Paige-ing Rachel Ch. 02: Pulled Back In


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"What do you want from me, Paige?" Rachel finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her green eyes flickered up to meet Paige's piercing blue ones, searching for an anchor in the storm Paige had stirred within her.

"I want you to be true to yourself, Rachel, to the true Rachel we're discovering together" Paige responded smoothly, "to let go of the pretenses and embrace what makes you feel alive." Her fingers traced the line of Rachel's collarbone delicately, causing a shudder to run through Rachel's addled body.

Rachel took in a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. This was more than just a game or fling; this was to be a new constant, she was starting to see now. The realization that she was on the brink of a profound change was both terrifying and exhilarating and she didn't think there was any stopping it.

Paige sensed Rachel's hesitance and leaned in closer. "I'll teach you how to let go," she whispered hotly against Rachel's ear. "How to trust me. How to find your strength in vulnerability."

"I...I don't know if I can." Rachel finally said as she clenched her behind and winced at the pain from her still raw hole.

"I do, and that's what matters, Fourteen." Paige reassured her, leaning in to lightly press her forehead against Rachel's.

"W-what if this isn't what I want?" Rachel said shakily.

"You can say that, and even think it sometimes, but we both know it's not true. Don't worry, I won't let you stray from your true path, you have my word on that." Paige said, a gravity and intensity in her voice that told Rachel there was no more negotiating this point.

Paige was of course further twisting this girl's logic against her. She knew she had no say over this girl's agency, but she was all too comfortable to let the girl believe she had this authority. If Rachel could be told and convinced of Paige's power to determine such key things about herself, then Paige was going to see just how much influence she could wield over such intimate details.

Paige pulled her head away from Rachel's and looked at the disheveled, slightly sweaty and fully fucked girl before her. She placed her hands on the girl's bare shoulders and smiled warmly.

"There's no rush, Rachel. We have all the time in the world to explore this. I'm going to be a presence in your life now moving forward. Won't that be wonderful?" Paige asked, smiling.

"Yes." Rachel nodded, an almost auto-response given her addled state.

"Mm, good, for now, let's take just one more small step forward for today, shall we?" Paige said, her eyes gleaming with a predatory gleam that was somehow captivating and frightening at the same time.

Paige slowly moved her hand, resting it on the small of Rachel's back as she leaned in. Her lips brushed against Rachel's ear, sending a shiver down her spine. "I want you to remember what happened today," Paige whispered, her voice a low purr that made Rachel's heart flutter.

She gently tugged on Rachel's hair, pulling her head back and exposing the supple curve of her neck. She leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Rachel's pulsating pulse point under her jaw. Rachel nodded, her body trembling with anticipation and fear.

Paige pulled back slightly, giving Rachel space to breathe. But her hand never left Rachel's body; it was a constant reminder of Paige's presence and power.

Rachel could hear Paige unfastening the harness for the strap-on, followed by the sound of her unbuttoning her jeans and then a shifting of fabric. She looked down to see the hand Paige wasn't holding her with was inside her pants.

"Now, we haven't reached the point where you may touch me intimately, that is a privilege that you will earn, and earn it you will. But I want you to know, to see, to feel the effect that you have had on me as well." Paige stated, bringing her hand out of her unbuttoned jeans, revealing her fingers covered in a wet, viscous goo that glistened in the dim light. "You caused this by letting me take you."

Rachel could only stare at the wetness on her loving tormentor's fingers. Her mouth hung agape and she was sure she could smell the pungent, tangy, undeniably feminine aroma of Paige's arousal.

"I want you to know it. You did this. Taste what you did." Paige insisted, bringing her wet fingers to Rachel's lips, knowingly making the young, go-getting girl taste another woman's arousal for the first time.

Rachel's mind screamed at her, a cacophony of conflicting thoughts and emotions flooding every corner of her consciousness. Yet, as those glistening fingers hovered before her lips, coated in the undeniable evidence of Paige's desire, she found herself mesmerized and flattered to know the effect she'd had on such a powerful woman. Another, smaller part of her realized that this was another line she was about to cross. A normal, straight girl would not be about to take the taste of the arousal of the woman who had just fucked her in the ass into her mouth, yet here she was, parting her lips slightly.

With a trembling breath that betrayed her inner turmoil, Rachel's tongue peeked out to tentatively meet Paige's fingers. Her taste buds were instantly assaulted by the strong flavor, a raw and animalistic tang that spoke volumes of the power Paige had over not just her body but also her senses. Rachel's eyes fluttered closed for a moment, lost in the sensation, before snapping back open to once again find Paige's assertive gaze locked onto hers.

Paige smiled--a slow, knowing curve of her lips--that seemed to say she had anticipated Rachel's compliance all along. "That's it," she cooed softly, "you're such a quick learner."

Rachel felt something shift within her. The humiliation mixed with a sense of pride; she had pleased Paige and the thought made her feel warm and good in her depths.

Paige slid her fingers fully into Rachel's mouth and the girl began to suck, generating a sloppy, wet and surprisingly vulgar sound that echoed in the empty classroom.

"Yess, good girl. Get all of it." Paige encouraged, her voice breathy, hinting at her own continued arousal. Rachel was further buoyed by the effect she could now see she was having on Paige.

As Rachel dutifully obeyed, a part of her was keenly aware of the profound significance of the act. This wasn't simply about taste or submission; it was an emblematic surrender to a world she had never imagined herself a part of--a realm where her own desires became intertwined with Paige's twisted tutelage. Somehow the fact that it was a domineering WOMAN in particular that she was giving herself to so fully made it feel all the more taboo and fulfilling. Despite the voice in her head screaming for her to resist, to push Paige away and reclaim her sense of self, it was becoming increasingly muffled by the sensations Paige elicited within her.

Paige watched with an inscrutable expression as Rachel, eyes glassy and submissive, worked to clean the evidence of Paige's pleasure. The girl was swallowing her taste hungrily. It was a tableau of utter domination, and Paige savored the control she exerted over Rachel with every motion that forced Rachel further into her role.

Eventually, satisfied with the depth of Rachel's subservience, Paige withdrew her fingers with a slick pop that left a silence hanging heavy in the air. "Enough," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. She reached out and tenderly wiped the residue from Rachel's lips with the pad of her thumb. "Remember this moment, Rachel. Remember how you feel right now."

Rachel nodded mutely. Her heart was pounding furiously in her chest, a mix of shame and inexplicable satisfaction churning within her. She couldn't deny the heat pooling beneath her skin at each of Paige's touches or commands.

"You're going to learn so much from me, and I am going to greatly enjoy you." Paige continued, her voice weaving a hypnotic spell that Rachel seemed unable to resist. She began straightening her clothes, buttoning up her jeans with an air of casual authority that belied the intensity of their encounter while Rachel still stood before her naked but for the bra, raw and spent.

Paige had finished adjusting herself when she looked up to see Rachel standing there, her hands resting lightly on her hips, unsure what to do next. Paige broke out in a mischievous grin as she moved towards her bag.

"Suppose you'll be wanting your panties and dress back." said Paige as she reached into her tote.

"Er uh, not sure how I'd be able to walk out of here without them." Rachel stammered, for all that had happened between them, Rachel still was not happy to feel constantly on her heels with Paige.

"Uh huh, and as much as I'd enjoy seeing you try, we probably don't want that stain on your reputation just yet." Paige said with a wink, pulling out the lacy white panties from the bag and dangling them on her finger.

Paige approached Rachel, panties still twirling on her finger like a pendulum. There was something in that motion--hypnotic and tantalizing--that made Rachel's breath quicken. Her pulse raced not only from the exposure, but also from the enthralling power Paige held over her.

Rachel watched, captivated, as Paige closed the distance between them and then paused inches away, her blue eyes gleaming with an amalgam of amusement and desire. "Now," she said in a tone that was both commanding and seductive, "You're going to ask me to put these on you, why are you going to do that?"

Rachel blinked and curled her lip in confusion at the strange question. Why would she ask this woman to put her underwear back onto her? It was embarrassing being put on the spot and being made to explain why she would have to ask for such a demeaning thing.

"Be, because you don't think I'm capable of doing it myself?" Rachel guessed sheepishly.

"My dear, when you're with me, I'll be the one making the decisions and doing things like cleaning up and dressing you. It may seem trivial but it's important for us to establish these finer points of our dynamic early." Paige said like this was an obvious certainty. She moved to a crouching position and held the underwear out for Rachel to step into. "You understand that right?"

"Yes," Rachel whispered, the word slipping out in a breathy surrender.

"Good. Then ask your mistress nicely." Paige said with her biggest grin of the day.

"I-Please Paige, will you help me put my panties on?" Rachel asked, wincing in humiliation.

"Oh I think you can ask a little more eloquently than that," Paige said, enjoying this one last torment of the poor girl before her.

"Please Paige, will you put my panties on me?" Rachel said, her voice trembling with desperation and embarrassment.

"Well, only because you asked so very nicely, little one." Paige said finally. "Step in."

Rachel stepped into the panties as directed, lifting her foot after the other gingerly, feeling vulnerable in the ritualistic dressing. Paige pulled them up slowly, her fingers grazing Rachel's thighs with a possessiveness that sent shivers down her spine. Every touch was deliberate, a reminder of Paige's control.

The lacy fabric settled against Rachel's skin and Paige smoothed it out over her hips with hands that were both firm and teasingly gentle.

"There we go," Paige spoke as she finished, not moving away immediately but instead allowing her hands to rest on Rachel's hips, thumbs hooked into the waistband just slightly.

With a light pat on Rachel's hip, Paige finally stepped back, breaking the physical connection but not the psychological one. "I want you to finish getting dressed and to go back to your friends now," she instructed calmly, motioning to Rachel's dress still in its rumpled pile on the dusty classroom floor.

Rachel nodded obediently, walking over to her discarded dress. She bent over and picked it up, running her hands over the soft, innocent feeling material as she turned back to face Paige, almost relieved at the prospect of being clothed again, of a reprieve from the assault on her mind and sense of self more so than her body. She watched as Paige rummaged through her bottomless tote and tried to find the words to say what she was feeling, how sated and yet conflicted she was but came up blank.

"Ah, there it is!" Said Paige, pulling her hand, now full of Rachel's effects, from the bag. She placed Rachel's wallet, keys, handbag and the other items that had fallen in the bag onto the desk.

"Oh, before I forget," Paige mused, holding Rachel's phone in her hand as she approached her once more. She stood directly in front of Rachel and tapped repeatedly on Rachel's phone screen before turning to show it to Rachel. "This is my real phone number, not that dummy number I texted you from earlier."

Rachel was still holding her dress in both hands and had little time to react as Paige leaned in and slid the thin, smooth phone into the front of Rachel's panties. "I think you've earned direct access to me after being so good today, Fourteen."

Paige stepped back and secured her large bag over her shoulder before sauntering towards the door. Rachel found herself frozen in place with her dress in her hands, clad only in her underwear and heels with the cold metal of her phone pressing against her mound.

Paige paused with her hand on the classroom door handle. "I look forward to seeing you again soon. Very soon. Now that you have my number, you text me the next time you'd like to meet and take our next steps together, hmm?"

Rachel stared gobsmacked, she felt very on the spot again. After all this, she'd have to initiate their next encounter? She knew Paige was once again putting her in the position to ask for and to seek out more debasement from her tormentor. The worst part was she knew she wouldn't be able to resist the urge to comply for very long.

"I, I'd like that." the girl finally stammered out.

"Me too, Rachel," said Paige in a genuine tone. "Until then!"

And just like that, Paige was through the door and gone.

Suddenly alone in the room, Rachel unclenched and unfroze from her position. Quickly, she reached into her panties and pulled her phone out, placing it next to her other things as she threw her dress back over her body.

She tugged the hem of the dress down over her bare thighs and tried to smooth down her disheveled hair. The smell of Paige was still heavy in the room, a musky and intoxicating scent that threatened to pull her back into their encounter. Shaking the thoughts away, Rachel took a quick look at herself in the reflection of the classroom window.

Her cheeks were flushed a bright pink, lips swollen from Paige's insistent kisses, and her messy hair hung in loose curls down her back. She looked... disheveled. But there was something else there too, something that scared her...a certain satisfaction in her wide eyes that reflected a part of herself she had never known before.

Rachel shuddered and pushed those thoughts away. Her hand touched around for familiar softness inside one of the side pockets of her handbag and pulled out a compact mirror and lipstick. With several quick swipes and smacks of lips together, Rachel did the best she could to recover her image just a bit. She ran her fingers through her hair so it didn't look quite so...tossed. She saw the effect in the mirror and while it didn't look totally inconspicuous, it looked better than it had and she hoped it adequately hid the fact that she'd just been having sex from anyone who might see her like this in passing.

Feeling she looked about as good as she could for now, she finally dared herself to check the phone now lying innocuously next to her bag; as if it hadn't just been in her recently replaced underwear.

The screen was lit up like a Christmas tree, indicating a flurry of missed calls, text messages, and various notifications. Her heart pounded as she scrolled through the messages. Her friends were wondering where she was, the donors were going to be at her piece soon, her parents messaging that they regretfully wouldn't make it but had put in a (low) bid online, and a text from her pretty friend Melanie.

"Hey Rach, where are you?!" The message read. "Your piece brought in the third-highest bid at the silent auction! People are saying you probably would have gotten the highest if you were here."

Rachel's heart sank. She had completely missed getting to represent herself and her piece, so consumed by her encounter with Paige and the swirling emotions it elicited. She had worked tirelessly on the piece for weeks and had just let Paige take her away from it.

A pang of regret filled Rachel's chest as she realized how much of her life was already being altered by Paige's presence. Friends, school, soccer practice...and now her artwork. The realization that Paige had this much influence over her life sent a wave of fear, of exhilaration, coursing through Rachel's veins.

Paige was changing everything -- even her relationships with close friends began to feel distant. She felt more isolated than ever before, trapped in this perverse dance with Paige while every other aspect of her life felt like it was starting to slip through her fingers.

Rachel was still holding her phone and reacting to the myriad of alerts when it rang in her hand.

Jenna was calling.

"Hello?" Rachel said, putting the phone to her ear.

"Rach?" her teammate asked from the other end. Rachel couldn't put her finger on it but something seemed off in Jenna's voice.

"What's up Jenna?" Rachel said as if she hadn't just ditched the auction in full view of her and Maria.

"Oh um, well the silent auction's over and we were here the whole time even if you weren't..." there was a long awkward pause on the other end before Jenna cleared her throat. "So, me and Maria were wondering if you were still gonna buy us burgers or what?"

"Oh! Shit, yeah that was the deal huh?" Rachel said, shoving her stuff back into her handbag and hooking it under her arm.

"It was, but we don't have to-"

"Nope! I'm a woman of my word!" Rachel cut off Jenna, she was through the door of the classroom and trotting down the hallway towards the entryway of the middle school. "Hang out, I'll be there in five minutes!"

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CharmlesCharmles19 days ago

This is great! Can't wait for Part 3.. please??

caleb35caleb3522 days ago

Looking forward to reading the next stage of Paige’s enthrallment of Rachel.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

God please write more, can't get enough of Rachel's downfall...

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervabout 1 month ago

Great stuff! Personally I would have liked Paige to give Rachel a task to do before the next meeting, but still fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Your way of writing corruption is amazing! The 1st section exploring Rachel's mindset was a very nice touch and I would love to see more! The mental domination in parallel with the physical aspect makes the reading delicious!

sharonpalmettosharonpalmettoabout 2 months ago

Beautiful writing and story development.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great story i hope for a chapter 3 bonus if Paige can seduce some of Rachels friend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This story is sizzling hot. I can't wait for the third chapter. I hope that Paige takes the virginity of Rachel really soon.

cnsualsu1cnsualsu1about 2 months ago

good. but how about ugly pervert lesbian dominate beautiful straight?

im making work kind of that.

search uglylez on devinatart

Kahns12Kahns12about 2 months ago

Excellent stories with so much more for Rachel to explore. Can't wait for Chapter 3

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