Outrage! Pt. 03


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"I know what you mean," Nora said, with a knowing smile.

"Nora, please don't take this as me being too forward." Maya's voice came from the depths of her third unit as Nora's pen moved across her pad. "But I was wondering if you wouldn't mind... maybe showing me and Jerome around town."

Nora could hear the hope in Maya's voice. She couldn't imagine the stress Maya might be under with the new job, a new start, and a deeply involved relationship from what Nora could tell. Her eyes flickered up deep in thought, "Jon and I could use a night out," Nora uttered in her mind. Hiding the sinful grin, she felt knowing she and Jon could be a couple around Maya and Jerome. "You wouldn't mind if I brought my boyfriend along, would you?"

"Of course not!" Nora heard the happiness in Maya's voice from the depths of her final unit. "We'll make it a double date!" Maya said, in a chipper tone.

"How does Friday sound?" Nora asked, lowering the door, peering over at Maya, noting how the sun played along her body. Knowing Jerome was a lucky man; and hoped he knew it.

"Say, eight o'clock?" Maya inquired, hopefully. She was dying to see the city with Jerome on her arm, not that they haven't, yet not when they could tell people about their relationship without truly telling them about it.

"I'll have to speak with Jon, but I'm sure Friday will be perfect," Nora answered with a warm smile on her lips as they walked back to her car.


Maya's eyes moved over the papers that sat before her while the steam from her tea, rising from the cup sitting in her hands, filled her nostrils. Nora had invited her up to their home on the second floor of her shop. She had thought it was only a misunderstanding in the language of the document. Nevertheless, that wasn't what she found when she went over them with her years of legal experience. Looking back through the paperwork to when the irregularities started. Now she could see why Nora was worried. Maya knew if this didn't get settled soon, then Nora would be taken to the cleaners.

"You need to fire your lawyer," Maya stated calmly, handing back Nora's files. "Or that is what I would do."

"I knew it!" Maya's eyes took note of the anger in Nora's eyes when she said those words.

"You didn't know, did you?" Maya asked, noting how Nora looked away, hiding the hurt deep within those brown eyes of hers.

"That man had me fooled for ten long years," Nora uttered bitterly.

"Nora, I'm going to be frank; what exactly do you want to get out of this divorce?" Maya asked, in her best lawyer voice.

"I want to ruin that man! I want Patrick to constantly look over his shoulders and see dogs of war on his heels until he realizes giving me what I want is cheaper than the war I'm going to unleash on him until he does the cowardly thing he always does and crawls away in the night."

"I see, while I'm not a divorce lawyer. I'll take on your case in exchange for the contents I chose from unit three," Maya said, a flash of light flared along her eyes as she took a sip of tea.

"But how will that work?" Nora asked, before agreeing to anything.

"I'll run everything by my firm's best family lawyers, but I'll be representing you on your behalf. How does that sound?"

"Agreeable, now to fire that snake!" Nora hissed wickedly. "Just... be careful... Patrick has his way with women as I've come to find out."

"Don't worry. I've dealt with men like him before, and no one can ever compare to my Jerome," Maya said, truthfully.

"I must meet this man; he must be something special," Nora spoke in a friendly tone as she leaned forward after she had loudly fired her former lawyer.

"He'll be there tomorrow to oversee the movers I've hired," Maya said, knowing Nora was going to sell her the other two units. "I'll bring the contract with me tomorrow so we can make it all legal." Both women released a soft chuckle as they saluted one another.


Nora hummed happily behind her counter. Not only has she nipped one problem in the bud, made a cool forty thousand, and what she hoped would turn into a lifelong friendship, at least that's the feeling Nora got when she was around Maya. Lifting and turning her head when the brass doorbell that hanged over the front door jiggled in the air. Her heart fluttered, a light flared in the depths of her eyes, a genuine smile rose the corner of her lips. Her eyes running over his brown/almost black hair, feeling herself falling into that soulful gaze, knowing how she had sustained herself for the past week on those lips of his as her son walked in from school.

"Hey, baby," Nora greeted warmly.

"Hey, Nora. So how's the hot antique dealer doing," Jon said, slyly.

Nora felt her body heating as those pads danced along her hip, pulling her closer to her son before finding their home on her ass where they always belonged. The tips of her dark brown hair hid her light touch on Jon's chest. However, nothing could hide how they kissed one another.

"Better." The word left Nora's lips in a breathless whisper.

"Tomorrow night, eight o'clock, I'm picking you up," Jon said, with a guileful grin.

"Oh? And pray tell, young man," Nora spoke in a seductive tone, slipping her arms around his waist, "where exactly will you be taking me?"

"The drive-in, to enact how our first date should have gone," Jon said coyly, wiggling his eyebrows at his mother's blushing cheeks.

Stepping up to her son, pressing her 32DD breasts into his chest. A hungry, sultry gaze shimmered in her eyes. "Jon," Nora spoke in a husky voice, "are you telling me we would have slept together on the first date?" Feeling her mound awakening at the thought of Jon taking her in her car.

"Not right off, but I would've talked you into it," Jon stated, seeing how his mother bit her lip as his fingers danced up her spine.

"Sure, sure," Nora teased. "That's something I want to talk to you about. Later tonight, before our party," she said, with a knowing smirk. She had told Julie to stay at one of her friend's houses until it was over.

"Okay." Brushing a hand along her ass as Jon pulled away.

Waving softly, watching Jon heading up to their room to do his homework. He knew she expected it all to be done before they had their carnal delights. She was his mother first, then his lover until he graduates, then the roles would switch.


"So? What do you think, honey?" Nora asked, after detailing the events earlier that day.

"Mom," turning from his schoolwork to peer at his mother, "if it'll make you happy, sure I'll go with you Friday," Jon said, noting how she flashed him that hungry predator look when he said those words. His eyes running down her body when she rested on the bed. "Seems you and this... Maya? - got along well, and with well... you know, with the other four... I'm happy to see you aren't closing yourself off to the possibility." Watching in confusion as his mother rose from her position, leaving her phone in her wake. What happened next Jon couldn't truly recollect once his gaze fell beneath the hypnotic swing of those dangling orbs and inch from his lips; his mind was elsewhere. His ears didn't pick up the sound of his mouse moving across its pad, nor did he hear the clicking of said mouse when Nora minimized the window and opened up the Skype app she had installed on his computer after Maya had left her home. His eyes glanced up, seeing the musing, satisfied look in his mother's eyes and on her lips. Feeling how his manhood sprung to life when his mother slid into his lap, her left arm ran along his shoulders. Seeing the smirk on her lips when his eyes dipped down to peer at her breasts.

"Good. Then you don't have a problem in meeting them, do you?" Nora asked, with a sneaky smirk. Turning his chin towards the computer screen.

"Wow. Nora, I didn't think you had it in you!" Maya giggled on screen.

"What can I say, Jon is just... mmm, yummy," Nora purred.

"Jerome! Come here for a minute!" Maya called out to her son, who was on the other side of the house at that moment.

"Yeah?! What's going on?" Jon could hear an unseen male voice from somewhere off screen.

"Come say hey to my new friend! I told you about her when I came home, you remember, don't you?" Jon had to admit the woman was cute when she pouted.

"Of course, I do." Jon wondered why the tone of Jerome's voice almost sounded like when he talked to his mother.

"Then come say hi; they've agreed to show us around the city Friday," Maya said, gesturing to the screen. Jon could hear the excitement in the woman's voice when she spoke about their upcoming double date.

"Oh?" Jerome's footfalls could be heard over the speakers, bending down, his face peering over Maya's right shoulder. His brown-green eyes ran along the screen, keeping his whistle to himself at the sight of the beautiful woman on the lap of a boy no older than he was if not younger.

"I could ask you the same thing," Nora said, with a warm smile. "Aren't younger men just what we long for?" she asked, with a knowing grin.

"Mmm..." Running her fingertips down Jerome's cheek, "yes, they do have the skills to keep up with our appetites," Maya cooed, recounting how her son had taken her time and time again.

"Maya, I would like to meet my boyfriend, Jon," Nora said, lightly placing her hand on Jon's chest. "Jon," her voice had the undertones of her desire when her gaze held his, "I'd like you to meet Maya and Jerome; they just moved here."

"Hello," Jon greeted with a friendly wave.

"Hello, Jon, Nora has told me a few things about you," Maya spoke with an alluring smile. "And this big hunk of a man is Jerome," she purred, caressing the right side of her son's face while she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"So any place you two can't eat at?" Nora asked, running her fingers through Jon's hair, who was having trouble looking away from her breasts when she moved a certain way.

"No," shaking her head, "any place is fine with us," Maya answered, ignoring how she noted how Jon's hand was running along Nora's thigh almost out of her field of vision.

"I think I know the perfect place, a nice, quiet, intimate restaurant, then say, a little dancing with our men?" Nora cooed, lightly kissing Jon's lips.

"Oh?!" Maya perked up at Nora's words. "Jerome, you wouldn't have a problem with joining me on the dancefloor, would you?" Maya asked, peering up at her son.

Nora couldn't hear what was said, yet she could infer what was whispered into Maya's ear given how red her face was getting. It reminded her of how her own would get when Jon would whisper those sweet nothings into her ear. Wondering if they had more in common than the love of antiques and dashing young men. Feeling herself growing aroused at how Maya and Jerome kissed, the way they touched each other. Her cheeks heated, remembering how she to did the same thing when she and Jon would kiss, how it made her feel younger whenever she was in his arms. Still, though, she wasn't about to draw attention to the fact that Jon was indeed her son. She wasn't about to ruin this for them, not when they could act like a couple with Maya and Jerome and not mother and son to those who know them.

"Jerome!" Maya gasped; Nora had no problem hearing the want in her voice. "Not in front of... our new friends," she stammered, growing a very bright shade of red.

"I don't think they would mind," Jerome said, with a sinful smile.

"I don't," Nora giggled. "I do know the insatiable appetites a younger man has," she said, with a knowing smile.

"Y-you don't mind?" Maya asked, trying to keep the arousal from her voice.

"Of course not," waving her off, "I can't blame you for wanting to go yeehaw," Nora said, in a sinful tone.

"Oh, I like her," Jerome chuckled.

Nora's eyes glanced to the right, noting the time. Knowing they had time to share a quiet dinner together before Marinda showed up. As much as she hated to end this wondrous call, given how she could see the four of them enjoying each other's company, yet she needed to put that horrid past behind her before she could move forward with her life with Jon.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Jerome," Nora said, flashing the college-age man a smile. "Yet, Jon and I have evening plans we must attend to."

"It was a pleasure; you two have a wonderful night," Jerome said, waving goodbye.

"We'll be there tomorrow to load up the items," Maya said, waving goodbye as the screen faded to black.


"Now, Jon, don't make a sound until I come get you," Nora spoke in a motherly voice. Watching her son nod in the mirror that was attached to her dresser. "I don't want her to know it was you," turning to look at her son, "knowing that bitch she'll be after you with what you're going to do to her," she said, in a stern voice. "So you better make sure she doesn't take that blindfold off. I'm not sharing you with that bitch!"

"I know, Mom," Jon replied, not voicing that they had gone over this four times already. So he kept his tongue in his mouth and allowed his mother to vent.

"Good," Nora stated, softening her tone, "I'm sorry, baby, it's just..." Her body heated when Jon slipped his hand into hers. Feeling her body submitting when her son pulled her into him. Her fingers weaved through Jon's hair when she held him against her stomach.

"I know you're pissed. I get that, but you don't want Marinda catching on," Jon said, knowing this would be her hardest task.

Turning her head when she heard the back doorbell, knowing her former friend had arrived. Sighing inwardly, knowing she was going to have to leave her son's touch. It was going to be hard to watch Jon doing the things she's taught him on Marinda, yet it was worth it, especially with what she had planned to do with the videos. Bending down and kissing her son, her lover, passionately, her lips lingered on his for a second, and yet, for that one second, it felt like an eternity to her. How she wished to never leave.

"Remember, if you want my forgiveness, you best be vocal about whose better my new man or Patrick," Nora stated, peering back at her naked former friend as she stood in the doorway.

"Okay, I will, although I don't know why you want to know that, but I'll do it," Marinda said, from her position on the bed.

Turning her head when she felt a touch on her shoulder. Her mouth watered when Jon stood naked beside her. How she was going to hate watching Jon touch her, taste her with the skills she's taught him. "Please, make it quick, but good, too," Nora whispered in his ear, to which Jon nodded.

Nora kept as quiet as she could when she was recording Marinda. She made Jon wear a mask, and she was going to blur out Marinda's face. She wasn't expecting Marinda to be singing her son's praises so soon. A wicked smile formed on her lips when Marinda belted out that she was cumming. A sense of pride filled her heart when Jon hadn't let up in making her writhe in bliss on Jon's old bed. Equally pleased when Marinda was begging for her man to get up there and stick that hard cock into her. Granted, her son wasn't born with what Patrick was. Still, that didn't take away how good it felt when Jon was between her legs; Nora knew that from experience. How she chuckled wickedly in her mind knowing how Patrick was going to be fuming once he sees the website she was going to make. She knew his little ego wouldn't be able to handle it. It was her hope that those who viewed the videos will see it as a forewarning to those who have yet slept with Patrick.

Wincing when Marinda belted out a loud scream as she came hard on Jon's cock. Looking around her phone when Marinda growled out: 'Fuck yes! Pound that pussy!' when Jon flipped her over to take her from behind. Smirking when Marinda screamed out that Jon was fucking her far better than anything Patrick has ever done to her. Looking down her body when she felt the moisture between her legs. Then again, she has been staring at Jon's ass for the past twenty minutes. Shaking her head when she saw the look on his face, the look her son was about to cum. She didn't want Jon to dump his load into her pussy; Marinda wasn't worthy to feel it filling her womb. Zooming in, watching Jon stroking his rod before spewing his seed over Marinda's ass. Blowing Jon a kiss when he walked past her and back to their room. Waiting till her bedroom door closed and pocketing her phone once she ended the video before unmasking Marinda.

"Where have you been hiding that man!" Marinda exclaimed with a toothy grin. "I feel... mmm, fantastic," she purred as she stretched.

"Get dressed," Nora said, coldly.

"Wait. I thought..."

"What? That I simply forgot you fucked me over for ten years?!" Nora roared in her fury. She couldn't say what she really wanted to say. She knew that would instantly get back to the other three and put them on the defensive. Nora wanted them to think she was coming down from her anger, then she's going to lower the boom on them once she has all the videos. "I'm never going to forget that, Marinda. Now get dressed and get out. I'll call you later."

Leaning against Jon's chest once Marinda had left, he wrapped his arms around her waist feeling the stress, the anger just melting away from Nora's body as he held her close, lightly pressing her head against Jon's, feeling so content in that moment.


Nora felt her cheeks heating at the events of the past hour and a half as she and Jon sat in the backseat of her car. Knowing what she looked like when she would gaze at him over their dinner, praying this honeymoon feeling would last. Looking over as the light of the screen played along Jon's face. Sucking on her lip at how those popcorn kernels touched his lips. She couldn't take it anymore! Slapping Jon's chest at his chuckle when she straddled his lap. Hungrily kissing Jon with a passion, her fingers tore at the buttons of his shirt. She wanted to feel her man beneath her fingers. Fumbling with his zipper, her lips tugging at his, roughly shoving her panties to the side. The palms of her hands pressed against the glass of the back window. Her breath was ragged, her eyes filled with her burning desire to make Jon moan to the high heavens. The smell of her sex filled her car; condensation beaded down the windows as she rode the man she was in love with, hard.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I feel like there's too many loose plot threads going on and I don't see how it's all going to get wrapped up in one more chapter. I don't get her obsession with revenge against Patrick especially when it means using her son - her lover that she's meant to be in love with - to fuck other women to get it. I feel like this series has taken a strange turn.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great so far but your editor needs an editor. Lots of mistakes still in the story.

Aussie1951Aussie195111 months ago
Mrdata9770 I agree with you

You comments were spot on, I too hope they don’t turn this into a fuck feast free for all orgy with Maya and her son it would totally fuck up this whole story in my opinion but unfortunately I think that’s the direction our author is going to take..⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ up to his point but that may change after reading the next chapter.

Lions86Lions86over 1 year ago

im kind of over how pissy the mom is. like ok i get it her friends were stupid and she has every right to be mad but this whole stringing them along pretending to be working things out just to snap and shoo them away is meh. at that point just cut them out of your life and move on if thats how you are going to handle it from that point on. was the same with her attitude towards her daughter. she just comes off as a spoiled bitch who needs to get her way or she will go mental

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 2 years ago

(3/9/2022) I'm a bit concerned about the direction this series has taken. I hope Jerom doesn't get to partake in Nora's or Julie's goodies. Adding another dick to the mix would be a downer for me. Let us see what the last chapter holds. Yes, I'm a selfish SOB.

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Next chapter please. AAAA++++

Pinelevel_1Pinelevel_1over 2 years ago

Hope to see more soon

lovedefactolovedefactoover 2 years ago

Wonderful series! This series must be continued! The set-ups are terrific

kaidmankaidmanover 2 years ago

looking forward to the next chapter of this one loved the crossover with your other story losing a bet

WeezyfWeezyfover 2 years ago

I really like how vengeful this women is. Beating that cheater up. Punishing the daughter yet eventually forgiving her. Humiliating her friends that betrayed her. I wish the males in your other stories were as vengeful.

Okay, this has gone on long enough," Jon said in a stern, commanding voice, crossing his arms. Nice to see him showing character. The mom and sister are awesome in how much love they show him plus the lust they have for him.

I must say i like this story alot more then the ones where the son gets hurt by his mom sister snd gets back with them. In this one the son was never hurt but always showered in love, she couldve hurt him by using him but she never did, infact she allowed him to explore sexually while staying faithful to him unlike the other stories where theyre fucked by everyone and everywhere while not allowing the guy to explore. Also the overwhelming love she has for him makes me wish for such a women to love me as much as she loves him + the sisters genuine lust for him.

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