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Mark sat down on the bed beside her. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was completely unexpected, you know."

Jamie laughed, not unkindly. "Oh, you mean you didn't expect to find your employee whom you had sent on a soul searching excursion returned as a female? You didn't expect to fuck her silly? Well, I didn't expect it either." She propped her head up on one hand, looking up at him. "Did you not enjoy it?" she was suddenly unsure of herself.

"Oh, no. I enjoyed it very much." Mark leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips, heedless of the cum that was slowly drying on her face. "We should get you cleaned up though. Before you fall asleep like that."

She groaned in protest. "Oh, I don't want to. I just want to lie here, and bask in this very fine afterglow."

"Well, I can't fault you for that." He laid down next to her, idly playing with one nipple.

Jamie sighed in contentment, and allowed her eyes to close. The feel of this man that she had known for so long lying next to her was like a puzzle piece falling into place. She didn't know what this meant for the relationship between them, but she knew she didn't want it to be over.


She woke, naked and covered in Mark's crusty, dried spunk. A blanket had been draped over her at some point in the night. Mark was gone from her bed, but the spot where he had been was still warm.

Reluctantly, she crawled out of her nice warm bed and stumbled her way into the bathroom. Her bottom felt thoroughly used. She felt it with every step she took. She moaned a little moan, savoring the pleasure of it.

She washed her face and looked at herself in the mirror. What are you going to do now, sweetie? she thought. Your boss fucked the hell out of you last night. Do you still have a job? Jamie realized she hadn't had the answer to that question before they had had sex, so why she would have it after, she didn't know.

Jamie started the shower water, dialing the water up to a pleasant heat, and stepped in. The hot water cascaded over her head, running down her face and breasts. Soaking her hair, she quickly lathered it up and rinsed it out. Washing deliberately, she avoided the pleasure spots. She didn't want to be in the shower for too long. She needed to talk to Mark. She finished cleaning herself, needing to scrub a little at the dried cum, and stepped out of the shower.

She grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around her chest after wiping away the excess water. She did the same with her long red hair, doing her best to twist it up into a turban. Out in her bedroom, she saw there were fresh linens on her bed and it was neatly made. Jamie's heart caught in her throat at the sudden rush of emotion. The simple gesture spoke volumes of Mark's care.

Without pausing to put on any clothes, Jamie went out into the living room. Her nose was immediately assaulted by the smell of cooked eggs and sausage. She smelled toast as well. Mark stood in the kitchen with his back to her, wearing only his boxers. Her heart squeezed a little at the domestic scene. Her man was taking care of her. She had never dared to dream of anything so perfect.

Stepping quietly behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her cheek on his strong back. "Good morning, Mark."

He squeezed her forearm with his free hand. "Good morning, Jamie. I'm sorry I didn't wake you, but the way you were sleeping was so cute. You held on to me like, I don't know what like, but you held on hard. It was nice." He turned around in her embrace and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Jamie's heart melted a little. "It's okay. I'm glad I had the opportunity to get cleaned up before you saw me again. We made a little bit of a mess."

Mark's forehead wrinkled up. "Was that okay? I hope I didn't go too far. I don't know what came over me."

Jamie shook her head, and patted him on the butt. "It was amazing. I have never felt so desired, precious, and safe all at the same time before. I do have questions about work, though."

"Yeah," he nodded, his eyes going distant. "While you were gone, some things changed at the office. I'm not the manager of that department anymore."

Jamie pulled back, her eyes wide. "What happened?"

He smiled, rubbing her back. "Nothing bad, I promise. I had been working on a deal with Mr. Knightly. You remember him?"

"The owner of the company? Yeah. No, I remember him." She smiled to take the sting out of her sarcasm.

"Mr Knightly wanted to retire," Mark told her. "But he didn't want to abandon the company. So, he sold me fifty one percent of the company and promoted me to President. I'm basically the owner. So, if I want to employ you, I will. Spoilers, I want to employ you."

"Oh, my God! Mark, that's amazing. How did you keep something like that secret? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. I'm so happy for you! I do need to figure out my legal status before I can start working, though."

He smiled. "I'm already on it. I called my lawyer and told him the situation. He's skeptical, to say the least, but he's looking into legal means to transfer your old life to your new life. I hope I didn't overstep." He scrunched up his face in a worried grimace.

Jamie just laughed and snuggled into his chest. "You did, but for some reason I don't mind." She paused, thinking. "I don't know why, but I feel incredibly safe with you, Mark. I know we were friends at work, but it never went farther than that. This seems so, so rushed. Why were you here last night?"

Mark released her from his embrace and stepped back, one hand scratching the back of his head, his blush coming halfway down his chest. "Let's eat, before the food is ruined and I'll tell you." He quickly dished up two plates and carried them over to the table. He pulled out a chair for Jamie to sit on, then seated himself.

Mark took a big bite of egg and crammed a whole sausage link into his mouth. His cheeks puffed out with the size of the mouthful so that he looked like a chipmunk. Jamie giggled when he tried to smile at her through his colossal mouthful. "So, why?" she asked, still smiling.

Mark took a moment to chew his food, buying time. "I like you. I like you a lot. I liked you in the body that I last saw you in. I like you in this body." He gestured at her still towel wrapped body.

Jamie tilted her head to the side, quizzically. "You mean you liked James?"

Mark nodded, pushing his food around with a fork. "You were everything I ever wanted in a partner. Someone to live life with, to share the highs and the lows with, to share grand adventures and quiet mornings."

"Mark," Jamie said quietly, a questioning tone in her voice.

He nodded. "I came to check on your place. I missed you. I may have fallen in love with you." He looked up and captured her eyes with his.

She looked back fearlessly. "Then why didn't you approach me? You knew I didn't have a gender preference. How many times did you console me through break-ups with boyfriends and girlfriends?"

He smiled a sad smile. "The issue wasn't with you, James. I'm sorry," he shook his head hard. "Jamie. I'm sorry. The issue wasn't with you, Jamie. The issue was with me. I could not make myself engage in a homosexual relationship. I wanted to. God, I wanted to so badly. I went to the city, and hired a male prostitute, for pity's sake. I tried to perform for him, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get it up. I took it a few times, to see if I could find pleasure that way, but it's not really my thing. I went to a triple x shop, and spent time in the gloryholes. I was able to do it, but I found no pleasure in it."

Jamie got down on her knees by his side, and held his hand. "I'm sorry, Mark. I had no idea."

He smiled down at her, tears starting to fall from his eyes. "It's alright. There was nothing you could have done, anyway. When I realized that there was no way I could make myself enjoy a gay relationship, I committed to making your life as good as I could. From the sidelines, at least. I might not get to share it with you, but at least I would know that I brought you some happiness."

Jamie gasped, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. "That's why you sent me off to find something to be passionate about."

He nodded. "I saw you dying. You were withering away, and I couldn't let that continue. I couldn't lose you." He was quiet for a moment. "So, when you came back looking like this, I felt like I had been given a marvelous gift. When you wanted me back, my heart felt like the sun coming out after a long, cold winter."

"So," Jamie said slowly, dragging the word out. "You love me, huh?"

Tears still standing in his eyes, he nodded. "I do. Whether you are Jamie, or James, or any other name in any other body, I love you. I love the person that you are, and I can't imagine a happy life that doesn't have you in it."

Jamie thought about her relationship with Mark. She thought about what she knew about him, the times that he had cared for her when she had no idea what he was doing. Looking back on it, she could clearly see the love that he had given her, quietly. His unassuming love was a steadfast rock, and had always been. She met Mark's eyes, realization dawning in her eyes. "I love you, too, Mark. I don't know why I didn't see it before. I think I was wrapped up in my own misery and selfish thinking. God, I was such an idiot!"

"Hey, now," he whispered. Gently he raised her chin with one finger. "Don't talk bad about the person that I love, please. She is an amazing person who was dealing with things that no one could have understood."

Her heart sore from the realization that she had been missing a relationship with this kind gentle man, she nodded. "I'll try."

His smile warmed her heart and calmed the turbulence. "Good, now eat your food before it gets cold. I have to go into the office today. I need to start gathering whatever paperwork the lawyer is going to need. Do you have plans for tonight?"

Jamie shook her head. "No. I have a phone call I need to make, but that's all."

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?"

"Yes," she whispered. "I would love to."

"Wonderful," he whispered back. "I'll pick you up at six o'clock?"

Jamie just nodded, taking a bite of the breakfast Mark had made for her.


Jamie closed the door behind Mark as he left to go to the office for the day. She leaned her back against the door, and laughed quietly. That had not gone the way she might have expected, but she had no regrets about it at all. She was not going to be alone anymore. After a lifetime of regretting what she didn't have, she could move forward, at the side of her man. They would forge a life worth living, something extraordinary.

She moved away from the door and into the dining room. She cleaned up the dishes from breakfast, washed the table down and the stove top. Setting the dishes out to dry, she headed to her bedroom, hung up her towel and sat down on her bed. Picking up her phone from the bedside table, she dialed the newest number in her contacts list.

The phone rang three times and Mellie answered. "Hello?"

"Hi Mellie, it's Jamie. Do you have some time to meet today? I just had the most extraordinary experience, and I wanted to share it with someone. Would that be okay?"

"Oh! Jamie, I'm glad something good happened for you! Of course! Would you like to meet for lunch? I know a little Greek restaurant in an out of the way part of town. Hardly anyone knows it's there."

"That would be great. Send me the address and I'll see you there."

Jamie hung up the phone and sat still for a moment staring at it. Her life had taken a drastic change, and so far, none of it has been bad. She looked forward to the adventure her life was about to become. She looked forward to never being ordinary again.

I hope you enjoyed my story. If you like it, I may be convinced to do a sequel. Please leave a comment and a rating. Thanks!

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RedtkoRedtko5 months ago

Sometimes you read a story with a certain direction in mind. I can honestly say I really enjoyed this! Loved that it took me though his life and the awkwardness of James life. Then the into the reality that that his life was whole.

I have to admit that in a couple of places like the truck stop you were going to introduce a sex scene. I was pleasantly surprised that you chose to bring the whole adjusting to Jamie’s life instead. 🥰

It was nice to see her emotion’s explored. I wasn’t expecting the end with Mark but it was such a great surprise. Can’t wait to read the next one. 💋💋💋

tremoniatremonia6 months ago

Really great written, except for the last part when Jamie returned home. From nearly having a mental breakdown due to the confusing situation at the mall, to throwing herself onto Mark, well, that was a turn down. And that Mark was in love before, or at least fond of James, is another unbelievable thing. He was confused for what, two minutes? And then got her into bed?? Otherwise nicely told, loved it. And as a Trans-Person myself.....where's that mirror???

JuicyplayJuicyplay6 months ago

There is so much I love about this. So gentle in the transformation, so natural. I wish it could be like this for real for all the people out there with gender dysphoria! And like others have said your characters are just likeable and real. If I were to wish for more, it would be for you to take more time to explore this story slowly. I felt that the rush into sex with Mark felt like - well, a rush. And still fantastic thank you!

pornosuchtpornosucht7 months ago

I love it, and I would love to see a sequel. I especially loved that Jamie felt natural. Her mood swings between happiness to finally be in the right body alternating with the desperation of knowing nothing about living as a female made this extremely relatable!

You managed to create characters that I as a reader cared about from the start, and the final sex scene was highly erotic! Well done!

thruholewizardthruholewizardover 1 year ago

wow, wonderful! I love happy endings....was well-written and kept me interested in every paragraph.

I would love to see the sequel ...I have really started to have feelings for the characters. Thank you for posting the story... { I loved the mention of GAIA }.

The Grey Witch

HikoluHikoluover 1 year ago

Like oneofthegirls, I loved this until the stuff with Mark in the last third, which felt a bit forced and I rather lost interest at that point, which was a shame because Jamie was sympathetic and I really enjoyed her journey to that point. The good news is that I think you write really well and I'm looking forward for more.

snornsnornover 1 year ago

🏳️‍⚧️ Yay!

AarnCoralAarnCoralover 1 year ago

Beautiful story. Please write more :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic story, really well written. Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. Would love to be Jamie.

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