Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt. 02


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"I've just become Demi's owner. The paperwork is complete. And I've been thinking about her nanite package."

"Excellent. Congratulations. Do you have questions or requests? I'm sure I can help."

"Well, first of all, I understand she owes her breasts, at least in part to nanites."

"She does. As she was starting from scratch, first the doctor's inserted implants, and then we injected a set of CP nanites to take them up a level both in size and structure, er, firmness."

Jillian nodded her understanding. "And what size are her breasts now?"

"Hmm. Let me see," she replied as she began working on her computer.

"Just cup size will do." Jillian said.

"Okay," she said studying he monitor, "she should be a nice, firm D-cup."

"Let's take her up to a Double-D."

Hearing her request, Demi moaned, quietly. That's what she had wanted in the first place, the doctor had convinced her that she'd look top-heavy, so she'd backed off. Now it looked like she'd get them anyway. She wasn't sure if she should be happy or worried.

"We can certainly do that, an injection and about forty-eight hours, is all it will take." Elizabeth explained as she began typing on her computer, again.

"Wait." Jillian said, apparently changing her mind. "Make that E-cups. I want her to be more attention grabbing."

Demi was shocked. That big? They'd be massive. She'd certainly be attention grabbing. And then she wondered if Mistress had changed her mind, because she'd heard her reaction to Double-Ds. Shit!

Elizabeth didn't seem to mind. "Excellent, E-cups it will be."

She typed a bit more, finished with the form and looked up at Jillian, "anything else? We can do a lot with our nanites."

"How about her tongue?"

Huh? Demi wondered, nervously.

"What would you like?" Elenore asked.

"I've heard that your nanites give her a longer tongue?" Jillian asked, smiling pleasantly. "I'm certain it would feel nice."

Now Demi got it. To make her better at oral sex.

Elizabeth smiled, nodded and returned to her keyboard as she answered. "We do offer that enhancement. There are some issues she'll have to deal with. Much of them depending on the extension size you'd like. Three centimeters is the norm. Most guests consider less than that to be insufficient, and longer can become problematic.

"And although the growth spurt will only take a couple days, it can take many more days for the subject to become competent, their speaking voice to return to normal, and for them to stop undesirable issues with drooling and inadvertent biting of their extended appendage."

"Hmm, so a five-centimeter lengthening would be troublesome?"

"I'm afraid so. Very much so."

"Well, then let's go with four."

But she said three was the norm, Demi moaned inwardly.

"Alright, if that's what you desire." Elizabeth said as she typed in the order.

But what about what I want? Demi was thinking. Being owned and subject to the whims of her mistress was getting very frightening.

"By the way, what did you mean by an effect on her speech?" Jillian asked when Elizbeth paused in her typing.

"A longer tongue makes it harder for the subject to form her letters. Her speech comes out a bit garbled, or with a lisp for as long as a month after the procedure."

Mistress chuckled. "That shouldn't be too much of a problem. My slave girls don't speak much."

Elizabth chuckled and nodded as she finished entering the request into her machine.

"Anything else?" she asked again, looking up.

Demi was praying; nothing more, please.

"Her nipples. Laney loves to suckle. Larger, harder nipples would be a nice gift for her.

Demi heard Laney chuckle, quietly, as horrified, she contemplated her poor nipples.

"She has just been pierced, though, will that get in the way?" Jillian asked.

Demi glanced over at her fellow slave, who winked at her, smiled tenderly, and then licked her lips.

"The piercing won't be a problem. The nanites will make the necessary adjustments. It's a common enough challenge.

"What level of enhancement would you like?" Elizabeth asked. She was really starting to sound like a car salesman taking an order for a new ride. And Demi was the product.

The two of them stared at Demi's breasts for a moment, while she blushed.

"With the larger breasts, we can go with larger nipples, right?"

"Yes, of course." Elizabeth replied.

"Well. They look kind of small right now. That's why I thought to ask." She then held up her little finger. Can we make the diameter um, twelve millimeters, and the length something like sixteen?"

Before Elenore could answer, Laney interrupted. "Twenty, Mistress? Please?"

"Don't interrupt!" Mistress scolded. But then she chuckled, "make it twenty."

"They'll be large. You want them permanently firm, correct?" Elizabeth asked, professionally, while Demi moaned, quietly.

"Definitely," Mistress said, while giving Demi a stern look.

"And increased sensitivity? More pleasure when stimulated?"

Jillian looked down at Demi, who was kneeling there, looking shocked and sickly, in response to the requested changes. She was sure that the new girl had never imagined body mods like the things they'd been discussing. They'd all be fun, for the three of them, even if slave Demi didn't fully appreciate them.

"Yes, grant her that." She said, grandly.

More typing, with Demi feeling depressed. It wasn't a gift she wanted. She pictured herself as one of those slutty bimbo chicks, seen on the porn sites Dimitry used to masturbate to.

Thankfully that was the end of their meeting. Mistress didn't require any more change to her beautiful new body. But she wasn't exactly pleased with the things that were to be enhanced. Larger breasts weren't that bad, but her tongue? That seemed a terrible change.

Elizabeth walked them down to another treatment room where after a short wait, a technician injected her with the new nanite sets. It hurt, and Demi hated it, but she didn't resist. She didn't even think about fighting; what would that have accomplished? She was a slave on an island where slavery was a part of life. Her life.

As she led her two slaves out the clinic's front door, Jillian turned to Demi, "Don't look so unhappy. They'll help you. Everyone you meet will wind up staring at your chest. They won't even notice your lovely collar, and even if they see that, they won't pay any attention to your face. It will help you maintain your anonymity. Nobody will ever suspect that you were once a guy named Dimitry."


Getting out of the cart, back at the resort Demi reached up to pull her leash out of the way.

"Don't you ever touch your leash!" Jillian cried, angrily and swatted at her hand.

Shocked, Demi stepped back and released her hold.

Mistress then yanked her leash, pulling her back toward her. "Never! Slaves never show any resistance to being controlled. Your owner holds your leash. Any free person can touch or hold your leash, but never you. Understand slave?"

Cowed, Demi dropped her head, "yes, Mistress."

"Good. Don't ever forget. You can adjust your chain. The ones used to secure you to something, like in the room. But only to keep it out of the way. Otherwise just leave it alone. Clear?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Jillian took a deep calming breath. "I'm sorry, Demi. I know you're knew to all this, but you must follow the rules."

"Yes Mistress. Sorry, Mistress."

Jillian nodded, and then led her two slaves down the path toward her suite.

At last, they returned to the safety and privacy of Mistress' room. Demi was still trying to get used to being led around on a leash, like a dog. She had to pay close attention to avoid being yanked by the neck, that hurt, and it was terribly humiliating as well.

Inside, Demi was surprised to see her luggage piled up inside the door.

"I had your things packed and moved over. You'll be staying here from now on. No reason to pay for an empty suite. Right?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good." Her Mistress said as she removed the leashes from her two slaves, and immediately attached their collars to the two, longer chains anchored to the bed.

Jillian then hooked a finger from her free hand through the ring on Demi's collar and pulled her close for a loving kiss. It made Demi feel a little better. The woman was pretty and her kiss thrilling. Demi wanted more but, Jillian released her and turned to her other slave.

"Alright. Laney, help Demi unpack and put her things away. At the same time, you can eliminate anything she won't be needing or won't be able to wear. You know what I mean."

"Yes, Mistress. Come, Demi."

While their Mistress relaxed outside on the patio, the two girls sorted through Demi's belongings. Over half of them were left-over Dimitry things, and those were easily trashed.

Demi hadn't had a chance to purchase much for herself. But she was upset when many of those clothes were discarded by Laney, as either tasteless, boring or forbidden by their mistress.

Several times she protested, but was overruled.

At one point, while Demi argued, Laney stopped and grabbed her by her chain, pulling sharply. "Now you listen to me, slave girl. You are new around here. I have been Jillian's slave for three years and we were married for a year before that. She loves me. I know what she likes, and wants, and believe me if I tell her you're being uncooperative, she'll punish you. And you won't like it. So, you behave yourself.

"If I tell you something, just like with the Mistress, you listen and obey."

It was a surprising shock, and it hurt too! But Demi did hear her.

Laney gave another yank, making Demi cry out, and then asked, "understand?"

Demi frightened and hurting, mumbled, "Yes, Mistress."

Another yank. "I'm not your mistress, silly! You can call me Miss Laney."

She then released her hold on Demi's chain, and then unbelievably, she gently reached up to wipe a tear from Demi's eye. "Or, you can call me 'sister'. That would be more appropriate."

She finished by pulling her new sister into a hug. It felt good, for a moment. Before Laney whispered in her ear. "Mistress won't ever turn you in to the KGB or whatever. But if you don't behave. If you mess up our relationship, I just might."

Then she released her and turned back to the pile of clothes.

"You're married?" Demi asked, once she'd settled down.

"Yes, of course."

"But you're also a slave?"

Laney stopped to look at her. "Yes, Demi. We fell in love and were married and afterward, I realized I wanted more, and less, too. I'm most definitely a submissive girl. I really enjoyed servicing her, and I hated my normal nine-to-five job, and all the hassles of everyday life. I volunteered to be even more servile, so I could be less of a working woman.

"Like this," and she pulled on her chain. "Now I only have to worry about my lover. I don't have to care about money, or career, or anything else. Mistress takes care of me. Just like she'll take care of you. I told you this, before.

"Now come on. Let's get rid of all this stuff. You don't need to worry about it anymore."

Demi came away with a much better understanding of Laney, and their Mistress, but she was still confused. She also had better appreciation of her position in their little threesome. She was at the bottom. Way down at the bottom.

And she had very little to wear...


The three of them ate dinner that evening in their room. Jillian had called room service for their food and drink, again ordering for all three of them. The room's table was small and they barely fit.

It was a cozy arrangement, but it felt nice and friendly. Laney seemed to enjoy rubbing against her new sister, and giggling when they got in each other's way. Laney laughed when she made Demi spill some of her wine on her plate. Demi didn't think it was particularly funny.

Jillian watched their antics, smiling like a proud momma, or was it slave owner. Demi wasn't sure.

While she ate, Demi felt her tongue starting to tingle, and she realized that it was beginning to grow, just a little. Damn! How bad will that be?

She was much more careful, that night, in how much alcohol she drank. There was, of course, no vodka, and she only drank one glass of wine.

While they ate, Mistress pumped her with more questions about her past, her real past, demanding all the details.

And even though she hated to provide the information, she told her owner everything.

Why not? She asked herself. Jillian now had complete control over her life.

"So, you have plenty of money hidden away? Jilian asked at one point.

"Yes, Mistress," Demi answered, defensively.

Jillian picked up on her guardedness. "Don't worry Demi, I have plenty myself. More than enough, actually. I have no interest in any of yours. You can keep it for some rainy day."

"Thank you, Mistress. Will I be able to check on it? I worry that my old masters will find it and steal it."

Jillian sighed. "Yes, I'll allow it."

"But I'll need to be very careful not to give myself away. I'm sorry, but I'll need a special, high security computer configuration just to check on it."

"Fine, whatever. When we get home." Jillian said, fed up with her slave's appeals.

"Thank you, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress."

"So, you studied at Stanford? Just down the peninsula from us?" Laney asked. In part to change the subject. She could see that her wife was getting peeved.

"Yes, for a year." Demi replied. But she was distracted by what Laney had just revealed. Mistress lived in the San Francisco Bay area, if the university was 'just down the peninsula.'

She hadn't had any idea where they lived, where she'd be living.

That location with all of its happy memories, made her feel a little better about her future.

After their meal it was off to bed, Demi and Laney dragging their chains onto the mattress with them. Of course, Laney was used to her tether, but Demi hated the thing and worried that she might strangle herself in her sleep.

Once they had all settled into the big bed, their love-making was pretty much a repeat of the previous nights. Except Demi didn't enjoy an orgasm.

Both her and Laney spent all of their time pleasuring their mistress, and Demi got the impression that was the way it would always be. Didn't Jillian ever return the favor with her wife, at least?

Laney and Demi alternated between kissing and hugging Jillian, or sucking and licking her pussy.

While Jillian recovered from her orgasm they switched places, and when their Mistress was ready for more, they resumed the kissing and licking.

That process was repeated several times, until Jillian declared herself too tired for more.

Demi didn't dare comment or complain on her missed, but very much wanted personal pleasure. Laney certainly didn't say anything. Was that part of a slave girl's life? Denial?

"That was lovely girls. I do like having two of you. Now, let's get cleaned up and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be another fun day, I'm sure."

Eventually they wound up back in the bed, laying close. Jillian, their Mistress, in the middle with Laney on one side, and Demi on the other, their respective chains trailing off the side of the mattress, and onto the floor.

Demi was terribly worn out, and more than ready for sleep, but she just couldn't. It had been such a mind-bending, insanely disturbing, life-changing day. She laid there next to her warm mistress, for several hours reviewing everything that had happened, and trying to figure out if there was any way to get out of the mess she was in.

But no escape plan came to mind. She was stuck, literally by the chain, and in all other aspects too.

Her last thought as she finally did drift off, telling herself 'it's not all that bad.'

To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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thekeenreaderthekeenreaderabout 2 months ago

Love how this us developing. Adore how aloof and controlling Jillian is and the hidden dark streak to Laney. Looking forward to more.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordabout 2 months agoAuthor
Thanks for the Comments

I do understand that this tale is more a BDSM story than a transformation tale. Sorry to disappoint some of you. It continues with the slavey plot line…

As to Demi’s reaction to it all - I did my best to paint her into the corner she now finds herself in. Remember her background in Russia is one of compliance with the government, and suppressed personal secrets.

Successful euphoria followed by confusion, adversity and a new direction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I love the paradise Isle series, but this one has fallen short. After his careful escape, sex change and spilling his guts after getting drunk, he would have been on high alert for blackmail or coercion. The slave collar, top disappearing and the mistress's ordering Demi to stay at her place would each have put him on high alert, let alone all together. The fact they didn't is a major weakness to the story. Dimitri and Demi both were described as technical high thinkers in her escape from Russia. A slut and her bimbo wouldn't have been able to entrap her. In fact Demi would be planning accidents for her new friends to cover her mistake. Her being so gullible has ruined the story. For me anyway..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

was an interesting story up until the semi-forced slavery. not my type of thing though.

King9999King9999about 2 months ago

i Expect some freedom for Slave Demi to explore more fantasies As well More piercings And tattoos

tarthearttartheartabout 2 months ago

i thought it was a bit to "easy" i'd like Demi to have a little fight!

AlexiaAlexanderAlexiaAlexanderabout 2 months ago

Part of me is thrilled to see the slave plot play out, but the part of me that yearns to be transformed as Demi has been is sad. Demi has lost experiencing many of the things she has dreamed of doing. Plus for some reason I just don't trust Jiilian. She doesn't seem to be a good Mistress. Her love feels too conditional.

cbrooks122000cbrooks122000about 2 months ago

really good story, wonder where it goes next. Ringed pussy for Dimi.

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