Parents Evening Ch. 01


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For the next couple of weeks my mates at work commented on how happy I looked as I still had a broad smile plastered across my face following parent's evening. Shortly after that I managed to get three good tickets to a basketball game in town; and I had plans on how to enjoy them.

The Tuesday before the game I sent Susie to school with a note to give to Miss Simpson inviting to her to the game with us. The note was more than an invite, it was a summons; which gave no choice as to whether attendance was optional or not. The 'invitation' was very specific on what should be worn when Susie and I collected Miss Simpson from her home on the Friday evening.

I would dearly have loved to have seen Miss Simpson's face as she read and digested her invitation, but you can't have everything in life!

Friday evening I was all spruced up and Susie & I were heading across town to pick up Miss Simpson. She hadn't responded to my invitation, I assumed that she was coming. Susie thought it was kind of neat that Daddy was taking her teacher to the game and she thought it was kind of nice that her daddy was dating again.

As soon as the pickup rolled to a stop on Miss Simpson's drive the front door opened and this vision of beauty stepped out onto the porch and walked very hesitantly towards the pickup. Susie was out of the pickup & running towards her teacher as soon as the vehicle stopped.

"Hi Miss Simpson, I'm so happy you are coming to the game with us." Susie gushed.

Miss Simpson gave a nervous smile back to Susie and looked up to see the driver's door open.

"Good evening Miss Simpson," I smiled in greeting.

"Hi," she simply replied as she walked around the front of the pickup. I could tell she was grateful that Susie had jumped in first on to the long bench seat.

I was very pleased to see that she had followed my written instructions to the letter; she was stunning as she sat there. I watched as she pulled the seat belt across and the strap fitted neatly between her proud breasts. I quickly reversed out and joined the traffic as I didn't want to start getting a hardon with my daughter sitting next to me. It was a quick ten minute drive to the game and we got parked easily.

Susie held my hand and walked between us as we headed into the stadium, grabbed some refreshments and took our seats. I took several opportunities to gaze sideways and admire Miss Simpson. Her red blouse had a slight shimmer to it that highlighted her perky breasts in her tight bra that pushed her cleavage upwards to show admiringly between the top unfastened two buttons of her blouse. A tight waisted figure-hugging mid-thigh length black skirt showed off her ass and thighs to perfection. Silky black stockings encased her fine legs, all supported on a pair of black pumps.

Susie, at the last minute, ducked around Miss Simpson with a cute "You sit next to Daddy, Miss Simpson," leaving her no choice but to sit next to me. I smiled broadly at her as I leaned across to offer the popcorn to her and Susie.

As I leaned over to allow Susie to gather some popcorn I was inches away from her lovely cleavage. I tried to burn the image into my brain as I gazed upon a perfect sight. The bra was pushing her large breasts up and the two open buttons allowed one to see the incredible cleavage but not the bra. This created a very classy look without being slutty. I wanted to show off my prize but slutty she was not.

I sat back and saw her let her breath out slowly. I looked down at her legs and saw that the skirt had pulled up a little as she sat. It was about 5 or 6 inches above her knees and showing quite a lot of her lovely thighs. As I was looking down at them I noticed a young man sitting in the row in front of us also looking at her. He was sitting in the seat in front of Susie and turned slightly towards his friend. This position gave him a perfect view of Miss Simpson's legs. I felt my cock harden as I watched him stare.

The teams were introduced and then we were asked to stand for the national anthem. I looked down to see her right hand held over her heart as the song was playing, her thumb resting in her beautiful cleavage. The song flew by and we sat back down. I noticed as she sat her skirt pulled up again, she reached down and pulled it back down towards her knees. I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"You look lovely tonight, my dear. From now on when you sit down you will not pull your skirt down. I want to see those lovely legs. Do you understand?" I said.

She turned to look at me and I saw anger in her eyes. She nodded slowly but I could tell she would rip my throat out if she felt she could get away with it.

"Miss Simpson, look, that's my favorite player! Wait until you see him play. Do you like basketball?" I smiled as I watched her turn to engage Susie. My poor little minx would have to play two distinct roles tonight. For me she was my obedient slut and to my daughter the gentle loving teacher. I chuckled.

My daughter's favorite player made a great play and slammed the ball. The crowd all rose in applause and I saw Susie drag Miss Simpson to her feet. I stood and smiled, watching her clap her hands and her gorgeous breasts bouncing with every clap. I noticed the young man in front of us was also enjoying the show. The crowd took their seats and I watched Miss Simpson sit and try very hard to keep her hands off her skirt. It had pulled up a little farther than before and I could catch a glimpse of her stocking top. My cock became a little happier.

I saw the young man glance back again and I had a devious idea. I leaned over to whisper to Miss Simpson.

"I need you to lean over to Susie and ask her questions about the game. As you do I want you to move your right leg closer to her but do not move your left. Your stockings are lovely and I want to see more." I said.

She did not even look at me. I saw her take a deep breath and lean over to Susie. She shifted her right leg and this caused her skirt to ride up even farther. I was able to see more of her lovely stocking but I figured this would create a lovely view for our new friend. I knew I was correct when I saw him glance back again. His eyes got big as he stared at her legs. I knew he was looking deep into her crotch, possible even glimpsing her black lace panties. I saw him struggle to turn back to the game and then take another quick glance.

I watched him lean over and whisper something to his buddy. His friend was sitting directly in front of Miss Simpson. I saw him shuffle in his seat and then turn around like he was reaching for something. He was looking straight between her legs and I know he was able to see her cute panties. He stared for a second and turned around. Miss Simpson finished talking to Susie and straightened back up. Her legs came back together but her skirt was now up even higher.

"Daddy, I need to go to the bathroom. Can Miss Simpson take me?" Susie yelled to me over the roar of the crowd.

"Yes, honey, if Miss Simpson is ok with that?" I responded.

"Miss Simpson, will you take me to the bathroom, please." Susie said, looking at her teacher.

"Sure, Susie, I will take you." I heard her say in a sweet voice. I sensed she was happy for the opportunity to get away from me.

I leaned over to her and whispered. "When you return from the bathroom I need to see another button open." I said quickly and leaned back over.

Miss Simpson got up quickly and escorted Susie out of the row. I saw my two young friends watching her leave. I sat there as wicked thoughts flew across my brain.

"She's sweet, isn't she?" I said without moving.

I saw the two young men turn around and look at me. I looked down and caught their eyes. I saw a little fear that they had been caught staring.

"It's ok, she loves it when you look. Did you enjoy the view?" I asked.

"Dude, she is smoking. Those stockings are hot and I could see all the way up to her panties." One of them said.

I smiled at them and said, "Yes, she is very good looking. She is also a tease and she's a little hard to control, if you know what I mean."

I saw their eyes light up. "No shit! What kind of stuff does she do?"

"You mean other than flashing her panties to you?" I asked.

I could see him blush a little. "Listen, we are going to get something to eat later. You two follow us. She has always had this fantasy of getting felt up in a crowd. Do you think you could help her out?"

"Oh man, you have to be kidding. Are you serious?" they asked.

"Very serious, you have to be subtle but follow us and stand behind us if you are interested." I said and saw Miss Simpson and Susie coming back up the stairs.

I sat back up straight and waved back to Susie, pulling her young teacher by the hand up the stairs. I could tell form here that the third button had done exactly what I thought. I could see an inch or two of her black bra as she moved. I watched her scoot past the people on our row to get to her seat. I noticed the guys in the row were staring at her lovely ass as it passed before them. She reached her seat and sat.

I looked down and saw the top of her bra exposed. It was incredibly hot. I leaned over to her.

"Very nice, my dear, are you having fun tonight?" I asked.

She looked at me again and I could see anger again. "Loads" was all she said.

We continued to watch the game; every so often Susie would drag Miss Simpson to her feet. This allowed me to see her lovely legs exposed more and more as she sat back down. I saw my two new friends were not lost on that fact as well.

There was two minutes to go until halftime and I leaned over to say something to Susie. It was hard to concentrate with such wonderful cleavage inches from my face but I persevered.

"Honey, do you want to go get a hot dog at halftime?" I asked Susie.

"Yes, daddy. I am hungry. Miss Simpson, do you want a hot dog?" Susie said, bouncing in her seat.

"Sure Susie that would be fine." Miss Simpson replied.

I saw the young man in front of Miss Simpson turn and glance at me. I smiled back.

Halftime came and I said it was time. Susie jumped up and grabbed Miss Simpson's hand. We worked our way down the row to the stairs. We started down and I saw the two young men working their way down their aisle. We followed the crowd down to the concession stand and got in the enormous line. It wasn't really a line but more of a mob slowly inching their way to the window. We were surrounded by people and I saw the two young men directly behind us.

I worked my way to the front of Miss Simpson and leaned over to talk to Susie. She was leaning back with Miss Simpson's hands on her shoulders.

"One hot dog and one coke, right Susie bird?" I said.

"Right daddy." She said.

I stood up and looked at Miss Simpson. "What would you like Miss Simpson?" I asked.

"A hot dog and coke would be fine." She said.

I moved closer to her ear and whispered. "You will not respond whatsoever to anything that happens in this line. Do you understand?" I said.

She turned to look at me. I could see she was a little surprised that I would try anything with my daughter so close by.

"Do you understand?" I asked again.

She still looked a little uncertain but nodded her head. I could tell she felt safe with Susie leaning against her. I looked over her shoulder and nodded slightly to the young man now directly behind her. I watched him move closer and then I saw her flinch and her eyes open wide. She was staring straight ahead as I slid to her side. I saw he had his hand directly on her ass and was squeezing. I watched her skirt scrunch up under his hand. The crowd was so thick I don't know if anyone else could see other than his buddy who was right next to him.

He continued to massage her left ass cheek and then I saw his friend grab her right cheek. They worked it around a little and then I saw them slowly pulling up her skirt. I saw them slide their hands under her skirt. I knew they were now touching her skin over her stockings and running their hands across her ass, encased in pretty black lace.

I leaned forward a little and caught Miss Simpson's gaze. She stared at me, the anger boiling in her eyes. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"You are being very nice and cooperative this evening. I will have to reward you later." I said with a smile.

"How could you do this with your daughter right here? You are a pig!" she said in my ear.

"Yes, my dear, all men are pigs, you should know that by now. Would you like me to have them stop?" I asked.

"Yes, please." She said in a much calmer voice.

"Are you willing to exchange something for that favor?" I asked.

"Like what?" she said.

"Like your pretty little panties." I responded.

I could see her mind working, trying to decide what was worst. As she was staring straight ahead I saw her flinch again. I could only imagine what was happening there under her skirt. She turned to look at me.

"Fine, please make them stop." She said.

I turned to the young men and gave them the stop signal across my throat. I could see they were disappointed but they pulled their hands out from under her skirt, but not before getting one last squeeze. Her skirt fell softly back over her beautiful backside.

We were almost to the window as the crowd moved forward a bit more. The person in front of us finished and turned to leave. We moved to the window and placed our order. The young teenager taking the order had trouble focusing as Miss Simpson's breasts were diverting his attention.

We got our food and turned to leave. I saw her turn and come face to face with one of the young men. Her hands were full as she stood there and was unable to stop him from squeezing her left breast slightly as he moved to the side to let her through. I watched in glee as we excused ourselves through the crowd and every man we passed stared hard at her chest.

As we were walking back to our seats, I saw Miss Simpson say something to Susie. She then turned to me and said, "I am taking Susie to the bathroom." She and Susie piled their food and drinks on me and went into the bathroom. I wandered over to a shelf to set the food down and wait.

They emerged a few minutes later and came up to get their food. I gave Susie her hot dog and drink and then did the same for Miss Simpson. As she took her drink she passed something to me and I took it. She and Susie turned to start walking back to our seats and I opened my hand to see a small pair of black lace panties. I slipped them into my pocket and then followed a perfect ass back to our seats.

This was going beyond even my wildest fantasies; while I had dreamed of Miss Simpson and her amazing body during the week I had never imagined I would be this outrageous with her, especially in the company of my daughter, and in public. My wish to enjoy her company was becoming a fantasy of control; and to be honest I was thoroughly enjoying myself, much to Miss Simpson's obvious disgust. My original plan for tonight had just been to sit next to her admiring her legs in stockings and her full breasts encased in a nice bra and blouse while we enjoyed the game together with Susie. But now I had her fragrant panties in my hand and her beautiful breasts on show to those with wandering eyes to enjoy at their leisure. To be honest I wasn't sure where the rest of the evening was taking us. My selfish actions by embarrassing Miss Simpson in public had undoubtedly taken me to the top of her shitlist and any chance of this developing romantically had long gone.

As I sat down next to Miss Simpson again I couldn't help but admire, and lust after, her stockinged legs and the odd glimpse of cleavage whenever she moved. She was so beautiful in a very angry sort of way and that seemed to add to her beauty and my desire. I fought to control myself as I wanted to stroke her thigh so badly, and to be honest get under her skirt to discover the jewel between her thighs.

The second half of the game started and it took my mind off Miss Simpson, although my eyes kept returning every couple of minutes to admire her thighs. I wanted to apologise for my early behaviour as I felt bad about it, especially being out with Susie; but somehow I knew she would see this as weakness and give her the ability to walk away ..... more like storm off home. I missed most of the remaining plays as I was mulling over what to do next. I was pleased that Susie was getting on so well with her teacher, and that Miss Simpson seemed to be enjoying her time with Susie, but what should I do next?

There was only one thing to do, maybe not the actions of a sane reasonable man, but certainly the actions of a man who lusted after a woman who was driving him mad with lust and desire – I placed my hand on her stockinged thigh just below the hem of her skirt and kept it there with a reasonably firm grip on her amazing leg. My fingers rolled on the warm flesh so that they felt the hot flesh of her inner thigh and the material of her other stocking rub against the back of my hand. I was so horny I nearly shot my load there and then. Turning towards Miss Simpson to see what reaction I had achieved I saw the look of absolute disgust and loathing written clearly across her face and burning deep in her intense eyes. If I had been any sort of caring sensitive guy my balls would have been turned to ice filled balls by her look, she detested and hated me.

Before she could even start to describe what form of low life she thought me to be; I leant forward and whispered in her ear "Your homework this weekend is to write down your feelings about what is happening to you. I want an essay on your honest thoughts and feelings from the minute I told you that I knew you wrote erotic porn stories up until the moment you start writing the essay. I want to know every turmoil that has spun through your mind since this started. What made you come to the library that first night? What stopped you from walking away then? How you felt when you gave me your panties and went home with the air blowing around your pussy? What feelings you had when Susie gave you my invitation? What went through your mind as you got dressed tonight? What you think of the two guys in front who are so desperate for your body? And finally, what you think of me and my actions towards you? That final part is the conclusion to your essay."

Miss Simpson's mouth just dropped open in disbelief that she forgot to remove my hand.

I so much wanted to run my hand all the way up to her pussy, but not with my daughter sitting here with us.

"Send your essay home with Susie on Monday and I will mark it," I informed her, "but beware if it is not up to the exacting standards that I expect of a teacher of your calibre Miss Simpson then there will be detention and suitable punishment meted out."

She just stared blankly at me.

"Well," I asked.

No reply.

I gently rubbed my finger tips up and down the inside of her thighs to focus her attention.

"I understand," she almost sobbed.

I slowly removed my hand and leant forward to put my lips to her ear, "I knew you would see it my way," I very quietly whispered.

The colour drained from her face for several minutes as we both turned our distracted attention back to the remainder of the game. I knew she was totally under my control.

Susie roared her pleasure at her team's home win and hugged Miss Simpson tight in her joyful, youthful pleasure. Then we shuffled out of the stadium, a mass of rejoicing fans.

"Daddy, lets go for ice cream on the way home," Susie cried out as she pulled Miss Simpson towards our ute.

"I am sorry Susie, I can't tonight," Miss Simpson cried off.

"Why Miss Simpson?" Susie asked dolefully, almost in tears.

"I have homework to do tonight."

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glass-salmonglass-salmonover 9 years ago

This is EXTREMELY hot and I look forward to Miss Simpson being completely owned and used in all her holes before this is finished.

DedeMDedeMover 15 years ago
Great Start!!!

What a wonderful collaboration... right up my alley...

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You Two

You two. You do seem to understand erotica quite well. Delicious, in a subtle S&M fashion.

Looking forward to your continued endeavors and I fear I must look back to read your earlier offerings.

I thank you.

You two.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
great job

great job can not wait for the next install

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
very HOT tease

Great story, can't wait for part 2.

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