Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt. 01

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Fugitive’s transformation.
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 03/31/2024
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(TF, TG, Trans, mod, femdom, non-con, BDSM, DS, lesbian, slave, Chasti-Permalock)

By ChangeYourPassword Fugitive's transformation

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

This tale is a stand-alone story of an adventure at Paradise Isle. Please read at least the first section of the 'Island Paradise, The Beginning' for background on the wonderful island and its sexual vacation orientation. It sets the stage for this and other stories of sexual pleasures encountered on the island.

Dimitry was, like most Russian men, never happy. He was lonely, drank too much, and never voiced any complaints. No one in Russia ever complained. The government frowned on that practice.

He'd been recruited by the GRU while still at the Technical University, studying computers and programming. He'd had mixed feelings about going to work for the government as a spy, or some such, but he had little choice in the matter. His father, a party member, was all for it. And growing up, he had been well-treated as a result.

They'd even arranged for him to spend a couple semesters studying at Stanford in the USA. All of his time there was spent with false papers that described him as a Ukrainian. The naive Americans couldn't tell the difference.

There, in liberal California, he'd made several highly significant, life changing discoveries. Of course, he'd learned much about computer software, and the Internet. And he'd expanded on his rudimentary knowledge of English. He could now speak the language quite well.

He'd also learned that money - lots of money, provided for a comfortable and happy life. And that applied both in the West and at home in Russia, as well.

But the most mind-blowing thing he learned was that he was transgender. He wasn't gay - he didn't like boys. But he came to realize that he'd rather be a girl, loving girls.

That recognition was indeed shocking - traumatic actually, as he knew that back home no one would understand. In fact, his military and government superiors would destroy him if his deepest, darkest feelings ever came to light. He'd be lucky to spend his days in an asylum, or perhaps freezing his balls off in Siberia, digging holes.

But there, in Silicon Valley, when he wasn't studying or developing complex computer code, he was fantasizing about being a pretty girl, wearing pretty things, and enjoying glorious sex with other girls.

At some store there, he stumbled upon a large, framed photo of a pretty woman, striding confidently toward the camera in a short skirt, dark stockings, high heels and a tight sweater. He found it mesmerizing. He hung it in his bedroom and every night before sleep, he'd look at that woman, and wish he could be her. Of course, it was an impossible dream, but it was who he wanted to be.

On weekends, he often spent his time up in San Francisco, hanging with newly found friends and acquaintances in the LGBT community.

It helped that like many 'computer nurds' he was far from athletic. Short and skinny, he fit in well with the gays in the bars and clubs he wound up in.

So, his time in America left him confused, depressed and fearful when his American escapade came to an end, and it was time for his return to mother Russia, and his assigned career in Intelligence gathering.

Assigned to a department dedicated to Internet environment hacking, he excelled at digitally sneaking his way into government, industrial and financial networks to either steal secrets, or sabotage operations. All on behalf of his country's government.

The government that if it ever found out about his personal secrets, would lock him up.

He did indeed enjoy the challenges of his work, and that kept him from a total breakdown. But he spent his nights lonely and distraught.

Like so many of his comrades, he whiled away his nights drinking liters of vodka and surfing the net. His work and his clearances, allowed him to secretly enjoy his fantasies as documented on the porn sites he snuck into.

And oddly enough, his talents brought him acclaim and promotion. He was an excellent hacker. But it wasn't all that satisfying.

During one assignment, he successfully invaded a mid-sized American banks' system, and taking advantage of the situation he set up a hack that began siphoning off funds into a bank account he established for himself in the Cayman Islands.

He protected that secret as well as he did his sexual orientation. No one knew. No one would ever find out.

And slowly, over the next few years that account grew and grew, until like many of his unscrupulous countrymen, he had millions of dollars hidden away, just waiting for the day when he could retire and live like a rich American.


He was just a few months short of his twenty-seventh birthday, when it all started to fall apart.

At the end of another long work-week, several of his colleagues talked him into going out for drinks after they had shut down their computers for the day. He didn't do that often, but that particular evening he was feeling exceptionally depressed, so he joined them at a sleezy bar, several subway-stops from the office.

Surprisingly enough, he had a great time, drinking, telling far-fetched tales, and laughing at absurd jokes.

It was late, early morning actually, when he and Alexi found themselves alone at the table, the others had staggered off to relieve themselves, when his friend, let slip his most personal secret. He was gay, he liked boys, and he apparently thought that Dimetri might be similarly inclined. In fact, Alexi admitted being attracted to him.

Of course, both of them realized that Alexi's admission was damning. By exposing his forbidden sexual orientation, he opened himself up to being ruined.

But by that time, they were both so inebriated they had no control, no inhibitions...

Feeling for his friend, and wanting to discourage any thoughts of homosexuality, Dimetri made it clear that he was only interested in women. But he also confessed his transexual leanings. Stupid, but drunk.

As they surprised each other with their confessions, they didn't realize that one of the others had returned, and overheard a little of what was being said.

Just a week later Alexi was arrested, for being gay. It happened quickly and quietly, but word spread swiftly.

Hearing about it, Dimetri realized that he just might be next. He went home that night a worried wreck. Around midnight he decided it was time to leave. He had enough in his hidden bank accounts to finance his escape, and if he could hide well enough, probably even provide for a decent life in the West.

He knew that the Politsiya, and the FSB, would be after him as soon as he didn't show up for work. And with what he knew, his value to the country, they'd do their damndest to track him down. And then they'd do their damndest to punish him. Shit!

So, he knew he just had to leave, immediately. A Gulog was no place for him.

He packed a couple small bags with clothes and favorite personal belongings, and used his old Ukrainian identity to get out of the country.

His biggest regret was that he couldn't take the photo of his dream girl.

Now, earlier than he'd ever imagined, he implemented his long-prepared 'retirement' plan. He'd assembled the strategy, as part of his dream for a future where he could be happy. In actuality he'd never really believed he'd put it to use.

First, he travelled to Albania. It was a place very friendly to Russians, and therefore easy to get to. As part of his master plan, he had established a small, secondary bank account there.

He applied those funds to the purchase of yet another identity, and he used that to travel as far as he could get from the Russian Federation.

All the while he worried constantly about being caught. They were probably already searching for him. And they were very good at finding traitors. He dreamed of going back to California, but he knew they'd be looking for him there. So, he couldn't return to that community, at least not as the person he was. So, his well thought out escape plan addressed that problem as its highest priority. A total change of identity - new documents would never be enough.


Dimitry spent a long week, bouncing around Europe, anonymously, on busses, and trains, hiding amongst the masses, until he finally arrived in Amsterdam, and there he caught a flight, Westbound.

With his false identity he passing through security and boarded the aircraft. But he still kept watch over his shoulder.

Until he could make better and more effective changes, he'd remain a nervous wreck. The FSB could be on his trail and grab him at any moment. Damn!

He flew across the Atlantic, and then down to the idyllic islands of the Caribbean. He stopped in Barbados for two weeks while he made more arrangements. Instead of enjoying the beautiful place, like the tourists around him, he did his best to maintain a low profile, ignoring the beaches and bars, only leaving his room for quiet meals.

Finally, he left on the last leg of his trip; heading for the wonderful, and very private Paradise Isle. It was there that he hoped to be safe. There, where his transformation to a totally new identity would take place.


When he stepped off the ferry, he was still nervous about being caught out. The security on the island was tight, and his identity was of course, false, but it was apparently good enough; they weren't looking for Russian fugitives. His planning and preparation had been solid.

He was relieved when he completed the in-processing, was issued an orange bracelet, and then met Gisele his assigned, personal hostess.

She was friendly and helpful from the start.

"It's not often that we get a single guest. You don't have a companion?"

"No, just me, living my dream." He replied, feeling excited but still on edge. He lifted his arm to display his bracelet. Orange for Feminization.

"Yes, I understand," she replied smiling pleasantly. "It's here on your paperwork."

She was holding a clipboard full of forms. Documents he'd compiled while in Barbados.

As she led him to a cart where his bags were being loaded, she referred to it. "You'll be with us for six weeks; we have a nice suite for you in the Sun Resort. You'll love it."

They boarded and she drove off before continuing, reading and driving at the same time.

Great, he thought. I'll die in a silly cart accident...

"Your procedures will begin tomorrow. This evening you have an appointment with one of our councilors. Selena will ensure that you're ready for the level of change you've requested."

"Oh? I'm certain this is what I need."

"Need or want?" Gisele asked. She seemed both concerned and curious.

"Both," he confirmed.

She delivered him to his suite, and it was indeed a lovely place, with a big bed, and a comfortable outdoor patio overlooking the central courtyard. That space was massive with a huge. meandering pool and collections of lounges, bars and restaurants. Very luxurious, and full of beautiful people, enjoying themselves.

He envied them, and hoped he'd get the chance to join them.

After Gisele left, he tried to relax, it was the nicest room he'd ever stayed in. And that helped calm him.

He was anxious though to move away from being Dimitry, the fugitive from the GRU, and become a new person - one who would never be recognized.

He laid down to take a nap, and exhausted from the trip, fell asleep picturing the image of his dream girl. Maybe it could finally happen...

After a room-service dinner, Gisele picked him up and the two of them took a shuttle bus over to the island's clinical complex, where he met Selena. who was apparently a trained psychologist.

His session with her, went smoothly from the start.

"We have determined that these interviews are necessary for guests seeking the complete transformation you've requested," she had explained.

She then proceeded to question him as to his motives and desires.

He answered her questions honestly, for the most part.

He'd realized his true nature while in college, lived unhappily for many years, and now, with enough accumulated wealth, and no one else in his life, he'd decided to make a completely new start.

She'd accepted it as the truth, and nodded her approval.

Finally, she seemed satisfied, and signed off on the transformation.

He was again relieved. Everything was going smoothly, per his plans.

Before she ushered him out, she confirmed one last item for him.

"And I understand you're also interested in a completely new identity. We don't usually provide that service, but it is available," she said as she shook his hand.


As she dropped him off back at his suite, Gisele wished him a good night and reminded him, unnecessarily, that his procedures would begin in the morning.

Demitry didn't sleep at all that night. He was too nervous about his pending transformation. In the movies the timing of the fugitive's capture was always just before their grand plan kicked off. He pictured the goons crashing in at any moment.

Room service delivered a nice bottle of vodka, and he downed a good portion of it. That was the only way he knew of to achieve some level of relaxation.

He did finally pass out, from alcohol and exhaustion. And he wasn't disturbed by any goons.


In the morning, feeling dreadful, he forced down a quick, in-room breakfast before Gisele picked him up and dove him again to the medical complex where the transformation to his new self, began.

At the clinic he was again ushered into an office where he met the team responsible for the procedure.

There were several, all waiting for him, all needing to confirm his wants and needs, and to answer his questions.

The senior doctor led the discussions.

"I can see from your size and shape, that you are an excellent candidate for full feminization."

He nodded, "I've always been small." Then he laughed derisively, "a typical computer geek."

She smiled. "I understand, but very few girls have those interests. Computers I mean."

"Yes, I'll be fairly unique in that respect. But as I said, I've always dreamed of being a woman."


Again, referring to her documentation. "So, the complete surgical package?"


"Breasts, hip expansion, lower rib removal, general body shaping."


"Full facial feminization; cheeks, chin, eyes, nose, neck, ears."

"Yes, to all of it. No resemblance to my old male self."

She looked at him speculatively. "So, you are in hiding."

He took a deep breath. "Yes, from my government. Not from the police. I'm not a criminal."

"I should hope not."

She again looked at him, thoughtfully.

"Feminine voice pitch?"

"Yes, definitely."

"You're also requesting Chasti-Permalock nanite enhancements. Correct? Why?"

"I've studied the documentation on line, and it appears that high quality orgasms are only partially achieved after the genital surgeries. I want maximum pleasure. From both my new sex, and my new breasts. Apparently the nanites will deliver those feelings.

"And I've seen some other enhancements, listed. Thicker, longer head hair, no body hair, long, sturdy fingernails; aspects like that. I'd like those as well."

"You really want to go all in, don't you?" And for the first time she smiled at him.

He smiled back, bashfully, "yes."

"It's an expensive package."

"I understand, I can afford it."


She then introduced him to Elizabeth, the CP councilor.

"Hello Dimitry. I'll supervise your nanite package. They'll be inserted easily, with just a series of injections, after the surgical procedures are complete.

"Those surgeries will require the longest time for recovery. The nanites only take a few days to deliver their enhancements."

"That sounds fine." He said nodding. It did all sound frightening, but he needed it, and wanted it.

He thought for a moment. Then smiled. "So, my transformation will begin this afternoon?"

The doctor spoke up. "Immediately, actually. I see no reason why it shouldn't. We do have many more specifics to cover first, though."

They then began an even more detailed review of all of the work to be done. He just wanted to get started. Before the goons showed up...

His breasts would be created by implants surgically inserted first, then further expansion via nanites.

"That approach is best for someone who starts out flat chested."

"The largest implants we are comfortable with would take you to something like a C-cup. Larger could over-stretch your skin. But from there, the nanites can take over and grow tissue to increase you to whatever size you'd like."

He nodded; it made sense.

Next, he asked a key question. "What size breasts can I get?"

"On your frame, I would think that anything over a D-cup would be oversized."

"Double-D?" he asked. That was what he'd always fantasized about. And there was nothing wrong with being oversized.

"The nanites can certainly deliver that," Elenore said.

They discussed it all for a few more minutes, and in the end, he settled on the smaller D-cup breasts. They were the experts.

The three of them spent another hour discussing other surgical and CP nanite offerings. There were so many to choose from.

They also reviewed many fairly mundane details like opening out his hips to be more feminine, and the adjustment of his vocal cords to give him a feminine voice. He didn't want overly high-pitched mousy speech.

They spent an hour going over the surgical changes to be made to his face. A lot of gross bone shaving and cartilage shifting. He did his best to ignore the mechanics and focus on the result as pictured in their digital image manipulations. He thought he'd look great, beautiful even.

Of course, the most complex and important surgical process would convert his penis to a vagina. Even the thought of how that would be accomplished made him sick to his stomach. He had to fight the urge to grab hold of himself. But to have a feminine pussy, he'd accept it.

He'd receive the nanites for his breasts, and to enhance his future pleasures, as well as sets that would provide long, fuller hair, blonde of course. Beautiful clear, hairless skin, and sexy, long finger nails. Everything his beautiful dream woman could want.

"These nails will be quite permanent. Even if you break them or have them trimmed back, the nanites will regrow them almost over-night. So be certain." Elenore warned.

"I'm certain."

He was most excited about the nanite-controlled enhancements that would grant, wonderfully pleasurable orgasms. He loved that idea, and Elenore confirmed it would be done.

With all of those selections made, Elenore moved on to describe other options. "There are many other enhancements available, things that are more standardly offered in the Bimbo, Perfect Wife or Sex Slave packages. Are you interested?"

He wasn't, but he was...

They discussed several other erotic offerings, that could be delivered by CP nanite packages.

Although they were tempting and sounded sexy as hell, he refused each of them.

He didn't want an enhanced sex drive, not wanting to be some nymphomaniac. As he wasn't interested in men, he had no use for full, cock-sucking lips. He thought elf ears were cute, but not for him. And he had no interest in nanite enforced sexy attire. He'd dress as casual or as sexy as he wanted. Probably more sexy than casual.

Elenore ran through several others that were far too bizarre or fetishistic for him to even consider. He wanted to be a sexy woman, but not a kinky sex maniac.