he would win her around and mold her into the woman he wanted and needed. "Get some rest, Soleil. I'll be back in a bit."

Now that Lyriena was taken care of for the night, he needed to meet with the King and Queen again. These constant updates were getting tiring, but at least he had some positive news for a change. Trogar jaunted through the castle and made his way to his mother's suite. Her guards were expecting him, and let him pass without issue.

"You're looking happy tonight, Trogar." Jeanette said with a smile, "Is your courtship beginning to find favor?"

Grotok snorted, but otherwise said nothing.

"I think so. She is finally starting to come around."

"Why wouldn't she, when you're giving her everything she wants? The Guild was here, offering their gratitude for resuming trade, even if only for two months. How do you expect to bend her to your will when you're making concessions while asking for nothing?" Grotok shifted on the couch in annoyance. Trade had been disrupted for months, and now it seemed it was all for nothing.

"I wouldn't say that it is in return for nothing. She's still here and she's more receptive to the conditions of our negotiations; and she's already in so deep I'll soon have her trapped. Elfs keep their women bundled up in veils for a reason; once I have exposed Lyriena for what she is her father will be begging me to marry her."

"I hope you're right. The loss in trade is an expensive price for a playmate, Trogar. You could have found one much cheaper in the city. You're supposed to be winning her throne, not her bed, and father or no she seems no closer to wanting to marry you." Jeanette looked not displeased, but stern.

"I told you he didn't have it in him. He's too used to fast and loose women, not maidens."

"I've had some setbacks, it's true. But with Sylvia out of the way and Lyriena back in our control, things will resume moving forward." Trogar bit back the harsher response he wanted to give, but it was never wise to antagonize mother.

"I confess I'm beginning to doubt it. You've done well to get this far, Trogar. You've certainly managed to corrupt her, which might prove useful in itself. But we've also annoyed the Guilds, and perhaps even given the appearance that they can influence our policy, which is unfortunate."

"Weylan was positively crowing with his pleasure at trade resuming. He almost seemed to think he managed it himself. Such impertinence is unbecoming in a merchant, even if he is a Guild Master." The King seemed none too pleased at giving the Guilds the appearance of undermining his authority.

Some day there would be a reckoning with the Guilds. His mother had slowly but surely been eroding the power of the Duchies. Once they were brought completely to heel it would be time for the Guilds, as they were the only other force capable of challenging her and her son's rule. "I'm sure you'll find a way to remind them who is really in charge." Trogar smirked. "Perhaps they could be mandated to tithe some of their labor and materials to building a temple. It's been a while since there were any of note in Ruar."

Religion had fallen out of favor in Ruar long ago. Some of the other Duchies still worshipped their local deities and patrons, but religion was mostly absent from the capital. He hadn't actually considered it before, but a religious revival might be another way of asserting control over the people. Oh, they certainly didn't want to build up a priesthood; that would just create another rival for power. But maybe the people's devotion to the Queen could take a more religious bent? The possibility was intriguing, but something to consider later.

"Hah! They'd think we lost our minds. A temple? Is that the best you have, brother?" Grotok snorted derisively, but Jeanette looked thoughtful.

"There might be something there, I shall have to consider it." A slight smile formed on her lips. "Maybe something dedicated to the orcish pantheon? It would further imprint orc culture on the people, but in the guise of an entertaining show." Jeanette's thoughts wandered briefly to how much the people would enjoy seeing a royal debased publicly under the guise of a religious festival. "The people would line up to see the combat and fertility rituals, for instance. But that is a question for later. You've done well to get this far, Trogar, but it might be time to start considering your endgame, and bringing the courtship to a close. We've already lost her once, and I don't want to think about what Henry whispered in her ear while they were gone. You already had one spy in your midst, I don't think you want another."

Trogar flinched at the reminder of Sylvia's betrayal. She thought that she was being punished for it now, but in truth, the punishment hadn't started yet. He was waiting for her to recover from her wounds for that. "Dorian is still keeping a close watch on Lyriena. Now that's he finally reporting her movements to me and not just you, I don't anticipate any further problems. Indeed, all I need to do is string her along and wait for her to drop herself right into my hands."

The Queen didn't look convinced, but nodded. "If you say so, Trogar. But 'pray' that she does so quickly."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Trogor is the best at ruining fetishes

I actually really enjoy watersports. But everything Trogor touches turns to crap, and I hate it when he takes credit for things he had nothing to do with. The bulk of the work in corrupting the princess is done by other people, and he takes credit. He fails time and time again and others have to step in to fix his problems, and he takes credit. Meanwhile, Lyriena struggles to succeed or to try to get what she can, and even when she's on her way up Trogor just lolnopes it. It's really unsatisfying, like how the intended ending for the first story, where Jeanette becomes a sex slave, is unsatisfying because it renders everything she did to be pointless. I'm just waiting for a satisfying humiliation of Trogor, but it will probably never come.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Not the best of stories anymore, the plot seems to be stalling so the sex can go off in more perverse directions.

OrcDominionOrcDominionalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Elfin Descent

I've written before about some of the mistakes I made with the story, and there isn't a need to rehash that here again, I'll do that in more depth with the Afterward. I wanted to write a different story than Rebellion or Zentara, which in this case meant have a more adversarial relationship between the heroine and the orc. Some people like that and some people don't.

It's too late to correct that course now; the story is going to proceed to it's natural conclusion. If you like the way it's gone so far, you're going to like the ending. If you don't, you probably won't. For those that haven't enjoyed the story as much as Rebellion or Zentara, I hear you. The next major story in the series, Triumph, will be much more similar to Zentara and Rebellion rather than Elfin Descent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
"Does this stuff really turn men on?"

It's different for everyone, but it only does up to the point, it never hurts to write characters with soft side too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Losing faith

I've been a long time reader starting with the original series, and I've always been a fan of your work, especially your character development and ability to craft tantalizing scenes.Elfin Descent started out strong but has recently been lacking in both of those departments. Now simply the princess's sexual 'awakening' seems to only be driven by the needs of the plot, while the sex scenes seem to just be going the route of shocking. I was really excited about the first part of this chapter but then it went downhill.

SexinatiSexinatialmost 8 years ago
Reply to Anonymous

-Does this stuff really turn men on? This is disturbing.- Anonymous.

The answer to that question, Anon... Does it really turn men on?

I am not able to truly represent this answer for every man on earth... but would it turn most men on... probably not. Does it turn me on... Yeah. Personally I'd like it more if Trogar took a piss on Soleil, or even better, forced her to drink from the 'tap'... but that's just me!

I get why people hate Trogar... but fuck, I think Lyrienna would jump Trogar's bones if he did that, He'd earn a few respect points from me at least... I never liked Soleil, though I don't think we are supposed to like her all that much.

As for me, when relating to the subject of urolagnia... Personally I'll settle for pissing on others, instead of getting pissed on thank you very much! ;P (Well, what with me having a penis and everything, everything has to be pissed on at least once, leave no tree or park bench unsoiled!)

Actually, I wonder if I should have been born as a dog instead, they piss everywhere too!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Does this stuff really turn men on? This is disturbing.

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